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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ T ]
- TPI Thrombolytic Predictive Instrument [project]; time period integrator; treponemal immobilization test; Treponema pallidum immobilization; triose phosphate isomerase
- TPi inspiratory pause time
- TPIA Treponema pallidum immune adherence
- TPIIA time of postexpiratory inspiratory activity
- TPK tyrosine protein kinase
- TPL third party liability; titanium proximal loading; tumor progression locus; tyrosine phenol-lyase
- tpl transplantation, transplanted
- TPLL T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia
- TPLSM two-photon laser scanning microscopy
- TPLV transient pulmonary vascular lability
- TPM temporary pacemaker; thrombophlebitis migrans; topiramate; total particulate matter; total passive motion; triphenylmethane; tropomyosin; turning-point morphology
- TPMT thiopurine methyltransferase
- TPMV Thottapalayam virus
- TPN thalamic projection neuron; total parenteral nutrition; transition protein; triphosphopyridine nucleotide
- TPNH reduced triphosphopyridine nucleotide
- TPO thrombopoietin; thyroid peroxidase; tryptophan peroxidase
- Tpo thrombopoietin
- TPP tetraphenylporphyrin; thiamine pyrophosphate; transpulmonary pressure; treadmill performance test; tripeptidyl peptidase; triphenyl phosphite
- TPPase thiamine pyrophosphatase
- TPPD thoracic-pelvic-phalangeal dystrophy
- TPPI time proportional phase incrementation
- TPPN total peripheral parenteral nutrition
- TPQ Threshold Planning Quantity
- TPR temperature, pulse, and respiration; testosterone production rate; tetraricopeptide repeat; third party reimbursement; tissue phantom ratio; total peripheral resistance; total pulmonary resistance; true positive rate; tumor potentiating region; true positive rate
- TPRI total peripheral resistance index
- TPS thin-plate-spline; time to peak shortening; topical skin protectant; treatment planning system; trypsin; tryptase; tumor polysaccharide substance
- TPSE 2-(p-triphenyl)sulfonylethanol
- TPST true positive stress test; tyrosyl protein sulfotransferase
- TPT tetraphenyl tetrazolium; Thrombosis Prevention Trial; time to peak tension; topotecan; total protein tuberculin; triphalangeal thumb; typhoid-paratyphoid [vaccine]
- TPTE 2-(p-triphenyl)thioethanol
- TPTX thyro-parathyroidectomized
- TPTZ tripyridyltriazine
- TPV tetanus-pertussis vaccine; tipranavir
- TPVR total peripheral vascular resistance; total pulmonary vascular resistance
- TPVS transhepatic portal venous sampling
- TPX testis-specific protein
- TPZ thioproperazine
- TQ tocopherolquinone; tourniquet
- TQD target quit date [smoking cessation]
- TQFCOSY triple-quantum filtered correlated spectroscopy
- TQI total quality improvement
- TQM total quality management
- TQS Terminology Query Service
- TR recovery time; rectal temperature; repetition time; residual tuberculin; terminal repeat; tetrazolium reduction; therapeutic radiology; therapeutic ratio; therapeutic recreation; thrombin receptor; thyroid [hormone] receptor; time release; time to relengthening; total resistance; total response; trachea; transfusion reaction; transmission rate; transrectal; tricuspid regurgitation; Trinder reagent; tuberculin R [new tuberculin]; tuberculin residue; turbidity-reducing; turnover ratio
- T:R thickness to radius [ratio]
- T&R treated and released
- T/R transmission/[frequency] response
- TR90 time to 90 percent relengthening
- T(°R) absolute temperature on the Rankine scale
- Tr trace; tragion; transferrin; trypsin
- Tr radiologic half-life; retention time
- tr tincture; trace; traction; transaldolase; trauma, traumatic; tremor; triradial
- TRA total renin activity; tumor-resistant antigen
- tra transfer
- TRAb thyrotoxin receptor antibody
- TRABS thiobarbituric reactive substance
- TRAC tool for referral assessment of continuity [of health]
- trac traction
- TRACE Trandolapril Cardiac Evaluation [trial]
- trach trachea, tracheal, tracheostomy
- TRAJ time repetitive ankle jerk
- TRALI transfusion-related acute lung injury
- TRALT transfusion-related acute lung injury
