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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ S ]
- SBCS Stockholm Breast Cancer Study
- SBD selective bowel decontamination; senile brain disease
- S-BD seizure-brain damage
- SbDH sorbitol dehydrogenase
- SBDX scanning beam digital x-ray
- SBE breast self-examination; short below-elbow [cast]; shortness of breath on exertion; small bowel enema; small bowel enteroscopy; subacute bacterial endocarditis
- SBEH social behavior [UMLS]
- SBET Society for Biomedical Engineering Technicians
- SBEPI sinusoidal blipped echo-planar imaging
- S/β sickle cell beta-thalassemia
- SBF serologic-blocking factor; skin blood flow; specific blocking factor; splanchnic blood flow; systemic blood flow
- SBFT small bowel follow-through
- SBG selenite brilliant green
- SBH Sabra hypertensive [rat]; sea-blue histiocyte; small basophilic hemocyte
- SBHC school-based health center
- SBI shape-based interpolation
- SBIAB secondary bacterial infection acute bronchitis
- SBIS Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
- SBL soybean lecithin
- sBL sporadic Burkitt lymphoma
- SBLA sarcoma, breast and brain tumors, leukemia, laryngeal and lung cancer, and adrenal cortical carcinoma
- SB-LM Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test-Form LM
- SBM scientific basis of medicine; sexual intercourse between men; Solomon-Bloembergen-Morgan [equation]
- SBMA spinal bulbar muscular atrophy
- SBN State Board of Nursing
- SBN2 single-breath nitrogen [test]
- SBNS Society of British Neurological Surgeons
- SBNT single-breath nitrogen test
- SBNW single-breath nitrogen washout
- SBO small bowel obstruction; spina bifida occulta
- SBOM soybean oil meal
- SBP schizobipolar; serotonin-binding protein; spontaneous bacterial peritonitis; steroid-binding plasma [protein]; sulfobromophthalein; symmetric biphasic; systemic blood pressure; systolic blood pressure
- SBQ Smoking Behavior Questionnaire
- SBR small bowel resection; small box respirator; spleen-to-body [weight] ratio; strict bed rest; styrene-butadiene rubber
- SBRN sensory branch of radial nerve
- SBRS senior biomedical research service
- SBRT split beam rotation therapy
- SBS secondary bilateral synchrony; shaken baby syndrome; short bowel syndrome; sick building syndrome; sinobronchial syndrome; skull base surgery; small bowel series; social breakdown syndrome; straight back syndrome; substrate-binding strand
- SBSP simultaneous bilateral spontaneous pneumothorax
- SBSS Seligmann's buffered salt solution
- SBT sequence-based typing; serum bactericidal titer; single-breath test; sulbactam
- SBTI soybean trypsin inhibitor
- SBTPE State Boards Test Pool Examination
- SBTT small bowel transit time
- SBV singular binocular vision; soilborne virus
- SBV pentavalent antimonial
- SBW standard body weight
- SC conditioned stimulus; sacrococcygeal; Sanitary Corps; sarcomatous component; scalenus [muscle]; scan computer; scapula; Schüller-Christian [disease]; Schwann cell; Schwarz criterion; sciatica; science; sclerosing cholangitis; secondary cleavage; secretory component; self care; semicircular; semilunar valve closure; serum complement; serum creatinine; service-connected; sex chromatin; Sezary cell; short circuit; sick call; sickle cell; sieving coefficient; sigmoid colon; silicone-coated; single chemical; skin conduction; slice collimation; slow component; Snellen chart; sodium citrate; soluble complex; special care; specialty clinic; spinal canal; spinal cord; squamous carcinoma; start conversion; statistical control; stepped care; sternoclavicular; stratum corneum; subcellular; subclavian; subcorneal; subcortical; subcostal; subcutaneous [JCAHO unapproved abbreviation]; subtotal colectomy; succinylcholine; sugar-coated; sulfur-containing; supercoil cruciform [deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA]; supercomputing; superior colliculus; supportive care; supraclavicular; surface colony; surface cooling; switching circuit; systemic candidiasis; systolic click
- S/C subcutaneous; sugar-coated [pill]
- S-C sickle cell
- S&C sclerae and conjunctivae
- Sc scandium; scapula; science, scientific; screening
- sC statcoulomb
- sc subcutaneous
- SCA self-care agency; senescent cell antigen; severe congenital anomaly; sickle-cell anemia; single-camera autostereoscopic [imaging]; single-channel analyzer; sperm-coating antigen; spinocerebellar ataxia; starburst calcification; steroidal-cell antibody; subclavian artery; superior cerebellar artery; suppressor cell activity; survivor of cardiac arrest
- Sca-1 stem cell antigen 1
- SCAA Skin Care Association of America; sporadic cerebral amyloid angiopathy
- SCABG single coronary artery bypass
- SCAD short chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase; spontaneous coronary artery dissection
- SCAG Sandoz Clinical Assessment-Geriatric [Rating]
