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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ P ]
- PI3K, PI-3K phosphatidylinositol-3´-kinase
- PIL patient information leaflet
- PILBD paucity of interlobular bile ducts
- PILL Pennebaker Inventory of Limbic Languidness
- PILOT Polish Intramural Low Molecular Weight Heparin Outpatient Stent Trial; Preliminary Investigation of Local Therapy [using porous percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty balloons]
- PILP postinfarction late potential
- PILS Pilsen Longitudinal Study
- πm pi meson
- PIM penicillamine-induced myasthenia
- PImax maximum inspiratory pressure at residual volume
- Pimax maximum inspiratory pressure
- PIMI predictive index for myocardial infarction; psychophysiological interventions in myocardial ischemia
- PIMS patient information management system
- PIN patient information network; personal identification number; product identification number; prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
- Pin inflow pressure; initial pressure
- PINN proposed international nonproprietary name
- PINV postimperative negative variation
- PIO2 partial pressure of inspired oxygen
- PION posterior ischemic optic neuropathy
- PIOPED Prospective Investigation of Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis [database]
- PIP paralytic infantile paralysis; peak inflation pressure, peak inspiratory pressure; periodic interim payment; piperacillin; postinfusion phlebitis; pressure inversion point; primary injury prevention; prolactin-inducible protein; proximal interphalangeal [joint]; Psychotic Inpatient Profile; psychosis, intermittent hyponatremia, polydipsia [syndrome]; posterior interphalangeal; probable intrauterine pregnancy
- PI-P phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate
- PIP2 phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate
- Pi/PCr inorganic phosphate/creatine phosphate [ratio]
- PIPE persistent interstitial pulmonary emphysema
- PIPER Patient Information Projects Register [database, UK]
- PIPIDA p-isopropylacetanilidoimidodiacetic acid
- PIPJ proximal interphalangeal joint
- PI-PP phosphatidylinositol-4,5-biphosphate
- PIPS patient information protocol system
- PIQ Performance Intelligence Quotient
- PIR participant inquiry research; postinhibition rebound; protein information or identification resource
- PIRI plasma immunoreactive insulin
- PIR-NREF Protein Information or Identification Resource-Nonredundant Reference [database]
- PIRS plasma immunoreactive secretion; postinfarction risk stratification
- PIRTS patient identification for rotational therapy system
- PIRV Pirital virus
- PIRYV Piry virus
- PIS pharmacy information system; preinfarction syndrome; primary immunodeficiency syndrome; Primary Index Score; Provisional International Standard
- pIs isoelectric point
- PISA proximal isovelocity surface area
- PISA-PED Prospective Investigative Study of Acute Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis
- PISCES percutaneously inserted spinal cord electrical stimulation
- PISH polymerase chain reaction-in situ hybridization
- PISI pediatric illness severity index
- PIT pacing-induced tachycardia; patella inhibition test; pericranial injection therapy; picture identification test; pitocin; pitressin; plasma iron turnover
- pit pituitary
- PITAC President's Information Technology Advisory Committee
- PITC phenylisothiocyanate
- PITR plasma iron turnover rate
- PIU polymerase-inducing unit; programmed instruction unit
- PIV parainfluenza virus; particle image velocity [determination]; polydactyly-imperforate anus-vertebral anomalies [syndrome]; projective image visualization; Puffin Island virus
- PIVD protruded intervertebral disk
- PIVH peripheral intravenous hyperalimentation; periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage
- PIVKA protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonism
- P/I/X patients, indicators, external bodies
- PIXE particle-induced x-ray emission; proton-induced x-ray emission
- Pixel picture element
- PIXI paternally imprinted X inactivation
- PIXV Pixuna virus
- PJ pancreatic juice; Peutz-Jeghers [syndrome]
- PJB premature junctional beat
- PJC premature junctional contractions
- pJC Jamestown Canyon virus plasmid
- PJM positive joint mobilization
- PJP pancreatic juice protein
- PJRT permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia
- PJS peritoneojugular shunt; Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