- TRAM transport remote acquisition monitor; transverse rectus abdominis muscle; Treatment Rating Assessment Matrix; Treatment Response Assessment Method; trisaminomethane
- TRAMAH trauma resources allocation model for ambulances and hospitals
- TRAMPE tricho-rhino-auriculophalangeal multiple exostoses
- TRANDA Trandolapril Andalusian Study
- trans transfer; transference; transverse
- TRANSAX translation of axes [cause of death data]
- trans D transverse diameter
- TRANSFAIR Transfatty Acids in Food in Europe [study]
- transm transmission, transmitted
- transpl transplantation, transplanted
- TRAP carpal tunnel syndrome, Raynaud phenomenon, aching muscles, proximal muscle weakness [rheumatic disorders associated with hypothyroidism]; tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase; telomeric repeat amplification protocol; transport and rapid accessioning for additional procedures; triiodothyronine receptor auxiliary protein; Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion [study]
- TrAP transcriptional activator protein
- trap trapezius
- TRAPIST Trapidil vs Placebo to Prevent In-Stent Intimal Hyperplasia [study]
- TRAS transplanted renal artery stenosis
- TraSH transposition-site hybridization; transposon site hybridization
- TRASHES tuberculosis, radiotherapy, ankylosing spondylitis, histoplasmosis, extrinsic allergic alveolitis, silicosis [chest x-ray findings]
- traum trauma, traumatic
- TRB terbutalone; tropanyl benzylate
- TRBF total renal blood flow
- TRBV Tribec virus
- TRC tanned red cell; therapeutic residential center; T lymphocyte antigen receptor; total renin concentration; total respiratory conductance; total ridge count
- TRCA tanned red cell agglutination
- TRCF transcription repair coupling factor
- TRCH tanned red cell hemagglutination
- TRCHI tanned red cell hemagglutination inhibition
- TRCV total red cell volume
- TRD tongue-retaining device; traumatic rupture of diaphragm
- TRDN transient respiratory distress of the newborn
- TRE target registration error; thymic reticuloendothelial; thyroid hormone response; triplet rapid expansion; true radiation emission
- TREA triethanolamine
- TREAT Tranilast Restenosis Following Angioplasty Trial
- treat treatment
- TRECs T-cell receptor rearrangement excision circles
- TREND Trial on Reversing Endothelial Dysfunction
- Trend Trendelenburg [position]
- TRENT Trial of Early Nifedipine Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Trep Treponema
- TRF targeted ribonucleic acid [RNA] fingerprinting; T-cell replacing factor; thymus replacing factor; thyrotropin-releasing factor; transferrin; tubular rejection fraction
- TRFC total rosette-forming cell
- TRG T-cell rearranging gene; transfer ribonucleic acid glycine
- TRH tension-reducing hypothesis; thyrotropin-releasing hormone
- TRHR thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor
- TRH-ST thyrotropin-releasing hormone stimulation test
- TRI tetrazolium reduction inhibition; Thyroid Research Institute; total response index; Toxic Chemical Release Inventory [NLM database]; tubuloreticular inclusion
- tri tricentric
- T3RIA, T3(RIA) triiodothyronine radioimmunoassay
- T4RIA, T4(RIA) thyroxine radioimmunoassay
- TRIAC 3,5,3´-triiodothyroacetic acid
- TRIADS time resolved imaging by automatic data segmentation
- TRIC Thrombolysis with Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator During Instability in Coronary Artery Disease [trial]; trachoma inclusion conjunctivitis [organism]
- TRICB trichlorobiphenyl
- TRICC Transfusion Requirements in Critical Care [trial]
- Trich Trichomonas
- TRIFACTS Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Facts
- trig trigger; triglycerides; trigonum
- TRIM Thrombin Inhibition in Myocardial Ischemia [study]
- TRIMIS Tri-Service Medical Information Systems [Department of Defense]
- TRIMM Triggers and Mechanisms of Myocardial Infarction [study]
- TRINS totally reversible ischemic neurological symptoms
- TRIPS Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
- TRIS tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane
- TRISS trauma and injury severity score
- TRIT triiodothyronine
- trit triturate
- TRITC tetrarhodamine isothiocyanate
- TRK transketolase; tyrosine kinase
