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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ P ]
- Ps prescription; Pseudomonas; psoriasis
- Ps systolic pressure
- ps per second; picosecond
- PSA pacemaker system analysis; parasternal short axis; pleomorphic salivary gland adenoma; polar surface area; polyethylene sulfonic acid; polysaccharide adhesin; polysialic acid; posterior spinal artery; power spectrum analysis; primary sampling unit; professional services agreement; progressive spinal ataxia; prolonged sleep apnea; prostate specific antigen; protein S alpha; pseudoaneurysm; psoriatic arthritis
- PS/A polysaccharide adhesin
- Psa systemic blood pressure
- PSAAMI Primary Stenting vs Angioplasty in Acute Myocardial Infarction [trial]
- PSAC President's Science Advisory Committee
- PSACH pseudoachondrodysplasia
- PSAD prostate-specific antigen density; psychoactive substance abuse and dependence
- PSAG pelvic sonoangiography
- PSAGN poststreptococcal acute glomerulonephritis
- PSAn psychoanalysis
- PSA-NCAM polysialic acid neuronal cell adhesion molecule
- PSAP peak systolic aortic pressure; primary public safety answering point; prosaposin; pulmonary surfactant apoprotein
- P/SAT pediatric severity assessment
- PSB protected specimen brush; protein S beta
- PSbetaG, PSBG pregnancy-specific beta-1-glycoprotein
- PSC patient services coordination; peripheral stem cell; Plasma Single Nucleotide Polymorphism [SNP] Consortium; pluripotential stem cell; Porter-Silber chromogen; posterior subcapsular cataract; primary sclerosing cholangitis; professional service corporation; prospective studies collaboration; proteasome component; pulse synchronized contractions
- PS-CF pancreatic-sufficient cystic fibrosis
- PsChE pseudocholinesterase
- PSCI Primary Self Concept Inventory
- Psci pressure at slow component intercept
- PSCM problem space computational model
- PSCT peripheral stem cell transplantation
- PSD particle size distribution; peptone, starch, and dextrose; percutaneous stricture dilatation; periodic synchronous discharge; phase-sensitive detector; pilonidal sinus disease; poststenosis dilation; pituitary stalk distortion; posterior sagittal diameter; post-stroke depression; postsynaptic density; power spectral density; prevention of significant deterioration; Protein Sequence Database; psychosomatic disease
- PSDA Patient Self-Determination Act
- PSDES primary symptomatic diffuse esophageal spasm
- PSE paradoxical systolic expansion; penicillin-sensitive enzyme; portal systemic encephalopathy; Present State Examination; purified spleen extract
- psec picosecond
- PSEK progressive symmetrical erythrokeratoderma
- PSEN1 presenilin 1 gene
- PSEN2 presenilin 2 gene
- PSEP post-sexual exposure prophylaxis
- pseudo-BTX pseudobatrachotoxin
- PSF peak scatter factor; peptide supply factor; point spread function; posterior spinal fusion; prostacyclin stabilizing factor; pseudosarcomatous fasciitis
- PSG peak systolic gradient; phosphate, saline, and glucose; polysomnogram; presystolic gallop; pregnancy-specific glycoprotein; programmable sound generator
- PSGL P selectin glycoprotein ligand
- PSGN poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
- PSH past surgical history; postspinal headache
- PsHD pseudoheart disease
- PSHV pulmonary syndrome hantavirus
- PsHV psittacid herpesvirus
- PSI parenting stress inventory; pneumonia severity index; pollutant standard index; posterior sagittal index; problem solving information; prostaglandin synthetic inhibitor; Psychiatric Society for Informatics; psychological services index; psychosomatic inventory; purified photosystem I
- psi pounds per square inch
- ψ Greek letter psi; wave function
- psia pounds per square inch absolute
- PSI-BLAST position-specific iterated basic local alignment search tool
- PSICU pediatric surgical intensive care unit
- pSIDS partially unexplained sudden infant death syndrome
