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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ O ]
- O blood type in the ABO blood group; eye [Lat. oculus]; nonmotile strain of microorganisms [Ger. ohne Hauch]; no response [pacemaker]; objective findings; observed frequency in a contingency table; obstetrics; obvious; occipital electrode placement in electroencephalography; occiput; occlusal; [doctor's] office; often; ohm; old; opening; operator; operon; opium; oral, orally; orange [color]; orderly respirations [anesthesia chart]; ortho-; orthopedics; osteocyte; other; output; ovine; oxygen; pint [Lat. octarius]; respirations [anesthesia chart]; zero
- O2 both eyes; diatomic oxygen; molecular oxygen
- O3 ozone
- O125 nonmucinous ovarian tumor antigen
- o eye [Lat. oculus]; opening; ovary transplant; pint [Lat. octarius]; see omicron
negative; without
- ο see omicron
- Ω see omega
- ω see omega
- OA [o]esophageal atresia; obstructive apnea; occipital artery; occipito-anterior; occiput anterior; occupational asthma; octanoic acid; ocular albinism; old age; okadaic acid; oleic acid; on admission or arrival; open appendectomy; opiate analgesia; ophthalmic artery; opsonic activity; optic atrophy; oral airways; oral alimentation; organic anion; orotic acid; osteoarthritis; osteoarthrosis; ovalbumin; ovarian antibody; overall assessment; Overeaters Anonymous; oxalic acid
- O&A observation and assessment
- O2a oxygen availability
- OAA Old Age Assistance; Older Americans Act; Opticians Association of America; oxaloacetic acid
- OAAD ovarian ascorbic acid depletion
- OAAS observer's assessment alertness/sedation scale
- OAAV ovine adeno-associated virus
- OAdV ovine adenovirus
- OAdV-A, B, C ovine adenoviruses A, B, C
- OAB old age benefits
- OABP organic anion binding protein
- OA/BVM oral airway/bag-valve-mask
- OAC omeprazole, amoxicillin, clarithromycin
- OACT occupational activity [UMLS]
- OAD obstructive airway disease; organic anionic dye
- OADC oleate-albumin-dextrose-catalase [medium]
- OAE otoacoustic emission
- OAF off-axis factor; off-axis ratio [radiotherapy]; open air factor; osteoclast activating factor
- OAFNS oculo-auriculofrontonasal syndrome
- OAG open angle glaucoma
- OAH ovarian androgenic hyperfunction
- OAIS Outcomes and Information Set
- OAISO overaction of the ipsilateral superior oblique
- OAK Kjer optic atrophy
- OALF organic acid labile fluid
- OALL ossification of anterior longitudinal ligament
- OAM Office of Alternative Medicine [NIH]; outer acrosomal membrane
- OAP Office of Adolescent Pregnancy; old age pension, old age pensioner; ophthalmic artery pressure; osteoarthropathy; oxygen at atmospheric pressure; precocious osteoarthrosis
- OAPP Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Programs
- OAR organ at risk; Ottawa ankle rule
- OARS older Americans resources and services; Optimal Atherectomy Restenosis Study
- OAS old age security; oral allergy syndrome; osmotically active substance
- OASD ocular albinism-sensorineural deafness [syndrome]
- OASDHI Old Age, Survivors, Disability and Health Insurance
- OASDI Old Age Survivors and Disability Insurance
- OASI Old Age and Survivors Insurance
- OASIS Older Adults Service and Information System; Organization to Assess Strategies for Ischemic Syndromes; Outcome and Assessment Information Set
- OASP organic acid soluble phosphorus
- OAstV ovine astrovirus
- OAT O-acetyltransferase; Ochanomizu Aspirin Trial; Open Artery Trial; organic anion transporter; ornithine aminotransferase
- OATL ornithine aminotransferase-like
- OATR organism attribute [UMLS]
- OAV oculoauriculovertebral [dysplasia]
- OAVS oculo-auriculovertebral syndrome
- OAVD oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia
- OAW oral airways
- OB obese [mouse]; obese, obesity; objective benefit; obliterative bronchiolitis; obstetrics, obstetrician; occult bacteremia; occult bleeding; olfactory bulb; oligoclonal band
- O&B opium and belladonna
- ob obese [mouse]
- OBAD optimal biologically active dose
- OBB own bed bath; oriented bounding boxes
- OBD organic brain disease
- OBCAM opioid-binding cell adhesion molecule
- OBE Office of Biological Education
- OBET odor-baited entry trap
- OBF organ blood flow
- OBG, ObG obstetrics and gynecology, obstetrician-gynecologist
- OBGS obstetrical and gynecological surgery
- OB-GYN, ob-gyn obstetrics and gynecology, obstetrician-gynecologist
- obj objective
- obl oblique
- OBMT omeprazole, bismuth, metronidazole, tetracycline
- OBOV Obodhiang virus
- OBP odorant-binding protein; ova, blood, parasites [in stool]
- OBR obesity gene receptor
