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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ R ]
- Rem roentgen-equivalent-man
- rem radiation equivalent in man; removal
- REMA repetitive excess mixed anhydride
- REMAB radiation-equivalent-manikin absorption
- REMAIN remission-maintenance [therapy for systemic vasculitis]
- REMATCH Randomized Evaluation of Mechanical Assistance in the Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure [study]
- REMBRANDT Rather Exciting and Memorable Blind Randomized Assessment of a New Drug on Three Continents
- REMCAL radiation-equivalent-manikin calibration
- remit remittent
- REMO regional emergency medical organization
- REMP roentgen-equivalent-man period
- REMPAN radiation emergency medical preparedness
- REMS rapid eye movement sleep
- REMT trigger signal rapid eye movements
- REN renal; renin
- REn, Ren replication enhancer
- RENAAL Reduction of Endpoints in Noninsulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus with Angiotensin II Antagonist Losartan [trial]
- rENaC rat epithelial sodium channel
- RENEWAL Randomized Trial of Endoluminal Reconstruction Using the NIR Stent or Wallstent in Angioplasty of Long Segment Disease
- REO respiratory enteric orphan [virus]
- REOP rural elderly outreach program
- REP reepithelialization; repaglinide; replication protein; rest-exercise program; restriction endonuclease profile; retrograde pyelogram; Rochester Epidemiology Project; roentgen equivalent-physical
- rep replication; roentgen equivalent-physical
- REPA replication protein A
- REPAIR Reperfusion in Acute Infarction, Rotterdam [study]
- repol repolarization
- REPR reproductive
- REPS reactive extensor postural synergy
- rept let it be repeated
- req request, requested
- RER renal excretion rate; replication error; respiratory exchange ratio; rough endoplasmic reticulum
- RER+ replication error positive
- RERC Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
- RERF Radiation Effects Research Foundation
- RES radionuclide esophageal scintigraphy; real environment sensing [system]; Reproducibility Echocardiography Study; Rotterdam Elderly Study; reticuloendothelial system
- res research; resection; resident; residue; resistance
- RESAC Real-Time Expert System for Advice and Control
- RESCUE Randomized Evaluation of Salvage Angioplasty with Combined Utilization of Endpoints [trial]
- Res Gen Research Genetics [database]
- RESIST Restenosis after Intravascular Ultrasound-guided Stenting [study]
- RESNA Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America
- RESOLVD, RESOLVED Randomized Evaluation of Strategies for Left Ventricular Dysfunction [study]
- resp respiration, respiratory; response
- Resp Ther respiratory therapy
- REST Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal motor dysfunction, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia [syndrome]; regressive electroshock therapy; Restenosis Stent Trial
- RESTORE Randomized Efficacy Study of Tirofiban for Outcomes and Restenosis [trial]
- RESTT respiratory therapy technician
- resusc resuscitation
- RET reticular; reticulocyte; retina; retention; retained; right esotropia
- ret rad equivalent therapeutic
- RETA Registry for the Endovascular Treatment of Aneurysms
- retard retardation, retarded
- ret cath retention catheter
- RETEST retention probability is initially estimated [genome computing]
- retic reticulocyte
- REU rectal endoscopic ultrasonography
- reu radiation effect unit
- REV rat encephalomyelitis virus; reticuloendotheliosis virus
- ReV regulator of virion
- rev reverse; review; revolution
- re-x reexamination
- Rex regulator x
- Rext external resistance [respiration]
- RF radial fiber; radiofrequency; rapid filling; readiness field; reading factor; receptive field; regurgitant fraction; Reitland-Franklin [unit]; relative flow; relative fluorescence; release factor; renal failure; replacement fluid; replication factor; replicative form; repopulation factor [radiotherapy]; resistance factor; resonant frequency; respiratory failure; respiratory frequency; reticular formation; retroperitoneal fibromatosis; rheumatic fever; rheumatoid factor; riboflavin; risk factor; root canal filling; rosette formation
- RF rate of flow
- Rf [in chromatography] ratio of the distance traveled by solute to the distance traveled by spot of pigment; respiratory frequency; rutherfordium
- Rf in paper or thin-layer chromatography, the distance that a spot of a substance has moved from the point of application
- rf radiofrequency; rapid filling
- rFVIII recombinant factor VIII
- RFA radiofrequency ablation; requirements for accreditation; resident functional atlas; right femoral artery; right frontoanterior [fetal position]; risk factor of atherosclerosis
- RFB retained foreign body
- RFC radiofrequency coil; replication factor C; request for comments; retrograde femoral catheter; rosette-forming cell
- RFCA radiofrequency catheter ablation
- RFD, RfD reference dose
- RFDS Royal Flying Doctors Service [Australia]
- RFE relative fluorescence efficiency
- RFFIT rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test
- rFGF1 recombinant fibroblast growth factor 1 [acidic]
- rFGF2 recombinant fibroblast growth factor 2 [basic]
- RFH right femoral hernia
- RFI radiofrequency interference; recurrence-free interval; renal failure index; request for information
- RFIED round femoral inferior epiphysis dysplasia
- RFK Richardson-Flory-Kops [mask]
- RFL right frontolateral [fetal position]
- RFLA rheumatoid-factor-like activity
- RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism
- RFLS rheumatoid-factor-like substance
- RFLV restriction fragment length variant
- Rfm rifampin
