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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ P ]
- PCLI plasma cell labeling index
- PCM paracoccidioidomycosis; patient care management; patient care manager; phase contrast microscopy; primary cutaneous melanoma; process control monitor; protein-calorie malnutrition; protein carboxymethylase
- PCMB parachloromercuribenzoate
- PCMO Principal Clinical Medical Officer
- PCMR Pediatric Cardiomyopathy Registry
- PC-MRA phase contrast magnetic resonance angiography
- PCMS patient care management system
- PCMs patient care management categories
- PCMT pacemaker circus movement tachycardia; protein carboxyl methyltransferase
- PCMX para-chloro-metoxylenol
- PCN parent-child nursing; penicillin; pregnenolone-16α-carbonitrile; primary care network; primary care nursing
- PCNA proliferating cell nuclear antigen
- PCNB pentachloronitrobenzene
- PCNL percutaneous nephrostolithotomy
- PCNV postchemotherapy nausea and vomiting; Provisional Committee on Nomenclature of Viruses
- PCO parametric clinical observation; patient complains of; polycystic ovary; posterior capsular opacification; predicted cardiac output
- PCO partial pressure of carbon monoxide
- PCO2, pCO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide
- PCOC Primary Care Organization Consortium
- PCOD polycystic ovarian disease
- PCOM phase contrast optical method; posterior communicating [artery]
- PCON Primary Care Organization Network
- PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome
- PCOV porcine type C oncovirus
- PCP parachlorophenate; patient care plan; pentachlorophenol; 1-(1-phenylcyclohexyl)piperidine; peripheral coronary pressure; persistent cough and phlegm; phencyclidine palmitate; Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia; postoperative constrictive pericarditis; primary care physician; primary care provider; prochlorperazine; procollagen peptide; prolylcarboxypeptidase; pulmonary capillary pressure; pulse cytophotometry
- PCPA para-chlorophenylalanine; Pest Control Practices Act [Canada]
- PCPB procarboxypeptide B
- PCPL pulmonary capillary protein leakage
- pcpn precipitation
- PCPP poly[di(carboxylatophenoxy)phosphazene]
- PCPV pseudocowpox virus
- PCQ polychloroquaterphenyl
- PCR patient contact record; perinatal clinical record; phosphocreatinine; photoconvulsive response; plasma clearance rate; polymerase chain reaction; post-compression remodeling; prehospital care report; principal component regression; protein catabolism rate
- PCr phosphocreatine
- PCr plasma creatinine
- pcr protein catabolic rate
- PCRA percutaneous coronary rotational atherectomy
- PCR-DS polymerase chain reaction-direct sequencing
- PCR-ELISA polymerase chain reaction-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
- PCR-ISH polymerase chain reaction-in situ hybridization
- PCR-MASA polymerase chain reaction-mutant allele specific amplification
- PCR-RFLP polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism
- PCR-RH polymerase chain reaction-reverse hybridization
- PCRS [sex] partner counseling and referral service
- PCR/SSCP polymerase chain reaction-single stranded conformation polymorphism
- PCRV Parry Creek virus; polycythemia rubra vera
- PCS palliative care service; patient care system; patient classification system; patient-controlled sedation; patterns of care study; pelvic congestion syndrome; pharmacogenic confusional syndrome; portacaval shunt; post-cardiac surgery; postcardiotomy syndrome; postcholecystectomy syndrome; postconcussion syndrome; premature centromere separation; Prevention of Coronary Atherosclerosis Study; primary cancer site; prolonged crush syndrome; proportional counter spectrometry; proximal coronary sinus; pseudotumor cerebri syndrome
- pcs preconscious
- PCS/ADS patient care system/application development system
- PCSM percutaneous stone manipulation
- PCSS Perth Community Stroke Study
- PCSW personal care service worker
