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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ L ]
- LPI left posterior-inferior; lysinuric protein intolerance
- LPIFB left posteroinferior fascicular block
- LPIH left posteroinferior hemiblock
- LPK liver pyruvate kinase
- LPL lethal-potentially-lethal; lichen planus-like lesion; lipoprotein lipase; local probability of lesion
- LPLA lipoprotein lipase activity
- LPM lateral pterygoid muscle; leverage and parallelepiped mechanism [computer-assisted surgery]; liver plasma membrane
- Lpm lines per minute; liters per minute
- Lp/mm line pairs per millimeter
- LPN Licensed Practical Nurse
- LPO lactoperoxidase; left posterior oblique; light perception only; lipid peroxidation
- LPP large plaque parapsoriasis; lateral pterygoid plate
- LPPH late postpartum hemorrhage
- LPR lactate-pyruvate ratio; late phase reaction
- Lpro longitudinal prospective [trial]
- LPS lateral premotor system; levator palpebrae superioris [muscle]; linear profile scan; link power status; lipase; lipopolysaccharide; Lovastatin Pravastatin Study
- Lps liters per second
- LPSR lipopolysaccharide receptor
- LPT Language Proficiency Test; lipotropin
- LPTP Laboratory Proficiency Test Program [Canada]
- LPV lapine parvovirus; left portal view; left pulmonary veins; lopinavir
- LPVP left posterior ventricular preexcitation
- LPW lateral pharyngeal wall
- Lpw lumens per watt
- LPX, Lp-X lipoprotein-X
- LPyV lymphotropic polyomavirus
- LQ linear quadratic; longevity quotient; lordosis quotient; lower quadrant
- LQS Lexicon Query Service Specifications
- LQT long QT [syndrome]
- LQTS long QT syndrome
- LR labeled release; laboratory references; laboratory report; labor room; lactated Ringer's [solution]; large reticulocyte; latency reaction; latency relaxation; lateral rectus [muscle]; lateral retinaculum; left hand; left-handed [person]; left rotation; level of recommendation; level of risk; light reaction; light reflex; likelihood ratio; limb reduction [defect]; limit of reaction; livedo reticularis; local recurrence; logistic regression; low renin; lymphocyte recruitment
- L-R left to right
- L/R left-to-right [ratio]
- LR[+] positive likelihood ratio
- LR[-] negative likelihood ratio
- L&R left and right
- Lr lawrencium; limes reacting dose [the least amount of toxin which will produce a reaction]
- Lr limes reacting dose [the least amount of toxin which will produce a reaction]
- LRA local relevance aggregation [algorithm for insulin therapy]; low right atrium
- LRC learning resource center; lipid research clinic; lower rib cage
- LRC-CDPT Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Drug Project Trial
- LRC-CPPT Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial
- LRCMB Laboratory of Retinal Cell and Molecular Biology
- LRC-MFS Lipid Research Clinics Mortality Follow-Up Study
- LRCP Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians; low-risk chest pain
- LRCS Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons
- LRCSE Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
- LRD living related donor
- LRDT living related donor transplant
- LRE lamina rara externa; leukemic reticuloendotheliosis; lymphoreticuloendothelial
- LREC language resources and evaluation
- LREH low renin essential hypertension
- LRES long-range evaluation system
- LRes limited resuscitation
- Lretro longitudinal retrospective [trial]
- LRF latex and resorcinol formaldehyde; liver residue factor; luteinizing hormone-releasing factor
- LRG leucine-rich glycoprotein
- LRH likelihood ratio for heterogeneity; luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone
- LRI lamina rara interna; lower respiratory [tract] illness; lower respiratory [tract] infection; lymphocyte reactivity index
- LRL lower [heart] rate limit
- LRLT living-related donor transplantation
- LRM left radical mastectomy; logistic regression model
- LRMP last regular menstrual period
- LRN Laboratory Response Network; lateral reticular nucleus
- LROP lower radicular obstetrical paralysis
- LRP lichen ruber planus; linear resolution pattern; lipoprotein receptor-related protein; long-range planning
- LRPC Long Range Planning Committee [National Cancer Institute]
- Lr-PET low resolution positron emission tomography
- LRQ lower right quadrant
