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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ S ]
- SIL soluble interleukin; speech interference level; squamous intraepithelial lesion
- SILD Sequenced Inventory of Language Development
- SIM selected ion monitoring; small intestine mesentery; Society of Industrial Microbiology; specialized intestinal metaplasia; subscriber identity module [telemedicine]
- SIMA single internal mammary artery; Stenting vs Internal Mammary Artery for Single Left Anterior Descending Arterial Lesion [trial]
- SIMD single instruction multiple data
- SIMP Schmele instrument to measure the process of nursing care; simulation of initial medical problem
- SIMP-C Schmele instrument to measure the process of nursing care
- SIMP-H Schmele instrument to measure the process of nursing care in home care
- SIMPLE symbolic interactive modeling package and learning environment
- SIMS secondary ion mass spectroscopy; situational information management system
- simul simultaneously
- SIMV Simbu virus; synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation; synchronized intermittent mechanical ventilation
- SIN salpingitis isthmica nodosa; self-inactivating; Sindbis [virus]
- SINE short interspersed element [gene coding]
- SIN-FM Short Indexed Nomenclature- Family Medicine
- SINS Semi-Structured Intelligent Navigation System
- SINV Sindbis virus
- SIO sacroiliac orthosis
- SIOP International Society of Pediatric Oncology
- SIP saturation inversion projection; Short Inventory of Problems; Sickness Impact Profile; slow inhibitory potential; stroke in progression; summarized intensity projection [computer-assisted radiography]; surface inductive plethysmography
- SIPA shear-induced platelet aggregation
- SIPS Strategy for Intracoronary Ultrasound-guided Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty and Stenting [trial]
- sIPTH serum immunoreactive parathyroid hormone
- SIQ Symptom Interpretation Questionnaire
- SIQR semi-interquartile range
- SIR short intergenic region; single isomorphous replacement; specific immune release; standardized incidence ratio; stroke index ratio; syndrome of immediate reactivities
- SIRA Scientific Instrument Research Association
- SIRE short interspersed repetitive element
- SIREF specific immune response enhancing factor
- SIRF severely impaired renal function; significant intrarenal fragments
- SIRIS sputter-initiated resonance ionization spectroscopy
- SIRS soluble immune response suppressor; Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms; systemic inflammatory response syndrome
- SiRV simian rotavirus
- SiRV-SA11 simian rotavirus SA11
- SIS semantic indexing system; serotonin irritation syndrome; simian sarcoma; simulator-induced syndrome; small intestinal submucosa; social information system; specialized information system; spontaneous interictal spike; sterile injectable solution; sterile injectable suspension; supplemental information seeking; Surgical Infections Society; surgical information system
- SISA Stenting in Small Arteries [trial]
- SISAMI Silent Ischemia in Survivors of Acute Myocardial Infarction [study]
- SISCOM subtraction ictal single proton emission computed tomography coregistered to magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]
- SISH Stage I Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly [study]
- SISI short increment sensitivity index
- SISO single input single output
- SISS Sentinel Injury Surveillance System [for Gunshot and Stab Wounds]; small inducible secreted substances
- SISTEMI Southern Italian Study on Thrombolysis Early in Myocardial Infarction
- SISV, SiSV simian sarcoma virus
- SIT serum inhibiting titer; sit down; Slosson Intelligence Test; specific immunotherapy; sperm immobilization test; strategic intermittent therapy; suggested immobilization test
- SITHS Swedish Secure Internet Within Healthcare
- SITS supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis [shoulder muscles comprising the rotator cuff]
- SIV simian immunodeficiency virus; Sprague-Dawley-Ivanovas [rat]
- SIV-agm simian immunodeficiency virus African green monkey
- SIV-agm.3 simian immunodeficiency virus African green monkey 3
- SIV-agm.155 simian immunodeficiency virus African green monkey 155
- simian immunodeficiency virus African green monkey gr-1
- SIV-agm.sab simian immunodeficiency virus African green monkey Sab 1
- SIV-agm.tan simian immunodeficiency virus African green monkey Tan 1
- SIV-agm.TYO simian immunodeficiency virus African green monkey TYO
- SIV-cpz simian immunodeficiency virus chimpanzee
- SIV-mac simian immunodeficiency virus rhesus (Maccaca mulatta)
- SIV-mnd simian immunodeficiency virus mandrill
- SIV-mne simian immunodeficiency virus pig-tailed macaque
