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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ T ]
- TSBA total serum bile acids
- TSBB transtracheal selective bronchial brushing
- TSC technetium sulfur colloid; thiazide-sensitive sodium-chloride cotransporter; thiosemicarbazide; total static compliance; total symptom complex; transient spontaneous circulation; transverse spinal sclerosis; tuberous sclerosis complex
- TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act
- TSCOHS Tri-Service Comprehensive Oral Health Survey
- TSCS Tennessee Self-Concept Scale
- TSD target site duplication [DNA]; target-skin distance; Tay-Sachs disease; theory of signal detectability; thermionic selective detector; traditional stripchart display
- TSE testicular self-examination; time since exposure; tissue-specific extinguisher; total skin electron; total skin examination; transcutaneous spinal electroanesthesia; transmissible spongiform encephalopathy; trisodium edetate; turbo-spin echo
- TSEB total skin electron beam
- T sect transverse section
- TSEM transmission scanning electron microscopy
- TSES Target Symptom Evaluation Scale
- T-set tracheotomy set
- TSF T cell suppressor factor; testicular feminization syndrome; thrombopoiesis-stimulating factor; total systemic flow; triceps skinfold
- TsF T cell suppressor factor
- TSG tumor suppressor gene
- TSG, TSGP tumor-specific glycoprotein
- TSGE temperature sweep gel electrophoresis
- TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone; transient synovitis of the hip
- TSHA thyroid-stimulating hormone, alpha chain
- TSHB thyroid-stimulating hormone, beta chain
- TSHR thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor
- TSH-RF thyroid-stimulating hormone-releasing factor
- TSH-RH thyroid-stimulating hormone-releasing hormone
- TSHW Thyroid Study in Healthy Women
- TSI thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin; triple sugar iron [agar]
- TSIA total small intestine allotransplantation; triple sugar iron agar
- tSIDS totally unexplained sudden infant death syndrome
- TSJ Telemedicine Society of Japan
- TSL task specification language; terminal sensory latency; transport layer security [telemedicine]
- TSLP thymic stroma-derived lymphopoietin
- TSM type-specific M protein
- TSMDB Tuberous Sclerosis Mutation Database
- TSO transient spastic occlusion; trans-stilbene oxide
- TSOP time from symptom onset to presentation
- TSP tailspin protein; testis-specific protein; thrombin-sensitive protein; thrombospondin; tibial hole sagittal positioning; total serum protein; total sleep period; total suspended particulate [matter]; trisodium phosphate; tropical spastic paraparesis
- tsp teaspoon
- TSP I thrombospondin type I
- TSPA thiotepa
- TSPAP total serum prostatic acid phosphatase
- TSPL transplant
- TSPP tetrasodium pyrophosphate
- TSR theophylline sustained release; thyroid to serum ratio; tissue scatter ratio [radiotherapy]; tissue standard ratio [radiotherapy]; total systemic resistance
- TSS toxic shock syndrome; tropical splenomegaly syndrome
- TSSA tumor-specific cell surface antigen
- TSSE toxic shock syndrome exotoxin
- TSST toxic shock syndrome toxin
- TST thermoregulatory sweat test; thiosulfate sulfur-transferase; thromboplastin screening test; total sleep time; transforming sequence, thyroid; treadmill stress test; triceps skinfold thickness; tricipital skinfold thickness; tuberculin skin test; tumor skin test
- TSTA toxoplasmin skin test antigen; tumor-specific tissue antigen; tumor-specific transplantation antigen
- TsTX tityustoxin
- TSU triple sugar urea [agar]
- TSUV Tsuruse virus
- TSV total stomach volume; total stroke volume
- TSVR total systemic vascular resistance
- TSWT tree-structured wavelet transform
- TSY trypticase soy yeast
- TSYEA trypticase soy yeast enriched agar