- LRR labyrinthine righting reflex; leucine-rich repeat; light reflection rheography; local regional recurrence; lymph return rate
- LRS laboratory results; lactated Ringer solution; lateral recess stenosis; lateral recess syndrome; low rate of stimulation; lumboradicular syndrome
- LRSDS long range standoff detection system
- LRSF lactating rat serum factor; liver regenerating serum factor
- LRSS late respiratory systemic syndrome
- LRT lateral reticular nucleus; living related transplant; local radiation therapy; long terminal repeat; Lovastatin Restenosis Trial; lower respiratory tract
- LRTI lower respiratory tract illness; lower respiratory tract infection
- LRV Lato River virus; left renal vein; Leishmania RNA virus
- LS lateral septum; lateral suspensor; leader sequence; learning system; least; left sacrum; left septum; left side; legally separated; Leigh syndrome; leiomyosarcoma; length of stay; Leriche syndrome; Letterer-Siwe [disease]; Licentiate in Surgery; life sciences; light scanning; light scattering [technique]; light-sensitive, light sensitivity; light sensor; light sleep; Likert score; liminal sensation; linear scanning; linear scleroderma; lipid synthesis; liver and spleen; long sleep; longitudinal section; longitudinal study; Lowe syndrome; low-sodium [diet]; lower strength; lumbar spine; lumbosacral; lung surfactant; lymphosarcoma
- L-S Letterer-Siwe [disease]; lipid-saccharide
- L:S lecithin:sphingomyelin [ratio]
- L/S lactase/sucrase [ratio]; lecithin/ sphingomyelin [ratio]; lipid/saccharide [ratio]; longitudinal section; lumbosacral
- L&S liver and spleen
- LSA left sacro-anterior [fetal position]; left subclavian artery; leukocyte-specific activity; lichen sclerosus et atrophicus; lymphosarcoma
- LS&A lichen sclerosus et atrophicus
- LSAH Longitudinal Study of Astronaut Health
- LSANA leukocyte-specific antinuclear antibody
- LSA/RCS lymphosarcoma-reticulum cell sarcoma
- LSB least significant bit; left sternal border; left scapular border; long spike burst; lower sternal border; lumbar sympathetic block
- LSBE low-segment Barrett's esophagus
- LS-BMD lumbar spine bone mineral density
- LSC last sexual contact; late systolic click; least significant change; left side colon cancer; left subclavian; lichen simplex chronicus; liquid scintillation counting; liquid-solid chromatography; locus subcoeruleus
- LSc local scleroderma
- LScA left scapulo-anterior [fetal position]
- LSCL lymphosarcoma cell leukemia
- LSCM laser scanning confocal microscopy
- LScP left scapulo-posterior [fetal position]
- LSCS lower segment cesarean section
- LSCT lung cancer screening test
- LSCVP left subclavian central venous pressure
- LSD laryngeal sound discrimination; least significant difference; least significant digit; low-sodium diet; lysergic acid diethylamide
- LSD-25 lysergic acid diethylamide
- LSDIS large scale distributed information system
- LSE least squares error; left sternal edge
- LSect longitudinal section
- LSEP left somatosensory evoked potential; lumbosacral somatosensory evoked potential
- LSER linear solvation energy relationship
- LSF linear spread function; low saturated fat; lymphocyte-stimulating factor
- LSFB least squares forward backward
- LSG labial salivary gland; losigamone
- LSGP leukocyte sialoglycoprotein
- LSH lutein-stimulating hormone; lymphocyte-stimulating hormone
- LSHTM London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- LSI large-scale integration; latent semantic indexing; life satisfaction index; List of Serials Indexed [NLM]; lumbar spine index
- LSIL low-grade intraepithelial lesion
- LSK liver, spleen, kidneys
- LSKM liver-spleen-kidney-megaly
- LSL left sacrolateral [fetal position]; left short leg; lymphosarcoma [cell] leukemia
- LSM laser scanning microscopy; late systolic murmur; least square mean; least square matching [algorithm]; lymphocyte separation medium; lysergic acid morpholide
- LSN large scale networking; left substantia nigra
- LSNWG Large Scale Networking Working Group
- LSO lateral superior olive; left salpingo-oophorectomy; left superior oblique; lumbosacral orthosis
- LSP left sacroposterior [fetal position]; linguistic string project; liver-specific protein; lymphocyte-specific protein
- LSp life span
- LS PACS low-speed picture archive and communication system
- L-Spar asparaginase (Elspar)
- LSP-MLP linguistic string project-medical language processor
