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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ R ]
- R Behnken unit; Broadbent registration point; any chemical group [particularly an alfyl group]; a conjugative plasmid responsible for resistance to various elements; electrical resistance; in electrocardiography, the first positive deflection during the QRS complex [wave]; far point [Lat. remotum]; gas constant; organic radical; race; racemic; radioactive; radiology; radius; ramus; Rankine [scale]; rapid accelerator; rate; rate modulation [pacemaker]; ratio; reaction; Reaumur [scale]; receptor; rectal; rectified; red; registered trademark; regression coefficient; regular; regular insulin; regulator [gene]; rejection factor; relapse; relaxation; release [factor]; remission; remote; reperfusion; repressor; residual tumor [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]; residue; resistance; respiration; respiratory exchange ratio; respiratory quotient; response; responder; rest; restricted; reverse [banding]; rhythm; ribose; Rickettsia; right; Rinne [test]; roentgen; rough [colony]; rub
- R´ in electrocardiography, the second positive deflection during the QRS complex
- R+ Rinne test positive
- R1 first repeat
- R2 second repeat
- +R Rinne test positive
- -R Rinne test negative
- °R degree on the Rankine scale; degree on the Reaumur scale
- R1, R2, R3, etc. years of resident study
- r correlation coefficient; density; radius; ratio; recombinant; regional; ribose; ribosomal; ring chromosome; roentgen; sample correlation coefficient
- r2 coefficient of determination
- ρ see rho
- R0 residual tumor not assessed [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]
- R1 longitudinal relativity; small residual tumor [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]
- R2 large residual tumor [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]; transverse relativity
- RA radial artery; radioactive; radiographic abstraction; radiographic absorptiometry; ragocyte; ragweed antigen; rapidly adapting [receptors]; reactive arthritis; reciprocal asymmetrical; refractory anemia; refractory ascites; regression analysis; renal artery; renin-angiotensin; repeat action; residual air; retinoic acid; rheumatoid arthritis; right angle; right arm; right atrium; right auricle; risk adjustment; risk assessment; rotation angiography; Roy adaptation [model]
- RA airway resistance
- Ra access resistance; radial; radium; radius
- rA riboadenylate
- ra receptor antagonist
- RAA renin-angiotensin-aldosterone [system]; right aortic arch; right atrial appendage
- RAAMC Royal Australian Army Medical Corps
- RAAMI Randomized Angiographic Trial of Alteplase in Myocardial Infarction; Rapid Administration of Alteplase in Myocardial Infarction [trial]
- RAAPI resting ankle-arm pressure index
- RAAS Randomized Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist, Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Study; renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
- rAAV recombinant adeno-associated virus
- RAB remote afterloading brachytherapy
- Rab rabbit
- RABA rabbit antibladder antibody
- RAC rabeprazole, amoxicillin, clarithromycin; Recombinant Deoxyribonucleic Acid [DNA] Advisory Committee; research appraisal checklist
- rac racemate, racemic
- RACAT rapid acquisition computed axial tomography
- RACC receptor-activated calcium channel
- RACE ramipril angiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE]; Ramipril Cardioprotective Evaluation [trial]; rapid amplification of complementary deoxyribonucleic acid [cDNA] ends; Rapid Assessment of Cardiac Enzymes
- RACGP Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
- RACT reasonably available control technology; research activity [UMLS]
- RACV relative autonomic conduction velocity
- RAD radial artery catheter; radiation absorbed dose; radical; radiography or radiographic; reactive airways disease; receptor affinity distribution; right atrium diameter; right axis deviation; roentgen administered dose
- Rad radiology; radiotherapy; radium
- rad radiation absorbed dose; radial; radian; radical; radius; root [Lat. radix]
- RADA rosin amine-D-acetate
- RADAI rheumatoid arthritis disease activity index
- RADAR rapid assessment of disease activity in rheumatology
- RADC Royal Army Dental Corps
- RADES randomly amplified differentially expressed sequence
- RADES-PCR randomly amplified differentially expressed sequence polymerase chain reaction [PCR]
- RADIANCE Randomized Assessment of Digoxin on Inhibitors of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme [ACE, study]