- PJT paroxysmal junctional tachycardia
- PK penetrating keratoplasty; pericardial knock; pharmacokinetics; pig kidney; Prausnitz-Küstner [reaction]; protein kinase; psychokinesis; pyruvate kinase
- Pk peak [rate]
- pK negative logarithm of the dissociation constant; plasma potassium
- pK´ apparent value of a pK; negative logarithm of the dissociation constant of an acid
- pk peck
- PKA protein kinase A
- PkA prekallikrein activator
- pKa negative logarithm of the acid ionization constant
- PKAR protein kinase activation ratio
- PKase protein kinase
- PKB protein kinase B
- PKC Permanente Knowledge Connection; problem-knowledge coupler; protein kinase C
- PKCA protein kinase C alpha
- PKCB protein kinase C beta
- PKCE protein kinase C epsilon
- PKCG protein kinase C gamma
- PKCSH protein kinase C heavy chain
- PKCSL protein kinase C light chain
- PKCZ protein kinase C zeta
- PKD polycystic kidney disease; proliferative kidney disease
- PKD-1 polycystic kidney disease gene-1
- PKD-2 polycystic kidney disease gene-2
- PKDL post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis
- PKF phagocytosis and killing function
- PKG protein kinase G
- PKI potato kallikrein inhibitor; protein kinase inhibitor; public key infrastructure [telemedicine]
- PKK plasma prekallikrein
- PKL pyruvate kinase, liver type
- PKM protein kinase M; pyruvate kinase, muscle
- PKN parkinsonism
- pkn pseudoknot
- PKP penetrating keratoplasty; plakophilin
- PK/PD pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic [model]
- PKPV peacockpox virus
- PKR phased knee rehabilitation; Prausnitz-Küstner reaction
- Pk/Rr peak respiratory rate
- PKS protein kinase sequence
- PKT pancreas-kidney transplantation; Prausnitz-Küstner test
- PKU phenylketonuria
- PKV killed poliomyelitis vaccine
- pkV peak kilovoltage
- PL Paenibacillus larvae; palmaris longus; pancreatic lipase; perception of light; peroneus longus; phospholipase; phospholipid; photoluminescence; placebo; placental lactogen; plantar; plasmalemma; plastic surgery; platelet lactogen; polarized light; posterolateral; preleukemia; programming language; prolactin; prolymphocytic leukemia; pulpolingual; Purkinje layer
- 3PL 3-point line [algorithm]
- Pl poiseuille
- PL transpulmonary pressure
- PL/I programming language I (one)
- pL picoliter
- pl picoliter; placenta; plasma; platelet
- PLA peripheral laser angioplasty; phenyl lactate; phospholipase A; phospholipid antibody; placebo therapy; plasminogen activator; platelet antigen; polylactic acid; potentially lethal arrhythmia; procaine/lactic acid; Product License Application; pulp linguoaxial
- PLA2 phospholipase A2
- PLa pulpolabial
- PLa, Pla left atrial pressure
- PLAC Pravastatin Limitation in Atherosclerosis in the Coronary Arteries [study]
- PLAC-2 Pravastatin, Lipids and Atherosclerosis in the Carotid Arteries [study]
- PLAP placental alkaline phosphatase
- PLAT plasminogen activator, tissue-type
- Plat platelet
- PLAU plasminogen activator, urinary
- PLAUR plasminogen activator receptor, urokinase type
- PLAV Playas virus
- PLB parietal lobe battery; phospholamban; phospholipase B; planar lipid bilayer; porous layer bead; posterolateral bundle
- PLC phospholipase C; pityriasis lichenoides chronica; primary liver cancer; primed lymphocyte culture; programmable logic controller; proinsulin-like component; protein-lipid complex; pseudolymphocytic choriomeningitis
- PLCC primary liver cell cancer
- PLCO postoperative low cardiac output
- PLCx posterolateral circumflex branch [of coronary artery]
- PLD peripheral light detection; phospholipase D; platelet defect; polycystic liver disease; posterior latissimus dorsi [muscle]; potentially lethal damage
- PLDH plasma lactic dehydrogenase
- PLDR potentially lethal damage repair
- PLE paraneoplastic limbic encephalopathy; pleura; protein-losing enteropathy; pseudolupus erythematosus
- PLED periodic lateral epileptiform discharge
- PLES parallel-line equal space
- PLET polymyxin, lysosome, EDTA, thallous acetate [in heart infusion agar]
- PLEVA pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta
- PLEXES Pacing Lead Explant with Excimer Sheath [study]
- PLF perilymphatic fistula; posterior lung fiber
- Plf pleural fluid
- PLFD perilunate fracture dislocation
- 3PLFLS 3-point line fixed least squares [algorithm]
- PLFS perilymphatic fistula syndrome
- PLG plasminogen; polylactic-co-glycolic acid; poly-DL-lactide/glycolide; L-propyl-L-leucyl-glucinamide
