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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ S ]
- SMEDI stillbirth-mummification, embryonic death, infertility [syndrome]
- SMEI severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy
- SMEM supplemented Eagle minimum essential medium
- SMF selected minerals in food; streptozocin, mitomycin C, and 5-fluorouracil; submembrane region containing thrombosthenin filaments; substructural molecular fragment
- smf sodium motive force
- SMFM shear modulation force microscopy
- SMFP state medical facilities plan
- SMG specialty medical group; submandibular gland
- SmG supramarginal gyrus
- SMH state mental hospital; strongyloidiasis with massive hyperinfection
- SMHA state mental health agency
- SMHC smooth muscle heavy chain myosin
- SMI Self-Motivation Inventory; senior medical investigator; severe mental impairment; silent myocardial infarction; stress myocardial image; Style of Mind Inventory; supplementary medical insurance; sustained maximum inspiration
- SmIg surface membrane immunoglobulin
- SMILE So Much Improvement with a Little Exercise [program]; Survival of Myocardial Infarction: Long-term Evaluation [study]
- SMISS Silent Myocardial Ischemia Stress Study
- SMK structured meta knowledge
- SML smouldering leukemia
- SMM scintimammography; smoldering multiple myeloma
- SMMD specimen mass measurement device
- SMMHC smooth muscle myosin heavy chain
- SMMSE Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination
- SMN second malignant neoplasm; stathmin; surgical microscope navigator; survival motor neuron
- SMNT telemeric survival motor neuron
- SMNB submaximal neuromuscular block
- SMO second medical opinion; senior medical officer; surveillance medical officer
- SMOH Senior Medical Officer of Health; Society of Medical Officers of Health
- SMON subacute myeloopticoneuropathy
- SMP slow moving protease; standard medical practice; submitochondrial particle; sulfamethoxypyrazine; symmetric multiprocessor; sympathetically maintained pain
- SMPC summary of product characteristics
- SMPR small mannose 6-phosphate receptor
- SMPV superior mesenteric portal vein
- SMR scatter maximum ratio; senior medical resident; sensorimotor rhythm; severe mental retardation; sexual maturity rating; significantly lower mortality rate; skeletal muscle relaxant; somnolent metabolic rate; standardized mortality ratio; stroke with minimum residuum; submucosal resection
- SMRR submucosal resection and rhinoplasty
- SMRT silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid receptors
- SMRV squirrel monkey retrovirus
- SMS scalable modeling system; senior medical student; serial motor seizures; Shared Medical Systems; short messaging system; Simvastatin Multicenter Study; Smith-Magenis syndrome; somatostatin; stiff-man syndrome; supplemental minimum sodium
- SMSA standard metropolitan statistical area
- SMSV San Miguel sea lion virus
- SMT Spanish Multicentre Study; spontaneous mammary tumor; stereotactic mesencephalic tractomy; Stockholm Metoprolol Trial; surface mouth technology
- SMTP simple mail transfer protocol
- S-MUAP surface-detected motor unit action potential
- SMuLV Scripps murine leukemia virus
- SMV skeletal muscle ventricle; superior mesenteric vein
- SMWHS Seattle Midlife Women's Health Study
- SMX, SMZ sulfamethoxazole
- SN school nurse; sclerema neonatorum; scrub nurse; Semantic Network [UMLS]; sensorineural; sensory neuron; serum neutralization; sinus node; spontaneous nystagmus; staff nurse; stromal nodule; student nurse; subnormal; substantia nigra; supernatant; suprasternal notch
- S/N signal/noise [ratio]; supernatant
- Sn subnasale
- sn small nucleolar
- SNA specimen not available; Student Nurses Association; sympathetic nerve activity
- SNa serum sodium concentration
- SNagg serum normal agglutinator
- SNAP Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology [study]; sensory nerve action potential; S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine; soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein; Stanford Nutrition Action Program
- SNaP Study of Sodium and Blood Pressure
- SNAPE Study of Nicorandil in Angina Pectoris in the Elderly
- SNARE soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein receptor
- SNARL suggested no adverse response level
- SNB scalene node biopsy
- SNC spontaneous neonatal chylothorax
- SNCL sinus node cycle length
- SNCS sensory nerve conduction studies
- SNCV sensory nerve conduction velocity
