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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ P ]
- PT/PTT prothrombin time/partial thromboplastin time [test]
- PTQ parent-teacher questionnaire
- PTR patellar tendon reflex; patient termination record; patient to return; peripheral total resistance; plasma transfusion reaction; prothrombin time ratio; psychotic trigger reaction
- PTr porcine trypsin
- Ptr intratracheal pressure
- PTRA percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty
- PT Rep patient's representative
- PTRIA polystyrene-tube radioimmunoassay
- Ptrx pelvic traction
- PTS para-toluenesulfonic acid; pediatric trauma score; postthrombotic syndrome; posttraumatic syndrome; Pressure and Tension Scale; prior to surgery; 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin synthase; patient treatment file
- Pts, pts patients
- PTSD posttraumatic stress disorder
- PTSM Plant, Technology and Safety Management
- PTSS posttraumatic stress syndrome
- PTT partial thromboplastin time; particle transport time; posterior tibial tendon (transfer); protein truncation test; prothrombin time; pulmonary transit time; pulse transit time
- ptt partial thromboplastin time
- PTTI penetrating thoracic trauma index
- PTU phenylthiourea; propylthiouracil
- PTV patient-triggered ventilation; planning target volume; porcine teschovirus; posterior terminal vein; posterior tibial vein; Punta Toro virus
- PTV2 planning target volume 2
- PtV pneumotropic virus
- PTVT planning target volume tool
- PTVV Ponteves virus
- PTX palytoxin; pentoxifylline; picrotoxinin; pneumothorax
- PTx parathyroidectomy; pelvic traction
- Ptx pneumothorax
- pTX no evidence of primary tumor [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]
- PTXT pointer to text
- PTZ pentylenetetrazol
- PU palindromic unit; passed urine; patient unit; pepsin unit; peptic ulcer; perfusion unit; polyurethane; pregnancy urine; 6-propyluracil; prostatic urethra
- Pu plutonium; purine; purple
- PUA patient unit assistant
- pub public
- PUBS percutaneous umbilical blood sampling; purple urine bag syndrome
- PUC pediatric urine collector; premature uterine contractions
- PUCV Puchong virus
- PUD peptic ulcer disease; pudendal
- PuD pulmonary disease
- PUF polyurethane foam; pure ultrafiltration
- PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid
- PUF-HAL polyurethane foam-hybrid artificial liver
- PUH pregnancy urine hormones
- PUI platelet uptake index; posterior urethral injury
- PUJO pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction
- PUL percutaneous ultrasonic lithotripsy
- PUL, pul, pulm pulmonary
- PULHEMS physique, upper extremity, lower extremity, hearing and ears, eyes and vision, mental capacity, emotional stability [profile]
- PULSES physical condition, upper limb function, lower limb function, sensory component, excretory function, mental and status (or support factors in revised version) [profile]
- PUM peanut-reactive urinary mucin
- PUMF public use microdata file
- PUMP putative metalloproteinase
- PUMS patient utility measurement set; permanently unfit for military service
- PUN plasma urea nitrogen
- PUO pyrexia of unknown origin
- PUP previously untreated patient; previously untreated product
- pUPID paternal uniparental isodisomy
- PUPPP pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy
- PUR polyurethane
- Pur purple
- pur purulent
- purg purgative
- PurR purine repressor
- PURSUIT Platelet Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Underpinning the Receptor for Suppression of Unstable Ischemia Trial; Platelet Glycoprotein IIb-IIIa in Unstable Angina: Receptor Suppression Using Integrilin Therapy
- PURV Purus virus
- PUT provocative use test; putamen
- PUU puumala [virus]
- PUUV Puumala virus
- PUV posterior urethral valve
- PUVA psoralen ultraviolet A-range
- PV pancreatic vein; papilla of Vater; papillomavirus; paramyxovirus; parapoxvirus; paraventricular; paravertebral; partial volume; parvovirus; pemphigus vulgaris; peripheral vascular; peripheral vein; peripheral vessel; picornavirus; pityriasis versicolor; plasma viscosity; plasma volume; pneumonia virus; polio vaccine; poliovirus; polycythemia vera; polyoma virus; polyvinyl; portal vein; postvasectomy; postvoiding; poxvirus; predictive value; pressure velocity; pressure-volume [curve]; process variable; progressive vaccinia; pulmonary valve; pulmonary vein
- P-V pressure-volume [curve]
- P&V pyloroplasty and vagotomy
- PV ventricular pressure
- PV-1, 2, 3 human polioviruses 1, 2, 3
- Pv Proteus vulgaris; venous pressure
- PVA Paralyzed Veterans of America; peripheral venous alimentation; polyvinyl acetate; polyvinyl alcohol; pressure volume area
- PVa pulmonary venous atrial
- PVA-C polyvinyl alcohol cryogel
- PVAc polyvinyl acetate
- PVAd polyvinyladenine
- PVALB parvalbumin
- PVARP postventricular atrial refractory period
- PVB cis-platinum, vinblastine, bleomycin; paravertebral block; pigmented villonodular bundle; premature ventricular beat
- PVC peripheral venous catheterization; permanent visual circuit; persistent vaginal cornification; polyvinyl chloride; postvoiding cystogram; predicted vital capacity; premature ventricular complex; premature ventricular contraction; primary visual cortex; pulmonary venous capillaries; pulmonary venous confluence; pulmonary venous congestion
- PVCM paradoxical vocal cord motion
- PVCO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide in mixed venous blood