- PLGA polylactic-glycolic acid
- PlGF placental growth factor
- PLGL plasminogen-like
- P-LGV psittacosis-lymphogranuloma venereum
- PLH placental lactogenic hormone
- PLHP personalized lifetime health plan
- PlHV pleuronectid herpesvirus
- PLI pancreatic lymphocytic infiltration; professional liability insurance
- PLIF posterior lumbar interbody fusion
- PLISSIT permission to be sexual, limited information, specific suggestions, intensive therapy
- PLL peripheral light loss; phase-locked loop; poly-L-lysine; posterior longitudinal ligament; potential loss of life; pressure length loop; prolymphocytic leukemia
- PLM percent labeled mitoses; periodic leg movement; plasma level monitoring; polarized light microscopy; Prevention of Mortality with Low-molecular Weight Heparin in Medical Patients [study]
- PLMS periodic limb movements during sleep
- PLMV posterior leaf mitral valve
- PLN peripheral lymph node; phospholamban
- PLNA percutaneous lung needle aspiration
- PLND pelvic lymph node dissection
- PLNT plant
- PLO polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia
- PLOD procollagen-lysine 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase
- PLOSA Physiologic Low-Stress Angioplasty [trial]
- PLP Paenibacillus larvae subsp. pulvifaciens; phospholipid; plasma leukapheresis; polypeptide; polystyrene latex particles; posterior lobe of pituitary [gland]; proteolipid protein; pyridoxal phosphate
- PLPH post-lumbar puncture headache
- PLR pupillary light reflex
- PLS Papillon-Lefevre syndrome; partial least square; polydactyly-luxation syndrome; Postsurgery Logiparin Study; preleukemic syndrome; primary lateral sclerosis; prostaglandin-like substance; pulmonary leukostasis syndrome
- PLSA posterolateral segment [coronary] artery
- PLSD protected least significant difference
- PLSR partial least-square regression
- PLST progressively lowered stress threshold
- Pl Surg plastic surgeon or surgery
- PLSV Palestina virus
- PLT platelet; primed lymphocyte test; primed lymphocyte typing; psittacosis-lymphogranuloma venereum-trachoma [group]
- PLTC Partnership for Long Term Care
- PLTP phospholipid transfer protein
- plumb lead [Lat. plumbum]
- PLUT Plutchnik [geriatric rating scale]
- PLV panleukemia virus; partial liquid ventilation; poliomyelitis live vaccine; panleukopenia virus; phenylalanine, lysine, and vasopressin; posterior left ventricle; puma lentivirus
- PLV left ventricular pressure
- PLVP peak left ventricular pressure
- PLW Prader-Labhart-Willi [syndrome]
- PLWA, PLW As person living with acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- PLWS Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome
- plx plexus
- PLZ phenelzine
- PLZF promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger
- PM after death [Lat. post mortem]; after noon [Lat. post meridiem]; mean pressure; pacemaker; pantomography; papilla mammae; papillary muscle; papular mucinosis; partial meniscectomy; particle mass; particulate matter; patient management; pectinate muscle; pectoralis major [muscle]; perinatal mortality; periodontal membrane; peritoneal macrophage; petit mal epilepsy [Fr. petit mal]; photomultiplier; physical medicine; plasma membrane; platelet membrane; platelet microsome; pneumomediastinum; poliomyelitis; polymorph [polymorphonuclear leukocyte]; polymorphic; polymyositis; poor metabolizer; porokeratosis of Mibelli; posterior mitral; postmenstrual; postmortem; power management; premarketing [approval]; premenstrual; premolar; premotor; presents mainly; presystolic murmur; pretibial myxedema; preventive maintenance; preventive medicine; primary motivation; process manager [database module]; Prony method [spectral analysis of heart sounds]; prophylactic mastectomy; prostatic massage; protein methylesterase; protocol management; psammomatous meningioma; pterygoid muscle; pubertal macromastia; pulmonary macrophage; pulpomesial; purple membrane
- PM10 particulate matter <10 microns
- Pm promethium
- pM picomolar
- pm picometer
- PMA index of prevalence and severity of gingivitis, where P = papillary gingiva, M = marginal gingiva, and A = attached gingiva; papillary, marginal, attached [gingiva]; para-methoxyamphetamine; Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association; phenylmercuric acetate; phorbol myristate acetate; phosphomolybdic acid; polymethacrylic acid; premarket approval; primary mental abilities; progressive muscular atrophy; pyridylmercuric acetate