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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ R ]
- RSIL respiratory and systemic infection laboratory
- R-SIRS Revised Seriousness of Illness Rating Scale
- RSIVP rapid-sequence intravenous pyelography
- RSK ribosomal S6 kinase
- RSL right sacrolateral [fetal position]
- RSLD repair of sublethal damage
- RSLT test result [UMLS]
- RSM risk screening model; Royal Society of Medicine
- RSMR relative standard mortality rate
- RSN restin; right substantia nigra
- RSNA Radiological Society of North America; renal sympathetic nerve activity
- RSO radiation safety officer; Resident Surgical Officer; right superior oblique [muscle]
- rSO2 regional oxygen saturation
- RSP rapid straight pacing; rat serum protein; recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax; removable silicone plug; respirable suspended particulate; ribose-5-phosphatase; right sacroposterior [fetal position]
- RSPAC remote sensing public access center
- RSPCA Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- RS-PCR ribonucleic acid [RNA] specific template polymerase chain reaction
- RS3PE remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema
- RSPH Royal Society for the Promotion of Health
- RSPK recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis
- RSPV right superior pulmonary vein
- RSR rectosphincteric reflex response-stimulus ratio; regular sinus rhythm; relative survival rate; right superior rectus [muscle]
- rSr an electrocardiographic complex
- RSS rat stomach strip; recombination signal sequence; rectosigmoidoscopy; repetitive stress syndrome; rotary subluxation of the sphenoid; Russell-Silver syndrome; Russian spring-summer [encephalitis]
- RSSE Russian spring-summer encephalitis
- RSSI received signal strength indication
- RSSR relative slow sinus rate
- RST radiosensitivity test; rapid surfactant test; reagin screen test; repeated significance test; right sacrotransverse [fetal position]; rubrospinal tract
- Rst in paper or thin layer chromatography, the distance that a spot of a substance has moved, relative to a reference standard spot
- RSTD rectal-skin temperature difference
- R-step restoration step
- rSTERN recurrent spatiotemporal neuron
- RSTI Radiological Service Training Institute
- RSTL relaxed skin tension lines
- RSTMH Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
- RSTS retropharyngeal soft tissue space; Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
- RSTV Rost Island virus
- RSU radiological sciences unit
- RSV regurgitant stroke volume; respiratory syncytial virus; right subclavian vein; Rous sarcoma virus
- RSVC right superior vena cava
- RSVP rejuvenation with sparing of vascular perforators; retired senior volunteer program
- RSV-Pr-C Rous sarcoma virus (Prague C)
- RSV-SR-D Rous sarcoma virus (Schmidt-Ruppin D)
- RSV-SR-B Rous sarcoma virus (Schmidt-Ruppin B)
- RT rabbit trachea; radiologic technologist; radiotelemetry; radiotherapy; random transfusion; radium therapy; rapid tranquilization; rational therapy; reaction time; reading test; real time; reciprocating tachycardia; recovery time; recreational therapy; rectal temperature; red tetrazolium; red-top; reduction time; reference terminology; Registered Technician; related term [UMLS]; relaxation time; renal transplantation; repetition time; [heart] repolarization time; resistance transfer; respiratory therapist/therapy; response time; rest tremor; retransformation; retrieved term; reverse transcriptase; reverse transcription; right; right thigh; robust take; room temperature; Rubinstein-Taybi [syndrome]
- RT3, rT3 reverse triiodothyronine
- RT90 time to 90% relaxation
- Rt right; total resistance
- rT recurrent tumor [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]; ribothymidine
- rt right; room temperature
- RTA ray tracing algorithm; renal tubular acidosis; reverse transcriptase assay; road traffic accident
- RTAD renal tubular acidification defect
- rTag recombinant small T-antigen
- rTAP recombinant tick anticoagulant peptide
- RT(ARRT) Radiologic Technologist certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
- RTAS radiology telephone access system
- RTC rape treatment center; regional tuberculosis center; renal tubular cell; residential treatment center; return to clinic; reverse thrust catheter
- rtc return to clinic
- RTCL Radiotherapy Command Language
