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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ P ]
- PARC Palo Alto Research Center; Pan-African Rinderpest Campaign
- PARCO parallel computing
- parent parenteral
- pArg poly-L-arginine
- PARIS Peripheral Artery Radiation Investigational Study; Persantine Aspirin Reinfarction Study
- PARK Postangioplasty Restenosis Ketanserin [study]; Prevention of Angioplasty Reocclusion with Ketanserin
- parox paroxysm, paroxysmal
- PARP poly(adenosine diphosphate ribose) polymerase
- PARR postanesthesia recovery room
- PARS Personal Adjustment and Role Skills Scale
- PART Prevention of Atherosclerosis with Ramipril Therapy [trial]; Probucol Angioplasty Restenosis Trial
- PART-1 Predictors of Atherosclerosis Risk and Thrombosis [trial]
- PART-2 Predictors of Atherosclerosis Risk and Thrombosis [trial]
- PARTNER Peripheral Arterial Disease Response to Taprostene with New Established Response Criteria [trial]
- PARTNERS Primary Care Access to Resources, Training, Networks, Education, and Research Services
- PARTY prevent alcohol and risk-related trauma in youth
- PARU postanesthetic recovery unit
- PARV Parana virus
- ParVox Parallel Volume Rendering System for Scientific Visualization [trial]
- PAS para-aminosalicylate; Paragon Elective or Acute Stent [trial]; Parent Attitude Scale; patient administration system; patient appointments and scheduling; periodic acid-Schiff [reaction]; peripheral anterior synechia; persistent atrial standstill; Personality Assessment Scale; photoacoustic spectroscopy; phosphatase acid serum; physician-assisted suicide; Polish Amiodarone Study; posterior airway space; pre-admission screening; predictive accuracy on survival; pregnancy advisory service; premature atrial stimulus; professional activity study; progressive accumulated stress; pulmonary arterial stenosis; pulmonary artery systolic
- Pas, Pa · s, Pa × s pascal-second
- PASA para-aminosalicylic acid; polymerase chain reaction amplification of specific alleles; primary acquired sideroblastic anemia; proximal articular set angle
- PASAR programmable automatic scanning arrhythmia reversion [algorithm]
- PASAR-O orthorhythmic programmable automatic scanning arrhythmia reversion [algorithm]
- PASARR pre-admission screening and resident review
- PASAT Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task
- PASB protein-associated strand breaks
- PAS-C para-aminosalicylic acid crystallized with ascorbic acid
- PASD after diastase digestion
- PASE Pacemaker Selection in the Elderly [trial]; physical activity scale for the elderly [evaluation]
- PASG pneumatic antishock garment
- PASH periodic acid-Schiff hematoxylin; pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia
- PASM periodic acid-silver methenamine
- PASP pancreas-specific protein; pulmonary artery systolic pressure
- PASS personal alerting safety system; Piracetam in Acute Stroke Study; Postarthroplasty Screening Study [for deep venous thrombosis]; Practical Applicability of Saruplase Study; Prehospital Applicability of Saruplase Study
- pass passive
- pass ROM passive range of motion
- PASSOR Physiatric Association for Spine, Sports, and Occupational Rehabilitation
- PAST periodic acid-Schiff technique
- Past Pasteurella
- PASTA Percutaneous Ambulatory Stent Trial; polarity altered spectral selective acquisition; Primary Angioplasty vs Stent Implantation in Acute Myocardial Infarction [trial]
- PAstV porcine astrovirus
- PASVR pulmonary anomalous superior venous return
- PASW personal assistance service worker
- PAT Pain Apperception Test; paroxysmal atrial tachycardia; patient; patient domain; penetrating abdominal trauma; phenylaminotetrazole; physical abilities test; picric acid turbidity; platelet aggregation test; Polish Amiodarone Trial; polyamine acetyltransferase; postoperative atrial tachycardia; preadmission assessment team/test; preadmission testing; predictive ability test; pregnancy at term; psychoacoustic test
- pat patella; patent; paternal origin; patient
- PATAF Prevention of Arterial Thromboembolism in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation [study]; Primary Prevention of Arterial Thromboembolic Processes in Atrial Fibrillation [trial]
- PATAV Pata virus
