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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ S ]
- S apparent power; in electrocardiography, a negative deflection that follows an R wave [wave]; entropy; exposure time; half [Lat. semis]; left [Lat. sinister]; mean dose per unit cumulated activity; the midpoint of the sella turcica [point]; sacral; saline; Salmonella; saturated; scanning [pacemaker]; Schistosoma; schizophrenia; scleral [tumor invasion]; second; section; sedimentation coefficient; sella [turcica]; semilente [insulin]; senile, senility; sensation; sensitivity; septum; serine; serum; serum marker; Shigella; siderocyte; siemens; sigmoid; signature [prescription]; silicate; slope; single; slow accelerator; small; smooth [colony]; soft [diet]; solid; soluble; solute; sone [unit]; space; spatial; specificity; spherical; Spirillum; spleen; spontaneous; standard normal deviation; Staphylococcus; stem [cell]; stimulus; Streptococcus; streptomycin; subject; subjective findings; substrate; sulfur; sum of an arithmetic series; supravergence; surface; surgery; suture; Svedberg [unit]; swine; Swiss [mouse]; synthesis; systole; without [Lat. sine]
- S0 scleral invasion not assessed [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]
- S1 first stimulus
- s-1 per second
- S1-S5 first to fifth sacral nerves
- S1-S4 first to fourth heart sounds
- S2 supernatant, pure
- s2 sample variance [statistics]
- 4S Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study Group
- S-100 marker protein for peripheral nervous system tumors containing α and β chains
- s atomic orbital with angular momentum quantum number 0; distance; left [Lat. sinister]; length of path; sample standard deviation; satellite [chromosome]; scruple; second; section; sedimentation coefficient; sensation; series; signed; suckling
specific heat capacity; without [Lat. sine]
- s-1 cycles per second
- s2 sample variance
- Σ see sigma
- σ see sigma
- SA sacro-anterior; salicylamide; salicylic acid; saline [solution]; salt added; sarcoidosis; sarcoma; scalenus anticus; secondary amenorrhea; secondary anemia; secondary arrest; self-administration; self-agglutination; self-analysis; semen analysis; sensitizing antibody; serratus anterior [muscle]; serum albumin; serum aldolase; sexual abuse; sexual addict; sexual assault; short acting; short axis; sialic acid; sialoadenectomy; signal averaged [ECG]; sim-ian adenovirus; simulated annealing [algorithm]; sinoatrial; sinus arrest; sinus arrhythmia; skeletal age; skin-adipose [unit]; sleep apnea; slightly active; slowly adapting [receptor]; soluble in alkaline medium; Spanish American; specific activity; spectrum analysis; sperm abnormality; spiking activity; spinal abscess; spinal anesthesia; splenic artery; stable angina; standard accuracy; Staphylococcus aureus; status asthmaticus; stimulus artifact; Stokes-Adams [syndrome]; streptavidin; subarachnoid; substance abuse; succinylacetone; suicide alert; suicide attempt; surface antigen; surface area; surgery and anesthesia; surgical assistant; suspended animation; suspicious area; sustained action; sympathetic activity; symptom analysis; synthetic aperture; system administrator; systemic aspergillosis
- S-A sinoatrial; sinoauricular
- S&A sickness and accident [insurance]; sugar and acetone
- S/A stent-to-artery [ratio]
- Sa the most anterior point of the anterior contour of the sella turcica [point]; saline; Staphylococcus aureus
- sA statampere
- SAA serum amyloid A; serum amyloid-associated [protein]; severe aplastic anemia; starch ampicillin agar
- SAAP selective aortic arch perfusion
- SAAQ signal averaged acoustic quantification
- SAARD slow-acting antirheumatic drug
- SAAS Substance Abuse Attitude Survey
- SAAST self-administered alcohol screening test
- SAB Scientific Advisory Board; serum albumin; signal above baseline; significant asymptomatic bacteriuria; sinoatrial block; Society of American Bacteriologists; spontaneous abortion; subarachnoid block
- SAb spontaneous abortion
- SABER Stent-assisted Balloon Angioplasty and Its Effects on Restenosis [study]
- SABOV Sabo virus
- SABV Saboya virus