- rTCMS repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
- RT-CT radiotherapy dedicated computed tomography
- RTD real time 3-dimensional [ultrasound]; renal tubular dysplasia or dysgenesis defect; resonant tunneling device; routine test dilution
- Rtd retarded
- RTE Registry of Toxic Effects
- RTEC Regional Technology and Education Consortium
- RTECS Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances [NLM database]
- RTF resistance transfer factor; respiratory tract fluid; rich text format
- RTG radioactive thermal generator; renal threshold of glucose
- RTG-2 rainbow trout gonadal tissue cells
- RTH resistance to thyroid hormone
- RTI reproductive tract infection; respiratory tract infection; retrograde tracheal intubation; reverse transcriptase inhibition
- RTK receptor-tyrosine kinase; rhabdoid tumor of the kidney
- rtl rectal
- rt lat right lateral
- RTM registered trademark
- rTMS repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
- RTN renal tubular necrosis
- RTn reverse transcription intermediate
- RT(N)(ARRT) Radiologic Technologist (Nuclear Medicine) certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
- RTNet radiotherapy networking system
- rTNF recombinant tumor necrosis factor
- RTO return to office; right toeoff
- RTOG radiation therapy oncology group
- RTP radiation treatment planning; radiotherapy treatment planning; renal transplantation patient; reverse transcriptase-producing [agent]
- rTPA, rtPA, rt-PA recombinant tissue plasminogen activator
- RT-PACS radiotherapy picture archival and communication system
- RT-PCR reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction [PCR]
- RTPV radiation therapy planning and verification; RT parvovirus
- RTR Recreational Therapist, Registered; red blood cell turnover rate; retention time ratio
- RT(R)(ARRT) Registered Technologist (Radiography) certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
- RT-RH reverse transcriptase-ribonuclease H
- RTRR return to recovery room
- RTS rapid throughput screening; real time scan; Rett syndrome; Revised Trauma Score; right toestrike; Rothmund-Thomson syndrome; Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
- RTSS rest technetium-99m sestamibi scan
- RTT round trip time
- RT(T)(ARRT) Radiologic Technologist (Radiation Therapy) certified by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
- RTTP radiation therapy treatment planning
- RTU real-time ultrasonography; relative time unit; renal transplantation unit
- RT3U resin triiodothyronine uptake
- RTUI respiratory therapy utilization index
- RTV resistance-to-voltage [converter]; rhinotracheitis virus; room temperature vulcanization
- RTW return to work
- RTX robustotoxin
- RU radioulnar; rat unit; reading unit; residual urine; resin uptake; resistance unit; retrograde urogram; right upper; roentgen unit
- ru radiation unit
- RU-1 human embryonic lung fibroblasts
- RU-486 mifepristone
- RUA reduced under anesthesia
- RUBV rubella virus
- RUC rapid update cycle
- RUD recurrent ulcer of the duodenal bulb; repeating unit domain
- RUE right upper extremity
- RUG resource utilization group; retrograde urethrography
- RUL right upper eyelid; right upper lateral; right upper limb; right upper lobe
- RuMP ribulose monophosphate pathway
- RUOQ right upper outer quadrant
- RUP right upper pole
- Ru1,5P ribulose-1,5-biphosphate
- Ru5P ribulose-5-phosphate
- rupt ruptured
- RUPV right upper pulmonary vein
- RUQ right upper quadrant
- RUR resin-uptake ratio
- RURTI recurrent upper respiratory tract infection
- RUS radioulnar synostosis; real-time ultrasonography
- RUSB right upper sternal border
- RUSP right ventricular systolic pressure
- RUT rapid urease test
- RUTH Raloxifene Use for the Heart [study]
- RUV residual urine volume
- RUX right upper extremity
- RUZ right upper zone
- RV ranavirus; random variable; rat virus; Rauscher virus; rectovaginal; regurgitant [stroke] volume; reinforcement value; renal vein; reovirus; residual volume; respiratory volume; retroventral; retroversion; retrovesical; retrovirus; return visit; rhabdovirus; rheumatoid vasculitis; rhinovirus; right ventricle, right ventricular; rotavirus; rubella vaccine; rubella virus; Russell viper
- R/V, R&V record and verify
- RV radius of view
- Rv venous resistance
- RVA rabies vaccine activated; recombinant virus assay; re-entrant ventricular arrhythmia; right ventricle activation; right ventricular apex; right vertebral artery
