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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ P ]
- POLONIA Polish-American Local Lovenox NIR Stent Assessment [study]
- Poly polymorphonuclear
- poly-A, poly(A) polyadenylic acid
- poly-C, poly(C) polycytidylic acid
- poly(CPH) poly[1,6-bis(p- carboxyphenoxy)hexane]
- poly-dA, poly(dA) polydeoxyadenylic acid
- poly-G, poly(G) polyguanylic acid
- poly-I, poly(I) polyinosinic acid
- poly-IC, poly-I:C copolymer of polyinosinic and polycytidylic acids
- polys polymorphonuclear leukocytes
- poly(SA) poly(sebacic anhydride)
- poly-T, poly(T) polythymidylic acid
- poly-U, poly(U) polyuridylic acid
- POM pain on motion; prescription only medicine; purulent otitis media
- POMC proopiomelanocortin
- POMONA pregnancy and postpartum, osteoporosis, mastectomy rehabilitation, osteoarthritis, nerve pain, athletic injuries
- POMP phase-offset multiplanar [pulse sequence in magnetic resonance imaging]; principal outer material protein
- POMR problem-oriented medical record
- POMS problem-oriented medical synopsis; Profile of Mood States
- POMT phenol O-methyltransferase
- PON paraoxonase; particulate organic nitrogen; Pollution and Toxicology Database
- pond by weight [Lat. pondere]; heavy [Lat. ponderosus]
- P-one first parental generation
- POOV Poovoot virus
- POP diphosphate group; pain on palpation; paroxypropione; persistent occipitoposterior [fetal position]; pituitary opioid peptide; plasma osmotic pressure; plaster of Paris; polymyositis ossificans progressiva; point-of-presence; post office protocol
- Pop popliteal; population
- POPG population group [UMLS]
- POPLINE Population Information Online
- poplit popliteal
- POPOP 1,4-bis-(5-phenoxazol-2-yl) benzene
- POPR pre-operative patient representation
- POPS patient outcome plans; postoperative pacing study
- pops points of presence
- POR patient-oriented research; physician of record; postocclusive oscillatory response; prevalence odds ratio; problem-oriented record
- PORC porphyria, Chester type
- PORH postoperative reactive hyperemia
- PORP partial ossicular replacement prosthesis
- PORT Patient Outcomes Research Teams [study]; Pneumonia Outcomes Research Team; postoperative radiation therapy; postoperative respiratory therapy
- PORV Porton virus
- PoRV porcine rubulavirus
- PoRV-C porcine rotavirus Cowden
- PoRV-E/DC9 porcine rotavirus DC-9
- POS periosteal osteosarcoma; physician order set; point of service; polycystic ovary syndrome; provider of services; psychoorganic syndrome
- pos position; positive
- POSC problem-oriented system of charting
- POSCH Program on Surgical Control of Hyperlipidemia
- POSM patient-operated selector mechanism
- pOsm plasma osmolality
- POSS persistent object storage system; proximal over-shoulder strap
- POSSUM Pictures of Standard Syndromes and Undiagnosed Malformations; Physiological and Operative Severity Score for the Enumeration of Morbidity and Mortality [study]
- POST posterior; Predictors and Outcomes of Stent Thrombosis [study]
- Post, post posterior
- POST-CARG postcoronary artery bypass graft
- postgangl postganglionic
- POST LAT posterolateral
- postop, post-op postoperative
- Post Pit posterior pituitary [gland]
- POT periostitis ossificans toxica; postoperative treatment; precursor onset time
- pot potassium; potential
- potass potassium
- POTS plain old telephone service; postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
- POTV Potosi virus; Potiskum virus
- PoTV porcine torovirus
- POU placenta, ovary, and uterus
- Pout outflow pressure
- POV physician order verification
- PoV portal vein
- PO2v venous oxygen pressure
- POW Powassan [encephalitis]
- powd powder
- POWER Patients Online for Wellness, Education and Research
- POWV Powassan virus
- POX point of exit
- PP diphosphate group; emphysema [pink puffers]; near point of accommodation [Lat. punctum proximum]; pacesetter potential; palmoplantar; pancreatic polypeptide; paradoxical pulse; paraplatin; parietal pericardium; parietal pulse; partial pressure; perfusion pressure; peritoneal pseudomyxoma; persisting proteinuria; Peyer patches; photoplethysmography; pinprick; placental protein; placenta previa; planned parenthood; plasma pepsinogen; plasmapheresis; plasma protein; plaster of Paris; polypropylene; polystyrene agglutination plate; population planning; posterior papillary; posterior pituitary; postpartum; postprandial; precocious puberty; preferred provider; primapara; primary provider; primer protein; private practice; proactivator plasminogen; protein phosphatase; protoporphyria; protoporphyrin; proximal phalanx; prudent practices [for disposal of chemicals]; pseudomyxoma peritonei; pterygoid process; pulmonary pressure; pulse pressure; pulsus paradoxus; purulent pericarditis; pyrophosphatase; pyrophosphate
- P-P prothrombin proconvertin
- PP1 protein phosphatase type 1
- P-5´-P pyridoxal-5´-phosphate
- PP1 free pyrophosphate
- Pp plateau pressure
