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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ P ]
- P&R pelvic and rectal [examination]; pulse and respiration
- Pr in prone position; praseodymium; prednisolone; presbyopia; primary; prism; production, productivity; production rate [of steroid hormones]; prolactin; propyl
- pr far point of accommodation [Lat. punctum remotum]; pair; per rectum; prism
- PRA panel-reactive antibody; patient record architecture; percent reactive antibody; phosphoribosylamine; physician recognition award; plasma renin activity; progesterone receptor assay; proximal reference axis [imaging]
- prac, pract practice, practitioner
- PRACTICAL Placebo-Controlled Randomized ACE Inhibition Comparative Trial in Cardiac Infarction and Left Ventricular Function
- PRAGMATIC pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis, acromegaly, glucose metabolism disorders, mechanical injury, amyloid, thyroid disease, infectious disease, crystals in gout or pseudogout [disorders associated with carpal tunnel syndrome]
- PRAGUE Primary Angioplasty After Transfer of Patients from General Community Hospitals to Catheterization Units with or without Emergency Thrombolytic Infusion [study]
- PrA-HPA protein A hemolytic plaque assay
- PRAI pattern recognition and artificial intelligence
- PRAISE Prospective Randomized Amlodipine Survival Evaluation
- PRAMS pregnancy risk assessment monitoring system
- PRANN prediction recurrent artificial neural network
- PRAS pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized [medium]; pseudo-renal artery syndrome
- PRB basic proline-rich protein; Prosthetics Research Board
- pRB, pRb retinoblastoma protein
- PRBC packed red blood cells; placental residual blood volume
- pRB-P phosphorylated form of retinoblastoma protein
- PRBS pseudorandom binary sequence
- PRBV placental residual blood volume
- PRC packed red cells; peer review committee; phase response curve; plasma renin concentration; professional review committee
- PRCA pure red cell aplasia
- pRCA posterior right coronary artery
- PRCCT prospective randomized controlled clinical trial
- PRCF peak response coarse frequency
- PRCG Polak-Ribiere conjugate gradient [algorithm]
- PRCoV porcine respiratory coronavirus
- PRCV porcine respiratory coronavirus
- PRD partial reaction of degeneration; patient reference dosier; physician relations department; Pitt-Rogers-Danks [syndrome]; postradiation dysplasia
- PRDP Provincial Resource Directory Project [Canada]
- PRDS Pitt-Rogers-Danks syndrome
- PRE photoreacting enzyme; physician's report of examination; pigmented retinal epithelium; preliminary evaluation; preplacement examination; progressive resistive exercise; prospective randomized evaluation; proton relaxation enhancement
- pre preliminary; preparation or prepare; pretreatment
- pre-AIDS pre-acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- pre-amp preliminary amplifier
- PRECEDE predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling causes in educational diagnosis and evaluation [model]
- precip precipitate, precipitated, precipitation
- PRECISE Prospective Randomized Evaluation of Carvedilol in Symptoms and Exercise [trial]
- PRED prednisone
- PREDICT Prospective Randomized Evaluation of Diltiazem CD Trial
- PREFACE Pravastatin-Related Effects Following Angioplasty on Coronary Endothelium [study]
- prefd preferred
- PREFER patient randomization to either femoral or radial catheterization
- preg, pregn pregnancy, pregnant
- prelim preliminary
- prem premature, prematurity
- PreMACE prednisone, methotrexate, Adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, etoposide
- PREMIS Prehospital Myocardial Infarction Study
- pre-mRNA precursor messenger ribonucleic acid
- preop, pre-op preoperative
- PREP pattern reversal electrical potential; Physician Review and Enhancement Program
- prep, prepd prepare, prepared
- Pres resistive pressure
- PRESEP Pediatric Rural Emergency System and Education Project
- preserv preserve, preserved, preservation
- PRESERVE Prospective Randomized Enalapril Study Evaluating Regression of Ventricular Enlargement
- PRESS Percutaneous Retroperitoneal Spleno-renal Shunt [study]; point-resolved spectroscopy
- press pressure
- PREV Pretoria virus
- prev prevention, preventive; previous
- PREVENT Program in Ex Vivo Vein Graft Engineering via Transfection; Proliferation Reduction Using Vascular Energy Trial; Prospective Randomized Evaluation of the Vascular Effects of Norvasc Trial
- PREVMEDU preventive medicine unit
- PREZ posterior root entry zone
- PRF partial reinforcement; patient report form; peak repetition frequency; perforin; plasma recognition factor; pontine reticular formation; postrepetition frequency [Doppler]; progressive renal failure; prolactin releasing factor; pulse repetition frequency
