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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ P ]
- PMAA polymethacrylic acid
- P(MAA-g-EG) poly [methacrylic acid-grafted-poly (ethylene glycol)]
- PMAC Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Canada; phenylmercuric acetate; programmable multi-axis controller
- PMAS phenylmercuric acetate
- P+max peak positive pressure
- PMB papillomacular bundle; para-hydroxymercuribenzoate; polychrome methylene blue; polymorphonuclear basophil; polymyxin B; postmenopausal bleeding
- PMC paramyotonia congenita; patient management category; percutaneous myocardial channeling; phenylmercuric chloride; physical medicine clinic; pleural mesothelial click; premature mitral closure; probability of misclassification; pseudomembranous colitis
- Pmc mean circulatory pressure
- PMCC product-moment correlation coefficient [Pearson]
- PMCH pro-melanin-concentrating hormone
- PMCHL pro-melanin-concentrating hormone-like
- PMC-RIS patient management category-relative intensity score
- PMCS patient management computer stimulation
- PMD Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease; posterior mandibular depth; primary myocardial disease; private medicine doctor; primary physician; programmed multiple development; progressive muscular dystrophy
- PMDD premenstrual dysphoric disorder
- PMDF proportion of maternal deaths among women of reproductive age
- PM/DM polymyositis/dermatomyositis
- PMDS peristent müllerian duct syndrome; primary myelodysplastic syndrome
- PME pelvic muscle exercise; periodic monitoring examination; phosphomonoester; polymorphonuclear eosinophil; progressive multifocal encephalopathy; progressive myoclonus epilepsy
- PMEA 9-(2-phosphomethoxyethyl) adenine
- PMEL Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
- PMF platelet membrane fluidity; progressive massive fibrosis; proton motive force; pterygomaxillary fossa
- pmf proton motive force
- PMG primary medical group
- PMGCT primary mediastinal germ-cell tumor
- PMH past medical history; posteromedial hypothalamus
- PMHAB Provincial Mental Health Advisory Board [Canada]
- PMHR predicted maximum heart rate
- PMHx past medical history
- PMI pain management inventory; past medical illness; patient master index; patient medication instruction; perioperative myocardial infarction; photon migration imaging; point of maximal impulse; point of maximal intensity; posterior myocardial infarction; postmyocardial infarction; present medical illness; previous medical illness
- PMIA N-(1-pyrenamethyl)-iodoacetamide
- P-min peak negative pressure
- PMIS postmyocardial infarction syndrome; PSRO Management Information System
- PMK pacemaker
- PML peripheral motor latency; polymorphonuclear leukocyte; posterior mitral leaflet; progressive multifocal leukodystrophy; progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; prolapsing mitral leaflet; promyelocytic leukemia; pulmonary microlithiasis
- PMLD Pelizaeus-Merzbacher-like disease
- PMLE polymorphous light eruption
- PMM pentamethylmelamine; protoplast maintenance medium
- PMMA polymethylmethacrylate
- PMMIS Program Management and Medical Information System [Medicare]
- PMN polymorphonuclear; polymorphonuclear neutrophil; premanufacture notification
- PMNC percentage of multinucleated cells; peripheral blood mononuclear cell
- PMNG polymorphonuclear granulocyte
- PMNL peripheral blood monocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocytes; polymorphonuclear leukocyte
- PMNN polymorphonuclear neutrophil
- PMNR periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens
- PMNSG Pravastatin Multinational Study Group
- PMO postmenopausal osteoporosis; Principal Medical Officer
- pmol picomole
- pmol/L picomoles per liter
- PMP pain management program; paramagnetic particle; patient management problems; patient management program; patient medication profile; peripheral myelin protein; peroxisomal membrane protein; persistent mentoposterior [fetal position]; previous menstrual period
- PMPM, pmpm per member per month
- PMPS postmastectomy pain syndrome
- PMPY per member per year
- PMQ phytylmenaquinone
- PMR paper medical record; patient meta-record; percutaneous myocardial revascularization; perinatal mortality rate; periodic medical review; physical medicine and rehabilitation; polymyalgia rheumatica; prior medical record; progressive muscular relaxation; proportionate morbidity/mortality ratio; proton magnetic resonance
- PM&R physical medicine and rehabilitation