- SABP spontaneous acute bacterial peritonitis; systolic arterial blood pressure
- SAC saccharin; sacrum; screening and acute care; seasonal acute conjunctivitis; Self-Assessment of Communication [scale]; serum aminoglycoside concentration; short-arm cast; sideline assessment of concussion; small accessory chromosome; social activity [scale]; splinting for acute closure; stable access cannula; stretch-activated channel [heart contraction]; subarea advisory council; substance abuse counselor; symptomatic anomaly complex
- SACcat stretch-activated channel-cations [heart contraction]
- sacch saccharin
- SACD subacute combined degeneration
- SACE serum angiotensin-converting enzyme
- SACH small animal care hospital; solid ankle cushioned heel
- SACK suppression of asymmetric cell kinetics
- SACNAS Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
- SaCO2 alveolar carbon dioxide saturation
- SACS secondary anticoagulation system
- SACSF subarachnoid cerebrospinal fluid
- SACT sinoatrial conduction time
- SAD Scale of Anxiety and Depression; seasonal affective disorder; Self-Assessment Depression [scale]; sino-aortic denervation; small airway disease; source-to-axis distance; sugar, acetone, and diacetic acid; suppressor-activating determinant
- SADD Short-Alcohol Dependence Data [questionnaire]; standardized assessment of depressive disorders; Students Against Drunk Driving
- SADDAN severe achondroplasia with developmental delay and acanthosis nigricans
- SADIA small angle double incidence angiography
- SADL simulated activities of daily living
- SADR suspected adverse drug reaction
- SADS Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia; self-accelerating decomposition temperature; Sudden Adult Death Survey; sudden arrhythmic death syndrome
- SADS-C Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Change
- SADS-L Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Lifetime
- SADT Stetson Auditory Discrimination Test
- SAdV simian adenovirus
- SAE serious adverse event; sexual assault evaluation; short above-elbow [cast]; specific action exercise; subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy; supported arm exercise
- SAEB sinoatrial entrance block
- SAECG, SaECG signal averaged electrocardiogram
- SAED semiautomatic external defibrillator
- SAEFVSS Serious Adverse Events Following Vaccination Surveillance Scheme [Australia]
- SAEM Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
- SAEP Salmonella abortus equi pyrogen
- SAF scrapie-associated fibrils; self-articulating femoral; serum accelerator factor; simultaneous auditory feedback; standard analytic file [Medicare]
- SAFA soluble antigen fluorescent antibody
- SAFE Safety After Fifty Evaluation [study]; surgery, antibiotics, face-washing, environmental change [trachoma]
- SAFE-PACE Syncope and Falls in the Elderly-Role of Pacemaker [study]
- SAFHS sonic-accelerated fracture-healing system
- SAFIRE-D Symptomatic Atrial Fibrillation Investigation and Randomized Evaluation of Dofetilide [study]
- SAFTEE-GI systematic assessment for treatment emergent events-general inquiry
- SAFTEE-SI systematic assessment for treatment emergent events-systematic inquiry
- SAFV Saint-Floris virus
- SAG salicyl acyl glucuronide; sodium antimony gluconate; sonoangiography; streptavidin-gold; superantigen; Swiss agammaglobulinemia
- sag sagittal
- SAGE Serial Analysis of Gene Expression [database]; Systematic Assessment of Geriatric Drug Use via Epidemiology [study]
- SAGES signal-averaged electrocardiographic [ECG] study
- SAGM sodium chloride, adenine, glucose, mannitol
- SAH S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine; subarachnoid hemorrhage
- SAHA seborrhea-hypertrichosis/hirsutism-alopecia [syndrome]
- SAHCS Streptokinase-Aspirin-Heparin Collaborative Study
- SAHH S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase
- SAHIGES Staphylococcus aureus hyperimmunoglobulinemia E syndrome
- SA-HRP streptavidin-conjugated horse radish peroxidase
- SAHS San Antonio Heart Study; sleep apnea-hypersomnolence [syndrome]
- SAHV St Abb's Head virus
- SAI Self-Analysis Inventory; Sexual Arousability Inventory; Social Adequacy Index; suppressor of anchorage independence; systemic active immunotherapy