- pp near point of accommodation [Lat. punctum proximum]; postprandial; postpartum
- p-p peak-to-peak
- PPA palpation, percussion, auscultation; pepsin A; phenylpropanolamine; phenylpyruvic acid; Pittsburgh pneumonia agent; plasmid profile analysis; polyphosphoric acid; positive predictive accuracy; posterior margin of pulmonary artery; posterior pulmonary artery; postpartum amenorrhea; postpill amenorrhea; preferred provider arrangement; prescription-pricing authority; primary progressive aphasia; propanolamine; pure pulmonary atresia
- PP&A palpation, percussion, and auscultation
- PP2A protein phosphatase type 2A
- Ppa pulmonary artery pressure
- PP2Ac catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase type 2A
- PPACK L-propyl-p-phenylalanyl-chloromethylketone
- PP2AD dimeric protein phosphatase type 2A
- PPAF progressive perivenular alcoholic fibrosis
- PPAR peroxisome proliferator activated receptor
- PPAS peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis
- PPase protein phosphatase
- Ppaw pulmonary artery wedge pressure
- PPB parts per billion; plasmatic protein binding; platelet-poor blood; pneumococcal pneumonia and bacteremia; positive pressure breathing
- PPb postparotid basic protein
- ppb parts per billion
- PPBP pro-platelet basic protein
- PPBS postprandial blood sugar
- PPBV Phnom Penh bat virus
- PPC patient-physician communication; pentose phosphate cycle; peripheral posterior curve; plasma protein concentration; plasma prothrombin conversion; pneumopericardium; pocket personal computer; posterior parietal cortex; progressive patient care; proximal palmar crease
- PP1c protein phosphatase type 1, catalytic subunit
- PP2C protein phosphatase type 2C
- PPCA plasma prothrombin conversion accelerator; proserum prothrombin conversion accelerator
- PPCD polymorphous posterior corneal dystropy
- PPCE postproline cleaving enzyme
- PPCF peripartum cardiac failure; plasma prothrombin conversion factor
- PPCM postpartum cardiomyopathy
- PPCRA pigmented paravenous chorioretinal atrophy
- PPD packs per day; paraphenylenediamine; percussion and postural drainage; permanent partial disability; phenyldiphenyloxadiazole; postpartum day; primary physical dependence; progressive perceptive deafness; purified protein derivative
- PPDS phonologic programming deficit syndrome
- PPD-S purified protein derivative-standard
- PPD-T purified protein derivative stabilized with Tween
- PPE palmoplantar erythrodysesthesia; personal protective equipment; polyphosphoric ester; porcine pancreatic elastase; probabilistic population estimation; pulmonary permeability edema
- Ppeak peak cycling respiratory pressure
- PPES palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome
- PPET patient-physician encounter table
- PPF pellagra preventive factor; phagocytosis promoting factor; phosphonoformate; plasma protein fraction
- PPFA Planned Parenthood Federation of America
- PPG phonopneumography; photoelectric plethysmography; photoplethysmography; platelet proteoglycan; portal pressure gradient
- ppg picopicogram
- PPGA postpill galactorrhea-amenorrhea
- PPGB protective protein of beta-galactosidase
- PPGF polypeptide growth factor
- PPGP prepaid group practice
- ppGpp 3´-pyrophosphoryl-guanosine-5´-diphosphate
- PPH past pertinent history; persistent pulmonary hypertension; phosphopyruvate hydratase; postpartum hemorrhage; primary prevention of hypertension; primary pulmonary hypertension; protocollagen proline hydroxylase
- pph parts per hundred
- pphm parts per hundred million
- PPHN persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
- PPHP pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism
- ppht parts per hundred thousand
- PPI partial permanent impairment; patient package insert; patient physiological image; permanent pacemaker insertion; post [cardiac] pacing interval; present pain intensity; proton-pump inhibitor; purified porcine insulin
- PPi, PPi inorganic pyrophosphate
- PPIase peptidyl-prolyl isomerase
- PPID peak pain intensity difference [score]
- PPIE prolonged postictal encephalopathy
- PPK palmoplantar keratosis; prekallikrein
- PPL penicilloyl polylysine; posterior pulmonary leaflet
- Ppl intrapleural pressure; pleural pressure
- Pplat plateau pressure
- PPLO pleuropneumonia-like organism
- PPM parts per million; permanent pacemaker; phosphopentomutase; physician practice management; pigmented pupillary membrane; posterior papillary muscle; pulse position modulated
- ppm parts per million; pulses per minute
- PPMA progressive postmyelitis muscular atrophy
- PPMD Provincial Performance Management Database [Canada]
- PPMoVd Pigeon pea mosaic mottle viroid
- PPMS Performax's Personal Matrix System
- PPN partial parenteral nutrition; parameterized Petri net; pedunculopontine nucleus
- PPNA peak phrenic nerve activity
- PPNAD primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease
- PPNG penicillinase-producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- PPO platelet peroxidase; preferred provider option; preferred provider organization; protoporphyrin oxidase
- P&PO principles and practice of oncology
- PPP pain perception profile; palatopharyngoplasty; palmoplantar pustulosis; pentose phosphate pathway; peripheral pulse present; photostimulable phosphor plate; Pickford projective pictures; platelet-poor plasma; pluripotent progenitor; point-to-point protocol; polyphoretic phosphate; porcine pancreatic polypeptide; portal perfusion pressure; Prospective Pravastatin Pooling [project]; protein phosphatase; purified placental protein
- PPPA protein phosphatase alpha
- PPPBL peripheral pulses palpable both legs
- PPPD pylorus-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy
- PPPI primary private practice insurance
- PPPMA progressive postpolio muscle atrophy
- PPPP porokeratosis punctata palmaris et plantaris
- PPP/SLIP point-to-point protocol/serial line internet protocol
- PPR patient-provider relationship; percentage of predicted recovery; photoparoxysmal response; physician-patient relation; physician payment reform; posterior primary ramus; Price precipitation reaction
- PPr paraprosthetic
- PPRC Physician Payment Review Commission
- PPRF paramedian pontine reticular formation; pontine perireticular formation; postpartum renal failure
- PP1RG protein phosphatase type 1, regulatory subunit
- PPRM Portable Patient Record Model
- PPROM preterm premature rupture of fetal membranes
- PPRV peste-des-petits-ruminants virus
- PPRWP poor precordial R-wave progression
- PPS Paris Prospective Study; Personal Preference Scale; physician, patient and society [course]; polyvalent pneumococcal polysaccharide; popliteal pterygium syndrome; postpartum sterilization; postperfusion syndrome; postpericardiotomy syndrome; postpolio syndrome; postpump syndrome; prescription preparation system [radiotherapy]; primary acquired preleukemic syndrome; prospective payment system; prospective pricing system; protein plasma substitute; pulse per second
- PPSC Play Performance Scale for Children
- PPSH pseudovaginal perineoscrotal hypospadias
- PP1SR protein phosphatase type 1, sarcoplasmic reticulum
- PPSTH population poststimulus time histogram
- PPT parietal pleural tissue; partial prothrombin time; parts per thousand; parts per trillion; peak-to-peak threshold; Pfeiffer-Palm-Teller [syndrome]; pedunculopontine tegmental [nucleus]; physical performance test; plant protease test; polypurine tract; postpartum thyroiditis; posterior pelvic tilt; preprotachykinin; pressure pain threshold; pulmonary platelet trapping; pulmonary physical therapy
- ppt parts per thousand; parts per trillion; precipitation, precipitate; prepared
- pptd precipitated
- PPTL postpartum tubul ligation
- PPTS pyridinium p-toluenesulfonate
- PPV Parapoxvirus, parapoxvirus; pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine; porcine parvovirus; positive predictive value; positive pressure ventilation; Precarious Point virus; progressive pneumonia virus; pulmonary plasma volume
- PPVr regional pulmonary plasma volume
- PPVT Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
- PPVT-R Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Revised
- PPW patient protective wrap
- Ppw pulmonary wedge pressure
- PPX protein phosphatase X
- PPX1 protein phosphatase X type 1
- PPX2 protein phosphatase X type 2
- PPY pancreatic polypeptide
- PPyV baboon polyomavirus 2
- PQ paraquat; parent questionnaire; permeability quotient; physician's questionnaire; plastoquinone; pronator quadratus; pyrimethamine-quinine
- pQCT peripheral quantitative computed tomography
- PQI process quality improvement
- PQOL Perceived Quality of Life [scale]
- PQQ pyrroloquinoline quinone
- P-QRS QRS P potential [ECG]
- PQRST Probucol Quantitative Regression Swedish Trial; provocative and palliative factors, quality of pain, radiation of pain, severity of pain, timing of pain [pain characteristics in low back pain syndrome]
- PR by way of the rectum [Lat. per rectum]; far point of accommodation [Lat. punctum remotum]; palindromic rheumatism; parallax and refraction; partial reinforcement; partial remission; partial response; particulate respirator; peer review; perfusion rate; peripheral resistance; per rectum; phenol red; photoreaction; photoresist; physical rehabilitation; pityriasis rosea; police report; posterior root; postmyalgia rheumatica; postural reflex; potency ratio; preference record; pregnancy; pregnancy rate; preretinal; pressoreceptor; pressure; prevention; Preyer reflex; proctology; production rate; profile; progesterone receptor; progressive relaxation; progressive resistance; progress report; prolactin; prolonged remission; propranolol; prosthion; protective ratio; protein; public relations; pulmonary regurgitation; pulmonary rehabilitation; pulse rate; pulse repetition; pyramidal response
- P-R the time between the P wave and the beginning of the QRS complex in electrocardiography [interval]