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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ L ]
- LLBCD left lower border of cardiac dullness
- LLC laparoscopic laser cholecystectomy; Lewis lung carcinoma; link layer controller [telemedicine]; liquid-liquid chromatography; long-leg cast; lymphocytic leukemia
- LLCC long-leg cylinder cast
- LLCD link layer controller detector [telemedicine]
- LLC-MK1 rhesus monkey kidney cells
- LLC-MK2 rhesus monkey kidney cells
- LLC-MK3 Cercopithecus monkey kidney cells
- LLC-RK1 rabbit kidney cells
- LLD left lateral decubitus [muscle]; leg length discrepancy; limb length discrepancy; lipid-lowering drug; long-lasting depolarization
- LLE left lower extremity
- LLETZ large loop excision of the transformation zone
- LLF Laki-Lorand factor; late-life forgetfulness; left lateral femoral; left lateral flexion
- LLI leg length inequality; low-level interface
- LLL late luminal loss; left lower [eye]lid; left liver lobe; left lower leg; left lower lobe
- LLLE lower lid left eye
- LLLT low-reactive level laser therapy
- LLM localized leukocyte mobilization
- LLMSE linear least mean square error
- LLN lower limit of normal
- LLNA local lymph node assay
- LLO Legionella-like organism; listeriolysin O; lower limb orthosis
- LLP late luteal phase; long-lasting potentiation
- LLPV left lower pulmonary vein
- LLQ left lower quadrant; low-level question
- LLR large local reaction; left lateral rectus [muscle]; left lumbar region; ligation linked [polymerase chain] reaction; long intergenic region; long latency reflex
- LLRE lower lid right eye
- LLS lazy leukocyte syndrome; Level of Living Survey; linear least squares; long-leg splint; low-level segmentation [module]
- LLSB left lower scapular border; left lower sternal border
- LLSF linear least squares fit
- LLSV Llano Seco virus
- LLT left lateral thigh; lysolecithin
- LLV lymphatic leukemia virus
- LLV-F lymphatic leukemia virus, Friend associated
- LLVP left lateral ventricular preexcitation
- LLWC long-leg walking cast
- LLX left lower extremity
- LLZ left lower zone
- LLZ-TB lower lung zone tuberculosis
- LM labiomental; lactic acid mineral [medium]; lactose malabsorption; laminin; laryngeal mask; laryngeal melanosis; laryngeal muscle; lateral malleolus; left main [coronary artery]; left marginal [coronary artery]; left median; legal medicine; lemniscus medialis; leptomeningeal; Levenberg-Marquardt [algorithm]; Licentiate in Medicine; Licentiate in Midwifery; light microscope, light microscopy; light minimum; lincomycin; lingual margin; linguomesial; lipid mobilization; liquid membrane; Listeria monocytogenes; living male; localized movement; longitudinal muscle; lower motor [neuron]; lung metastases; lymphatic metastases
- L/M Latin male
- Lm Listeria monocytogenes
- Lm lower midline; lumen
- L/m liters per minute
- LMA laryngeal mask airway; left main [coronary] artery; left mentoanterior [fetal position]; limbic midbrain area; liver cell membrane autoantibody
- LMB Laurence-Moon-Biedl [syndrome]; left main bronchus; leiomyoblastoma; leukomethylene blue
- LMBB Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl [syndrome]
- LMBS Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome
- LMC large motile cell; lateral motor column; left main coronary [artery]; left middle cerebral [artery]; living male child; lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity; lymphomyeloid complex
- LMCA left main coronary artery; left middle cerebral artery
- LMCAD left main coronary artery disease
- LMCAO left marginal coronary artery occlusion
- LMCC Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada
- LMCL left midclavicular line
- LMD lipid-moiety modified derivative; local medical doctor; low-molecular-weight dextran; lumbar microdiscotomy
- LMDS locally multiply damaged sites
- LMDX low-molecular-weight dextran