- PATCH planned approach to community health
- Pat-CIS patient clinical information system
- PatDp paternal duplication
- PATE Pravastatin Anti-atherosclerosis Trial in the Elderly; psychodynamic and therapeutic education; pulmonary artery thromboembolism
- PATENT Pro-Urokinase and Tissue Plasminogen Activator Enhancement of Thrombolysis [trial]
- PATG patient group [UMLS]
- PATH pathologic function [UMLS]; pathology, pathological; pituitary adrenotropic hormone; physicians at teaching hospitals
- path pathogenesis, pathogenic; pathology, pathological
- PATHS Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension Study
- Patm atmospheric pressure
- PATMAN Patient Workflow Management [system]
- Patr pulmonary atresia
- PATRIC position and time resolved ion counting
- PATS Poststroke Antihypertensive Treatment Study; Prehospital Administration of Tissue Plasminogen Activator Study; Protection Assessment Test System
- PAT-SED pseudoachondroplastic dysplasia
- PA-T-SP periodic acid-thiocarbo-hydrazide-silver proteinate
- PATV Patois virus
- PAU phenol-acetic acid-urea
- PAUP phylogenic analysis using parsimony
- PAUSE Popliteal Artery Ultrasound Examination [study]
- PAV percutaneous aortic valvuloplasty; poikiloderma atrophicans vasculare; posterior arch vein; proportional assist ventilation
- PaV Pariacoto virus
- Pav airway pressure
- Pave mean average pressure during inspiration
- PAVEC porcine aortic valve endothelial cell
- pavex passive vascular exercise
- PAVF pulmonary arteriovenous fistula
- PAVM pulmonary arteriovenous malformation
- PAVNRT paroxysmal atrioventricular nodal reciprocal tachycardia
- pAVP plasma arginine vasopressin
- PA-VSD pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect
- PAW peripheral airways; pulmonary artery wedge
- PAW, Paw airway pressure
- PAWP pulmonary arterial wedge pressure
- PAWS primary withdrawal syndrome
- PAX paired box homeotic [family]
- PAZ prednisone/azathioprine
- PB British pharmacopeia [Pharmacopoeia Britannica]; paraffin bath; paraffin block; paucibacillary; Paul-Bunnell [antibody]; periodic breathing; peripheral blood; peroneus brevis; phenobarbital; phenoxybenzamine phonetically balanced; pinealoblastoma; Polybrene; polymyxin B; premature beat; pressure breathing; protein binding; punch biopsy; pyridostigmine bromide
- PB barometric pressure
- P&B pain & burning; phenobarbital and belladonna
- Pb body [surface] pressure; lead [Lat. plumbum]; phenobarbital; presbyopia
- PBA polyclonal B-cell activity; pressure breathing assist; prolactin-binding assay; prune belly anomaly; pulpobuccoaxial
- PBAL protected bronchoalveolar lavage
- PBB polybrominated biphenyl
- Pb-B lead in blood
- PBBs polybrominated biphenyls
- PBC perfusion balloon catheter; phosphocreatine; peripheral blood cell; point of basal convergence; pre-bed care; primary biliary cirrhosis; progestin-binding complement
- PBCC point biserial correlation coefficient
- PBCH polymorphic B-cell hyperplasia
- PBCL polymorphic B-cell lymphoma
- PBCRA progressive bifocal chorioretinal atrophy
- PBCV Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus
- PBD postburn day
- PBDE polybrominated diphenyl ether
- PBE tuberculin from Mycobacterium tuberculosis bovis [Ger. Perlsucht Bacillen-emulsion]
- PBF pencil beam function [radiotherapy]; peripheral blood flow; placental blood flow; predominant breast feeding; pulmonary blood flow
- PBFE peroxisomal bifunctional enzyme
- PBFe protein-bound iron
- PBG porphobilinogen
- PBGD porphobilinogen deaminase
- PBGS, PBG-S porphobilinogen synthase
- PBH profiling by hybridization; pulling boat hands; pyrenabutyric acid hydrazide
- PBHB poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate
- PBI parental bonding instrument; penile pressure/brachial pressure index; protein-bound iodine
- PbI lead intoxication
- PBIgG platelet surface bound immunoglobulin G
- PBK phosphorylase B kinase
- PBL peripheral blood leukocyte; peripheral blood lymphocyte; problem-based learning
- PBLC peripheral blood lymphocyte count; premature birth living child; problem-based learning curriculum
- PBLM problem-based learning module
- PBLT peripheral blood lymphocyte transformation
- PBM peak bone mass; peripheral basement membrane; peripheral blood mononuclear [cell]; placental basement membrane
- PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cell; pharmaceutical benefit management company
- PBMNC peripheral blood mononuclear cell
- PBMV pulmonary blood mixing volume
- PBN alpha-phenyl-n-tert-butylnitrone; paralytic brachial neuritis; peripheral benign neoplasm; polymyxin B sulfate, bacitracin, and neomycin
- PBNA partial body neutron activation
- PBO penicillin in beeswax and oil; placebo
- PBP penicillin-binding protein; platelet basic protein; porphyrin biosynthesis pathway; prostate-binding protein; pseudobulbar palsy; pulsatile bypass pump
- PBPC peripheral blood progenitor cell; progressive bulbar palsy of childhood
- PBPI penile-brachial pulse index
- PBPK physiologically based pharmacokinetic [model]
- PBPND progressive bulbar palsy with neural deafness
- PBPV percutaneous balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty
- PBRN practice-based research network
- PBS perfusion-pressure breakthrough syndrome; phenobarbital sodium; phosphate-buffered saline; planar bone scan; primer binding site; protected brush specimen; prune belly syndrome; pulmonary branch stenosis
- PBSA phosphate buffered saline [solution]
- PBSC peripheral blood stem cell
- PBSCT peripheral blood stem cell transplantation
- PBSP prognostically bad signs during pregnancy
- PBT Paul-Bunnell test; phenacetin breath test; piebald trait; profile-based therapy; pulmonary barotrauma
- PBT4 protein-bound thyroxine
- PBV predicted blood volume; pulmonary blood volume
- PBW posterior bite wing
- PBX private branch exchange
- PBZ personal breathing zone; phenylbutazone; phenoxybenzamine; pyribenzamine
- PC avoirdupois weight [Lat. pondus civile]; pacinian corpuscle; packed cells; paper chromatography; paracortex; paramyotonia congenita; parent cell; particulate component; partition coefficient; patch clamp; penicillin; penile carcinoma; pentose cycle; peritoneal cell; personal care; personal computer; pharmacology; phase contrast; pheochromocytoma; phosphate cycle; phosphatidylcholine; phosphorylcholine; photoconduction; physicians' corporation; pill counter; piriform cortex; placebo-controlled; plasma concentration; plasma cortisol; plasmacytoma; plasmin complex; plastocyanin; platelet concentrate; platelet count; pneumotaxic center; polycarbonate; polycentric; polyposis coli; poor condition; poor coordination; portacaval; portal cirrhosis; postcoital; posterior cervical; posterior chamber; posterior commissure; posterior cortex; potential complications; preconditioned, preconditioning; precordial; prenatal care; present complaint; primary closure; principal component; printed circuit; procollagen; productive cough; professional corporation; prohormone convertase; prophlogistic corticoid; prostacyclin; prostatic carcinoma; protective cover; protein C; protein convertase; proximal colon; pseudocyst; pubococcygeus [muscle]; pulmonary capillary; pulmonary circulation; pulmonary compliance; pulmonic closure; Purkinje cell; pyloric canal; pyruvate carboxylase
- PC1 first principal component
- Pc critical pressure
- pc parsec; percent; picocurie
- p/c presenting complaint
- PCA pancreatic carcinoma; para-chloramphetamine; parietal cell antibody; passive cutaneous anaphylaxis; patient care assistant/aide; patient care audit; patient-controlled analgesia; penicillamine; perchloric acid; percutaneous carotid angiography; percutaneous coronary angioplasty; personal care assistant; personal computer advisory; phenylcarboxylic acid; Physicians Corporation of America; plasma catecholamine; polyclonal antibody; porcine coronary artery; porous coated anatomic [prosthesis]; postconceptional age; portacaval anastomosis; postcoronary [cardiac] arrest; posterior cerebral artery; posterior communicating aneurysm/artery; posterior cricoarytenoid [muscle]; precoronary care area; prehospital cardiac arrest; President's Council on Aging; principal components analysis; procainamide; procoagulant activity; program component area; prostatic carcinoma; protected catheter aspirate; protective concentration level; pyrrolidine carboxylic acid
- PcA prostatic adenocarcinoma
- PCAD Patent Citation Analysis Database; progression of coronary artery disease