- PCT peripheral carcinoid tumor; phase contrast tomography; plasma clotting time; plasmacrit test; plasmacytoma; polychlorinated triphenyl; porphyria cutanea tarda; portacaval transposition; positron computed tomography; postcoital test; primary care team; progesterone challenge test; prothrombin consumption time; proximal convoluted tubule
- pCT porcine calcitonin
- pct percent
- PCTI penetrating cardiac trauma index
- PCU pain control unit; palliative care unit; primary care unit; progressive care unit; patient care unit; pulmonary care unit
- PCV packed cell volume; polycythemia vera; porcine circovirus; postcapillary venule; pressure-control ventilation
- PCV84 parvo-like virus of crabs
- PCVC percutaneous central venous catheter
- PCV-M polycythemia vera with myeloid metaplasia
- PCW pericanalicular web; personal care worker; primary capillary wedge; pulmonary capillary wedge; purified cell walls
- PCWP pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
- PCx patient's cardex; periscopic convex
- PCZ procarbazine; prochlorperazine
- PD Doctor of Pharmacy; Dublin Pharmacopoeia; interpupillary distance; Paget disease; pancreas divisum; pancreatic duct; panic disorder; papilla diameter; paralyzing dose; Parkinson disease; parkinsonian dementia; paroxysmal discharge; pars distalis; patent ductus; patient day; pediatric, pediatrics; percentage difference; percutaneous discectomy; percutaneous drain; peritoneal dialysis; personal database; personality disorder; pharmacodynamics; phenyldichlorarsine; phosphate dehydrogenase; phosphate dextrose; photodiode; photosensitivity dermatitis; Pick disease; plasma defect; poorly differentiated; postdischarge; posterior descending; posterior division; postnasal drainage; postural drainage; potential difference; pregnanediol; present disease; pressor dose; prism diopter; problem drinker; program director; progression of disease; progressive disease; proliferative disease; protein degradation; protein diet; proton density; psychotic depression; pulmonary disease; pulpodistal; pulse duplicator; pulse duration; pulsed diastolic; pulsed Doppler [wave]; pupil diameter; pupillary distance; pyloric dilator; pyrimidine dimer
- P/D proximal-to-distal [vessel]
- 2-PD two-point discrimination
- Pd palladium; pediatrics
- Pd diastolic pressure
- PDA patent ductus arteriosus; patient distress alarm; personal digital assistant; poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma; portable decontamination apparatus; posterior descending artery; pulmonary disease anemia
- PdA pediatric allergy
- PDAB para-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde
- PD-AB-SAAP pulsed diastolic autologous blood selective aortic arch perfusion
- PDAP Palmer drug abuse program
- PD/AR photosensitivity dermatitis and actinic reticuloid syndrome
- PDAY pathological determinants of atherosclerosis in youth
- PDAY/RFEHA Pathobiological Determinants of Atherosclerosis in Youth/Risk Factors in Early Human Atherogenesis [study]
- PDB Paget disease of bone; paradichlorobenzene; patient's database; phosphorus-dissolving bacteria; preventive dental [health] behavior; Protein Data Bank
- PDBu phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate
- PDC parkinsonism dementia complex; patient data card; pediatric cardiology; penta-decylcatechol; phosducin; physical dependence capacity; plasma dioxin concentration; preliminary diagnostic clinic; private diagnostic clinic
- PdC pediatric cardiology
- PDCA plan-do-check-act
- PDCD primary degenerative cerebral disease
- PD-CSE pulsed Doppler cross-sectional echocardiography
- PDD percentage depth dose; pervasive developmental disorder; platinum diamminodichloride [cisplatin]; primary degenerative dementia; primary degenerative disorder; pervasive developmental disorder; pyridoxine-deficient diet
- PDDA poly(dimethyldiallylammonium chloride); power-driven decontamination apparatus
- PDDD primary degenerative/deformative disorder
- PD DNA pyrimidine dimer DNA
- PDDNOS pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified
- PDDP Poincare dispersed dot plots
- PDDR pseudovitamin D-dependent rickets
- PDE paroxysmal dyspnea on exertion; partial differential equation; peritoneal dialysis effluent; phosphodiesterase; physician data entry; progressive dialysis encephalopathy; pulsed Doppler echocardiography
- PdE pediatric endocrinology
- PDEA phosphodiesterase
- PDEAEM poly(diethylaminoethyl methacrylate)
- PDEB phosphodiesterase beta
- PDEC pancreatic ductal epithelial cell
- PDECG platelet-derived endothelial growth [factor]
- PD-ECGF platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor
- PDEG phosphodiesterase gamma
- PDF parameterized diastolic filling; Parkinson's Disease Foundation; peritoneal dialysis fluid; Portable Document Format; probability density function; pyruvate dehydrogenase
- pdf probability density function
- PDG parkinsonism-dementia complex of Guam; Pharmacopoeial Discussion Group; phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
- PDGA pteroyldiglutamic acid
- PDGF platelet-derived growth factor
- PDGF-A platelet-derived growth factor A
- PDGF-B platelet-derived growth factor B
- PDGFR platelet-derived growth factor receptor
- PDGFRB platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta
- PDGS partial form of DiGeorge syndrome
- PD-GXT postdischarge graded exercise test
- PDH past dental history; phosphate dehydrogenase; position-of-the-dynamometer-handle [test]; progressive disseminated histoplasmosis; pyruvate dehydrogenase
- PDHA pyruvate dehydrogenase alpha
- PDHa pyruvate dehydrogenase in active form
- PDHB pyruvate dehydrogenase beta
- PDHC pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
- PdHO pediatric hematology-oncology
- PdHV perdicid herpesvirus
- PDI pain disability index; periodontal disease index; plan-do integration; portal dose image; psychomotor development index
- Pdi, Pdi transdiaphragmatic pressure
- PDIE phosphodiesterase
- Pdimax maximum transdiaphragmatic pressure
- P-diol pregnanediol
- PDIS participatory design of information system
- PDK primary duck kidney
- PDL pancreatic duct ligation; periodontal ligament; poorly differentiated lymphocyte; population doubling level; progressive diffuse leukoencephalopathy
- pdl poundal; pudendal
- PDLC poorly differentiated lung cancer
- PDLD poorly differentiated lymphocytic-diffuse
- PDLL poorly differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma
- PDLN poorly differentiated lymphocytic-nodular
- PDM point distribution model
- PDMS pain data management system; patient data management system; pharmacokinetic drug monitoring service; polydimethylsiloxane
- PDN prednisone; private duty nurse
- pDNA plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid
- PdNEO pediatric neonatology
- PdNEP pediatric nephrology
- PDP pancreatic duct pressure; papular dermatitis of pregnancy; parallel distributed processing; pattern disruption point; peak diastolic pressure; piperidinopyrimidine; plasma display; platelet-derived plasma; postural drainage and chest percussion; primer-dependent deoxynucleic acid polymerase; Product Development Protocol; programmed data processor; Protein Domain Parser
- PDPD prolonged-dwell peritoneal dialysis
- PDPDM protein-deficient pancreatic diabetes mellitus
- PDPH postdural puncture headache
- PDPI primer-dependent deoxynucleic acid polymerase index
- PDQ Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire; physician's data query; Premenstrual Distress Questionnaire; prescreening developmental questionnaire; protocol data query
- PDR pediatric radiology; peripheral diabetic retinopathy; physical device representation [computer-assisted surgery]; Physicians' Desk Reference; postdelivery room; primary drug resistance; proliferative diabetic retinopathy
- PdR pediatric radiology
- pdr powder
- PDRB Permanent Disbility Rating Board
- PDRT Portland Digit Recognition Test