- PMRA Pest Management Regulatory Agency [Canada]
- PMRG Pimobendan Multicenter Research Group; Postmastectomy Rehabilitation Group
- PMRS physical medicine and rehabilitation service
- 31P-MRS, 31P-MRS magnetic resonance spectroscopy with phosphorus 31
- PMS patient management system; perimenstrual syndrome; periodic movements during sleep; phenazine methosulfate; polydactyly-myopia syndrome; postmarketing surveillance; postmenstrual stress or syndrome; postmeiotic segregation; postmitochondrial supernatant; Pravastatin Multinational Study; pregnant mare serum; premenstrual stress or syndrome, premenstrual symptoms; progressive multiple sclerosis; psychotic motor syndrome
- PMSC pediatric medical special care; pluripotent myeloid stem cell
- PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride
- PMSG pregnant mare serum gonadotropin
- PMSR peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase
- PMT pacemaker modulated tachycardia; parent management training; phenol O-methyltransferase; photomultiplier tube; Porteus maze test; premenstrual tension; pyridoxyl-methyl-tryptophan
- PMTDI provisional maximum tolerable daily intake
- PMTS premenstrual tension syndrome
- PMTT pulmonary mean transit time
- PMV paramyxovirus; percutaneous mitral balloon valvotomy; prolapse of mitral valve
- pMV prolapse of mitral valve
- PMVI peak myocardial video intensity
- PMVL polymorphic ventricular tachycardia; posterior mitral valve leaflet
- pMVL posterior mitral valve leaflet
- PMW pacemaker wires; patient management workstation
- PMX paired mesoderm homeobox [gene]
- PN papillary necrosis; parenteral nutrition; patient note; penicillin; perceived noise; percussion note; periarteritis nodosa; perinatal; peripheral nerve; peripheral neuropathy; Petri net; phrenic nerve; plaque neutralization; pneumonia; polyarteritis nodosa; polyneuritis; polyneuropathy; polynuclear; positional nystagmus; posterior nares; postnatal; practical nurse; predicted normal; primary nurse; progress note; protease nexin; psychiatry and neurology; psychoneurotic; pyelonephritis; pyridine nucleotide
- P&N psychiatry and neurology
- P/N positive/negative
- PN2 partial pressure of nitrogen
- P-5´-N pyridine-5´-nucleosidase
- Pn pneumatic; pneumonia
- pN positive regional lymph node [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]
- pN0 no regional lymph node metastases
- pN1 poorly differentiated myeloblasts
- pN1a tumor micrometastases [none larger than 0.2 cm]
- pN1b tumor metastases to lymph nodes [larger than 0.2 cm]
- pN1bi tumor metastases to 1-3 lymph nodes [from 0.2 to 2.0 cm]
- pN1bii tumor metastases to 4 or more lymph nodes [0.2 to 2.0 cm]
- pN1biii tumor metastases beyond lymph node capsule [none larger than 2.0 cm]
- pN1biv tumor metastases to lymph nodes [larger than 2.0 cm]
- pN2 tumor metastases to ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes
- pN3 tumor metastases to ipsilateral mammary lymph nodes
- pn pain
- PNA Paris Nomina Anatomica; peanut agglutinin; pentose nucleic acid; p-nitroaniline
- PNa plasma sodium
- pNA p-nitroaniline
- pNa plasma sodium
- PNAvQ positive-negative ambivalent quotient
- PNB perineal needle biopsy; peripheral nerve block; p-nitrobiphenyl; premature nodal beat
- PNBA p-nitrobenzoic acid
- PNBT p-nitroblue tetrazolium
- PNC penicillin; peripheral nucleated cell; pneumotaxic center; premature nodal contracture; primitive neuroendothelial cell
- Pnc pneumococcus
- PNCA proliferating nuclear cell antigen
- PNCG preconditioned nonlinear conjugate gradient [algorithm]
- PND paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea; partial neck dissection; postnasal drainage; postnasal drip; postnatal death; prenatal diagnosis; principal neutralizing determinant; purulent nasal drainage
- PNdb perceived noise decibel
- PNDS postnasal drip syndrome
- PNE peripheral neuroepithelioma; plasma norepinephrine; pneumoencephalography; pseudomembranous necrotizing enterocolitis
- PNEM paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis
- PNET peripheral neuroepithelioma; primitive neuroectodermal tumor
- PNEU, pneu, pneum pneumonia
- PNF proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
- PNG penicillin G
- PNH paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria; polynuclear hydrocarbon
- PNHA Physicians National Housestaff Association
- PNI peripheral nerve injury; postnatal infection; prognostic nutritional index
- PNID Peer Nomination Inventory for Depression
- PNK polynucleotide kinase; pyridoxine kinase
- PNK(H) pyridoxine kinase, high