- SIV-rcm simian immunodeficiency virus red capped mangabey
- SIV-sm simian immunodeficiency virus sooty mangabey
- SIV-stm simian immunodeficiency virus stump-tailed macaque
- SIV-syk simian immunodeficiency virus Sykes monkey
- SIW self-inflicted wound
- SIWIP self-induced water intoxication and psychosis
- SIWIS self-induced water intoxication and schizophrenic disorders
- SJ Jaccard coefficient
- SJA Schwartz-Jampel-Aberfeld [syndrome]
- SJAV Sandjimba virus
- SjbO2 jugular bulb venous oxygen saturation
- SjO2 jugular vein oxygen saturation
- SJR Shinowara-Jones-Reinhart [unit]
- SJS Schwartz-Jampel syndrome; Stevens-Johnson syndrome; stiff joint syndrome; Swyer-James syndrome
- SjS Sjögren syndrome
- SJV San Juan virus
- SjVO2 jugular venous oxygen saturation
- SK seborrheic keratosis; senile keratosis; Sloan-Kettering [Institute for Cancer Research]; spontaneous killer [cell]; squamous keratin; state of knowledge; streptokinase; swine kidney
- Sk skin
- SKA supracondylar knee-ankle [orthosis]
- SKALP skin-derived antileukoproteinase
- SKAT Sex Knowledge and Attitude Test
- SKDAMI Streptokinase plus Desmopressin in Acute Myocardial Infarction [study]
- skel skeleton, skeletal
- SKHYDIP Skara Hypertension and Diabetes Project
- SKI Sloan-Kettering Institute
- SKL serum killing level
- SkM skeletal muscle
- SKR semantic knowledge representation
- SKSD, SK-SD streptokinase-streptodornase
- SKT skin temperature
- sk trx skeletal traction
- SKY spectral karyotyping
- SL sarcolemma; scapholunar, scapholunate; sclerosing leukoencephalopathy; secondary leukemia; segment length; sensation level; sensory latency; septal leaflet; short-leg [brace]; Sibley-Lehninger [unit]; signal level; Sinding-Larsen [syndrome]; Sjögren-Larsson [syndrome]; slit lamp; small lymphocyte; sodium lactate; solidified liquid; sound level; SPECIALIST Lexicon [UMLS]; Stein-Leventhal [syndrome]; streptolysin; sublingual; sway length
- SL systolic wave, latent
- S/L sublingual
- Sl Steel [mouse]
- sl in a broad sense [Lat. sensu lato]; stemline; sublingual
- SLA left sacroanterior [fetal position, Lat. sacrolaeva anterior]; single-cell liquid cytotoxic assay; slide latex agglutination; soluble liver antigen; stereo lithography; superficial linear array; surfactant-like activity
- SLA segment length, anterior
- SLAC scapholunate advanced collapse [wrist]
- SLAM scanning laser acoustic microscope; systemic lupus erythematosus activity measure
- SLAP serum leucine aminopeptidase; superior labrum anterior to posterior
- SLAT simultaneous laryngoscopy and abdominal thrusts
- SLB short-leg brace
- SLBP stem-loop binding protein
- SLC short-leg cast
- SLCC short-leg cylinder cast
- SLCISC Salt Lake City Information Service Center [VA]
- SLD scapholunar dissociation; sublethal damage
- SLD, SLDH serum lactate dehydrogenase
- SLDR sublethal damage repair
- SLE slit lamp examination; St. Louis encephalitis; systemic lupus erythematosus
- SLEA sheep erythrocyte antibody
- SLEDAI systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index
- SLEP short latent evoked potential
- sLex sialyl Lewis x
- SLEV St. Louis encephalitis virus
- SLF steel factor
- SL-GXT symptom-limited graded exercise test
- SLHR sex-linked hypophosphatemic rickets
- SLHT straight line Hough transform
- SLI selective lymphoid irradiation; somatostatin-like immunoreactivity; specific language impairment; splenic localization index
- SLI segment length, inferior
- SLIC scanning liquid ionization chamber; Scottish Library and Information Council
- SLIDRC Student Loan Interest Deduction Restoration Coalition
- SLIP serial line interface protocol; sliding linear investigative platform [for analysis of lower limb stability]
- SLIR somatostatin-like immunoreactivity
- SLJD Sinding-Larsen-Johanssen disease
- SLK superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis
- SLKC superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis
- SLL small lymphocytic lymphoma
- SLL segment length, lateral
- SLM sound level meter
- SLMC spontaneous lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity
- SLN sentinel lymph node; sublentiform nucleus; superior laryngeal nerve; SYBYL line notation
- SLNV Saintpaulia leaf necrosis virus
- SLNWBC short-leg nonweightbearing cast
- SLNWC short-leg nonwalking cast
- SLO scanning laser ophthalmoscopy; Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome; streptolysin O
- SLOS Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome
- S-LOST sulfur mustard, for Lommel and Steinkopf
- SLP left sacroposterior [fetal position, Lat. sacrolaeva posterior]; segmental limb systolic pressure; sex-limited protein; single locus probe; short luteal phase; speech language pathologist; subluxation of the patella