- RADIO radiotherapy
- radiol radiology
- RADIUS Routine Antenatal Diagnostic Imaging with Ultrasound [trial]
- RadLV radiation leukemia virus
- RADMOS radiotherapy data management and organization system
- RADP right acromiodorsoposterior
- RADS reactive airways dysfunction syndrome; retrospective assessment of drug safety
- rad/s rad per second; radian per second
- rad/s2 rad per second squared
- rad ther radiation therapy
- RADTS rabbit antidog thymus serum
- RADTT radiation therapy technologist
- RADVIS radiological visualization
- RAE right atrial enlargement
- RAEB refractory anemia with excess blasts
- RAEBiT, RAEB-T refractory anemia with excess blasts in transformation
- RAEC rat aortic endothelial cell; rate control vs electrical cardioversion
- RAEM refractory anemia with excess myeloblasts
- RAF repetitive atrial firing; rheumatoid arthritis factor
- RAFMS Royal Air Force Medical Services
- RAFT Recurrent Atrial Fibrillation Trial; Rythmol-SR Atrial Fibrillation Trial
- RAFW right atrial free wall
- RAG radioautography; ragweed; recombinase activating gene; recombination activating gene; [computer-assisted] risk assessment in genetics
- RAGE rapid gradient echo; receptor for advanced glycosylation end-products
- Ragg rheumatoid agglutinin
- RAH regressing atypical histiocytosis; right atrial hypertrophy
- RAHM randomly amplified hybridization microsatellite
- RAHO rabbit antibody to human ovary
- RAHTG rabbit antihuman thymocyte globulin
- RaHV ranid herpesvirus
- RAI radioactive iodine; radioactive isotope; resident assessment instrument; resting ankle index; right atrial inversion; right atrial involvement
- RAID radioimmunodetection; radiolabeled antibody imaging; redundant array of independent disks; redundant array of inexpensive disks
- RAIS reflection-absorption infrared spectroscopy
- RAITI right atrial inversion time index
- RAIU radioactive iodine uptake
- RALES Randomized Aldactone Evaluation Study
- RALPH renal-anal-lung-polydactylyhamartoblastoma [syndrome]
- RALT routine admission laboratory tests
- RAM random-access memory; rapid alternating movements; rectus abdominis muscle; rectus abdominis myocutaneous [flap]; reduced acquisition matrix; research aviation medicine; resistance-associated mutation; resource allocation methodology; right anterior measurement
- RAMEDIS Rare Metabolic Diseases
- RAMC Royal Army Medical Corps
- RAM-FAST reduced acquisition matrix-Fourier acquired steady state
- RaMI Ravenna Myocardial Infarction [trial]
- RAMIT Ravenna Myocardial Infarction Trial
- RAMM remote-access multidimensional microscopy
- RAMP radioactive antigen microprecipitin; rate modulated pacing; right atrial mean pressure
- RAMPO randomly amplified microsatellite polymorphism
- RAMR risk-adjusted mortality rate
- RAMT rabbit antimouse thymocyte; right atrial mobile thrombi
- RAN random number; remote area nurse [Australia]; resident's admission notes
- RANA rheumatoid arthritis nuclear antigen
- rANP rat atrial natriuretic peptide
- RANTES regulated on activation, T-cell expressed and secreted
- RANTTAS Randomized Trial of Tirilazad in Acute Stroke
- RAO right anterior oblique; right anterior occipital; rotational acetabular osteotomy
- RaONC radiation oncology
- RAP rapid atrial pacing; recurrent abdominal pain; regression-associated protein; renal artery pressure; resident assessment protocol; rheumatoid arthritis precipitin; ribonucleic acid [RNA] arbitrarily primed; right atrial pressure
- RAPD randomly amplified polymorphic deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA]; relative afferent pupillary defect
- RAPDDIP randomly amplified polymorphic deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA] for the diploid cases
- RAPDHAP randomly amplified polymorphic deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA] for the haploid cases
- RAPID Recombinant Plasminogen Activator Angiographic Phase II International Dose Finding Study; Regional Arizona Prehospital Infarction Diagnosis [study]; Reteplase Angiographic Patency International Dose-Ranging Study
- RAPK reticulate acropigmentation of Kitamura
- RAPM refractory anemia with partial myeloblastosis
- RAPO rabbit antibody to pig ovary
- RAP-PCR ribonucleic acid [RNA] arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction [PCR]
- RAPPORT ReoPro in Acute Myocardial Infarction and Primary Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Organization and Randomized Trial
- RAPS Renfrew and Paisley Study; resident assessment protocols
- RAPs radiologists, anesthesiologists, and pathologists