- PNK(L) pyridoxine kinase, low
- PNL peripheral nerve lesion; polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocyte
- PNLA percutaneous needle lung aspiration
- PNM perinatal mortality; peripheral dysostosis, nasal hypoplasia, and mental retardation [syndrome]; peripheral nerve myelin
- PNMK pyridine nucleoside monophosphate kinase
- PNMR postnatal mortality risk
- PNMT phenyl-ethanolamine-N-methyl-transferase
- PNN polynomial neural network; probabilistic neural network
- PNO Principal Nursing Officer
- p-NO2 p-nitrosochloramphenicol
- PNP pancreatic polypeptide; paraneoplastic pemphigus; para-nitrophenol; peak negative pressure; pediatric nurse practitioner; peripheral neuropathy; pneumoperitoneum; polyneuropathy; predictive value of negative results; psychogenic nocturnal polydipsia; purine nucleoside phosphorylase
- P-NP para-nitrophenol
- PNPase polynucleotide phosphorylase
- PNPB positive-negative pressure breathing
- PNPG α-p-nitrophenylglycerol
- PNPP para-nitrophenylphosphate
- PNPR positive-negative pressure respiration
- PNS paraneoplastic syndrome; parasympathetic nervous system; partial nonprogressive stroke; peripheral nerve stimulation; peripheral nervous system; posterior nasal spine; practical nursing student
- PNSA partial negative surface area
- PNT partial nodular transformation; patient; picture naming task
- Pnt patient
- Pnthx pneumothorax
- PNU protein nitrogen unit
- PNUT portable nursing unit terminal
- PNVIm poly-N-vinyl imidazole
- PNVX pneumococcal vaccine
- Pnx pneumothorax
- pNX regional lymph node tumor metastases cannot be assessed [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]
- PNZ posterior necrotic zone
- PO parieto-occipital; parietal operculum; period of onset; perioperative; posterior; postoperative; power output; predominant organism; pulse oximetry
- PO2, PO2 partial pressure of oxygen
- Po porion
- pO2 partial pressure of oxygen
- Po airway occlusion pressure; open probability; opening pressure
- p/o postoperative
- POA pancreatic oncofetal antigen; phalangeal osteoarthritis; preoptic area; primary optic atrophy
- POADS postaxial acrofacial dysostosis syndrome
- POAG primary open-angle glaucoma
- POA-HA preoptic anterior hypothalamic area
- POB penicillin, oil, beeswax; phenoxybenzamine; place of birth
- POBA plain old balloon angioplasty
- POBJ physical object [UMLS]
- POC particulate organic carbon; persistent organohalogen compound; point of care; polyolefin copolymer; postoperative care; probability of chance; product of conception; proopiomelanocortin
- POCS prescription order communication system; projection onto convex sets
- POCT point of care testing
- POD peroxidase; place of death; podiatry; polycystic ovary disease; pool of doctors; postoperative day; pouch of Douglas; promyelocytic leukemia oncogenic domain
- POD1 first postoperative day
- POD2 second postoperative day
- PODx preoperative diagnosis
- POE pediatric orthopedic examination; physician order entry; point of entry; polyoxyethylene; postoperative endophthalmitis; proof of eligibility
- POEA polyoxyethylene amine
- POEMS Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters; polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M protein, skin changes [syndrome]
- POET physician order entry term
- POF pattern of failure; position of function; primary or premature ovarian failure; pyruvate oxidation factor
- PofE portal of entry
- POFX X-linked premature ovarian failure
- POG pediatric oncology group; polymyositis ossificans generalisata
- Pog pogonion
- POGO percentage of glottic opening
- pOH hydroxide ion concentration in a solution
- POHI physically or otherwise health-impaired
- POHS presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome
- PoHV pongine herpesvirus
- PoHV 1, 2, 3 pongine herpesviruses 1, 2, 3
- POI Personal Orientation Inventory; piece of information
- PoI Pourcelot Index
- poik poikilocyte, poikilocytosis
- POIS Parkland On-Line Information Systems
- pois poison, poisoning, poisoned
- POL physician's office laboratory; physicians' online; Pollution Abstracts; polymerase
- Pol polymerase
- pol polish, polishing
- POLA polymerase alpha
- pol-GIK Polish Glucose-Insulin-Kalium [study]
- polio poliomyelitis
- POLIP polyneuropathy-ophthalmoplegia-leukoencephalopathy- intestinal pseudoobstruction [syndrome]
- POLISH Polish [investigators to evaluate the effect of amiodarone on mortality after myocardial infarction]
- Pol-MONICA Polish Monitoring Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Diseases [study]