- SND scatterer number density; sinus node dysfunction; striatonigral degeneration; sympathetic nerve discharge; systematic nodal dissection
- SNDA Student National Dental Association
- SNDO Standard Nomenclature of Diseases and Operations
- SNE sinus node electrogram; subacute necrotizing encephalomyelography
- SNES suprascapular nerve entrapment syndrome
- SNF sinus node formation; skilled nursing facility
- SNGBF single nephron glomerular blood flow
- SNGFR single nephron glomerular filtration rate
- SNHL sensorineural hearing loss
- SNIPA seronegative inflammatory polyarthritis
- SNIVT Society of Non-Invasive Vascular Technology
- SNJ nevus sebaceous of Jadassohn
- SNK Student-Newman-Keuls [procedure]
- SNM Society of Nuclear Medicine; sulfanilamide
- SNMA Student National Medical Association
- SNMP simple network management protocol
- SNMT Society of Nuclear Medical Technologists
- sno small nucleolar
- SNOBOL String-Oriented Symbolic Language
- SNODO Standard Nomenclature of Diseases and Operations
- SNOMED Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine
- SNOMED CMT Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Convergent Medical Terminology
- SNOMED CT Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terminology
- SNOMED RT Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Reference Terminology
- SNOMED RT/CMT Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Reference Terminology/Convergent Medical Terminology
- SNOP Systematized Nomenclature of Pathology
- snoRNA small nucleolar ribonucleic acid [RNA]
- snoRNP small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein [RNP]
- SNP school nurse practitioner; single nucleotide polymorphism; sinonasal papilloma; sinus node potential; sodium nitroprusside
- S-NPI start nuclear polymorphism index
- SNPV single nucleopolyhedrovirus
- SNR selective nerve root [block]; semantic network relationship [UMLS]; signal-to-noise ratio; substantia nigra zona reticulata; supernumerary rib
- Snr substantia nigra zona reticulata
- SNRB selective nerve root block
- snRNA small nuclear ribonucleic acid; small nucleolar ribonucleic acid [RNA]
- SNRI selective serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
- snRNP small nuclear ribonucleoprotein [RNP]; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle
- snRP small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide
- SNRPix signal to noise ratio per pixel
- snRPB small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide B
- snRPN small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N
- SNRT sinus node recovery time
- SNRTd sinus node recovery time, direct measuring
- SNRTi sinus node recovery time, indirect measuring
- SNS Senior Nursing Sister; Society of Neurological Surgeons; supplementary nursing system; sympathetic nervous system
- SNSA seronegative spondyloarthropathy
- S-NSE serum neuron-specific enolase
- SNST sciatic nerve stretch test
- SNT sinuses, nose, and throat; spectral noise threshold
- SNU skilled nursing unit
- SNuPD single nucleotide primer extension
- SNV Sin nombre virus; spleen necrosis virus
- SNVDO Standard Nomenclature of Veterinary Diseases and Operations
- SNW slow negative wave
- SO salpingo-oophorectomy; Schlatter-Osgood [test]; second opinion; sex offender; shoulder orthosis; site of origin; slow oxidative; spheno-occipital [synchondrosis]; spinal orthosis; sphincter of Oddi; standing orders; suboccipital; superior oblique [muscle]; supraoccipital; supraoptic; supraorbital; sutures out; sympathetic ophthalmia
- S&O salpingo-oophorectomy
- SO2 oxygen saturation
- SOA serum opsonic activity; shortness of air; spinal opioid anesthesia; stimulus onset asynchrony; swelling of ankles
- SoA symptoms of asthma
- SOAA signed out against advice
- SOAMA signed out against medical advice
- SOA-MCA superficial occipital artery to middle cerebral artery
- SOAP subjective, objective, assessment, and plan [problem-oriented record]
- SOAPIE subjective, objective, assessment, plan, implementation, and evaluation [problem-oriented record]
- SOAR Safety of Orbofiban in Acute Coronary Research [study]
- SOB see order blank; shortness of breath; stool occult blood
- SOBOE shortness of breath on exertion
- SOBP spread out Bragg peak [radiotherapy]
- SOC self-organized criticality; sequential oral contraceptive; Standard Occupational Classification; standards of care; state of consciousness; store-operated [ion] channel; surgical overhead canopy; synovial osteochondromatosis; syphilitic osteochondritis; system-on-a-chip
- SoC state of consciousness
- SOCIAIDS Study of Cardiac Involvement in Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome [AIDS]