- SCAI Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions
- SCAM statistical classification of activities of molecules
- SCAMC Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care
- SCAMIA Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care
- SCAMIN Self-Concept and Motivation Inventory
- SCAMP Stanford Coronary Artery Monitoring Project
- SCAN Schedules for Clinical Assessment of Neuropsychiatry; suspected child abuse and neglect; systolic coronary artery narrowing
- SCAP scapula
- SCAR sequence characterized amplified region; severe cutaneous adverse reactions; Society for Computer Application in Radiology
- SCARF skeletal abnormalities, cutis laxa, craniostenosis, psychomotor retardation, facial abnormalities [syndrome]
- SCARI Spinal Cord Injury Assessment of Risk Index
- SCARMD severe childhood autosomal recessive muscular dystrophy
- SCAT sheep cell agglutination test; sickle cell anemia test; Simvastatin and Enalapril Coronary Atherosclerosis Trial; Sports Competition Anxiety Test
- SCAV Sunday Canyon virus
- SCAVF spinal cord arteriovenous fistula
- SCAVM spinal cord arteriovenous malformation
- SCB strictly confined to bed
- SCBA self-contained breathing apparatus
- SCBE single contrast barium enema
- SCBF spinal cord blood flow
- SCBG symmetric calcification of the basal cerebral ganglia
- SCBH systemic cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity
- SCBP stratum corneum basic protein
- SCC self-care center; sequential combination chemotherapy; services for crippled children; short-course chemotherapy; sickle cell disease; side chain cleavage; small-cell carcinoma; small cleaved cell; spinal cord compression; standardized coding and classification; squamous cell carcinoma; symptom cluster constraint
- SC4C subcostal four-chamber [view]
- SCCA single-cell cytotoxicity assay; small-cell carcinoma
- SCCB small-cell carcinoma of the bronchus
- SCCC squamous cell cervical carcinoma
- SCCH sternocostoclavicular hyperostosis
- SCCHN squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
- SCCHO sternocostoclavicular hyperostosis
- SCCL small cell carcinoma of the lung
- SCCM Sertoli cell culture medium; Society of Critical Care Medicine
- SCCT severe cerebrocranial trauma
- SCD scleroderma; sequential compression device; service-connected disability; sickle-cell disease; spinocerebellar degeneration; subacute combined degeneration; subacute coronary disease; sudden cardiac death; sudden coronary death; support clinical database; systemic carnitine deficiency
- ScD Doctor of Science
- SCDA situational control of daily activities [scale]
- ScDA right scapuloanterior [fetal position, Lat. scapulodextra anterior]
- SCDF skin condition data form
- SCD-HeFT Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure: Trial of Prophylactic Amiodarone vs Implantable Defibrillator Therapy
- SCDNT self-care deficit nursing theory
- ScDP right scapuloposterior [fetal position, Lat. scapulodextra posterior]
- SCE secretory carcinoma of the endometrium; serious cardiac event; sister chromatid exchange; split hand-cleft lip/palate ectodermal [dysplasia]; subcutaneous emphysema
- SCe somatic cell
- SCED single case experimental design
- SCEP sandwich counterelectrophoresis; spinal cord evoked potential
- SCER sister chromatid exchange rate
- SCES subjective computer experience scale
- SCETI Stanford Computer-based Educator Training Intervention
- SceTy1V Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ty1 virus
- SceTy2V Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ty2 virus
- SceTy3V Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ty3 virus
- SceTy4V Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ty4 virus
- SceTy5V Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ty5 virus
- SCF sinusoid containing blood flow; Skin Cancer Foundation; stem cell factor; subcostal frontal [view]
- SCFA short-chain fatty acid
- SCFE slipped capital femoral epiphysis
- SCG scaled conjugate gradient; serum chemistry graft; serum chemogram; sodium cromoglycate; superior cervical ganglion
- SCGE single-cell gel electrophoresis
- SCH student contact hour; succinylcholine
- SCh succinylchloride; succinylcholine
- SChE serum cholinesterase
- S/CHIP State Children's Health Insurance Program
- schiz schizophrenia
- SCHL subcapsular hematoma of the liver
- SCI Science Citation Index; Scottish Care Information; serial communication interface; spinal cord injury; structured clinical interview
- Sci science, scientific
- SCID severe combined immunodeficiency [syndrome]; soft copy image display; Structured Clinical Interview for DSM IV [diagnosis]
- SCIDS severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome
- SCIDX severe combined immunodeficiency disease, X-linked
- SCIEH Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health