- TT tablet triturate; talar tilt; tactile tension; tendon of Todaro; tendon transfer; terminal transferase; test tube; testicular torsion; tetanus toxin; tetanus toxoid; tetrathionate; tetrazol; therapeutic touch; thrombin time; thrombolytic therapy; thromboplastin time; thymol turbidity; tibial tubercle; tibial tuberosity; tick typhus; tiger-top; tilt table; tiny T [antigen]; tissue tolerance; tolerance test; tonometry; total thyroidectomy; total thyroxine; total time; total transfer; trabecular thickness; transient tachypnea; transferred to; transit time; transthoracic; transtracheal; treadmill test; trend template; triple therapy; tritiated thymidine; tuberculin test; tuberculoid [in Ridley-Jopling Hansen disease classification]; tube thoracostomy; tumor thrombus; turnover time; tyrosine transaminase
- T&T time and temperature; touch and tone
- TT2 total diiodothyronine
- TT3 total triiodothyronine
- TT4 total thyroxine
- Tt transition temperature
- TTA tetanus toxoid antibody; timed therapeutic absence; tissue texture abnormality; total toe arthroplasty; transtracheal aspiration
- tTA tetracycline-controlled transactivator
- TTAP threaded titanium acetabular prosthesis
- TTATTS Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Thrombotic/Thromboembolic Stroke [study]
- TTB third trimester bleeding
- TTC triphenyltetrazolium chloride; T-tube cholangiogram
- TTD temporary total disability; tetraethylthiuram disulfide; tissue tolerance dose; transfusion-transmitted disease; transient tic disorder; transverse thoracic diameter; trichothiodystrophy
- TTDF time to distant failure
- TTE transthoracic echocardiography
- TTF thyroid transcription factor; time to failure
- TTFD tetrahydrofurfuryldisulfide
- TTG T-cell translocation gene; telethermography; tellurite, taurocholate, and gelatin
- TTGA tellurite, taurocholate, and gelatin agar
- TTH thyrotropic hormone; tritiated thymidine
- TTI tension-time index; time-temperature indicator; time-tension index; time-to-intubation; torque-time interval; transtracheal insufflation
- TTIdi tension time index diaphragm
- TTIM T-cell tumor invasion and metastasis
- T-TIME tourniquet time
- TTJV transtracheal jet ventilation
- TTL total thymus lymphocytes; training test lung; transistor-transistor logic
- TTLC true total lung capacity
- TTLD terminal transverse limb defect
- TTLF time to local failure; transtelephonic monitoring [telemedicine]
- TTN titin; transient tachypnea of the newborn
- TTn normal trend template
- TTNA transthoracic needle aspiration
- TTNAB transthoracic needle aspiration biopsy
- TTNB transthoracic needle biopsy
- TTO time trade-off [method]
- TTO2 transtracheal oxygen
- TTOPP Thrombolytic Therapy in Older Patient Population [study]
- TTP thiamine triphosphate; thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; thymidine triphosphate; time to peak; time to progression; tocopherol transfer protein; transtrabecular plane; tristetraprolin; tritolyl phosphate; trusted third party
- TTPA triethylene thiophosphoramide
- TTR time in target range; transthoracic resistance; transthyretin; triceps tendon reflex
- TTS tarsal tunnel syndrome; temporary threshold shift; The Tromo Study; through the scope; through the skin; tilt table standing; transdermal therapeutic system; twin transfusion syndrome
- TTSS type three secretion system
- T3/T4 syndrome low triiodothyronine/low thyroxine syndrome
- TTT thymol turbidity test; tolbutamide tolerance test; total twitch time; tuberculin tine test
- TTTS twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
- TTTT test tube turbidity test; Tokyo Trop-T Trial
- TTV tracheal transport velocity; transfusion-transmitted virus
- TTVS Transfusion Transmitted Viruses Study
- TTWB toe touch weightbearing
- TTX tetrodotoxin
- TU texture unit [artificial neural network]; thiouracil; thyroid uptake; Todd unit; toxic unit; toxin unit; transmission unit; transurethral; tuberculin unit; turbidity unit
- T3U triiodothyronine uptake
- TUAV Turuna virus
- TUB tubulin
- TUBA tubulin alpha
- TUBAL tubulin alpha-like
- TUBB tubulin beta
- tuberc tuberculosis
- TUBG tubulin gamma
- TUBS traumatic unidirectional Bankart surgical
- TUCC Tissue Plasminogen Activator/Urokinase Comparison in China [study]
- TUCV Tucunduba virus
- TUD total urethral discharge
- TUG total urinary gonadotropin
- TUGMI Tsukuba University Group for Myocardial Infarction
- TUGSE traumatic ulcerative granuloma with stromal eosinophilia
- TuHV Tupaiid herpesvirus
- TUI transurethral incision; type unique identifier [UMLS]
- TUIP trans-urethral incision of prostate