- LME left mediolateral episiotomy; leukocyte migration enhancement; longitudinal mixed effects [in linear regression analysis]
- LMed&Ch Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery
- LMF left middle finger; lymphocyte mitogenic factor
- Lm/ft2 lumens per square foot
- LMG lethal midline granuloma
- LMH lipid-mobilizing hormone
- Lmh lumen hour
- LMI leukocyte migration inhibition
- LMIF leukocyte migration inhibition factor
- L/min liters per minute
- LMK low molecular weight kininogen
- LML large and medium lymphocytes; left mediolateral; left middle lobe
- LMM Lactobacillus maintenance medium; laser microbeam microdissection; lentigo maligna melanoma; light meromyosin
- Lm/m2 lumens per square meter
- LMMG low molecular mass G [protein]
- LMMH low molecular mass heparin
- LMN lower motor neuron
- LMNL lower motor neuron lesion
- LMO living modified organism; localized molecular orbital
- LMP large multifunctional protease; last menstrual period; latent membrane potential; left mentoposterior [fetal position]; lumbar puncture
- LMPS lethal multiple pterygium syndrome
- LMR left medial rectus [muscle]; localized magnetic resonance; longitudinal medical record; lymphocytic meningopolyradiculitis
- LMRCP Licentiate in Midwifery of the Royal College of Physicians
- LMRP local medical review policy
- LMS laser marker system; lateral medullary syndrome; least mean square; left main stem [coronary artery]; leiomyosarcoma; Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery
- Lms lumen-second
- LMS HPF least means square high pass filter
- LMSSA Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery of the Society of Apothecaries
- LMT left main trunk; left mentotransverse [fetal position]; leukocyte migration technique
- LMV larva migrans visceralis
- LMW low molecular weight
- Lm/W lumens per watt
- LMWD low-molecular-weight dextran
- LMWH low-molecular-weight heparin
- LMWP low-molecular-weight proteinuria
- LMWT low molecular weight
- LMZ left midzone
- LN labionasal; laminin; Lesch-Nyhan [syndrome]; lipoid nephrosis; Lisch nodule; low necrosis; lung nodule; lupus nephritis; lymph node; Lyon normotensive [rat]
- Ln lymph node
- LN2 liquid nitrogen
- L/N letter/numerical [system]
- Ln natural logarithm
- LNAA large neutral amino acid
- LNBx lymph node biopsy
- LNC lymph node cell
- LND lymph node dissection
- LNDS lymph node [cancer] negative dataset
- LNE lymph node enlargement
- LNF laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication
- LNH large number hypothesis
- LNKS low natural killer syndrome
- LNL lymph node lymphocyte
- LNLS linear-nonlinear least squares
- LNM lymph node metastasis
- LNMC lymph node mononuclear cell
- LNMP last normal menstrual period
- LNNB Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery
- LNP large neuronal polypeptide
- LNPF lymph node permeability factor
- LNS lateral nuclear stratum; Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
- LNV last normal vertebra
- LO lateral oblique; linguo-occlusal; lipoxygenase; lumbar orthosis; lysyl oxidase
- 5-LO 5-lipooxygenase
- LOA leave of absence; Leber optic atrophy; left occipitoanterior [fetal position]
- LOAEL lowest observed adverse effect level
- LOC laxative of choice; level of consciousness; liquid organic compound; locus of control; loss of consciousness
- LOCA low osmolarity contrast agent
- Lo cal low calorie
- Lo calc low calcium
- LOCAT Lopid Coronary Angiography Trial
- LOCF last observation carried forward
- Lo CHO low carbohydrate
- Lo chol low cholesterol
- LOCM low molecular contrast medium
- LOCS laryngoonychocutaneous syndrome
- LOD line of duty; log odds ratio [score]
- LOF lofexidine
- LOFD low outlet forceps delivery
- LOG lipoxygenase
- LOG, LoG laplacian of gaussian [in imaging]
- Log logarithm
- LOGIC laryngeal and ocular granulations in children of Indian subcontinent [syndrome]
