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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ R ]
- RBT resistive breathing training
- RBTN rhombotin
- RBTNL rhombotin-like
- RBUV Rochambeau virus
- RBV ribavirin; Rio Bravo virus; right brachial vein
- RBW relative body weight
- RBZ rubidazone
- RC an electronic circuit containing a resistor and capacitor in series; radiocarpal; reaction center; recrystallization; red cell; red cell casts; red corpuscle; Red Cross; referred care; regenerated cellulose; rehabilitation counseling; Renshaw cell; residential care; resistance and compliance; resistive capacity; respiration ceases; respiratory care; respiratory center; respiratory compensation; rest cure; retention catheter; retrograde cystogram; rib cage; root canal; routine cholecystography
- R&C resistance and capacitance
- Rc conditioned response; receptor
- RCA red cell agglutination; regulator of complement activity; relative chemotactic activity; renal cell carcinoma; replication-competent adenovirus; replication-competent alphavirus; retained cortical activity; right coronary angiography; right coronary artery; rotational coronary atherectomy
- RCAMC Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps
- rCBF regional cerebral blood flow
- rCBV regional cerebral blood volume
- RCC radiological control center; rape crisis center; ratio of cost to charges; receptor-chemoeffector complex; red cell cast; red cell concentrate; red cell count; regulator of chromosome condensation; renal cell carcinoma; reverse cumulative curve; right common carotid [artery]; right coronary cusp
- RCCM Regional Committee for Community Medicine
- RCCP renal cell carcinoma, papillary
- RCCS remote clinical communications system
- RCCT randomized controlled clinical trial
- RCD relative cardiac dullness; robust change detection [algorithm in insulin therapy]
- RCDA recurrent chronic dissecting aneurysm
- RCDP rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata
- RCDR relative corrected death rate
- RCE reasonable compensation equivalent; Red Coding Engine [software]
- RCF red cell ferritin; red cell folate; refractory ceramic fiber; relative centrifugal field/force; ristocetin cofactor
- RCG radioelectrocardiography
- RCGP Royal College of General Practitioners
- RCH rectocolic hemorrhage
- RCHF right congestive heart failure
- RCHMS Regional Committee for Hospital Medical Services
- RCI radiation conformity index; respiratory control index; retrospective cohort incidence
- RCIA red cell immune adherence
- RCIRF radiologic contrast-induced renal failure
- RCIT red cell iron turnover
- RCITR red cell iron turnover rate
- RCL renal clearance; right coronary leaflet
- RCM radial contour model; radiographic contrast medium; red cell mass; reinforced clostridial medium; remacemide; remote center of motion; replacement culture medium; retrospective cohort mortality; right costal margin; Royal College of Midwives
- rCMR regional cerebral metabolism rate
- rCMRGlc, rCMRglc regional cerebral metabolic rate for glucose
- rCMRO2 regional cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen
- RCN right caudate nucleus; Royal College of Nursing
- RCO right coronary ostium
- RCoF ristocetin cofactor
- RCOG Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
- RCoV respiratory coronavirus
- RCP radiochemical purity; red cell protoporphyrin; retrocorneal pigmentation; riboflavin carrier protein; Royal College of Physicians
- rCP regional cerebral perfusion
- rcp reciprocal translocation
- RCPath Royal College of Pathologists
- RCPG respiratory center pattern generator
- RCPH red cell peroxide hemolysis
- RCPP recurrent coronary prevention program
- rCPP regional cerebral perfusion pressure
- RCPSC Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
- RCPSGlas Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow
- RCR relative consumption rate; replication-competent recombinant; replication-competent retrovirus; respiratory control ratio
- RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
- rCRF recombinant corticotropin-releasing factor