- SCII Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory
- SCIM spinal cord injury medicine
- SCINT, scint scintigraphy
- SCIS spinal cord injury service
- SCIU spinal cord injury unit
- SCIV subcutaneous intravenous; Subcutaneous vs Intravenous Heparin in Deep Venous Thrombosis [study]
- SCIWORA spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality
- SCJ squamocolumnar junction; sternoclavicular joint; sternocostal joint
- sCJD sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
- SCK serum creatine kinase
- SCL scleroderma; serum copper level; sinus cycle length; skin conductance level; soft contact lens; stromal cell line; subcostal lateral [view]; symptom checklist; syndrome checklist
- SCL-90 symptom checklist 90
- scl sclerosis, sclerotic, sclerosed
- ScLA left scapuloanterior [fetal position, Lat. scapulolaeva anterior]
- SCLBCL secondary cutaneous large B-cell lymphoma
- SCLC small cell lung carcinoma
- SCLD sickle-cell chronic lung disease
- SCLE subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
- scler sclerosis, scleroderma
- SCLH subcortical laminar heterotopia
- ScLP left scapuloposterior [fetal position, Lat. scapulolaeva posterior]
- SCL-90-R symptom checklist 90, revised
- SCLS systemic capillary leak syndrome
- SCM scanning capacitance microscopy; Schwann cell membrane; sensation, circulation, and motion; single chip microcomputer; Society of Computer Medicine; soluble cytotoxic medium; spleen cell-conditioned medium; split cord malformation; spondylitic caudal myelopathy; State Certified Midwife; streptococcal cell membrane; sternocleidomastoid; subclavius muscle; subcutaneous mastectomy; supernumerary marker chromosome; surface-connecting membrane
- SCMC spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity
- SCMO Senior Clerical Medical Officer
- SCN coagulase-negative Staphylococcus; severe chronic neutropenia; special care nursing; suprachiasmatic nucleus
- SCN1A sodium channel, neuronal alpha-subunit type 1
- SCN5A sodium channel gene
- SCNS subcutaneous nerve stimulation
- SCNT somatic cell nuclear transfer
- ScNV-20S Saccharomyces cerevisiae narnavirus 20S
- ScNV-23S Saccharomyces cerevisiae narnavirus 23S
- SCO sclerocystic ovary; somatic crossing-over; subcommissural organ
- SCOP scopolamine; structural classification of proteins; systematic classification of proteins
- SCOPE Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment; Study of Cognition and Prognosis in the Elderly; Surveillance and Control of Pathogens of Epidemiologic Importance [study]
- SCOPEG symmetric, centrally-ordered, phase encoded group [imaging]
- SCOPME Standing Committee on Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education [UK]
- SCOR Specialized Center for Research [NIH]
- SCORES Stent Comparative Restenosis [trial]
- SCOT social construction of technology; subcostal [right ventricle] outflow [view]
- SCP single-celled protein; smoking cessation program; sodium cellulose phosphate; soluble cytoplasmic protein; specialty care physician; standard care plan; sterol carrier protein; submucous cleft palate; superior cerebral peduncle
- scp spherical candle power
- SCPE simplified collective protective equipment
- SCPK serum creatine phosphokinase
- SCPL supracricoid partial laryngectomy
- SCPM somatic crossover point mapping
- SCPN serum carboxypeptidase N
- SCPNT Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test
- SCPR standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- S-CPR standard post-compression remodeling
- SCPS Skin Cancer Prevention Study
- SCPT schizophrenic chronic paranoid type
- SCR Schick conversion rate; short consensus repeat; silicon-controlled rectifier; skin conductance response; slow-cycling rhodopsin; spondylitic caudal radiculopathy
- SCr, Scr serum creatinine
- sCR1 soluble complement receptor type 1
- scr scruple
- SCRAM speech-controlled respirometer for ambulation measurement
- SCRAS Sheehan clinician-rated anxiety scale
- SCRF surface coil rotating frame; Systematized Nomenclature in Medicine Cross-Reference Field
- SCRIP Stanford Coronary Risk Intervention Project
- SCRIPPS Scripps Coronary Radiation to Inhibit Proliferation Post-stenting [trial]
- SCRIPT Smoking Cessation-Reduction in Pregnancy Trial
- scRNA small cytoplasmic ribonucleic acid
- SCRT stereotactic conformation radiotherapy
- SCS Saethre-Chotzen syndrome; Seven Country Study; shared computer system; silicon-controlled switch; slow channel syndrome; Society of Clinical Surgery; specialized chromatin structure; spinal canal stenosis; spinal cord stimulation; splatter control shield; splint classification system [American Association of Hand Therapists, ASHT]; synovial chondrosarcoma; systolic click syndrome
- SCSA sperm chromatin structure assay; subcostal short axis
- SCSB static charge sensitive bed
- SCSI small computer system interface