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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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- SEWHO shoulder-elbow-wrist-hand orthosis
- SE(
) standard error of the mean [statistics]
- SF Sabin-Feldman [test]; safety factor; salt-free; scarlet fever; scatter factor; screen film; seminal fluid; serosal fluid; serum factor; serum ferritin; serum fibrinogen; sham feeding; shell fragment; shunt flow; sickle cell-hemoglobin F [disease]; simian foam-virus; skin fibroblast; skinfold; soft feces; spinal fluid; spontaneous fibrillation; stable factor; Steel factor; sterile female; steroidogenic factor; stress formula; sugar-free; superior facet; suppressor factor; suprasternal fossa; surviving fraction; Svedberg flotation [unit]; swine fever; symptom-free; synovial fluid
- S1F Steel factor
- SF-36 short-form health survey [36 items]
- Sf spinal fluid; Streptococcus faecalis
- Sf Svedberg flotation unit
- SFA saturated fatty acid; seminal fluid assay; serum folic acid; skinfold anthropometry; stimulated fibrinolytic activity; superior femoral artery
- SFAP single-fiber action potential
- SFB Sanfilippo syndrome type B; saphenofemoral bypass; surgical foreign body
- SFBL self-filling blind loop
- SFC soluble fibrin complex; soluble fibrin-fibrinogen complex; spinal fluid count
- SFCP Stanford Five City Project
- SFD silo filler's disease; skin-film distance; small for dates; source-film distance; spectral frequency distribution
- SFE slipped femoral epiphysis
- SFEMG single fiber electromyography
- SFFA serum free fatty acid
- SFFF sedimentation field flow fractionation
- SFFV spleen focus-forming virus
- SFG spotted fever group; subglottic foreign body
- SFH schizophrenia family history; serum-free hemoglobin; stroma-free hemoglobin
- SF/HGF scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor
- SFI Sexual Function Index; Social Function Index
- SFIS structural family interaction scale
- SFJT saphenofemoral junction thrombophlebitis
- SFL scalar fuzzy logic; synovial fluid lymphocyte
- SFM scanning force microscopy; Schimmelpenning-Fuerstein-Mims [syndrome]; self-fitting face mask; serum-free medium; solution-focused management; streptozocin, 5-fluorouracil, and mitomycin C
- SFMC soluble fibrin monomer complex
- SFMS Smith-Fineman-Myers syndrome
- SFNM standard finite normal mixture
- SFNV Sabin virus; Sandfly fever Naples virus
- SFO subfornical organ
- SFP screen filtration pressure; simultaneous foveal perception; spinal fluid pressure; stopped flow pressure
- SFR screen filtration resistance; stenosis flow reserve; stroke with full recovery
- SFS serial foveal seizures; skin and fascia stapler; social functioning schedule; sodium formaldehydesulfoxylate; spatial frequency spectrum; split function study
- SFSV Sandfly fever Sicilian virus
- SFT Sabin-Feldman test; second field tumor; sensory feedback therapy; skinfold thickness
- SFTP secure file transfer protocol [telemedicine]
- SFU surgical follow-up
- SFV Semliki Forest virus; shipping fever virus; Shope fibroma virus; simian foamy virus; squirrel fibroma virus; swine fever virus
- SFV 1, 3 simian foamy virus 1, 3
- SFW sexual function of women; shell fragment wound; slow-filling wave
- SG Sachs-Georgi [test]; salivary gland; serum globulin; serum glucose; signs; skin graft; soluble gelatin; specific gravity; subgluteal; substantia gelatinosa; succinimidyl glutamate; Surgeon General
- sg specific gravity; subgenomic
- SGA small for gestational age
- sGAG sulfated glycosaminoglycan
- SGAP superior gluteal artery perforator [flap]
- SGAW specific airway conductance
- SGB Simpson-Golabi-Behmel [syndrome]; sparsely granulated basophil
- SGBS Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome
- SGC soluble guanylate cyclase; spermicide-germicide compound; Swan-Ganz catheter
- SGCA subependymal giant cell astrocytoma
- SGCRC German Study Group on Colo-Rectal Carcinoma
- SGD Saccharomyces Genome Database; specific granule deficiency
- SGE secondary generalized epilepsy
- SGF sarcoma growth factor; skeletal growth factor
- SGH subgluteal hematoma
- SGL salivary gland lymphocyte; supraglottic laryngectomy
- sgl sugarless
- SGLD spatial gray level dependence
- SGLT sodium-dependent glucose transporter
- SGM Society for General Microbiology
- SGML standard generalized markup language
- SGNE secretory granule neuroendocrine [protein]
- SGO Surgeon General's Office; surgery, gynecology, and obstetrics
- SGOT serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (aspartate aminotransferase)