- LOH loop of Henle; loss of heterozygosity
- LOHF late-onset hepatic failure
- LOI level of incompetence; level of injury; limit of impurities; loss of imprinting
- LOIH left oblique inguinal hernia
- LOINC Logical Observation Identifier of Names and Codes [vocabulary]
- Lo k low potassium
- LOKD late-onset Krabbe disease
- LOKV Lokern virus
- LOL left occipitolateral [fetal position]
- LOM left otitis media; ligament of Marshall; limitation of motion; loss of motion
- LOMC laser optical memory card
- LOMIR-MCT-IL Lomir [isradipine] Multicenter Study in Israel
- LOMSA left otitis media suppurativa acuta
- LOMSC, LOMSCh left otitis media suppurativa chronica
- Lo Na low sodium
- Long longitudinal
- LONIR Laboratory of Neuro-Imaging Resources
- LOP leave on pass; left occipitoposterior [fetal position]
- LOPAIR long path infrared [alarm]
- LOPP chlorambucil, vincristine, procarbazine, prednisolone
- LOPS length of patient's stay
- LOQ lower outer quadrant
- LOR long open reading frame; lorazepam; loricrin; loss of righting reflex
- Lord lordosis, lordotic
- LORETA low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography
- LORF long open reading frame
- LOS length of stay; Licentiate in Obstetrical Science; lipo-oligosaccharide; low cardiac output syndrome; lower [o]esophageal sphincter
- LOS(P) lower [o]esophageal sphincter (pressure)
- LOT lateral olfactory tract; left occipitotransverse [fetal position]; Long-Term Outcome after Thrombolysis [study]
- Lot lotion
- LOV large opaque vesicle; loviride
- LOWBI low-birth-weight infant
- LOX liquid oxygen; lysyl oxidase
- LOXL lysyl oxidase-like
- LP labile peptide; labile protein; laboratory procedure; lactic peroxidase; lamina propria; laryngopharyngeal; late potential; latent period, latency period; lateralis posterior [muscle]; lateral plantar; lateral posterior; lateral pylorus; latex particle; Legionella pneumophila; leukocyte poor; leukocytic pyrogen; levator palati; levator palpebrae; lichen planus; ligamentum patellae; light padding; light perception; lingua plicata; linear predictive [spectral analysis]; linear programming; linguopulpal; lipoprotein; liver plasma [concentration]; longitudinal propagation; loss of privileges; low potency; low power; low pressure; low protein; lumbar puncture; lumboperitoneal; lung parenchyma; lymphocyte predominant; lymphoid plasma; lymphomatoid papulosis
- L/P lactate/pyruvate [ratio]; liver plasma [concentration]; lymph/plasma [ratio]
- Lp lipoprotein; sound pressure level
- Lp pathlength
- LPA latex particle agglutination; left pulmonary artery; lipoprotein A; lysophosphatidic acid
- Lp(a) lipoprotein A
- LPAM L-phenylalanine mustard
- LPB, Lp(b) lipoprotein B
- LPBP low-profile bioprosthesis
- LPC laser photocoagulation; late positive component; leukocyte-poor cell; linear predictive coding; lipocortin; longitudinal primary care [program]; lysophosphatidylcholine
- LPCh latero-posterior choroidal
- LPCM low-placed conus medullaris
- LP/cm line pairs per centimeter
- LPCT late proximal cortical tubule
- LPD Lovelace Patient Database; low-protein diet; luteal phase defect; lymphoproliferative disease
- LPDF lipoprotein-deficient fraction
- LPDS lymph node [cancer] positive dataset
- LPE lipoprotein electrophoresis; liquid phase epitaxy; lysophosphatidylethanolamine
- LPF leukocytosis-promoting factor; leukopenia factor; lipopolysaccharide factor; localized plaque formation; low pass filter; low-power field; lymphocytosis-promoting factor
- Lpf low-power field
- LPFB left posterior fascicular block
- LPFN low-pass filtered noise
- LPFS low-pass filtered signal
- LPG left paracolic gutter; lipophosphoglycan
- LPH lactase-phlorizin hydrolase; left posterior hemiblock; lipotropic pituitary hormone
- LPHA local public health agency
- LPHAS limb/pelvis-hypoplasia/aplasia syndrome
- LPHD lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin disease