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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ U ]
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- UMPH uridine 5´-monophosphate phosphohydrolase
- UMPK uridine monophosphate kinase
- UMPS uridine monophosphate synthase
- UMS urethral manipulation syndrome
- UMT units of medical time
- UN ulnar nerve; undernourished; unilateral neglect; updraft nebulizer; urea nitrogen; urinary nitrogen
- UNa, UNa urinary sodium
- UNAI Uniform Needs Assessment Instrument for posthospital care
- UNAIDS United Nations Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome [program]
- UNASEM Unstable Angina Study Using Eminase
- UNAV Una virus
- uncomp uncompensated
- uncond unconditioned
- UNCV ulnar nerve conduction velocity
- undet undetermined
- UNDP United Nations Development Program
- UNDRO United Nations Disaster Relief Organization
- UNE urinary norepinephrine
- UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme
- UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
- UNG uracil deoxyribonucleic acid glycosylase
- UNHCR United Nations High Commission on Refugees
- UniGene Unique Human Gene Sequence Collection
- unilat unilateral
- UNIS Urological Nursing Information System
- univ universal
- unk, unkn unknown
- UNL upper normal limit
- UNLS Unified Nursing Language System
- UNOS United Network for Organ Sharing
- UNRPCA Use of Nicardipine to Retard the Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis [trial]
- UNSA Unstable Angina Study
- unsat unsatisfactory; unsaturated
- UNSCEAR United Nations Scientific Committee on Effects of Atomic Radiation
- UNT untreated
- UNTS unilateral nevoid telangiectasia syndrome
- UNX uninephrectomy
- UO under observation; undetermined origin; urethral orifice; urinary output
- U/O urinary output
- u/o under observation
- UOP urinary output
- UOQ upper outer quadrant
- UOsm urinary osmolality
- UOV units of variance
- UOX urate oxidase
- UP parallax unsharpness; ulcerative proctitis; ultrahigh purity; unipolar; upright posture; ureteropelvic; uridine phosphorylase; uroporphyrin
- U/P urine to plasma [ratio]
- uPA, u-PA urokinase plasminogen activator
- uPAR urokinase type plasminogen activator receptor
- UPase uridine phosphorylase
- UPC usual provider continuity
- UPD ulcerative periodontal disease; uniparental disomy; urinary production
- UPDIC Uppsala Prospective Diabetes Control [study]
- UPDRS Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale
- UPEC uropathogenic Escherichia coli signature-tagged mutagenesis A
- UPEP urinary protein electrophoresis; urine protein electrophoresis
- UPET Urokinase Pulmonary Embolism Trial
- UPF universal proximal femur [prosthesis]
- UPG uroporphyrinogen
- UPGMA unweighted pair group method with averages
- UPI unique patient identifier; uteroplacental insufficiency; uteroplacental ischemia
- UPID uniparental isodisomy
- UPIF uniform provider [electronic] interchange format
- UPIN universal physician identifier number [Health Care Financing Administration, HCFA]
- UPJ ureteropelvic junction
- UPJO ureteropelvic junction obstruction
- UPL unusual position of limbs
- UPOV Upolu virus
- UPP urethral pressure profile
- UPPP uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
- UPPRA upright peripheral plasma renin activity
- UPS ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy; uninterruptible power supply; uroporphyrinogen synthetase; uterine progesterone system
- UPSC uterine papillary serous carcinoma
- Υ Greek capital letter upsilon
- υ Greek lowercase letter upsilon
- UPSIT University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test
- UPSIZE Ultrasound-controlled Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty with Optional Balloon Size [study]
- UpU uridyl (3´-5´)uridine
- UQ ubiquinone; upper quadrant
- UQAC unit quality assurance committee
- UQCRC ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase core
- UQL unacceptable quality level
- UQS upper quadrant syndrome
- UR unconditioned reflex; upper respiratory; uridine; urinal; urology; utilization review
- Ur urea; urine, urinary
- URA unilateral renal agenesis
- URA, Ura uracil
- URAC Utilization Review Accreditation Commission
- URALMI Urokinase and Alteplase in Myocardial Infarction [study]
- URC upper rib cage; utilization review committee
- URD unrelated donor; unspecified respiratory disease; upper respiratory disease
- Urd uridine
- ureth urethra
- URF unidentified reading frame; uterine relaxing factor
- URG urogastrone
- URI uniform resource identifier; upper respiratory illness; upper respiratory infection
- URISA Urban and Regional Information Systems Association
- URK urokinase
- URL uniform resource locator; upper rate limit [pacemaker]
- URN uniform resource name
- U-RNA uridylic acid ribonucleic acid
- URO urology; uroporphyrin; uroporphyrinogen; utilization review organization
- UROD uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
- URO-GEN urogenital
- Urol urology, urologist
- UROS uroporphyrinogen synthase
- URQ upper right quadrant
- URR upstream regulatory region
- URS ultrasonic renal scanning; upstream repressing sequence
- UR2SV UR2 sarcoma virus
- URT upper respiratory tract
- URTI upper respiratory tract infection
- URUV Urucuri virus
- URVD unilateral renovascular disease
- US screen unsharpness; ultrasonic, ultrasound, ultrasonography; unconditioned stimulus; unique sequence; unit separator; upper segment; upper strength; urinary sugar; Usher syndrome
- US1 Usher syndrome type I
- US2 Usher syndrome type II
- US3 Usher syndrome type III
- US4 Usher syndrome type IV