- OBRA Omnibus Reconciliation Act
- OBS obesity; obstetrical service; organic brain syndrome
- Obs observation, observed; obstetrics, obstetrician
- obs obsolete
- Obst obstetrics, obstetrician
- obst, obstr obstruction, obstructed
- OB-US obstetrical ultrasound [examination of the fetus]
- OC obstetrical conjugate; occlusocervical; oesophageal candidiasis; office call; on call; only child; optic chiasma; oral contraceptive; orbicularis oculi [muscle]; order communication [system]; original claim; organ culture; orofacial cleft; outer canthal [distance]; ovarian cancer; oxygen consumed
- O&C onset and course
- OCA octylcyanoacrylate; oculocutaneous albinism; olivopontocerebellar atrophy; oral contraceptive agent
- OCa ovarian carcinoma
- OCAD occlusive carotid artery disease
- O2cap oxygen capacity
- OCB obsessive-compulsive behavior
- OCBAS Optimal Coronary Balloon Angioplasty vs Stent [trial]; Optimal Coronary Balloon Angioplasty with Provisional Stenting vs Primary Stent [trial]
- OCBF outer cortical blood flow
- OCC object-centered coordinate [method]; oculocerebrocutaneous [syndrome]; operable case based reasoning [CBR]-oriented case; optimum care committee; oral cholecystography; original component complexes
- occ occasional; occiput, occipital; occlusion, occlusive; occupation; occurrence
- occas occasional
- OCCI oblique clear corneal incision
- occip occiput, occipital
- occl occlusion, occlusive
- OCCPR open chest cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- OccTh occupational therapy, occupational therapist
- occ ther occupational therapist or therapy
- occup occupation, occupational
- occup Rx occupational therapy
- OCCV object-centered coordinate [OCC] values
- OCD obsessive compulsive disorder; Office of Child Development; Office of Civil Defense; osteochondritis dissecans; ovarian cholesterol depletion; oxygen cost diagram
- OCDD octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
- OCF occipito-frontal [circumference]
- OCG omnicardiogram; oral cholecystogram
- OCH oral contraceptive hormone
- OCHAMPUS Office of Civilian Health and Medical Programs of the Uniformed Services [database]
- OCHS Office of Cooperative Health Statistics
- OCIS Oncology Clinical Information System
- OCLC Ohio Computer Library Center; online computer library center
- OCM oral contraceptive medication
- OCN oculomotor nucleus; oncology certified nurse; osteocalcin
- OCOA Online Cytogenetics of Animals
- OCP octacalcium phosphate; ocular cicatricial pemphigoid; Onchocerciasis Control Programme [Africa]; oral case presentation; oral contraceptive pill
- OC&P ova, cysts, and parasites
- OCPD obsessive compulsive personality disorder
- OCPE office of clinical practice evaluation
- OCR oculocardiac reflex; oculocerebrorenal [syndrome]; optical character reader; optical character recognition
- oCRF ovine corticotropin-releasing factor
- OCRG oxycardiorespirography
- oCRH ovine corticotropin-releasing hormone
- OCRL oculocerebrorenal [syndrome] of Lowe
- OCRM OpenGALEN Common Reference Model
- OCRS oculocerebrorenal syndrome
- OCS occipital condyle syndrome; Ondine's curse syndrome; open canalicular system; oral contraceptive steroid; order communication system; outpatient clinic substation; Oxford Cholesterol Study
- OCSD oculocraniosomatic disease
- OCSI orthostatic change in shock index
- OCSP Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project
- OCT object classification test; optical coherence tomography; optimal cutting temperature; oral cavity tumor; oral contraceptive therapy; organic cation transporter; ornithine carbamoyltransferase; orthotopic cardiac transplantation; outer canthal distance; oxytocin challenge test
- O-CT ortho-computed tomography
- OCTD overlap connective tissue disease
- OCTM open cavity tympanomastoidectomy
- OCU observation care unit
- OCV ordinary conversational voice
- OD Doctor of Optometry; object dictionary; obtained absorbance; occipital dysplasia; occupational dermatitis; occupational disease; oculodynamic; Ollier disease; on duty; once a day; open drop [anesthesia]; optical density; optimal dose; originally derived; out-of-date; outside diameter; overdose, overdosage; right eye [Lat. oculus dexter]
- O-D obstacle-dominance
- OD-1 Organ Disease 1 [coronary atherosclerosis multicenter study]
- OD-2 Organ Disease 2 [cerebrovascular atherosclerosis multicenter study]
- O2D oxygen delivery
- ODA office document architecture; open document architecture; overall disease assessment; right occipitoanterior [fetal position, Lat. occipito-dextra anterior]
- ODB opiate-directed behavior