- RCS rabbit aorta-contracting substance; real-time control system; red cell suspension; reference coordinate system; renal collector system; reticulum cell sarcoma; revision control system; right coronary sinus; Royal College of Science; Royal College of Surgeons
- RCSE Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
- RCSSS resource coordination system for surgical service
- RCT radiotherapy and chemotherapy; randomized clinical trial; randomized controlled trial; registered care technologist; retrograde conduction time; root canal therapy; Rorschach content test; rotator cuff tear
- rct a marker showing the ability of virulent strains to replicate at 40°C, while vaccine strain shows no replication
- rCTB recombinant cholera toxin B
- RCTE randomized clinical trial evaluator
- RCU respiratory care unit
- RCV rabbit calicivirus; recoverin; red cell volume
- RCVS Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
- RCWI right cardiac work index
- RD radial deviation; radiology department; rate difference; Raynaud disease; reaction of degeneration; registered dietitian; Reiter disease; related donor; relative dose; renal disease; resistance determinant; resistant disease; respiratory disease; resuscitation device; retinal degeneration; retinal detachment; Reye disease; rheumatoid disease; right deltoid; Riley-Day [syndrome]; Rolland-Desbuquois [syndrome]; rubber dam; ruminal drinking; ruptured disk
- Rd rate of disappearance
- rd rutherford
- R&D research and development
- RDA rapid epidemiological assessment; recommended daily allowance; recommended dietary allowance; Registered Dental Assistant; representation difference analysis; right dorsoanterior [fetal position]; right ductus arteriosus
- RDB random double-blind [trial]; relational database
- RDBMS regional database management system; relational database management system
- RDBP RD [gene] binding protein
- RDBS relational database server
- RDB-X random double-blind crossover
- RDC research data center; research diagnostic criteria
- RDCRD Rare Disease Clinical Research Database
- RDD relative depth dose [radiation]
- RDDA recommended daily dietary allowance
- RDDB Rare Disease Database
- RDDP ribonucleic acid-dependent deoxynucleic acid polymerase
- RDE receptor-destroying enzyme; remote data entry
- RDEB recessively inherited dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
- RDED radiation dose required
- RDES remote data entry system
- RDF rapid dissolution formula
- RDFC recurring digital fibroma of childhood
- RDG retrograde duodenogastroscopy
- RDH Registered Dental Hygienist
- RDHBF regional distribution of hepatic blood flow
- RDHI research and development health informatics
- RDI recommended daily intake; respiratory disturbance index; rupture-delivery interval
- RDIC resuscitation device, individual chemical
- RDLBBB rate-dependent left bundle-branch block
- RDM readmission
- RDMS registered diagnostic medical sonographer
- rDNA recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA]
- RDOG radiology diagnostic oncology group
- RDP right dorsoposterior [fetal position]
- RDPA right descending pulmonary artery
- RDQ respiratory disease questionnaire
- RDR research data repository
- RDRP, RdRp ribonucleic acid [RNA]-dependent ribonucleic acid polymerase
- RDRS Rapid Disability Rating Scale
- RDS Raskin Depression Scale; respiratory distress syndrome; reticuloendothelial depressing substance; rhodanese; slow retinal degeneration
- RDT randomized discontinuation trial; retinal damage threshold; routine dialysis therapy
- RDW red blood cell distribution width index
- RDX radixin
- RE radium emanation; random error; reading epilepsy; readmission; rectal examination; reference emitter; reflux esophagitis; regional enteritis; relative effectiveness; renal and electrolyte; resistive exercise; resting energy; restriction endonuclease; reticuloendothelial; retinol equivalent; right ear; right eye
- RE respiratory exchange ratio
- R&E research and education
- Re rhenium
- Re Reynold number
- REA radiation emergency area; radioenzymatic assay; regulatory effectiveness analysis; renal anastomosis; restriction endonuclease analysis; right ear advantage
- rea rearrangement
- REAB refractory anemia with excess of blasts
- REACH research on endothelin antagonism in chronic heart failure; resource utilization in congestive heart failure [studies]
