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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ R ]
- RNINMEGLA rat integral membrane glycoprotein
- RNP ribonucleoprotein
- RNP-CS ribonucleoprotein consensus sequence
- RNR ribonucleotide reductase
- RNS reactive nitrogen species; reference normal serum; repetitive nerve stimulation; replacement normal saline [solution]; ribonuclease
- RNSC radionuclide superior cavography
- Rnt roentgenology
- RNTMI transfer ribonucleic acid initiator methionine
- rNTP ribonuclease-5´-triphosphate
- RNV radionuclide venography; radionuclide ventriculogram or ventriculography
- RNVG radionuclide ventriculography
- RO radiation oncology; radiation output; ratio of; relative odds; renal osteodystrophy; reverse osmosis; Ritter-Oleson [technique]; routine order; rule out
- ro radius of orifice
- R/O, r/o rule out
- ROA regurgitant orifice area; right occipitoanterior [fetal position]
- ROAD reversible obstructive airways disease
- ROAT renal organic anion transporter; repeat open application test
- ROATS rabbit ovarian antitumor serum
- rob robertsonian translocation
- ROBCAD robotic computer-assisted diagnosis
- ROBUST Recanalization of Occluded Bypass Graft with Prolonged Urokinase Infusion Site Trial
- ROC receiver operating characteristic; receiver operating curve; receptor-operated channels; relative operating characteristic; resident on call; residual organic carbon; right outer canthus
- ROCFT Rey-Osterreich complex figure test
- ROCK Rho-associated kinase
- ROCKET Regionally Organized Cardiac Key European Trial
- rOCT rat organic cation transporter
- ROCV Rocio virus
- ROD record of decision
- RODA rapid opioid detoxification under general anesthesia
- RODEO rotating delivery of excitation off resonance
- rOEF regional oxygen extraction fraction
- roent roentgenology
- ROESY rotating frame Overhauser effect spectroscopy
- ROGAD radiation oncology greater area database
- ROH rat ovarian hyperemia [test]
- ROI range of interest; reactive oxygen intermediate; region of interest; right occipitolateral [fetal position]
- ROIH right oblique inguinal hernia
- ROJM range of joint motion
- ROLL radioguided occult lesion localization
- ROM range of motion; reactive oxygen metabolite; read only memory; reduction of movement; regional office manual; removal of metal [pins or plates in orthopedic surgery]; rupture of membranes
- Rom Romberg [sign]
- rom reciprocal ohm meter
- ROMAS Romanian Multicenter Study
- ROM CP range of motion complete and painfree
- ROMI rating of medication influence; rule out myocardial infarct
- ROMIO Rule Out Myocardial Infarct Observation [study]
- ROMS radiation oncology management system
- ROOF retro-orbital orbicular fat
- ROP removal of pins or plates; removal of plaster [of Paris]; retinopathy of prematurity; right occipitoposterior [fetal position]
- RO PACS radiation oncology picture archiving and communication system
- ROPE respiratory-ordered phase encoding
- ROPS rollover protective structure
- ROR reactive oxygen radicals; risk odds ratio
- Ror Rorschach [test]
- ROS reactive oxygen species; reflectance optical shield; relative outcome score; review of systems; rod outer segment
- RoS rostral sulcus
- ROSC return of spontaneous circulation
- ROSETTA Routine vs Selective Exercise Treadmill Test after Angioplasty [trial]
- ROSP rod outer segment protein
- ROSS radiotherapy oncology support system; review of subjective symptoms
- ROSTER Rotational Atherectomy vs Balloon Angioplasty for In-stent Restenosis [trial]
- ROT real oxygen transport; remedial occupational therapy; right occipito-transverse [fetal position]
- rot rotating, rotation
- ROTA rotablator atherectomy
- ROTACS rotational angioplasty catheter system
- ROTASTENT Rotational Atherectomy with Adjunctive Stenting [trial]
- ROU recurrent oral ulcer
- Rout outflow resistance
- ROW Rendu-Osler-Weber [syndrome]; rest of the world
- ROXIS Roxithromycin in Ischemic Syndromes [study]
- RP&nbs