- pCAF phasic carotid activation function
- PCAPS Primary Care Act Pilot Sites [UK]
- PCASSO Patient-Centered Access to Secure System Online
- PCAST President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology
- PCASYS pattern-level classification automation system
- PCAT phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol acyltransferase; primary care assessment tool
- PCAV Pacora virus
- PCB paracervical block; polychlorinated biphenyl; portacaval bypass; postcoital bleeding; printed circuit board; procarbazine
- PcB near point of convergence to the intercentral base line [Lat. punctum convergens basalis]
- PC-BMP phosphorylcholine-binding myeloma protein
- PCC Pasteur Culture Collection; percutaneous cecostomy; peripheral cholangiocarcinoma; pheochromocytoma; phosphate carrier compound; plasma catecholamine concentration; platinum-containing compound; pneumatosis cystoides coli; Poison Control Center; precoronary care; premature chromosome condensation; primary care clinic or center; primary care continuum; primary care curriculum; protein C cofactor
- PCc periscopic concave
- pcc premature chromosome condensation
- PCCA polychlorocycloalkane
- PCCC pediatric critical care center
- PCCF protein C cofactor
- PC CLIN-SIM personal computer clinical simulation
- PCCM pediatric critical care medicine; primary care case management; primary care case manager
- PCCTEA patient-controlled continuous thoracic epidural analgesia
- PCCU post-coronary care unit
- PCD pacer-cardioverter-defibrillator; papillary collecting duct; paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration; paroxysmal cerebral dysrhythmia; percutaneous catheter drainage; pervasive developmental disorder; phosphate-citrate-dextrose; plasma cell dyscrasia; polycystic disease; posterior corneal deposits; postmortem cesarean delivery; premature centromere division; primary ciliary dyskinesia; programmable cardioverter-defibrillator; programmed cell death; prolonged contractile duration; pterin-4a-carbinolamine dehydratase; pulmonary clearance delay
- PCDC plasma clot diffusion chamber
- PCDD Patient Clinical Data Directory; polychlorinated dibenzodioxin
- PCDF polychorinated dibenzofuran
- PCDS Patient Care Data Set
- PCE patient care encounter; perchloroethylene; physical capacity evaluation; pseudocholinesterase; polychromatic erythrocyte
- PCEA patient-controlled epidural anesthesia
- PCES patient care evaluation study
- PCF peripheral circulatory failure; pharyngoconjunctival fever; platelet complement fixation; posterior cranial fossa; potential [gene] coding fragment
- pcf pounds per cubic feet
- PCFIA particle concentration of fluorescence immunoassay
- PCFT platelet complement fixation test
- PCG pancreatico-cholangiography; paracervical ganglion; phonocardiogram, phonocardiography; pneumocardiogram; postcentral gyrus; preconditioned conjugate gradient [algorithm]; preventive care group; primate chorionic gonadotropin; pubococcygeus [muscle]
- PCH paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria; patient care hours; polycyclic hydrocarbon
- PCHE pseudocholinesterase
- PCHI Partners Community Health Care
- P2C2 HIV Pediatric Pulmonary and Cardiovascular Complications of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection [study]; Pediatric Pulmonary and Cardiac Complications of Vertically Transmitted HIV Infection [study]
- PCHLS continuous heterogeneous lumped systems
- PCI patient classification index; peripheral [computer] component interconnect; percutaneous coronary intervention; pneumatosis cystoides intestinales; prophylactic cranial irradiation; protein C inhibitor; prothrombin consumption index
- P/CI physical and chemical indicators
- pCi picocurie
- PCIC Poison Control Information Center
- pCi/L picocuries per liter
- PC-IRV pressure-controlled inverted ratio ventilation
- PCIS Patient-Care Information System; point-of-care information system; postcardiac injury syndrome
- PCK phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; polycystic kidney
- PCKD polycystic kidney disease
- PCL pacing cycle length; packaging cell line; persistent corpus luteum; plasma cell leukemia; posterior chamber lens; posterior cruciate ligament; primary care loan; proximal collateral ligament