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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ M ]
- M blood factor in the MNS blood group system; chin [Lat. mentum]; concentration in moles per liter; death [Lat. mors]; dullness [of sound, Lat. mutitas]; macerate; macroglobulin; macroscopic magnetization vector; magnetization; magnification; male; malignant; married; masculine; mass; massage; maternal contribution; matrix; mature; maximum; mean; meatus; median; mediator; medical, medicine; medium; mega; megohm; membrane; memory; mental; mesial; metabolite; metanephrine; metastases; meter; methionine; methotrexate; Micrococcus; Microspora; minim; minute; mitochondria; mitosis; mix, mixed, mixture; mobility; molar [permanent tooth]; molar [solution]; molarity; mole; molecular; moment of force; monkey; monocyte; month; morgan; morphine; mother; motile; mouse; mucoid [colony]; mucous; multipara; murmur [cardiac]; muscle; muscular response to an electrical stimulation of its motor nerve [wave]; Mycobacterium; Mycoplasma; myeloma or macroglobulinemia [component]; myopia; strength of pole; thousand [Lat. mille]
- M- mega- [106]
- M0 leukemia with large granular blasts and negative myeloperoxidase [Franco-American-British (FAB) classification]; no distant tumor metastases [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]; no metastases [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]; no tumor metastases [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]
- M1 breast tumor, no distant metastases [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]; distant metastases [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]; distant tumor metastases [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]; leukemia with poorly differentiated myeloblasts [Franco-American-British (FAB) classification]; primary motor area
- 1M, 2M, 3M, 4M, 5M first, second, third, fourth, fifth metatarsal [head]
- M1 mitral component [first heart sound]; mitral first [sound]; myeloblast; slight dullness
- MI, M-I first meiotic metaphase
- M2 breast tumor, distant metastases [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]; leukemia with myeloblasts with differentiation and Auer rods [Franco-American-British (FAB) classification]
- 2-M 2-microglobulin
- M2 dose per square meter of body surface; marked dullness; promyelocyte
- MII, M-II second meiotic metaphase
- M3 leukemia with hypergranular promyelocytes and multiple Auer rods [Franco-American-British (FAB) classification]
- 3-M [syndrome] initials for Miller, McKusick, and Malvaux, who first described the syndrome
- M/3 middle third
- M3 absolute dullness; myelocyte at the 3rd stage of maturation
- M4 leukemia monoblastic differentiation [Franco-American-British (FAB) classification]
- M4 myelocyte at the 4th stage of maturation
- M5 monoblastic leukemia [Franco-American-British (FAB) classification]
- M5 metamyelocyte
- M6 erythroleukemia with dyserythropoiesis and megaloblastosis [Franco-American-British (FAB) classification]
- M6 band form in the 6th stage of myelocyte maturation
- M7 megakaryoblastic leukemia [Franco-American-British (FAB) classification]
- M7 polymorphonuclear neutrophil
- M/10 tenth molar solution
- M/100 hundredth molar solution
- m electron rest mass; electromagnetic moment; magnetic moment; magnetic quantum number; male; mass; median; melting [temperature]; metastable; meter; milli-; minim; minimum; minute; molality; molar [deciduous tooth]; mutated
- m-1 per meter
- m2 square meter
- m3 cubic meter
- m8 spin quantum number
- μ see mu
- MA macrophage aggregate; malignant arrhythmia; management and administration; mandelic acid; Martin-Albright [syndrome]; masseter; Master of Arts; maternal age; matrix; maximum amplitude; mean arterial; mechanical activity; medial amygdaloid [nucleus]; medical assistance; medical audit; medical authorization; mega-ampere; megaloblastic anemia; megestrol acetate; membrane antigen; menstrual age; mental age; mentum anterior [fetal position]; metatarsus adductus; meter-angle; methacrylic acid; microadenoma; microagglutination; microaneurysm; microscopic agglutination; Miller-Abbott [tube]; milliampere; mitochondrial antibody; mitogen activation; mitotic apparatus; mixed agglutination; mobile agent; moderately advanced; monoamine; monoarthritis; monoclonal antibody; motor area; movement artifacts; moving average; multiple action; muscle activity; mutagenic activity; myelinated axon; myoclonic absences