- PSIFT platelet suspension immunofluorescence test
- PSIL percentage signal intensity loss; preferred frequency speech interference level
- PSIS posterior sacroiliac spine
- PSK protein serine kinase
- PSL parasternal line; photostimulable luminescence; potassium, sodium chloride, and sodium lactate [solution]; prednisolone
- PSM patient self-management; patient-specific mortality; personal status monitor; polymerase chain reaction [PCR] mediated-site-directed mutagenesis; presystolic murmur; problem solving method
- psm patient-specific mortality
- PSMA prostate-specific membrane antigen; proximal spinal muscular atrophy
- PSMed psychosomatic medicine
- PSMF protein-sparing modified fast
- PSMS Physical Self-Maintenance Scale
- PSMT psychiatric services management team
- PSN provider service network
- PSNR peak signal to noise ratio
- PSO proximal subungual onychomycosis
- PSOM probabilistic self-organizing map
- PSP pancreatic spasmolytic peptide; paralytic shellfish poisoning; parathyroid secretory protein; peak systolic pressure; periodic short pulse; phenolsulfonphthalein; phosphoserine phosphatase; photostimulable phosphor plate; positive spike pattern; posterior spinal process; postsynaptic potential; prednisone sodium phosphate; primary spontaneous pneumothorax; progressive supranuclear palsy; prostatic secretory protein; pseudopregnancy; pulmonary surfactant apoprotein
- PspA pneumococcal surface protein A
- PSPR particle surface plasmon resonance
- PSPS secretory pancreatic stone protein
- PSPV psittacinepox virus
- PSQ Parent Symptom Questionnaire; Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire
- PsqO2 subcutaneous tissue oximetry
- PSR pain sensitivity range; perspective surface rendering; portal systemic resistance; posteroseptal right atrium; poststreptococcal reactive arthritis; pressure sore risk assessment; proliferative sickle retinopathy; pulmonary stretch receptor
- PSRC Plastic Surgery Research Council
- PSRO Professional Standards Review Organization
- PSS painful shoulder syndrome; pain sensation score; patient scheduling system; patient stimulation stack; performance support system; physiologic saline solution; polystyrene sulfonate; porcine stress syndrome; primary Sjögren syndrome; progressive systemic scleroderma; progressive systemic sclerosis; psoriasis severity scale; Psychiatric Status Schedule; pure sensory stroke
- pSS Perceived Stress Scale; primary Sjögren syndrome
- PSSE partial saturation spin echo
- PSSS perceived stress support scale
- PST pancreatic suppression test; paralytic shellfish toxin; paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia; patient-specific therapy; penicillin, streptomycin, and tetracycline; penoscrotal transposition; peristimulus time; phenolsulfotransferase; platelet survival time; posterior sinus tympani; poststenotic; poststimulus time; prefrontal sonic treatment; protein-sparing therapy; proximal straight tubule
- PSTAF Pilsicainide Suppression Trial of Atrial Fibrillation
- PSTE phase space time evolution [radiotherapy]
- PSTH poststimulus time histogram
- PSTI pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor
- PSTN public switched telephone network [telemedicine]
- PSTV potato spindle tuber virus
- PSU patient service unit; photosynthetic unit; primary sampling unit
- PSurg plastic surgery
- PSV papular stomatitis virus; pressure-support ventilation; Punta Salinas virus
- pSV simian vacuolating virus plasmid
- PSVER pattern shift visual evoked response
- PSVT paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
- PSW primary surgical ward; positive sharp wave; psychiatric social worker
- PSWT psychiatric social work training
- PSX pseudoexfoliation
- Psy psychiatry; psychology
- psych psychology, psychological
- PSYCHE Psychiatry Educator [computer-assisted instruction]
- psychiat psychiatry, psychiatric
- psychoan psychoanalysis, psychoanalytical
- psychol psychology, psychological