- SGP scaled gradient projection [radiotherapy]; serine glycerophosphatide; sialoglycoprotein; Society of General Physiologists; soluble glycoprotein; sulfated glycoprotein
- SGPA salivary gland pleomorphic adenoma
- SGPT serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (alanine aminotransferase)
- SGR Sachs-Georgi reaction; Shwartzman generalized reaction; skin galvanic reflex; submandibular gland renin; substantia gelatinosa Rolandi
- sgRNA subgenomic ribonucleic acid [RNA]
- SGS Schinzel-Giedion syndrome
- SGSG Scandinavian Glioma Study Group
- S-Gt Sachs-Georgi test
- SGTT standard glucose tolerance test
- SGTX surugatoxin; Scodra griseipes toxin
- SGV salivary gland virus; selective gastric vagotomy; short gastric vessel
- SGVHD syngeneic graft-versus-host disease
- SH Salter-Harris [fracture]; Schönlein-Henoch [purpura]; self-help; serum hepatitis; sexual harassment; sex hormone; Sherman [rat]; sick in hospital; sinus histiocytosis; social history; somatotropic hormone; spontaneously hypertensive [rat]; standard heparin; state hospital; sulfhydryl; surgical history; symptomatic hypoglycemia; syndrome of hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism; systemic hyperthermia
- S/H sample and hold
- S&H speech and hearing
- Sh sheep; Sherwood number; Shigella; shoulder
- sh shoulder
- SHA secure hashing algorithm; simple highest avidity; Southern hybridization analysis; staphylococcal hemagglutinating antibody; strategic hospital alliance
- sHa suckling hamster
- SHAA serum hepatitis associated antigen; Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists
- SHAA-Ab serum hepatitis associated antigen antibody
- SHAFT sad, hostile, anxious, frustrating, tenacious [patient]
- SHAp stoichiometric hydroxyapatite
- SHAPE Screening Health Assessment and Preventive Education [program]; Stress, Health and Physical Evaluation [program]; Study of Heparin and Actilyse Processed Electronically
- SHARE source of help in airing and resolving experiences; Study of Heart Assessment and Risk in Ethnic Groups
- SHARK Stroke, Hypertension and Recurrence in Kyushu [study]
- SHARP school health additional referral program; Scottish Heart and Arterial Disease Risk Prevention [program]; Subcutaneous Heparin in Angioplasty Restenosis Prevention [trial]
- SHAV Shamonda virus
- SHAVE Steerable Housing for Athero-vascular Excision
- SHB sequential hemibody [irradiation]
- S-Hb sulfhemoglobin
- SHBD serum hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase
- SHBG sex hormone binding globulin
- SHC self-help class
- SHCC State Health Coordinating Council
- SHCO sulfated hydrogenated castor oil
- SHD satellite hemodialysis [telemedicine]; sudden heart death
- SHE Syrian hamster embryo
- SHEA Society for Hospital Epidemiology of America
- SHEENT skin, head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat
- SHEP Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly Program
- SHF simian hemorrhagic fever; subfulminant hepatic failure; superhigh frequency
- shf super-high frequency
- SHFD split hand/foot deformity
- ShFM shear force microscopy
- SHFV Simian hemorrhagic fever virus
- SHG sonohysterography; synthetic human gastrin
- SHH sonic hedgehog [gene]; syndrome of hyporeninemic hypoaldosternonism
- Shh sonic hedgehog
- SHHD Scottish Home and Health Department
- SHHH self-help for hard of hearing
- SHHS Scottish Heart Health Study; Sleep Heart Health Study
- SHHV Society for Health and Human Values
- SHI severe head injury
- Shig Shigella
- SHIN skilled home health nursing
- SHINE Strategic Health Informatics Network in Europe
- SHIPS Shiga Pravastatin Study
- SHIV Shiant Islands virus
- SHL sensorineural hearing loss
- SHLA soluble human lymphocyte antigen
- SHLD shoulder
- SHML sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy
- SHMO Senior Hospital Medical Officer
- SHMO, S/HMO social health maintenance organization
- SHMT serine-hydroxymethyl transferase
- SHN spontaneous hemorrhagic necrosis; subacute hepatic necrosis
- SHO secondary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy; Senior House Officer; simple harmonic oscillator
- SHOCK Should We Emergently Revascularize Occluded Coronaries for Cardiogenic Shock? [international randomized trial]
- SHOP State Hospital Data Project
- SHORT, S-H-O-R-T short stature, hyperextensibility of joints or hernia or both, ocular depression, Rieger anomaly, teething delayed
- short-FRAME short stature-facial anomalies-Rieger anomaly-midline anomalies-enamel defects [syndrome]
- SHOT serious hazards of transfusion; Shunt Occlusion Trial
- SHOV Shokwe virus