- slp sex-limited protein
- SLPI salivary leukocyte protease inhibitor; secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor
- SLPP serum lipophosphoprotein
- SLR Shwartzman local reaction; single lens reflex; stent-like result; straight leg raising
- SLRROM shoulder lateral rotation range of motion
- SLRT straight leg raising test
- SLS Seattle Longitudinal Study; segment long-spacing; short-leg splint; single leg separation; single limb support; Sjögren-Larsson syndrome; sodium lauryl phosphate; stagnant loop syndrome; Stein-Leventhal syndrome; synthetic lethal screening
- SLS segment length, septal
- SLT left sacrotransverse [fetal position, Lat. sacrolaeva transversa]; single lumen tube; single lung transplantation; smokeless tobacco; solid logic technology
- SLTEC/VTEC Shigella-like toxin (verotoxin) producing Escherichia coli
- SLUD salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation
- SLUDGE salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, gastrointestinal upset, emesis
- SLV semilatent virus; symptomless virus
- SLVDS San Luis Valley Diabetes Study
- SLWC short-leg walking cast
- SM Master of Science [L. Scientiae Magister]; sadomasochism; segmental mastectomy; self-monitoring; sensitivity matrix; serum; silicon microphysiometer; simple mastectomy; skim milk; smooth muscle; somatomedin; space medicine; sphingomyelin; splenic macrophage; splenomegaly; sports medicine; storage manager [database module]; streptomycin; Strümpell-Marie [syndrome]; submandibular; submaxillary; submucous; suckling mouse; sucrose medium; suction method; sulfomethyl; superior mesenteric; surgical microscope; surrogate mother; sustained medication; symptoms; synaptic membrane; synovial membrane; systolic motion; systolic murmur
- S/M sadomasochism
- Sm samarium; Serratia marcescens; Smith [antigen]
- sM small membrane [protein]; suckling mouse
- sm smear
- SMA sequential multichannel autoanalyzer; shape memory alloy; simultaneous multichannel autoanalyzer; smooth muscle antibody; Society for Medical Anthropology; somatomedin A; spinal muscular atrophy; spontaneous motor activity; standard method agar; superior mesenteric artery; supplementary motor area; symptomatic morphologic anomaly
- SM-A somatomedin A
- SMA-6 Sequential Multiple Analysis for six different serum tests
- SMABF superior mesenteric artery blood flow
- SMAC Sequential Multiple Analyzer Computer
- SMAE superior mesenteric artery embolism
- SMAF smooth muscle activating factor; specific macrophage arming factor
- SMAG Special Medical Advisory Group
- SMAL serum methyl alcohol level
- sm an small animal
- SMAO superior mesenteric artery occlusion
- SMAP systemic mean arterial pressure
- SMART Self-measurement for Assessment of the Response to Trandolapril [study]; semantic adaptive resonance theory; simultaneous multiple angle reconstruction technique; small volume multiple non-coplanar arc radiotherapy; sperm microaspiration retrieval technique; Study of Medicine vs Angioplasty Reperfusion Trial; Study of Microstent's Ability to Limit Restenosis Trial
- SMARTT Serum Markers, Acute Myocardial Infarction, and Rapid Treatment Trial
- SMAS submuscular aponeurotic system; superficial musculo-aponeurotic system; superior mesenteric artery syndrome
- SMASH Swiss Multicenter Evaluation of Early Angioplasty for Shock [following myocardial infarction]; Sydney Men and Sexual Health [study]
- SMAST Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test
- SMATS Seek Medical Attention in Time Study
- SMB selected mucosal biopsy; standard mineral base
- sMb suckling mouse brain
- SMBFT small bowel follow-through
- SMBG self-monitoring of blood glucose
- SMC Scientific Manpower Commission; smooth muscle cell; somatomedin C; succinylmonocholine; supernumerary marker chromosome; suture-mediated closure
- SM-C, Sm-C somatomedin C
- SMCA smooth muscle contracting agent; suckling mouse cataract agent
- SMCC succininamidyl-4-(N-maleimidomethyl) cyclohexane-1-carboxylate
- SMCD senile macular choroidal degeneration; systemic mast cell disease; systemic meningococcal disease
- SM-C/IGF somatomedin C/insulin-like growth factor
- SMCR Smith-Magenis chromosome region; 5-sulfoxymethylchrysene
- SmCS smart classification
- SMD senile macular degeneration; severe mental disorder; spondylometaphyseal dysplasia; submanubrial dullness
- SMDA Safe Medical Devices Act [of 1990]; starch methylenedianiline
- SMDC sodium-N-methyl dithiocarbamate; standards for medical device communication
- SMDM Society for Medical Decision Making
- SMDP semi-Markov decision process
- SMDS secondary myelodysplastic syndrome; switched multimegabit data service
- SME severe myoclonic epilepsy
- SMED spondylometaphyseal dysplasia