- pRF polyclonal rheumatoid factor
- PRFF,TRFF peak [through] response fine frequency
- PRFLE Prospective Randomized Flosequinan Longevity Evaluation
- PRFM premature rupture of fetal membranes
- PRG phleborheography; purge
- PRGS phosphoribosylglycineamide synthetase
- PRH past relevant history; postrepetition frequency [Doppler]; prolactin releasing hormone
- PrH propositus hypoglossi
- PRHCIT The Project for Rural Health Communication and Information Technologies [Australia]
- PRHHP Puerto Rico Heart Health Program
- PRI Pain Rating Index; patient review instrument; phosphate reabsorption index; phosphoribose isomerase; placental ribonuclease inhibitor
- P-RIA polyclonal radioimmunoassay
- PRIAS Packard radioimmunoassay system
- PRICE protection, relative rest, ice, compression, elevation
- PRICEMM protection, relative rest, ice, compression, elevation, modalities, medication
- PRICES protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation, support [primary treatment of tendinitis and overuse injury]; physician modalities, rehabilitation, injections, cross-training, evaluation, salicylates [secondary treatment of tendinitis and overuse injury]
- PRIDE Parents Resource Institute for Drug Education; Platelet Aggregation and Receptor Occupancy with Integrilin-A Dynamic Evaluation [study]; Primary Implantable Defibrillator [study]
- PRIH prolactin release-inhibiting hormone
- PRIM primase
- PRIMA Primary Care Information Across Anglia
- PRIME preinversion multiecho; Prematriculation Program in Medical Education; Promotion of Reperfusion by Inhibition of Thrombin During Myocardial Infarction Evaluation [study]; Promotion of Reperfusion in Myocardial Infarction Evolution [study]; Prospective Randomized Ibopamine Mortality Evaluation [study]; Prospective Randomized Study of Ibopamine on Mortality and Efficacy in Heart Failure
- PRIME-MD Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders
- PRIMEROSE probabilistic rule based on rough sets
- PRIMEX primary care extender
- PRIMI Prourokinase in Myocardial Infarction [trial]
- primip primipara
- PRINCE prevention of radiocontrast-induced nephropathy evaluation
- PRIND prolonged reversible ischemic neurologic deficit
- PRINS primed in situ [labeling]
- PRI(S) pain rating intensity score
- PRISAM Primary Stenting for Acute Myocardial Infarction [trial]
- PRISE Primary Care Sharing the Evidence [UK]
- PRISM pediatric risk of mortality; Platelet Receptor Inhibition in Ischemic Syndrome Management [study]
- PRISM-PLUS Platelet Receptor Inhibition in Ischemic Syndrome Management in Patients Limited by Unstable Signs and Symptoms [study]
- PRISMS Prevention of Relapses and Disability by Interferon Beta-1a Subcutaneously in Multiple Sclerosis [study]
- PRIST paper radioimmunosorbent test
- PRISTINE Praxilene in Stroke Treatment in Northern Europe [study]
- PRK photorefractive keratectomy; primary rabbit kidney
- PRKAR protein kinase, cyclic adenosine monophosphate-dependent, regulatory
- PRKAR1A protein kinase, cyclic adenosine monophosphate-dependent, regulatory, type 1 alpha
- PRKC protein kinase C
- PRKCA protein kinase C alpha
- PRL, Prl prolactin
- PRLR prolactin receptor
- PRM phosphoribomutase; photoreceptor membrane; premature rupture of membranes; Primary Reference Material; primidone; protamine
- PrM preventive medicine
- PRMS percent root mean square
- PRMSE percent root mean square error
- PRN pertactin; Physicians Research Network; polyradiculoneuropathy; prion; protectin
- p.r.n. as needed [Lat. pro re nata]
- PRNP prion protein
- PRNT plaque reduction neutralization test
- PRO peer review organization; physician review organization; Professional Review Organization; pronation; protein
- Pro proline; prophylactic; prothrombin
- pro protein
- PROACT Prolyse in Acute Cerebral Thrombolysis Trial; Prourokinase in Acute Cerebral Thromboembolism [trial]; Prourokinase in Acute Thromboembolic Stroke [trial]
- ProACT professionally advanced care team
- prob probable
- PROBE Prospective, Randomized, Open Blinded Endpoint Trial; Prospective, Randomized, Open Trial with Blinded Endpoint Evaluation
- PROC protein C
- proc proceedings, procedure; process
- PROCAM Prospective Cardiovascular Münster Study
- PROC GLM general linear model procedure
- proct, procto proctology, proctologist; proctoscopy
- prod production, product
- PROFET Prevention of Falls in the Elderly Trial
- prog progress, progressive
- progn prognosis
- PROGRESS Perindopril Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study
- proGRP pro-gastrin-releasing peptide
- PROH propyl-4-hydrolase
- PROHB propyl-4-hydrolase, beta