- TRL transfer ribonucleic acid leucine
- TRLP triglyceride-rich lipoprotein
- TRM traditional medicines; transplant-related mortality
- TRMA thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia
- TR-MALLS time-resolved multi-angle laser light scattering
- TRMC trimethylrhodamino-isothiocyanate
- TRMI transfer ribonucleic acid initiator methionine
- TRML, Trml terminal
- TRM-SMX trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
- TRMV Trombetas virus
- TRN tegmental reticular nucleus
- tRNA transfer ribonucleic acid
- tRNA GLU transfer ribonucleic acid glutamic acid
- tRNA-i(met) transfer ribonucleic acid initiator methionine
- tRNA-SER transfer ribonucleic acid serine
- TRNG tetracycline-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- TRNOE transfer nuclear Overhauser effect
- TRNS transfer ribonucleic acid serine
- TRO tissue reflectance oximetry
- Troch trochanter
- TROM torque range of motion
- Trop tropical
- TROPCAB total revascularization off pump by coronary artery bypass
- TROPHY Treatment Effects of Lisinopril vs Hydrochlorothiazide in Obese Patients with Hypertension [trial]; Treatment of Obese Patients with Hypertension [trial]; Trial of Preventing Hypertension
- TRP peak through response phase; total refractory period; transfer ribonucleic acid proline; transient receptor potential; trichorhinophalangeal [syndrome]; tubular reabsorption of phosphate; tyrosine-related protein
- TrP tricuspid valve
- Trp, trp tryptophan
- TRPA tryptophan-rich prealbumin
- TrPl treatment plan
- TRPM testosterone-repressed prostate message
- TRPO tryptophan oxygenase
- TRPS trichorhinophalangeal syndrome
- TRPT theoretical renal phosphorus threshold
- TRR temporal representation and reasoning; total respiratory resistance
- TRS task routing system; testicular regression syndrome; total reducing sugars; tubuloreticular structure
- TrS trauma surgery
- TRST triage risk screening tool
- TRSV tobacco ringspot virus
- TRT thoracic radiotherapy; transfer ribonucleic acid threonine
- TR/TE repetition time/echo time
- T-RTS triage-revised trauma score
- TRTV Turkey rhinotracheitis virus
- TRU task-related unit; turbidity-reducing unit
- T3RU triiodothyronine resin uptake
- TRUS transrectal ultrasonography
- TRUSP transrectal ultrasonography of prostate
- TRUST Trial in United Kingdom for Stroke Treatment
- TRUV Trubanaman virus
- TRV Tanjong Rabok virus; tobacco rattle virus
- TrV Triatoma virus
- TRVV total right ventricular volume
- TRX thioredoxin
- trx traction
- Tryp tryptophan
- TS Takayasu syndrome; Tay-Sachs [disease]; telemedicine system; temperature sensitivity; temperature sensor; temperature, skin; temporal stem; tensile strength; test solution; thermal stability; thoracic surgery; thymidylate synthase; time scale; tissue space; total solids [in urine]; Tourette syndrome; toxic substance; toxic syndrome; tracheal sound; trachomatous scarring; transferrin saturation; transition; transitional sleep; transsexual; transverse section; transverse sinus; trauma score; treadmill score; triceps surae; tricuspid stenosis; triple strength; tropical sprue; Troyer syndrome; trypticase soy [plate]; T suppressor [cell]; tuberous sclerosis; tumor-specific; Turner syndrome; type-specific
- T/S transverse section
- T+S type and screen
- Ts skin temperature; tosylate
- Ts secreted immunoglobulin heavy chain polypeptide; stimulus timing; T-cell suppressor; T suppressor [cell]
- Ts1, Ts3 suppressor T lymphocyte subpopulations 1 and 3
- tS time required to complete the S phase of the cell cycle
- ts temperature sensitivity
- ts, tsp teaspoon
- TSA technical surgical assistance; time series analysis; toluene sulfonic acid; total shoulder arthroplasty; total solute absorption; toxic shock antigen; transcortical sensory aphasia; trypticase-soy agar; tumor-specific antigen; tumor surface antigen; type-specific antibody
- T4SA thyroxine-specific activity
- TSAb thyroid-stimulating antibody
- TSAP toxic-shock-associated protein; transport services access point
- TSAS total severity assessment score
- TSAT tube slide agglutination test
- TSB total serum bilirubin; trypticase soy broth; tryptone soy broth