- TUL tumescent ultrasound liposculpture
- TULIP transurethral ultrasound-guided laser-induced prostatectomy
- TULV Tula virus
- TUN total urinary nitrogen
- TUNEL deoxyuride-5´-triphosphate biotin nick end labeling
- TUNV Tunis virus
- TUP temporal utility program; transumbilical plane
- TUPV Tupaia virus
- TUR transurethral resection
- TURB, TURBT transurethral resection of bladder [tumor]
- turb turbid, turbidity
- turboFLASH turbo fast low-angle shot
- TURP transurethral resection of the prostate
- TURS transurethral resection syndrome
- TURV transurethral resection of valves; Turlock virus
- TUS trauma ultrasound
- TUTase terminal uridylate transferase
- TV box turtle virus; talipes varus; target volume [radiotherapy]; television; teschovirus; tetrazolium violet; thoracic vertebra; tickborne virus; tidal volume; tigre virus; Torovirus; total volume; toxic vertigo; transumbilical plane; transvaginal; transvenous; transverse; transversion; trial visit; Trichomonas vaginalis; tricuspid valve; trivalent; true vertebra; truncal vagotomy; tuberculin volutin; tubovesicular typhoid vaccine; tumor virus
- Tv Trichomonas vaginalis
- TVA truncal vagotomy and antrectomy
- TVC timed vital capacity; total viable cells; total volume capacity; transvaginal cone; triple voiding cystogram; true vocal cords
- TVCV transvenous cardioversion
- TVD transmissible virus dementia; triple vessel disease
- TVF tactile vocal fremitus
- TVFD time-varying frequency dependence
- TVG time-varied gain
- TVH total vaginal hysterectomy; turkey virus hepatitis
- TVHS transvaginal hysterosonography
- TVI time-velocity integral
- TVL tenth value layer; tunica vasculosa lentis
- TVMF time varying magnetic field
- TVOC total volatile organic compound
- TVP tensor veli palatini [muscle]; textured vegetable protein; transvenous pacemaker; tricuspid valve prolapse; truncal vagotomy and pyloroplasty
- TVR target vessel revascularization; tonic vibratory reflex; total vascular resistance; tricuspid valve replacement; triple valve replacement
- TVRE transvaginal resection or endometrium
- TVS transvaginal sonography; transvesical sonography
- TVSS transient voltage surge suppressor
- TVT tension-free vaginal tape; transmissible venereal tumor; tunica vaginalis testis
- TVTV Trivittatus virus
- TVU total volume of the urine
- TVV Trichomonas vaginalis virus
- TVX tumor virus X
- TW tap water; terminal web; test weight; thyroid weight; total body water; traveling wave
- Tw twist
- TWA time weighted average; total wrist arthroplasty; T wave alternans [ECG]
- TWAR Taiwan acute respiratory [Chlamydia pneumoniae strain]
- Twb wet-bulb temperature
- TWBC total white blood cells; total white blood count
- TWD total white and differential [cell count]; traveling-wave dielectrophoresis
- TWE tap water enema; tepid water enema
- TWIST time without symptoms of disease and subjective toxic effects of treatment
- TWISTER Trial of Within Stent Treatment of Endoluminal Restenosis
- TWL transepidermal water loss
- TWS tranquilizer withdrawal syndrome
- TWs triphasic waves
- TWT The Wellcome Trust; total waiting time
- TWWD tap water wet dressing
- TX a derivative of contagious tuberculin; no evidence of primary tumor [TNM (tumor-node-metastasis) classification]; tamoxifen; thromboxane; thyroidectomized; transplantation; treatment
- T&X type and crossmatch
- 6TX 6-thioxanthine
- Tx transplant or transplantation
- Tx, Tx treatment; therapy; traction
- tx traction
- TXA, TxA thromboxane A
- TXA2, TXA2 thromboxane A2 (A2)
- TXB2, TXB2 thromboxane B2 (B2)
- TXDD transmitted data decoder [telemedicine]
- TxDD/T transmitted data decoder/timer [telemedicine]
- TXDS qualifying toxic dose
- TxDE transmitted data encoder [telemedicine]
- TXN thioredoxin
- Ty type; typhoid; tyrosine
- TYH tyrosine hydrolase
- Tymp tympanic, tympanum
- TYMS thymidylate synthase
- TYMV turnip yellow mosaic virus
- Ty-neg tyrosinase negative
- Ty-pos tyrosinase positive
- Tyr, tyr tyrosine
- TyRIA thyroid radioisotope assay
- TYRL tyrosinase-like
- TYRP tyrosine-related protein
- TYUV Tyuleniy virus
- TZ zymoplastic tuberculin [the dried residue which is soluble in alcohol, Ger. Tuberculin zymoplastische]
- t1/2z terminal half-life
- TZD thiazolidinedione