- MA-104 embryonic rhesus monkey kidney cells
- MA-111 embryonic rabbit kidney cells
- MA-163 human embryonic thymus cells
- MA-184 newborn human foreskin cells
- M/A male, altered [animal]; mood and/or affect
- Ma mass of atom
- mA, ma milliampere; meter-angle
- m
- ma milliampere
- μA microampere
- MAA macroaggregated albumin; maleylacetoacetic acid; Medical Assistance for the Aged; melanoma-associated antigen; methacrylic acid; microphthalmia (or anophthalmos) with associated anomalies; moderate aplastic anemia; monoarticular arthritis
- MAAC maximum allowable actual charges
- MAACL Multiple Affect Adjective Check List
- MAAGB Medical Artists Association of Great Britain
- MAAP multiple arbitrary amplicon profiling
- MAAS Multicenter Anti-Atherosclerosis Study; Multicenter Antiatheroma Study
- MAB, MAb, mAB monoclonal antibody
- m-AB m-aminobenzamide
- MABIS Munich and Berlin Infarction Study
- MABP mean arterial blood pressure
- Mabs, mABs, mAbs monoclonal antibodies
- MAC MacConkey [broth]; magnetic authentication code; major ambulatory category; malignancy-associated changes; maximum allowable concentration; maximum aerobic capacity; maximum allowable cost; medical alert center; membrane attack complex; message authentication code; midarm circumference; minimum alveolar concentration; minimum antibiotic concentration; mitral anular calcium; modulator of adenylate cyclase; monitored anesthesia care; multiaccess catheter; Mycobacterium avium complex
- MACAS Marburg Cardiomyopathy Study
- MacCAT-CR MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool for Clinical Research
- MACDP Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital Defects Program
- MACE main adverse coronary event; major adverse cardiac events; major cardiac event; Mayo Asymptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy [trial]
- MAC-ei minimum alveolar concentration-endotracheal intubation
- MACEmed Middleware Architecture Committee for Education in Medicine
- macer maceration
- MACH machine activity [UMLS]; Mortality Assessment in Congestive Heart Failure [study]
- mAChR muscarinic acetylcholine receptor
- MacMV Maclura mosaic virus
- MACR mean axillary count rate
- mACR muscarinic acetylcholine receptor
- macro macrocyte, macrocytic; macroscopic
- MACS maximum aortic cusp separation; Multicenter Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Cohort Study; myristoylated alanine-rich protein kinase C substrate
- MACT maximum achievable control technology
- MACTAR McMaster-Toronto arthritis and rheumatism [questionnaire]
- MACV Machupo virus
- MAD major affective disorder; mandibulo-acral dysplasia; master accession database; maximum allowable dose; mean axis direction; median absolute deviation; methylandrostenediol; mind-altering drug; minimum average dose; mitotic arrest defective; mucosal atomization device; multiple autoimmune disorder; myoadenylate deaminase
- mAD, MADA muscle adenylate deaminase; myoadenylate deaminase
- MADAM Moexipril as Antihypertensive Drug after Menopause [study]
- mADAM mouse A disintegrin and A metalloprotease
- MadCAM mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule
- MADD Mothers Against Drunk Driving; multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
- MADDS monoacetyldiaminodiphenylsulfone
- MADGE microliter array diagonal gel electrophoresis
- MADIT Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial
- MADIT/CES Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial Cost/Effectiveness Study
- MADPA Medicaid Antidiscriminatory Drug Pricing and Patient Benefit Restoration Act
- MADRS Medicare Automated Data Retrieval System; Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale
- MADT morphology alteration and disintegration test