- RAPT Ridogrel vs Aspirin Potency Trial
- RAR rapidly adapting receptor; rat insulin receptor; retinoic acid receptor; right arm reclining; right arm recumbent
- RARA retinoic acid receptor alpha
- RARB retinoic acid receptor beta
- RARE rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement; retinoic acid response element
- RARG retinoic acid receptor gamma
- RARLS rabbit anti-rat lymphocyte serum
- RARS refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts
- RARTS rabbit anti-rat thymocyte serum
- RAS radiologist aid system [digital mammography algorithm]; rapid atrial stimulation; recurrent aphthous stomatitis; reflex activating stimulus; reliability, availability, serviceability; remote access service; renal artery stenosis; renal artery stent; renin-angiotensin system; residency application service; reticular activating system; rheumatoid arthritis serum; rotational atherectomy system; Rokitansky-Aschoff sinus; routine analysis station
- RA-S refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts
- ras retrovirus-associated DNA sequence
- RASE rapid acquisition spin echo
- RASMC rat aortic smooth muscle cell
- RASS rheumatoid arthritis and Sjögren syndrome
- RAST radioallergosorbent test
- RAT repeat action tablet; rheumatoid arthritis test; right anterior trigone
- RATG rabbit antithymocyte globulin
- RATHAS rat thymus antiserum
- RATMAP Rat Genome Database
- rAT-P recombinant antitrypsin Pittsburgh
- RATx radiation therapy
- RAU radioactive uptake; remote access unit [telemedicine]
- RAV rheumatoid arthritis virus; Rous-associated virus
- RAVC retrograde atrioventricular conduction; Royal Army Veterinary Corps
- RAVES Reduced Anticoagulation in Saphenous Vein Graft Stent [trial]; Reduced Anticoagulation Vein Graft Study
- RAVLT Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test
- RAW right atrial wall
- Raw airway resistance
- RAW airway resistance
- RAWP Resource Allocation Working Party
- RAWTS ribonucleic acid amplification with transcript sequencing
- RAZ razoxane
- RB broader semantic relationship [UMLS]; radial basis [imaging]; radiation burn; rating board; rebreathing; reticulate body; retinoblastoma; retrobulbar; right breast; right bronchus; right bundle; rigid bronchoscopy
- RB1 The RB1 Gene Mutation Database
- Rb retinoblastoma
- RBA relative binding affinity; rescue breathing apparatus; right basilar artery; right brachial artery; rose bengal antigen
- RBAC role-based access control
- RBAP repetitive bursts of action potential
- RbAP retinoblastoma-associated protein
- RBAS rostral basilar artery syndrome
- rBAT related to b0,+ amino acid transporter
- RBB right bundle branch
- RBBB right bundle-branch block
- RBBP retinoblastoma binding protein
- RBBsB right bundle-branch system block
- RBBx right breast biopsy
- RBC ranitidine bismuth citrate; red blood cell; red blood count
- rbc red blood cell
- RBCA risk-based corrective action
- RBC-ChE red blood cell cholinesterase
- RBCD right border cardiac dullness
- rBCG recombinant bacille Calmette-Guerin [vaccine]
- RBCM red blood cell mass
- RbCoV rabbit coronavirus
- RBCV red blood cell volume
- RBD recurrent brief depression; relative biological dose; RNA binding domain; right border of dullness
- RBE relative biologic effectiveness
- RBF radial basis function; regional blood flow; regional bone mass; renal blood flow
- RBFN radial basis function network
- RBG red blue green [Doppler]
- RBI radiographic baseline
- RBI-EM rescaled block-iterative expectation maximization [algorithm]
- Rb Imp rubber base impression
- RBL rat basophilic leukemia; Reid baseline; retinoblastoma-like
- RBL-ILD respiratory bronchiolitis with associated interstitial lung disease
- RBM ribonucleic acid [RNA] binding motif
- rBM reconstituted basement membrane
- RBN retrobulbar neuritis
- RBNA Royal British Nurses Association
- RBNN recurrent backpropagation neural network
- RBOW rupture of the bag of waters
- RBP retinol-binding protein; riboflavin-binding protein
- RBPC cellular retinol-binding protein
- RBPI intestinal retinol-binding protein
- rBPI recombinant bactericidal/permeability increasing [protein]
- RBR risk-based response; rule-based reasoning
- RB-RB right bundle to right bundle [depolarization]
- RBRVS resource-based relative value scale
- RBS random blood sugar; receptor binding site; remote [computer] backup service; Roberts syndrome; Rutherford backscattering
- RbSA rabbit serum albumin
- RBSL risk-based screening level
- RBST rubber-band straightening transform
- rBST recombinant bovine somatotropin