- SAIC Science Applications International Corporation [database]
- SAICAR sylaminoimidazole carboxylase
- SAID specific adaptation to imposed demand [principle]
- SAIDS sexually acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; simian acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- SAIMS student applicant information management system
- SAKV Sakhalin virus
- SAL sensorineural activity level; sterility assurance level; suction-assisted lipectomy
- Sal salicylate, salicylic; Salmonella
- sAl serum aluminum [level]
- sal salicylate, salicylic; saline; saliva
- SALAD Surgery vs Angioplasty for Proximal Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery Stenosis [trial]
- Salm Salmonella
- SALP salpingectomy; salpingography; serum alkaline phosphatase
- Salpx salpingectomy
- SALT skin-associated lymphoid tissue; Swedish Aspirin in Low Dose Trial
- SALTS Strategic Alternatives with Ticlopidine in Stenting [study]
- SALV Salehebad virus
- SAM S-adenosyl-L-methionine; scanning acoustic microscope; self-assembled monolayer; senescence accelerated mouse; sex arousal mechanism; short-arc motion; staphylococcal absorption method; subject area model; substrate adhesion molecule; sulfated acid mucopolysaccharide; surface active material; system for assembling markers; systolic anterior motion
- SAMA schizoaffective mania mainly affective [type]; Student American Medical Association
- SAMD S-adenosyl-L-methionine decarboxylase
- SAM-DC S-adenosyl-L-methionine decarboxylase
- SAMe S-adenosyl-L-methionine
- SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- SAMI Streptokinase and Angioplasty in Myocardial Infarction [trial]; Streptokinase in Acute Myocardial Infarction [study]; Students for Advancement of Medical Instrumentation
- SAMII Survey of Acute Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction [study]
- SAMIT Streptokinase and Angioplasty Myocardial Infarction Trial
- SAMMEC Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Morbidity, and Economic Costs [study]
- SAMO Senior Administrative Medical Officer
- SAMPLE Study on Ambulatory Monitoring of Pressure and Lisinopril Evaluation
- SAMS Society for Advanced Medical Systems; substrate adhesion molecule
- S-AMY serum amylase
- SAN sinoatrial node; sinoauricular node; slept all night; solitary autonomous nodule; storage area network
- SANA sinoatrial node artery
- Sanat sanatorium
- SANDR sinoatrial nodal reentry
- SANE sexual assault nurse examiner
- sang sanguineous
- SANGUIS Safe and Good Use of Blood in Surgery [study]
- sanit sanitary, sanitation
- SANS scale for the assessment of negative symptoms
- SANV Sango virus
- SANWS sinoatrial node weakness syndrome
- SAO small airway obstruction; splanchnic artery occlusion; subvalvular aortic obstruction
- SAO2 oxygen saturation in alveolar gas
- SaO2 oxygen saturation
- SaO2 oxygen saturation in arterial blood
- SAP sensory action potential; serum acid phosphatase; serum alkaline phosphatase; serum amyloid P; shrimp alkaline phosphatase; situs ambiguus with polysplenia; sphingolipid activator protein; stable angina pectoris; Staphylococcus aureus protease; subjective and physical [findings]; surfactant-associated protein; systemic arterial pressure; systolic arterial pressure
- SAPA scan along polygonal approximation; spatial average pulse average
- SAPALDIA Swiss Study of Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults
- SAPAT Swedish Angina Pectoris Aspirin Trial
- SAPD short action potential duration; signal averaged P-wave duration; sphingolipid activator protein deficiency
- SAPF simultaneous anterior and posterior [spinal] fusion
- saph saphenous
- SAPHO synovitis-acne-pustulosis hyperostosis-osteomyelitis [syndrome]
- SAPK stress-activated protein kinase
- SA-PMP streptavidin-paramagnetic particle
- SAPPHIRE Stanford Asian Pacific Program in Hypertension and Insulin Resistance
- SAPS simplified acute physiology score; Staphylococcus aureus protease sensitivity
- SAPV Sapphire virus
- SAPX salivary peroxidase
- SAQ saquinavir; self-applied questionnaire; short arc quadriceps [muscle]
- SAQC statistical analysis of quality control