- RFNA red fuming nitric acid
- RFP rapid filling period; recurrent facial paralysis; request for proposal; right frontoposterior [fetal position]
- RF-PMR radiofrequency-percutaneous myocardial revascularization [revascularization with radiofrequency energy generator]
- RFPS (Glasgow) Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
- RFR rapid fluid resuscitation; refraction
- RFS relapse-free survival; renal function study; rotating frame spectroscopy
- RFT respiratory function test; right frontotransverse [fetal position]; rod-and-frame test
- RFU relative fluorescence unit
- RFV right femoral vein; Royal Farm virus
- RFW rapid filling wave
- RG right gluteal
- Rg Rodgers [antigen]
- rG regular gene
- RgasD relative gas density
- RGB red-green-blue [imaging]
- RGBMT renal glomerular basement membrane thickness
- RGC radio-gas chromatography; remnant gastric cancer; retinal ganglion cell; right giant cell
- RGD range-gated Doppler; refractional geometric distortions [imaging]
- RGE relative gas expansion
- RGEA right gastroepiploic artery
- RGH rat growth hormone
- RGHBV Ross' goose hepatitis B virus
- RGI recovery from growth inhibition
- RGL random glucose level
- RGM right gluteus medius
- rGM-CSF recombinant granulocytemacrophage colony-stimulating factor
- RGN refinement grouper number; Registered General Nurse
- RGO reciprocating gait orthosis
- RGP retrograde pyelography
- RGR relative growth rate
- RGS regulation of Gα signaling; Rieger syndrome
- RGU regional glucose utilization
- RGV Rio Grande virus
- RH radiant heat; radiation hybrid; radiological health; reactive hyperemia; recurrent herpes; regulatory hormone; rehabilitation; relative humidity; releasing hormone; renal hemolysis; retinal hemorrhage; reverse hybridization; ribonuclease H; right hand; right-handed [person]; right heart; right hemisphere; right hyperphoria; room humidifier
- Rh rhesus [factor]; rhinion; rhodamine; rhodium
- Rh+ rhesus positive
- Rh- rhesus negative
- rh recombinant human; rheumatic
- r/h roentgens per hour
- RHA Regional Health Authority; relative highest avidity; right hepatic artery
- RhA rheumatoid arthritis
- RhAG Rh-associated glycoprotein
- RHB regional hospital board [UK]; right heart bypass
- RHBF reactive hyperemia blood flow
- rh-BMP recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein
- RHBs Regional Hospital Boards
- RHC rad homolog in Cerevisiae; resin hemoperfusion column; respiration has ceased; right heart catheterization; right hypochondrium; rural health center
- RHCSA Regional Hospitals Consultants' and Specialists' Association
- RHD radiological health data; relative hepatic dullness; renal hypertensive disease; rheumatic heart disease
- RhD Rhesus factor and D antigen
- RHDV rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus
- RHDV-AST89 rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus AST89
- RHDV-BS89 rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus BS89
- RHDV-FRG rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus FRG
- RHDV-SD rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus SD
- RHDV-V351 rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus V351
- rhDNase recombinant human deoxyribonuclease [DNAse]
- RHE retinohepatoendocrinologic [syndrome]
- RHEED reflection high-energy electron diffraction
- rheo rheology
- rhEPO recombinant human erythropoietin
- rheu, rheum rheumatic, rheumatoid
- RHF restricted Hartree-Fock [level]; right heart failure
- Rh F rheumatic fever
- rhFVIII recombinant human factor 8
- rhFSH recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone
- RHG right hand grip
- rhG-CSF recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
- rhGH recombinant human growth hormone
- rhGM-CSF recombinant human granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor
- RHI Rural Health Initiative
- RHIA registered health information administrator
- RhIG Rh [rhesus] factor immune globulin
- rhIGF recombinant human insulin-like growth factor [IGF]
- rhIL recombinant human interleukin
- RHIN regional health information network
- Rhin rhinology
- rhino rhinoplasty
- RHIT registered health information technician
- RHJSC Regional Hospital Junior Staff Committee
- RHL recurrent herpes labialis; right hepatic lobe
- RHLN right hilar lymph node
- rhm roentgens per hour at 1 meter
- RHMAP radiation hybrid mapping program
- RhMK rhesus monkey kidney
- RhMk rhesus monkey
- RhMkK rhesus monkey kidney
- RHMV right heart mixing volume
- RHN Rockwell hardness number
- rhnRNP recombinant heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein
- Rhnull erythrocytes which fail to express rhesus antigens
- RHO rhodopsin; right heeloff
- ρ Greek letter rho; correlation coefficient; electric charge density; electrical resistivity; mass density; reactivity
- RhoGAM RhoD immune globulin
- RHOM rhombosine
- RHR renal hypertensive rat; resting heart rate
- r/hr roentgens per hour
- RHRV relative heart rate variability
- RHS radius head subluxation; Ramsay Hunt syndrome; Rapp-Hodgkin syndrome; reciprocal hindlimb-scratching [syndrome]; Richner-Hanhart syndrome; right hand side; right heelstrike
- RHSC Royal Hospital for Sick Children
- RHSIG Rehabilitation Hospitals Special Interest Group
- rhSp1 recombinant human Sp1 protein
- RHT renal homotransplantation
- RHTC rural health training center
- rH-TNF recombinant human tumor necrosis factor
- rh-tPA recombinant human tissue plasminogen activator
- rhTPO recombinant human thrombopoietin
- RHU registered health underwriter; rheumatology
- rHuEPO recombinant human erythropoietin
- rHuGCF recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor
- rhuMAb recombinant human monoclonal antibody