- MADU methylaminodeoxyuridine
- MADV Madrid virus
- MAE mean absolute error; medical air evacuation; medication administration error; 2-methylaminoethanol; moves all extremities; multilingual aphasia examination; myoclonic astatic epilepsy
- MAF macrophage activation factor; macrophage agglutinating factor; maximum atrial fragmentation; minimum audible field; mouse amniotic fluid
- MAFD manic affective disorder
- MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food [UK]
- MAFH macroaggregated ferrous hydroxide
- MAFI Medic Alert Foundation International
- MAG mercaptoacetyltriglycerine; multi-tumor aberrant growth; myelin-associated glycoprotein
- Mag magnesium
- mAg minor antigen
- mag, magn large [Lat. magnus]; magnification
- mag cit magnesium citrate
- MAGE melanoma antigen
- MAGF male accessory gland fluid
- MAggF macrophage agglutination factor
- MAGIC Magnesium in Cardiac Arrest [trial]; Magnesium in Coronaries [trial]; microprobe analysis generalized intensity correction; mouth (or mucosal) and genital ulceration with inflamed cartilage [syndrome]
- MAGICA Magnesium in Cardiac Arrhythmia [trial]
- MAGP microfibril-associated glycoprotein
- MAGPIE Magnesium Sulfate Compared with Placebo in Pre-Eclampsia [study]
- MAGUK membrane-associated guanylate kinase
- MAGV Maguari virus
- MagV mag virus
- mAH, mA-h milliampere-hours
- MAHA microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
- MAHH malignancy-associated humoral hypercalcemia
- MAHI, MAHIV medically acquired human immunodeficiency virus
- MAHST Multicenter Austrian Hemodilution Stroke Trial
- MaHV Macropodid herpesvirus
- MAI microscopic aggregation index; movement assessment of infants; multilevel assessment instrument; Mycobacterium avium infection; Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare
- MAIDS mouse acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- MAIESTRO The Michael Reese Hospital-Institute of Technology Expert System for Stroke
- MAIN medication-induced, autoimmune, infectious, and neoplastic [diseases associated with antiphospholipid antibodies]
- MAIPA monoclonal antibody-specific immobilization of platelet antigens
- MAIR-IR multiple attenuated internal reflexion infrared [spectroscopy]
- MAIS manual axial in-line stabilization; mild androgen insensitivity syndrome
- MAJIC Mayo Japan Investigation on Chronic Total Occlusion
- MAKA major karyotypic abnormality
- MAL malemide; midaxillary line; motor activity log
- Mal malate; malfunction; malignancy
- mal malaise; male; malposition
- Mal-BSA maleated bovine serum albumin
- MALD matrix-assisted laser desorption
- MALDI matrix-assisted laser desorption/ ionization
- MALDI-MS matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry
- MALDI-TOF matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight
- MALG Minnesota antilymphoblast globulin
- MALiMET Master List of Medical Indexing Terms
- MALLS multi-angle laser light scattering
- MALS magnetic alignment and light scattering
- MALT male, altered [animal]; mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue; Munich Alcoholism Test
- MALTOMA mucosal associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma
- MALV Malakal virus
- MAM median age at menarche; metabolically active mass; methylazoxymethanol
- mam milliampere-minute; myriameter
- M+Am compound myopic astigmatism
- 6-MAM monoacetyl-morphine
- MAMA medical application multimedia authoring; monoallelic mutation analysis; monoclonal anti-malignin antibody; Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse
- MAM Ac methylazoxymethanol acetate
- MAMC mean arm muscle circumference
- mA-min, ma-min milliampere-minute
- Mammo mammogram, mammography
- MAN metropolitan area network
- MAN, Man mannose
- man manipulate
- MANA mannosidase alpha
- MANB mannosidase beta
- ManBP mannan-binding protein
- mand mandible, mandibular
- MANET mobile ad-hoc network
- manifest manifestation
- manip manipulation
- MANOVA multivariate analysis of variance
- MAN-6-P mannose-6-phosphate
- MANU manufactured object [UMLS]
- MANV Manzanilla virus
- MAN/WAN metropolitan area network/wide area network