- SHP Schönlein-Henoch purpura; secondary hyperparathyroidism; Skaraborg Hypertension Project; state health plan
- SHPDA State Health Planning and Development Agency
- sHPT secondary hyperparathyroidism
- SHR spontaneously hypertensive rat
- SHRED Sedatives and Hemodynamics During Rapid-Sequence Intubation in the Emergency Department [trial]
- SHRS scanned handwritten record system
- SHRSP stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat
- SHS Sayre head sling; sheep hemolysate supernatant; Strong Heart Study; Sutterland-Haan syndrome
- SHSF split hand-split foot [malformation]
- SHSP spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone [rat]
- SHSS Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale
- SHT simple hypocalcemic tetany; subcutaneous histamine test
- SHTTP secure hypertext transport protocol
- SHUA System for Hospital Uniform Accounting
- SHUR System for Hospital Uniform Reporting
- SHUV Shuni virus
- SHV simian herpes virus; Southampton virus
- SHVRC Shiley Heart Valve Research Center [project]
- SI International System of Units [Fr. Systeme International d'Unites]; sacroiliac; saline infusion; saline injection; saturation index; self-inflicted; sensory integration; septic inflammation; serious illness; serum iron; severity index; sex inventory; shock index; signal intensity; Singh Index; single injection; sinus irregularities; small intestine; social interaction; soluble insulin; special intervention; spirochetosis icterohaemorrhagica; stability index; stimulation index; stress incontinence; stroke index; structured interview; sucrase isomaltase; sulfoxidation index; superior-inferior; suppression index; syncytium-inducer
- S/I superior/inferior
- S&I suction and irrigation
- Si the most anterior point on the lower contour of the sella turcica [point]; silicon
- SIA serum inhibitory activity; small intestine atresia; stress-induced analgesia; stress-induced anesthesia; stretch-induced arrhythmia; subacute infectious arthritis
- SIADH syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
- SIAM Streptokinase in Acute Myocardial Infarction [study]
- SIB self-inflating bulb; self-injurious behavior; sibling in semantic hierarchy [UMLS]; Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics
- sib, sibs sibling, siblings
- SIB X, SIBX extended siblings in semantic hierarchy [UMLS]
- SIC serum insulin concentration; Standard Industrial Classification
- SICCO Stenting in Chronic Coronary Occlusion [study]
- SICD serum isocitrate dehydrogenase
- SICU spinal intensive care unit; surgical intensive care unit
- SID focal spot to imaging-plane distance; selective intestinal decontamination; single intradermal [test]; Society for Investigative Dermatology; source-image distance; source-isocenter distance; standard imaging display; state inpatient database; stress-induced [heart] depolarization; strong ion difference; sucrase-isomaltase deficiency; sudden inexplicable death; sudden infant death; suggested indication of diagnosis; systemic inflammatory disease
- SIDAM Structured Interview for the Diagnosis of Dementia of the Alzheimer Type, Multiinfarct Dementia, and Dementias of Other Etiology
- SIDS sudden infant death syndrome; sulfo-iduronate sulfatase
- SIE sis-inducible element; stroke in evolution
- SIEA superficial inferior epigastric artery
- SIEB Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine [SNOMED] International Editorial Board
- SIECUS Sex Information and Education Council of the United States
- SIESTA Snooze-induced Excitation of Sympathetically Triggered Activity [study]
- SIF sacral insufficiency fracture; serum-inhibition factor
- SIFT selector ion flow tube
- SIG small inducible gene
- SIg, sIg surface immunoglobulin
- sig sigmoidoscopy; significant
- SIgA, S-IgA secretory immunoglobulin A
- SIGH-D Structured Interview for the Hamilton Depression Scale
- SIgM, S-IgM secretory immunoglobulin M
- SigInt signal intelligence
- Σ Greek capital letter sigma; syphilis; summation of series
- σ Greek lowercase letter sigma; conductivity; cross section; millisecond; molecular type or bond; population standard deviation; stress; surface tension; wave number
- SIGMAV Sigma virus
- sigmo sigmoidoscope or sigmoidoscopy
- SIGN Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network
- SIH stimulation-induced hypalgesia; stress-induced hyperthermia; suction-induced hypoxemia
- SIHDSPS Stockholm Ischemic Heart Disease Secondary Prevention Study
- SIHE spontaneous intramural hematoma of the esophagus
- SI-HRDS structured interview Hamilton rating scale for depression
- SII self-inflicted injury
- SIJ sacroiliac joint