- PDS pain-dysfunction syndrome; Paris dosimetry system [radiotherapy]; paroxysmal depolarizing shift; patient data system; Patient-Doctor Society; pediatric surgery; penile Doppler study; perfusion defect size; peritoneal dialysis system; personnel decontamination station; plasma-derived serum; polydioxanone sutures; post determination software; predialyzed serum; progressive deterioration scale; proteodermatan sulfate
- PdS pediatric surgery
- PDSG pigment dispersion syndrome glaucoma
- PDSIP Physician-delivered Smoking Intervention Project
- PDSRS Panic Disorder Self-Rating Scale
- PDT photodynamic therapy; population doubling time
- PDTC pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate
- PDUF pulsed Doppler ultrasonic flowmeter
- PDUFA Prescription Drug User Fee Act
- PDUR Predischarge Utilization Review
- PDV peak diastolic velocity; phocine distemper virus; plasma-derived vaccine
- PDVT proximal deep vein thrombosis
- PDW platelet distribution width
- PDWA proliferative disease without atypia
- PDWHF platelet-derived wound-healing factor
- PDYN prodynorphin
- PE Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia; pancreatic extract; paper electrophoresis; partial epilepsy; peak ejection; peak error; pelvic examination; penile erection; pericardial effusion; peritoneal exudate; pharyngoesophageal; phase-encoded; phenylethylamine; phenylephrine; phenytoin equivalent; phosphatidyl ethanolamine; photographic effect; photosensitive epilepsy; phycoerythrin; physical education; physical engineering; physical examination; physical exercise; physician extender; physiological ecology; pigmented epithelium; pilocarpine-epinephrine; placental extract; plant engineering; plasma exchange; platinum etoposide; pleural effusion; point of entry; polyethylene; potential energy; powdered extract; preeclampsia; preexcitation; prescription error; present evaluation; pressure equalization; presumptive eligibility; prior to exposure; probable error; processing element; professional engineer; program evaluation; pseudoexfoliation; pulmonary edema; pulmonary embolism; pulmonary embolus; pyrogenic exotoxin
- Pe pressure on expiration
- PEA patient-controlled epidural anesthesia; pelvic examination under anesthesia; phenylethyl alcohol; phenylethylamine; polysaccharide egg antigen; pulseless electrical activity
- PEAAc poly(ethylacrylic acid)
- PEACH Physiologic Evaluation After Coronary Hyperemia [trial]
- PEAP positive end-airway pressure
- PEAR phase encoded artifact reduction
- PEARLA pupils equal and react to light and accommodation
- PEAS patient education and activation system; possible estuary-associated syndrome
- PEAV Peaton virus
- PEBG phenethylbiguanide
- PEBP patient escorted by police
- PEC patient evaluation center; pelvic cramps; peritoneal exudate cell; perivascular epithelioid cell; probability of error in classification; pulmonary ejection click; pyrogenic exotoxin C
- PECAM platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule
- PECG pseudo-electrocardiogram
- PECHO prostatic echogram
- PECS patient evaluation and conference system; pediatrics evaluation in community setting
- PECT positron emission computed tomography
- PECTE Pulmonary Embolism Colfarit Trial in the Elderly
- PECV porcine enteric calicivirus
- PECVD plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition
- PED palmoplantar ectodermal dysplasia; patient examined by doctor; pediatric emergency department; pink-eyed dilution
- PED, ped pediatrics
- PEDF pigment epithelium-derived factor
- PeDS Pediatric Drug Surveillance
- PedsQL pediatric quality of life
- PEDV porcine epidemic diarrhea virus
- PEE phosphate-eliminating enzyme
- PEEC pathogen elicited epithelial chemo-attractant
- PEEK polyetheretherketone
- PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure
- PEEP/CPAP positive end-expiratory pressure/continuous positive airway pressure
- PEEPrs resistive positive end-respiratory pressure
- PEER peer review effectiveness evaluation research
- PEF peak expiratory flow; pharyngoepiglottic fold; potential energy function; prediction error filter; Psychiatric Evaluation Form; pulmonary edema fluid