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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
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[ X ]
- X androgenic [zone]; cross; crossbite; exophoria distance; exposure; extra; female sex chromosome; ionization exposure; ionization exposure rate; Kienböck's unit of x-ray exposure; magnification; multiplication times; reactance; removal of; respirations [anesthesia chart]; Roman numeral ten; start of anesthesia; "times"; translocation between two X chromosomes; transverse; unknown quantity; xanthosine; X unit; xylene
sample mean
- X2, χ2 chi-square
- X3 orientation as to time, place, and person
- x except; extremity; horizontal axis of a rectangular coordinate system; mole fraction; multiplication times; position; roentgen [rays]; sample mean; "times"; unknown factor; xanthine
- Ξ see xi
- ξ see xi
- XA xanthurenic acid; x-ray analysis
- X-A xylene and alcohol
- Xa activated factor X; chiasma
- Xaa unknown amino acid
- XAD External Atrial Defibrillation [trial]
- Xam examination
- Xan xanthine
- Xanth xanthomatosis
- Xao xanthosine
- XBP xanthophyll-binding protein; X-box binding protein
- XBSN X-linked bulbospinal neuropathy
- XC, Xc excretory cystogram
- X-CAR cross-relational computer-based retention
- XCCL exaggerated craniocaudal lateral [view]
- XCE X-chromosome controlling element
- X-CGD X-linked chronic granulomatous disease
- XCMD external [computer] command
- Xcv Xanthomonas campestris vesicatoria
- XD x-ray diffraction
- XDH xanthine dehydrogenase
- XDP xanthine diphosphate; xeroderma pigmentosum
- XDR transducer
- Xe electric susceptibility; xenon
- XECT, XeCT xenon-enhanced computed tomography
- XEF excess ejection fraction
- XES x-ray energy spectrometry
- Xfb cross-linked Gibrin
- XFD x-ray flat detector
- XGP xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
- XGPT xylosylprotein-4-beta-galactosyltransferase
- XGRAIL Gene Recognition and Analysis Internet Link X window [client server system]
- Xi inactive X chromosome
- Ξ Greek capital letter xi
- ξ Greek lowercase letter xi
- XIBV Xiburema virus
- XIC X chromosome inactivation center; X-inactivation center
- X-IEP crossed immunoelectrophoresis
- XIMS extensible markup language [XML] information management system
- XINV Xingu virus
- XIP exchanger inhibitory peptide; x-ray-induced polypeptide; x-ray in plaster
- XISHF Xamoterol in Severe Heart Failure [study]
- XIST inactive X chromosome specific transcript; X-inactivation specific transcript
- XL excess lactate; X-linked [inheritance]; xylose-lysine [agar base]
- XLA, X-LA X-linked agammaglobulinemia
- XLAS X-linked aqueductal stenosis
- XLCM X-linked dilated cardiomyopathy
- XLD X-linked dominant; xylose-lysine-deoxycholate [agar]
- XLH X-linked hydrocephalus; X-linked hypophosphatemia
- XLHED X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
- XLI X-linked ichthyosis
- XLMR X-linked mental retardation
- XLMTM, XLMTm X-linked myotubular myopathy
- XLOS X-linked Opitz syndrome
- XLP X-linked lymphoproliferative [syndrome]
- XLPD X-linked lymphoproliferative disease
- XLR X-linked recessive
- XLRP X-linked retinitis pigmentosa
- XLS X-linked recessive lymphoproliferative syndrome
- XLSP X-linked spastic paraplegia
- XM crossmatch
- Xm, Xm maternal chromosome X
- xma chiasma
- X-mas Christmas [factor]
- x-mat crossmatch [blood]
- X-match crossmatch
- XME xenobiotic-metabolizing enzyme
- XMI extensible markup language [XML] metadata-interchange [format]
- XML extensible markup language
- XML-DOM extensible markup language-document object model
- XML-DTD extensible markup language-document type definition
- XMP xanthine monophosphate
- XMMR Xenopus molecular marker resource
- XMR X-linked mental retardation
- XN night blindness
- XO presence of only one sex chromosome; xanthine oxidase
- XOAD X-linked ocular albinism with deafness
- XOAN X-linked ocular albinism of Nettleship-Falls
- XOM extraocular movements
- XOP x-ray out of plaster
- XOR exclusive operating room
- XP xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis; xeroderma pigmentosum
- Xp paternal chromosome X; short arm of chromosome X
- XPA xeroderma pigmentosum group A
- XPC xeroderma pigmentosum group C
- XPN xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
- XPS x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; x-ray photoemission spectroscopy
- XPTB extrapulmonary tuberculosis
- Xq long arm of chromosome X
- XR extended release; xeroradiography; X-linked recessive [inheritance]; x-ray
- x-rays roentgen rays
- XRD x-ray diffraction
- XRE xenobiotic response element
- XRF x-ray fluorescence
- XRFDC x-ray film digitization console
- XRII x-ray image intensifier
- XRMR X-linked recessive mental retardation
- XRN X-linked recessive nephrolithiasis
- XRS x-ray sensitivity
- XRT x-ray therapy
- XS cross-section; excessive; xiphisternum
- X/S cross-section
- xs excess
- XSA cross-section area
- XSCID X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency [syndrome]
- XSCLH X-linked subcortical laminar heterotopia
- X-sect cross-section
- XSL extensible stylesheet language
- XSP xanthoma striatum palmare
- XT exotropia
- Xt extra toe
- Xta chiasmata
- Xtab cross-tabulating
- XTE xeroderma, talipes, and enamel defect [syndrome]
- XTM xanthoma tuberosum multiplex
- XTP xanthosine triphosphate
- X-TUL external tumescent ultrasound liposculpture
- XU excretory urogram; X unit
- Xu X-unit
- Xu cumulative amount of urine
- XUC extended use case [format]
- XuMP xylulose monophosphate
- Xu5P, Xu5p xylulose-5-phosphate
- XX chromosome X disomy; double strength; female chromosome type
- 46, XX 46 chromosomes, 2 X chromosomes (normal female)
- XXL xylocaine
- XXX chromosome X trisomy
- XXXX chromosome X tetrasomy
- XXXXX chromosome X pentasomy
- XX/XY sex karyotypes
- XY male chromosome type
- 46, XY 46 chromosomes, 1 X and 1 Y chromosome (normal male)
- Xyl xylose