- REACT rapid early action in coronary treatment
- REAC/TS Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site
- readm readmission
- READS restriction enzyme analysis of differentially expressed sequences
- REAL Revised European-American Lymphoma [classification]
- REALM rapid estimate of adult literacy in medicine
- REAP restriction endonuclease analysis of plasmid
- REAR renal, ear, anal, and radial [malformation syndrome]
- REAS reasonably expected as safe; retained, excluded antrum syndrome
- REAT radiological emergency assistance team
- REB roentgen-equivalent biological
- REC receptor; recombination, recombinant chromosome
- rec fresh [Lat. recens]; recessive; recombinant chromosome; record; recovery; recurrence, recurrent
- RECA recombination protein A
- RECAP retrosynthetic combinatorial analysis procedure
- recCHO recombinant Chinese hamster ovary
- RECF extracellular fluid resistance
- RECG radioelectrocardiography
- recip recipient; reciprocal
- RECIT Representation du Contenu Informationel de Testes Medicaux
- recon the smallest unit of DNA capable of recombination
- recond reconditioned, reconditioning
- RECPAM recursive partition and amalgamation
- recumb recumbent
- RECREATE Rescue of Closed Arteries Treated by Stent for Threatened or Abrupt Closure [study]
- recryst recrystallization
- rect rectal; rectification, rectified; rectum; rectus [muscle]
- Rec Ther recreational therapy
- recur recurrence, recurrent
- RED radiation experience data; rapid erythrocyte degeneration; repeat expansion detection
- red reduction
- REDAP rural emergency department approved for pediatrics
- RED-LIP Reduction of Lipid Metabolism [study]
- redox oxidation-reduction
- REDP reduced energy diet program
- REDS Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor Study
- REDUCE Randomized Double-Blind Unfractionated Heparin and Placebo-Controlled Multicenter Trial; Restenosis Reduction by Cutting Balloon Evaluation [study]
- REE rapid extinction effect; rare earth element; resting energy expenditure
- REEDS retention of tears, ectrodactyly, ectodermal dysplasia, and strange hair, skin and teeth [syndrome]
- REEG radioelectroencephalography
- R-EEG resting electroencephalography
- ReEND reproductive endocrinology
- REEP right end-expiratory pressure
- reev re-evaluate
- reex re-examine
- REF ejection fraction at rest; rat embryo fibroblast; referred; refused; renal erythropoietic factor; restriction endonuclease fingerprinting; right ventricular ejection fraction
- ref reference; reflex
- Ref-1 redox factor 1
- Ref Doc referring doctor
- REFI regional ejection fraction image
- ref ind refractive index
- refl reflex
- REFLECT-1 Randomized Evaluation of Flosequinan on Exercise Tolerance-Initial Efficacy Trial
- REFLECT-2 Randomized Evaluation of Flosequinan on Exercise Tolerance-Dose Response Study
- REFLEX Randomized Evaluation of Flosequinan on Exercise Tolerance [study]; Restenosis Rates with Flexible GFX Stents [study]
- Ref Phys referring physician
- REFRAD released from active duty
- REFSA Randomized European Femoral Stent vs Angioplasty Trial
- RefSeq Reference Sequence [NLM database]
- REG radiation exposure guide; radioencephalogram, radioencephalography
- Reg registered
- reg region; regular
- regen regenerated, regenerating, regeneration
- ReGIS respiration-gated irradiation system
- REGRESS Regression Growth Evaluation Statin Study
- reg rhy regular rhythm
- REGU regulation [UMLS]
- regurg regurgitation
- REH renin essential hypertension
- rehab rehabilitation, rehabilitated
- REIN Ramipril Effect in Nephropathy [study]
- REL rate of energy loss; recommended exposure limit; resource location; resting expiratory level
- rel relative
- RELACS Reikjavik experimental light-activated cell sorter
- RELANCA relation between antineutrophil cytoplasm autoantibody [ANCA] levels and relapses of ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis and vasculitis
- RELAY relayed correlation spectroscopy
- RELE resistive exercise of lower extremities
- RelTox Relational Toxicology [Project]
- REM rapid eye movement; recent-event memory; reticular erythematous mucinosis; return electrode monitor; roentgen-equivalent-man