- PROLOG Precursor to EPILOG [study]; programming in logic
- prolong prolongation, prolonged
- PROM passive range of motion; premature rupture of fetal membranes; prolonged rupture of fetal membranes; programmable read only memory; prosthetic range of motion
- PROMIS Problem-Oriented Medical Information System
- PROMISE Prospective Randomized Milrinone Survival Evaluation [study]
- PROMPTOR-FM probabilistic method of prompting for test ordering in family medicine
- pron pronator, pronation
- PROP propranolol
- ProPAC Prospective Payment Assessment Commission
- PRO-PBP pro-platelet basic protein
- proph prophylactic, prophylaxis
- ProPO prophenoloxidase
- ProRS propyl transfer ribonucleic acid synthase [RNAse]
- PROS Pediatric Research in Office Settings [network]; protein S
- pros prostate, prostatic
- PROSIT proteinuria screening and intervention
- PROSP protein S pseudogene
- PROSPECT Proscar Safety Plus Efficacy Canadian Two-Year Study
- PROSPER Prospective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk
- PROST pronuclear stage transfer
- PROSTATE Physicians for Rational Ordering and Screening Tests and Therapeutic Effectiveness
- prosth prosthesis, prosthetic
- PROTECT Perindopril Regression of Vascular Thickening European Community Trial; Prospective Reinfarction in the Thrombolytic Era: Cardizem-CD Trial
- PROTO protoporphyrin; protoporphyrinogen
- pro-u-PA proenzyme urokinase plasminogen activator
- prov provisional
- PROVED Prospective Randomized Study of Ventricular Failure and the Efficacy of Digoxin
- PROW Protein Review on the Web
- prox proximal
- PRP photolyase regulatory protein; physiologic rest position; pityriasis rubra pilaris; platelet-rich plasma; polyribosyl ribitol phosphate; postural rest position; pressure rate product; primary Raynaud phenomenon; progressive rubella panencephalitis; proliferative retinopathy photocoagulation; proline-rich protein; Psychotic Reaction Profile; pulse repetition period
- PrP, Prp prion protein
- PRPH peripherin
- PRPP phosphoribosylpyrophosphate
- PRPS prostatic secretory protein
- PRP,TRP peak [through] response phase
- PRQ personal resources questionnaire
- PRR pattern recognition receptor; proton relaxation rate; pulse repetition rate
- PrR progesterone receptor
- PRRB Provider Reimbursement Review Board
- PRRE pupils round, regular, and equal
- PRRF paramedian pontine reticular formation
- PR-RSV Prague Rous sarcoma virus
- PRS Personality Rating Scale; Pierre Robin syndrome; plasma renin substrate; Prieto syndrome; proctorectosigmoidoscopy
- PRSIS Prospective Rate Setting Information System
- PRT patient record tree; Penicillium roqueforti toxin; pharmaceutical research and testing; phosphoribosyl transferase; pivot repeatability test; postoperative respiratory therapy; prospective randomized trial
- PrT protein truncation [test]
- PRTD proximal renal tubular dysfunction
- PRTH pituitary resistance to thyroid hormone
- PRTH-C prothrombin time control
- PRTN proteinase
- PRTS Partington syndrome
- PRU peripheral resistance unit
- PRUJ proximal radioulnar joint
- PRV Paroo River virus; planning organ at risk volume [imaging]; polycythemia rubra vera; pseudorabies virus; posterior right ventricle; python orthoreovirus
- PRVC pressure-regulated volume control [respiration]
- PRVEP pattern reversal visual evoked potential
- PRW polymerized ragweed
- PRX pseudoexfoliation
- Prx prognosis
- prx proximal
- PRZF pyrazofurin
- PS pacemaker syndrome; pain stimulation; paired stimulation; pancreozymin secretin; paradoxical sleep; paralaryngeal space; paranoid schizophrenia; paraspinal; parasympathetic; Parkinson syndrome; parotid sialography; partial saturation; partial seizure; pathological stage; patient's serum; pediatric site [database, Italy]; pediatric surgery; performing scale [intelligence quotient, IQ]; performance status; periodic syndrome; pferdestärke (German for horsepower); phosphate saline [buffer]; phosphatidyl serine; photosensitivity, photosensitization; photosynthesis; phrenic stimulation; physical status; physiologic saline; phytosterol; pixel size; plastic surgery; polysaccharide; polystyrene; population sample; population spike; Porter-Silber [chromogen]; postcardiotomy shock; posterior synechiae or synechiotomy; posteroseptal; postmaturity syndrome; prescription; precursor state; presenilin; presenting symptom; pressure sore; pressure support; prestimulus; procedural sedation; programmed symbol; prostatic secretion; protamine sulfate; proteasome; protein S; protein synthesis; Proteus syndrome; P selectin; psychiatric; pulmonary sequestration; pulmonary stenosis; pulse sequence; pyloric stenosis
- P&S paracentesis and suction
- P/S polisher-stimulator; polyunsaturated/ saturated [fatty acid ratio]