- psychopath psychopathology, psychopathological
- psychosom psychosomatic
- psychother psychotherapy
- psy-path psychopathic
- Ps-ZES pseudo-Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
- PT pain threshold; pancreatic transplantation; parathormone; parathyroid; paroxysmal tachycardia; part time; patient; pericardial tamponade; permanent and total; phage type; pharmacy and therapeutics; phenytoin; phosphorothioate; photophobia; phototoxicity; physical therapy, physical therapist; physical training; physiotherapy; pine tar; plasma thromboplastin; pluridirectional tomography; pneumothorax; polynomial transform; polyvalent tolerance; position tracking; posterior tibial [artery pulse]; posttetanic; posttransfusion; posttransplantation; posttraumatic; premature termination [of pregnancy]; preoperative therapy; preterm; preventive therapy; previously treated; primary tumor; propylthiouracil; protamine; prothrombin time; proton density; pulmonary tuberculosis; pseudotumor; psychometric test; psychotherapy; pulmonary thrombosis; pyramidal tract; temporal plane
- P&T permanent and total [disability]; pharmacy and therapeutics
- Pt patient; platinum
- pT pertussis toxin; postoperative tumor size [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification: pT0 surgery not done or not applicable, pT1 no visible tumor tissue, pT2 less than 1.5 cm remains, pT3 1.5 to 5.0 cm remains, pT4 more than 5.0 cm remains to primary tumors in progressing thickness, and pTX no evidence of primary tumor]
- pT0 no evidence of primary tumor [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]
- pt part; patient; pint; point
- PTA pancreatic transplantation alone; parallel tubular arrays; parathyroid adenoma; peak twitch amplitude; percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; peroxidase-labeled antibody; persistent truncus arteriosus; phosphotungstic acid; physical therapy assistant; plasma thromboplastin antecedent; posttraumatic amnesia; pretreatment anxiety; primitive trigeminal artery; prior to admission; prior to arrival; prothrombin activity
- PTAB pterygoalar bar
- PTAF platelet activating factor
- PTAFR platelet activating factor receptor
- PTAH phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin
- PTAP purified diphtheria toxoid precipitated by aluminum phosphate
- PTAT pure tone average threshold
- PTB patellar tendon bearing; polypyrimidine tract binding; prior to birth
- PTb pulmonary tuberculosis
- PTBA percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty
- PTBBS peripheral type benzodiazepine binding site
- PTBD percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage; percutaneous transluminal balloon dilatation
- PTBE pyretic tick-borne encephalitis
- PTBNA protected transbronchial needle aspirate
- PTBPD posttraumatic borderline personality disorder
- PTBS posttraumatic brain syndrome
- PTBW peak torque to body weight
- PTC papillary thyroid carcinoma; percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography; phase transfer catalyst; phenothiocarbazine; phenylthiocarbamide; phenylthiocarbamoyl; plasma thromboplastin component; plugged telescopic catheter; posttetanic count; premature termination codon; premature tricuspid closure; prior to conception; prothrombin complex; pseudotumor cerebri
- PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angiography; percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; pyrrole-2,3,5-tricarboxylic acid
- PT(C)A percutaneous transluminal [coronary] angioplasty
- PtcCO2 transcutaneous partial pressure of carbon dioxide
- PTCDA perylene-tetracarboxylic dianhydride
- PTCER pulmonary transcapillary escape rate
- PtcO2 transcutaneous oxygen tension
- PTCR percutaneous transluminal coronary recanalization or revascularization
- PTCRA percutaneous transluminal coronary rotational ablation
- PTD percutaneous transluminal dilatation; permanent total disability; personality trait disorder; photothermal deflection; preterm delivery; prior to delivery