- SoCPA stage of change for physical activity
- SocSec Social Security
- SocServ social services
- SOCRATES Study of Coronary Revascularization and Therapeutic Evaluations
- SOCS1 suppressor of cytokine signaling 1
- S-OCT serum ornithine carbamyl transferase
- SOD septo-optic dysplasia; sphincter of Oddi dysfunction; superoxide dismutase
- sod sodium
- SODAS spheroidal oral drug absorption system
- sod bicarb sodium bicarbonate
- SODF sperm outer defense fiber
- SODH sorbitol dehydrogenase
- SOF Study of Osteoporotic Fractures [in association with strokes]; superior orbital fissure
- SOFA sequential organ failure assessment
- SOFLC self-organizing fuzzy logic control
- SOFM self-organization feature map
- SOG supraorbital groove
- SOH sympathetic orthostatic hypotension
- SOHN supraoptic hypothalamic nucleus
- SOHND supraomohyoid neck dissection
- SOHO self-organizing, holarchic, open; Solar and Heliospheric Observatory [spacecraft data]
- SOI severity of illness; signal of interest
- SOL solution; space-occupying lesion
- sol soluble, solution
- SOLD Stenting after Optimal Lesion Debulking [trial]
- SOLEC stand on one leg eyes closed
- Soln, sol'n solution
- SOLVD Studies of Left Ventricular Dysfunction
- SOM secretory otitis media; self-organizing map [clustering complex data sets]; sensitivity of method; serous otitis media; somatotropin; state operations manual; superior oblique muscle; suppurative otitis media; supraorbital margin; sustained outward movement [heart]
- SOMA Student Osteopathic Medical Association; subjective, objective, management, and analytic [scale]
- somat somatic
- SOMI sternal occipital mandibular immobilization
- SOMIN school of medicine information network
- SON superior olivary nucleus; supraoptic nucleus
- SONET synchronous optical network transmission
- SONH spontaneous osteonecrosis of the hip
- SONK spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee
- SOO structured office oral [examination]
- SOOF suborbital orbicular fat
- SOP service-object pair; standard operating procedure
- SoP standard of performance
- SOPA Survey of Pain Attitudes; syndrome of primary aldosteronism
- SOPCA sporadic olivopontocerebellar ataxia
- SOPED Shock Outcome Prediction in the Emergency Department [score]
- SOPHE Society for Public Health Education
- SOPI service object pair instance
- SOPO set of possible occurrences
- SOQ Suicide Opinion Questionnaire
- SOR stimulus-organism response; successive over-relaxation [algorithm in imaging]; superoxide release
- SOr supraorbitale
- sOR stratified odds ratio
- Sorb, sorb sorbitol
- SORD sorbitol dehydrogenase
- SOREM sleep onset rapid eye movement
- SORF spliceable open-reading frame
- SOS self-obtained smear; son of sevenless; Southern Oxidant Study; speed of sound; supplemental oxygen system; surgery on site; Swedish Obesity Study
- SoS Stent or Surgery [study]
- SOSA Student Osteopathic Surgical Association
- SOSF single organ system failure
- SOT sensory organization test; systemic oxygen transport
- SOWS subjective opiate withdrawal scale
- SP sacroposterior; sacrum to pubis; salivary progesterone; schizotypal personality; secretory piece; semi-private [room]; senile plaque; sepiapterin; septal pore; septum pellucidum; sequence processor [radiotherapy]; sequential pulse; serine/proline [rich protein]; seropositive; serum protein; shunt pressure; shunt procedure; silent period; skin potential; sleep deprivation; slow pathway [heart electrical activity]; small protein; smoothed periodogram; soft palate; solid phase; spastic paraplegia; specific protocol; spectrogram; speech pathology; spiramycin; spirometry; spleen; spontaneous proliferation; standards of performance; standard practice; standard procedure; standardized patient; standardized-patient [assessment]; staphylococcal protease; Staphylococcus pneumoniae; status post; steady potential; stimulus to P-wave [ECG]; stool preservative; storage phosphor [radiography]; subliminal perception; substance P; sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine; sulfapyridine; sulfopropyl; summating potential; superimposed pressure; suprapatellar; suprapubic; surface polypeptide; surfactant protein; symphysis pubis; synthase phosphatase; systolic pressure
- Sp the most posterior point on the posterior contour of the sella turcica; sleep spindle; species; specific; specimen; sphenoid; spine; Spirillum; summation potential
- S/P, s/p status, post[operative]
- S7P sedoheptulose-7-phosphate
- Sp pooled standard deviation [statistics]