- PVD patient very disturbed; peripheral vascular disease; portal vein dilation; posterior vitreous detachment; postural vertical dimension; premature ventricular depolarization; pulmonary valvular dysplasia; pulmonary vascular disease
- PVDF polyvinylidene difluoride; polyvinyl diisopropyl fluoride
- PVE partial volume effect; premature ventricular extrasystole; prosthetic valve endocarditis
- PVE partial volume effect; perivenous encephalomyelitis; periventricular echogenicity; postvaccinial encephalopathy; premature ventricular event; premature ventricular extrasystole; prosthetic valve endocarditis
- PV-ECF plasma volume/extracellular fluid [ratio]
- PVEM postvaccinial encephalomyelitis
- P-VEP pattern visual evoked potential
- PVF peripheral visual field; portal venous flow; primary ventricular fibrillation
- PVFS postviral fatigue syndrome
- PVG periventricular gray matter; pulmonary valve gradient
- PVH paraventricular hyperintensity; pulmonary venous hypertension
- PVI patient video interview; peripheral vascular insufficiency; perivascular infiltration; positron volume imaging; protracted venous infusion
- PVK penicillin V potassium
- PVL perivalvular leakage; periventricular leukomalacia; permanent vision loss
- PVM parallel virtual machine; pneumonia virus of mice; proteins, vitamins, and minerals
- PVMed preventive medicine
- PVMR PRODIGY Virtual Medical Record
- PVN paraventricular nucleus; predictive value negative
- PVNPS post-Viet Nam psychiatric syndrome
- PVNS pigmented villonodular synovitis
- PVNZ parapoxvirus of red deer in New Zealand
- PVO pulmonary venous obstruction
- PVO2 partial oxygen pressure in mixed venous blood
- PVOD pulmonary vascular obstructive disease; pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
- PVP penicillin V potassium; peripheral vein plasma; peripheral venous pressure; polyvinylpyrrolidone; portal venous phase; portal venous pressure; predictive value of positive results; pulmonary vein potential; pulmonary venous pressure
- PVP-I polyvinylpyrrolidone-iodine
- PVR peripheral vascular resistance; perspective volume rendering; poliovirus receptor; postvoiding residual; pulmonary valve replacement or repair; pulmonary vascular resistance; pulse volume recording
- pVR perspective volume rendering [imaging]
- PVRI pulmonary vascular resistance index
- PVS percussion, vibration, suction; percutaneous vascular surgery; peritoneovenous shunt; persistent vegetative state; persistent viral syndrome; Plummer-Vinson syndrome; poliovirus susceptibility; polyvinyl sponge; premature ventricular systole; programmed ventricular stimulation; pulmonary valvular stenosis
- PVs pulmonary venous systolic
- PVST prevertebral soft tissue
- PVU Pueblo Viejo virus
- PVT paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia; periventricular thalamic [nucleus]; portal vein thrombosis; pressure, volume, and temperature; private patient; psychomotor vigilance task
- PVW posterior vaginal wall
- PVX potato virus X
- PVY potato virus Y
- pvz pulverization
- PW peristaltic wave; plantar wart; posterior wall [of the heart]; pressure wave; psychological warfare; pulmonary wedge [pressure]; pulsed wave; pulse width
- Pw progesterone withdrawal; pulse wave [echocardiography]; whole-cell pertussis [vaccine]
- pW picowatt
- PWA person with AIDS; pulse wave analysis
- PWB partial weight bearing
- PWBC peripheral white blood cell
- PWBRT prophylactic whole brain radiation therapy
- PWBT partial weight-bearing therapy
- PWC peak work capacity; physical work capacity
- PWCA pure white cell aplasia
- PWCR Prader-Willi chromosome region
- PWCT perfusion-weighted computed tomography
- PWD posterior wall in diastole; printed wiring board
- pwd powder
- PWDS postweaning diarrhea syndrome
- PWDU pulse wave Doppler ultrasound
- PWE posterior wall excursion
- PWI posterior wall infarct
- PWLV posterior wall of left ventricle
- PWM pokeweed mitogen; pulse with modulation
- pw-MW pre-whitening [of data] multiple window
- PWP patient word processing; pulmonary wedge pressure
- PWS port wine stain; physician's workstation; Prader-Willi syndrome
- PWS/AS Prader-Willi/Angelman syndromes
- PWT physician waiting time; posterior wall thickness; pseudo-Winger transform
- pwt pennyweight
- PWTT pulse wave transit time
- PWV pulse wave velocity
- PX pancreatectomized; peroxidase; physical examination
- Px past history; peroxidase; physical examination; pneumothorax; prognosis
- px pancreas, pancreatic
- PXA pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
- PXE pseudoxanthoma elasticum
- PXM projection x-ray microscopy; pseudoexfoliation material
- PXMP peroxysomal membrane protein
- PXS pseudoexfoliation syndrome
- PXT piroxantrone
- Pxy propagation delay
- Py phosphopyridoxal; polyoma [virus]; pyridine; pyridoxal
- py pack-years [cigarettes]
- PYA psychoanalysis
- PyC pyogenic culture
- PYCR pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase
- PYE peptone yeast extract
- PYG peptone-yeast extract-glucose [broth]
- PYGM peptone-yeast-glucose-maltose [broth]
- PYLL potential years of life lost
- PYM psychosomatic
- PyNPase pyridine nucleoside phosphorylase
- PYP pyrophosphate
- Pyr pyridine; pyruvate
- PyrP pyridoxal phosphate
- PyV Polyomavirus, polyomavirus
- PZ pancreozymin; phthalazinone; pregnancy zone; proliferative zone; protamine zinc
- Pz 4-phenylazobenzylycarbonyl; parietal midline electrode placement in electroencephalography
- pz pieze
- PZA pyrazinamide
- PZ-CCK pabcreozymin-cholecystokinin
- PZE piezoelectric
- PZI protamine zinc insulin
- PZP pregnancy zone protein
- PZQ praziquantel
- PZT lead zirconate titanate