- RV-A Rotavirus A
- RVAD right ventricular assist device
- RVAW right ventricle anterior wall
- RVB red venous blood
- RV-B Rotavirus B
- RVBF reversed vertebral blood flow
- RVC reason for visit classification; rectovaginal constriction
- RV-C Rotavirus C
- RVD regulatory [fluid] volume decrease; relative vertebral density; relative vessel diameter; relative volume decrease; right ventricular dimension; right ventricular dysplasia
- RV-D Rotavirus D
- RVDC right ventricular diastolic collapse
- RVDO right ventricular diastolic overload
- RVDV right ventricular diastolic volume
- RVE right ventricular enlargement
- RV-E Rotavirus E
- RVECP right ventricular endocardial potential
- RVED right ventricular end-diastolic [pressure]
- RVEDD right ventricular end-diastolic diameter
- RVEDP right ventricular end-diastolic pressure
- RVEDV right ventricular end-diastolic volume
- RVEDVI right ventricular end-diastolic volume index
- RVEF right ventricular ejection fraction; right ventricular end-flow
- RVESV right ventricular end-systolic volume
- RVET right ventricular ejection time
- RVF renal vascular failure; residual volume fraction; Rift Valley fever; right ventricular failure; right visual field
- RV-F Rotavirus F
- RVFP right ventricular filling pressure
- RVFV Rift Valley fever virus
- RVG right ventral gluteus [muscle]; right visceral ganglion; radionuclide ventriculography
- RV-G Rotavirus G
- RVH renal vascular hypertension, renovascular hypertension; right ventricular hypertrophy
- RVHD rheumatic valvular heart disease
- RVHR renovascular hypertensive rat
- RVI relative value index; right ventricle infarction
- RVID right ventricular internal dimension
- RVIT right ventricular inflow tract
- RV-IVRT right ventricular isovolumic relaxation time
- RVL right vastus lateralis
- RVLG right ventrolateral gluteal
- RVLM rostral ventrolateral medulla
- RVM right ventricular mass; right ventricular mean
- RVMM rostral ventromedial medulla
- RVO Regional Veterinary Officer; relaxed vaginal outlet; right ventricular outflow
- RVOT right ventricular outflow tract
- RVP red veterinary petrolatum; resting venous pressure; right ventricular pressure
- RVPEP right ventricular pre-ejection period
- RVPFR right ventricular peak filling rate
- RVP/LVP right ventricular pressure/left ventricular pressure [ratio]
- RVPRA renal vein plasma renin activity
- RVR reduced vascular response; renal vascular resistance; repetitive ventricular response; resistance to venous return
- RVRA renal vein renin activity, renal venous renin assay
- RVRC renal vein renin concentration
- RVS rectovaginal space; relative value scale/study; reported visual sensation; retrovaginal space
- RVSO right ventricular stroke output
- RVSV right ventricular stroke volume
- RVSW right ventricular stroke work
- RVSWI right ventricular stroke work index
- RVT renal vein thrombosis
- RVTE recurring venous thromboembolism
- RV/TLC residual volume/total lung capacity
- RVU relative value unit
- RVV right ventricular volume; rubella vaccine-like virus; Russell viper venom
- rVV recombinant vaccinia virus
- RVVO right ventricular volume overload
- RVVT Russell viper venom time
- RVW right ventricular wall
- RVWT right ventricle wall thickness
- RW radiological warfare; ragweed; respiratory work; Romano-Ward [syndrome]; round window
- R-W Rideal-Walker [coefficient]; Romano-Ward [syndrome]
- R/W return to work
- RWAGE ragweed antigen E
- RWC receiving water concentration; regional weaning center
- RWIS restraint and water immersion stress
- RWJF Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- RWM regional wall motion
- RWMA regional wall motion abnormality
- RWP ragweed pollen; R-wave progression
- RWS radiology work station; ragweed sensitivity
- RWT random walk theory [fluorescent imaging]; relative wall thickness
- RWV rotating-wall vessel
- RX rapid exchange; reaction; residual tumor not assessed [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]
- Rx drug; medication; pharmacy; prescribe, prescription, prescription drug; take [Lat. recipe]; therapy; treatment
- RXLI recessive X-linked ichthyosis
- RXN reaction
- RXR retinoid X receptor
- RXRA retinoid X receptor alpha
- RXRE retinoic X response element
- RXRG retinoid X receptor gamma
- RXT right exotropia
- R-Y Roux-en-Y [anastomosis]
- RYD ryanodine
- RYR, Ryr ryanodine receptor