- LSPV left superior pulmonary vein
- LSR lanthanide shift reagent; lecithin/ sphingomyelin ratio; left superior rectus [muscle]; liver/spleen ratio
- LSRA low septal right atrium
- LSRO Life Sciences Research Office
- LSS latest starting shift; Life Span Study; life support station; liver-spleen scan; lumbar spinal stenosis; lumbosacral spine
- LSSA lipid-soluble secondary antioxidant
- LS-SEDUHS Longitudinal Study on Socio-Economic Differences in Utilization of Health Services
- LS-SEHD Longitudinal Study on Socio-Economic Health Differences
- LSSP-PCR low-stringency single specific primer polymerase chain reaction
- LST lateral spinothalamic tract; lateral spreading tumor; left sacrotransverse [fetal position]; life-sustaining treatment
- LSTAT life support for trauma and transport
- LSTL laparoscopic tubal ligation
- LSU lactose-saccharose-urea [agar]; life support unit
- LSV lateral sacral vein; left subclavian vein; lesser saphenous vein; Lone Star virus; longitudinal sound velocity
- LSVC left superior vena cava
- LSVT large scale vocabulary test; left saphenous vein thrombophlebitis
- LSWA large amplitude slow wave activity
- LT heat-labile toxin; laboratory technology/technologist; laminar tomography; Laplace transform; left; left thigh; left thoracic; less than; lethal time; leukotriene; Levin tube; levothyroxine; light; line termination; long-term; low temperature; lumbar traction; lymphocytic thyroiditis; lymphocytotoxin; lymphotoxin; syphilis [lues] test
- L-T3 L-triiodothyronine
- L-T4 L-thyroxine
- Lt left; light; low tension
- LTA leukotriene A; lipoate transacetylase; lipotechoic acid; local tracheal anesthesia; long-term archives; lost-time accident
- L-TAP Lipid Treatment Assessment Project
- LTAS lead tetra-acetate Schiff
- LTB larparoscopic tubal banding; laryngotracheobronchitis; leukotriene B
- LTBI latent tuberculosis infection
- LTC large transformed cell; leukotriene C; lidocaine tissue concentration; long-term care; lysed tumor cell
- L1TC level 1 trauma center
- LTCF long-term care facility
- LTCIC, LTC-IC long-term culture-initiating cell
- LTCS low transverse cervical section
- LTD Laron-type dwarfism; laterodorsal tegmental [nucleus]; leukotriene D; long-term [cortical] depression; long-term disability
- LTE laryngotracheoesophageal; leukotriene E
- LT-ECG long-term electrocardiography
- LTF lactotransferrin; lateral tegmental field; lipotropic factor; lymphocyte-transforming factor
- LTFU lost to follow-up
- LTG lamotrigine; long-term goal; low-tension glaucoma
- LTH lactogenic hormone; local tumor hyperthermia; low temperature holding; luteotropic hormone
- LTI lupus-type inclusions
- LTK laser thermokeratoplasty; leukocyte tyrosine kinase
- Lt lat left lateral
- LTLT low-temperature, long-time [pasteurization]
- LTM long-term memory
- LTN lateral telangiectatic nevus
- LTNP long-term non-progressor
- LTO2 long-term oxygen therapy
- LTOT long-term oxygen therapy
- LTP laryngotracheoplasty; lateral thigh perforator; Learning Technologies Project; leukocyte thromboplastin; lipid transfer protein; long-term potentiation; L-tryptophan
- LTPA leisure-time physical activity
- LTPP lipothiamide pyrophosphate
- LTR laryngotracheal reconstruction; location transactivating region; long terminal repeat
- LTRA leukotriene receptor antagonist; long-term repopulating ability
- LTS laboratory tests; least trimmed squares [method]; long-term survival; long-term survivor
- LTST low-temperature stabilization technology
- LTT lactose tolerance test; leucine tolerance test; limited treadmill test; lymphocyte transformation test
- LTV lung thermal volume
- LTW Leydig-cell tumor in Wistar rat
- LTX liver transplantation
- LU left upper [limb]; loudness unit; Lupron; lytic unit
- Lu lutetium
- L&U lower and upper
- LUC large unstained cell; luciferase
- LUCL lateral ulnar collateral ligament
- LUE left upper extremity
- LUF lesion underdose factor [radiosurgery]; luteinized unruptured follicle
- LUFS luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome
- LUKV Lukuni virus
- LUL left upper eyelid; left upper limb; left upper lobe; left upper lung
- Lumb lumbar
- LUMD lowest usual maintenance dose
- LUMO lowest unoccupied molecular orbital
- LUMPS liver unit management protocol system
- LUO left ureteral orifice
- LUOQ left upper outer quadrant