- u/s ultrasonic or ultrasound
- US1A Usher syndrome type IA
- US2A Usher syndrome type IIA
- USAFH United States Air Force Hospital
- USAFRHL United States Air Force Radiological Health Laboratory
- USAH United States Army Hospital
- USAHC United States Army Health Clinic
- USAID United States Agency for International Development
- USAIDR United States Army Institute of Dental Research
- USAM Unified Services Action Model
- USAMEDS United States Army Medical Service
- USAMRICD United States Army Research Institute of Chemical Defense
- USAMRID United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases
- USAMRIID United States Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases
- USAMRMC United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command
- USAN United States Adopted Names
- USAR urban search and rescue
- USASI United States of America Standards Institute
- USAT ultrasmall aperture terminal
- USB upper sternal border
- US1B Usher syndrome type IB
- US2B Usher syndrome type IIB
- USBS United States Bureau of Standards
- USBWC United States Biological Warfare Committee
- US1C Usher syndrome type IC
- USCA ultrasound contrast agent
- USCG ultrasonic cardiography
- USCR universal self-care requisites
- USCT ultrasound computed tomography
- USD United States Dispensary
- USDA United States Department of Agriculture
- USDHEW United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
- USDHHS United States Department of Health and Human Services
- USE ultrasonic echography
- USEIR United States Eye Injury Registry
- USF upstream stimulatory factor
- USFA United States Fire Administration
- USFMG United States foreign medical graduate
- USFMS United States foreign medical student
- USG ultrasonography; user semantic group
- USH Usher syndrome
- USH1 Usher syndrome type I
- USH1A Usher syndrome type IA
- USH1B Usher syndrome type IB
- USH1C Usher syndrome type IC
- USH2 Usher syndrome type II
- USH2A Usher syndrome type IIA
- USH2B Usher syndrome type IIB
- USH3 Usher syndrome type III
- USH4 Usher syndrome type IV
- US+HC ultrasound-driven hydrocortisone
- USHL United States Hygienic Laboratory
- USHMAC United States Health Manpower Advisory Council
- USI universal serial interface; urinary stress incontinence
- USIA United States Information Agency
- USIMG United States citizen international medical school graduate
- USL ultrasound lithotripsy
- US/LS upper strength/lower strength [ratio]
- USMG United States or Canada medical school graduate
- USMH United States Marine Hospital
- USMLE United States Medical Licensing Examination
- USMRID United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases
- USN ultrasonic nebulizer; unilateral spatial neglect
- USNCHS United States National Center for Health Statistics
- USNH United States Naval Hospital
- USNRP United States National Reference Preparation
- USO unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
- USP United States Pharmacopeia
- US+P ultrasound and placebo
- USPC United States Pharmacopeia Convention
- USPDI United States Pharmacopeia Drug Information
- USPET Urokinase Streptokinase Pulmonary Embolism Trial
- USPHS United States Public Health Service; United States Physicians' Health Study
- USPIO ultrasmall particle superparamagnetic iron oxide
- USPSTF United States Preventive Services Task Force
- USPTA United States Physical Therapy Association
- USR unheated serum reagin
- USRDS United States Renal Data System
- USS ultrasound scanning; universal spine system; user support system
- USUHS Uniformed Services University of the Health Services
- USUV Usutu virus
- USVH United States Veterans Hospital
- USVMD urine specimen volume measuring device
- USW ultrashort waves
- UT total unsharpness; Ullrich-Turner [syndrome]; Unna-Thost [syndrome]; untested; untreated; urinary tract; urticaria
- uT unbound testosterone
- UTBG unbound thyroxine-binding globulin
- UTC ultrasonic tissue characterization; upper thoracic compression
- UTD up to date
- UT-ETT ultrathin endotracheal tube
- UTI urinary tract infection; urinary trypsin inhibitor
- util rev utilization review
- UTIV Utinga virus
- UTO upper tibial osteotomy; urinary tract obstruction
- UTOPIA Utilization of Platelet Inhibition in Angina [trial]
- UTP unilateral tension pneumothorax; unshielded twisted pair; uridine triphosphate
- UTR untranslated region
- UTS Ullrich-Turner syndrome; ulnar tunnel syndrome; ultimate tensile strength
- UTTS-ETT two-stage ultrathin-walled endotracheal tube
- UTZ ultrasound
- UU urinary urea; urine urobilinogen
- UUID universal unique identifier
- UUKV Uukuniemi virus
- UUN urinary urea nitrogen
- UUO unilateral urethral obstruction
- UUP urinary uroporphyrin
- UV ultraviolet; umbilical vein; Uppsala virus; ureterovesical; urinary volume
- UVA ultraviolet A; ultraviolet germicidal irradiation; ureterovesical angle
- UV-A ultraviolet A
- UVAL-MED universal visual associative language for medicine
- UVB, UV-B ultraviolet B
- UVC Ullucus virus C; ultraviolet C; umbilical venous catheter
- UV-C ultraviolet C
- UVEB unifocal ventricular ectopic beat
- UVER ultraviolet-enhanced reactivation
- UVGI ultraviolet germicidal irradiation
- UVI ultraviolet irradiation
- UVJ ureterovesical junction
- UVL ultraviolet light
- UVO uvomorulin
- UVP ultraviolet photometry
- UVR ultraviolet radiation
- UVV Utive virus
- UW unilateral weakness
- UWB unit of whole blood
- UWD Urbach-Wiethe disease
- UWSC unstimulated whole saliva collection
- UWW underwater weight
- UX uranium X, proactinium
- UYP upper yield point
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