- SAR scaffold attachment region [genomic sequencing]; scatter/air ratio [radiation]; seasonal allergic rhinitis; sexual attitude reassessment; slowly adapting receptor; specific absorption rate; structure-activity relationship; supplied air respirator; supra-aortic ridge; supra-aortic ring; synthetic aperture radar
- SARA sexually acquired reactive arthritis; Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization
- SARB Statistical Application and Research Branch [FDA]
- SARI serotonin-2 antagonist reuptake inhibitor
- SARS San Antonio Rotablator study; severe acute respiratory syndrome
- SART simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique
- SARV Santa Rosa virus
- SAS sarcoma amplified sequence; Scandinavian Angiopeptin Study; sedation-agitation scale; Scottish Ambulance Service; self-rating anxiety scale; short arm splint; Sklar Aphasia Scale; severe aortic stenosis; sleep apnea syndrome; small animal surgery; small aorta syndrome; social adjustment scale; sodium amylosulfate; space-adaptation syndrome; specific activity scale; statistical analysis system; sterile aqueous solution; sterile aqueous suspension; subaortic stenosis; subarachnoid space; sulfasalazine; supravalvular aortic stenosis; surface-active substance; synchronous atrial stimulation
- SASA solvent-accessible surface area
- SASD State Ambulatory Surgery Databases
- SASMAS skin-adipose superficial musculoaponeurotic system
- SASP salicylazosulfapyridine
- SASPP syndrome of absence of septum pellucidum with preencephaly
- SASS Syngen Acute Stroke Study
- SAS-SR social adjustment scale, self-report
- SASSY Seniors Active Spirits Staying Young [program]
- SAST selective arterial secretin injection test; Self-administered Alcoholism Screening Test; serum aspartate aminotransferase
- SAT saliva alcohol test; Saruplase Alteplase Study; satellite; satisfactibility; saturated, saturation; serum antitrypsin; shifting attention; single-agent chemotherapy; slide agglutination test; sodium ammonium thiosulfate; spermatogenic activity test; spontaneous activity test; subacute thrombosis; subacute thyroiditis; subcutaneous adipose tissue; sulfate adenyltransferase; symptomless autoimmune thyroiditis; systematic assertive therapy; systematic axis transform; systolic acceleration time
- Sat, sat saturation, saturated
- SATA spatial average, temporal average
- SATB special aptitude test battery
- satd saturated
- SATE Safety Antiarrhythmic Trial Evaluation
- SATL surgical Achilles tendon lengthening
- SATP spatial average temporal peak
- SATS substance, amount ingested, time ingested, symptoms
- SATSA Swedish Adoption-Twin Study of Aging
- SATT Scottish Adjuvant Tamoxifen Trial
- SATV Sathuperi virus
- SAU statistical analysis unit
- SAUDIS Sudden and Unexpected Death in Sports [study]
- SAV San Angelo virus; sequential atrioventricular [pacing]; Sikhote-Alyn virus
- SAVD spontaneous assisted vaginal delivery
- SAVE saved-young-life equivalent; sudden A-ventilatory event; Survival and Ventricular Enlargement [trial]
- SAVED saphenous vein de novo
- SAW surface acoustic wave
- SAX short axis; surface antigen, X-linked
- SAx short axis
- SAX-APEX short-axis plane, apical
- SAX-MV short-axis, mitral valve
- SAX-PM short-axis plane, papillary muscle
- SB Bachelor of Science [L. Scientiae Baccalaureus]; Schwartz-Bartter [syndrome]; serum bilirubin; shortness of breath; sick bay; sideroblast; single blind [study]; single breath; sinus bradycardia; small bowel; sodium balance; sodium bisulfite; Southern blotting; soybean; spike burst; spina bifida; spontaneous blastogenesis; spontaneous breathing; standard [hospital] bed; Stanford-Binet [Intelligence Scale]; stereotyped behavior; sternal border; stillbirth; Sudan black [stain]; surface binding
- S-B Sengstaken-Blakemore [tube]; suppression burst
- Sb strabismus
- sb stilb
- SBA serum bactericidal activity; serum bile acid; soybean agglutinin; spina bifida aperta
- SBAHC school-based adolescent health care
- SBB stimulation-bound behavior
- SBBT specialist in blood bank technology
- SBC school-based clinic; Schwarz's bayesian criterion; serum bactericidal concentration; strict bed confinement