- MAO Master of the Art of Obstetrics; maximal acid output; monoamine oxidase
- MAOA monoamine oxidase A
- MAOB monoamine oxidase B
- MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor
- MAOUSSC Model of Assistance and Orientation of a User within a System of Coding
- MAP malignant atrophic papulosis; mandibular angle plane; maturation-activated protein; maximal aerobic power; maximum a posteriori; mean airway pressure; mean aortic pressure; mean arterial pressure; Medical Audit Program; megaloblastic anemia of pregnancy; memory algorithm processor; mercapturic acid pathway; methyl acceptor protein; methylacetoxy-progesterone; methylaminopurine; microtubule-associated protein; minimum audible pressure; mitogen-activated protein; modified atmosphere packaging; moment angle plotter; monophasic action potential; motor [nerve] action potential; mouse antibody production; multiphasic algorithmic protocol; multiple antigen peptide; muscle action potential; mussel adhesive protein
- MAPA muscle adenosine phosphoric acid
- MAPC migrating action potential complex
- MAPCA major aorto-pulmonary collateral artery
- MAPE mean absolute percentage error
- MAPF microatomized protein food
- MAPHY Metoprolol Atherosclerosis Prevention in Hypertension [study]
- MAPI microbial alkaline protease inhibitor; Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory
- MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase
- MAPK-K mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase
- MAPKP mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase
- MAPP multiple asynchronous parallel processing
- MAPPET Management Strategy and Prognosis of Pulmonary Embolism Trial
- MAPREC mutant analysis by polymerase chain reaction and restriction enzyme cleavage
- MAPS Make a Picture Story [test]; Micro-AIDS Processing System; Multidimensional Affect and Pain Survey; Multivessel Angioplasty Prognosis Study
- MAPT microtubule-associated protein tau
- MAPV Mapputta virus; mean area-peak value
- MAR main admissions room; marasmus; marrow; matrix attachment region [genomic sequencing]; maximal aggregation ratio; mean atrial rate; medication administration record; microanalysis reagent; minimal angle resolution; mixed antiglobulin reaction; multiple aberration region; multivariate autoregressive [model]
- mar margin; marker [chromosome]
- MARAV Maraba virus
- MARC machine-readable catalog; machine-readable cataloging; Multicenter Asthma Research Collaboration; multifocal and recurrent choroidopathy
- MARCKS myristoylated alanine-rich protein C kinase substrate
- MarHV Marmomid herpesvirus
- MARIAC Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis Research Centre [UK]
- MarMV Maracuja virus
- MARS magnetic anchor retinal stimulation; medical archival system; Medical Article Record System; methionyl-transfer ribonucleic acid synthetase; Mevinolin Atherosclerosis Regression Study; Missouri Automated Radiology System; mobile autonomous robot software; molecular adsorbent recirculating system; molecular adsorbents system; Monitored Atherosclerosis Regression Study; mouse antirat serum; multivariate adaptive regression spline [algorithm]
- MARSA methicillin-aminoglycoside-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
- MAR/SAR matrix attachment region/scaffold attachment region [genomic sequencing]
- MART multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique
- MARV Marburg virus
- MARVIN Multi-Agent Robot Vagabond on Information Networks
- mar(X) marker X [chromosome]
- MAS macrophage activation syndrome; magic angle spinning; Manifest Anxiety Scale; marker-assisted selection; maximum average score; McCune-Albright syndrome; meconium aspiration syndrome; medical administrative services; medical advisory service; medical audit study; meiosis activation sterol; mesoatrial shunt; milk-alkali syndrome; milliampere-second; minor axis shortening; mitral aortic septum; mobile arm support; monoclonal antibodies; Morgagni-Adams-Stokes [syndrome]; motion analysis system; motor assessment scale; multi-agent system; multiple access server [telemedicine]; myoclonic astatic seizures