- PTDS posttraumatic distress syndrome
- PTE parathyroid extract; posttraumatic epilepsy; pretibial edema; proximal tibial epiphysis; pulmonary thromboembolism
- PTEAM particle total exposure assessment methodology
- PTED pulmonary thromboembolic disease
- PteGlu pteroylglutamic acid
- PTEN pentaerythritol tetranitrate
- pter end of short arm of chromosome
- PTF patient treatment file; plasma thromboplastin factor; posterior talofibular [ligament]; pre-term formula; proximal tubular fragment
- PTFA prothrombin time fixing agent
- PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
- PTFNA percutaneous transthoracic fine-needle aspiration
- PTFS posttraumatic fibromyalgia syndrome
- PTG parathyroid gland; prostaglandin
- PTGE prostaglandin E
- PTGER prostaglandin E receptor
- PTH parathormone; parathyroid; parathyroid hormone; percutaneous transhepatic drainage; phenylthiohydantoin; plasma thromboplastin component; posttransfusion hepatitis
- PTHC percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
- PTHL parathyroid hormone-like
- PTHLP parathyroid-hormone-like protein
- PTH/PTHrP parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related peptide
- PTHR parathyroid hormone receptor
- PTHRP, PTHrP parathyroid-hormone-related peptide; parathyroid-hormone-related protein
- PTHS parathyroid hormone secretion [rate]
- PTHV Pathun Thani virus
- PTI pancreatic trypsin inhibitor; penetrating trauma index; persistent tolerant infection; Pictorial Test of Intelligence; placental thrombin inhibitor; pulsatility transmission index
- PTK phosphotyrosine kinase; phototherapeutic keratectomy; protein-tyrosine kinase
- PTL peritoneal telencephalic leukoencephalomyopathy; pharyngotracheal lumen; plasma thyroxine level; posterior tricuspid leaflet; preterm labor
- pTL posterior tricuspid leaflet
- PTLA pharyngeal tracheal lumen airway
- PTLC precipitation thin-layer chromatography
- PTLD posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disorder; prescribed tumor lethal dose
- PTLV primate T-lymphotropic virus
- PTLV 1, 2, 3 primate T-lymphotropic viruses 1, 2, 3
- PTM posterior trabecular meshwork; posttransfusion mononucleosis; post-translational modification; post-traumatic meningitis; prothymosin; pulse time modulation
- PTM transmural pressure
- Ptm pterygomaxillary [fissure]
- PTMA phenyltrimethylammonium; prothymosin alpha
- PTMDF pupils, tension, media, disc, fundus
- PTMPY per thousand members per year
- PTMR percutaneous transluminal myocardial revascularization
- PTMS parathymosin
- PTN pain transmission neuron; pleiotrophin; posterior tibial nerve; Prevention Trials Network [NIH]; proximal tibial nail; public telephone network [telemedicine]
- pTNM pathological classification of primary tumors, regional nodes and metastases [coding]
- PTO Klemperer's tuberculin [Ger. Perlsucht Tuberculin Original]
- Ptotal total pressure
- PTP pancreatic thread protein; pediatric telephone protocol; percutaneous transhepatic portography; phosphotyrosine phosphatase; physical treatment planning; posterior tibial pulse; posttetanic potential; posttransfusion purpura; pretest probability; previously treated patient; protein-tyrosine phosphatase; proximal tubular pressure
- Ptp transpulmonary pressure
- PTPA phosphotyrosyl phosphatase activator
- PTPC protein-tyrosine phosphatase C
- PTPG protein-tyrosine phosphatase gamma
- PTPI posttraumatic pulmonary insufficiency
- PTPinsp inspiratory pressure-time product
- PTPM post-traumatic progressive myelopathy
- PTPN protein-tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor
- PTPRA protein-tyrosine phosphatase receptor alpha
- PTPRB protein-tyrosine phosphatase receptor beta
- PTPRF protein-tyrosine phosphatase receptor F
- PTPRG protein-tyrosine phosphatase receptor gamma
- PTPS postthrombophlebitis syndrome; 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin synthase
- PTPT protein-tyrosine phosphatase, T-cell