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Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
[ Y ]
- Y a coordinate axis in a plane; electrical admittance; male sex chromosome; tyrosine; year; yellow; Yersinia; yield; yttrium
mean of y values
- Y- yotta- [1024]
- y the vertical axis of a rectangular coordinate system
- y- yocto- [10-24]
- Υ see upsilon
- υ see upsilon
- YA Yersinia arthritis
- Y/A years of age
- YAC yeast artificial chromosome
- YACP young adult chronic patient
- YACV Yacaaba virus
- YADH yeast alcohol dehydrogenase
- YAG yttrium aluminum garnet [laser]
- Yahoo Yet Another Hierarchically Officious Oracle [hierarchical subject index to Web sites]
- YAOV Yaounde virus
- YATAV Yata virus
- Yb ytterbium
- YBOCS Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale
- YBV Yug Bogdanovac virus
- YCB yeast carbon base
- YCMI Yale Center for Medical Informatics
- YCT YMCA Cardiac Therapy [program]
- YCVDS Yugoslavia Cardiovascular Disease Study
- yd yard
- YDV yeast-derived hepatitis B vaccine
- YDYES yin deficiency yang excess syndrome
- YE yeast extract; yellow enzyme
- YEH2 reduced yellow enzyme
- YEI Yersinia enterocolitica infection
- Yel yellow
- YF yellow fever
- YFI yellow fever immunization
- YFMD yellow fever membrane disease
- YFV yellow fever virus
- YHAP Yale Health and Aging Project
- YHV Yaquina Head virus
- Y2K year 2000
- YKV yokapoxvirus
- YLC youngest living child
- YLD year lived with disability
- YLF yttrium lithium fluoride
- YLL years of life lost
- YLS years of life saved
- YM yeast and mannitol; yeast and mold; Young's modulus
- Ymax maximum yield
- YMB yeast malt broth
- YMS Young Men's Survey
- YMTV Yaba monkey tumor virus
- YNB yeast nitrogen base
- YNS yellow nail syndrome
- y/o years old
- YOB year of birth
- Yobs observed value
- YOGV Yogue virus
- YOKV Yokose virus
- Yops Yersinia outer membrane proteins
- YOS Yale Observation Scale
- YP yeast phase; yield pressure
- YPA yeast, peptone, and adenine sulfate
- YpkA Yersinia protein kinase A
- YPLL years of potential life lost
- yr year
- YRBS Youth Risk Behavior Survey
- YRD Yangtze River disease
- YRRM Y ribonucleic acid [RNA] recognition motif
- YS yellow spot; yield strength; yolk sac
- ys yellow spot; yolk sac
- YSHR younger spontaneously hypertensive rat
- YST yolk sac tumor
- Y73SV Y73 sarcoma virus
- YT, yt yttrium
- Y1V Yaba-1 virus
- Y7V Yaba-7 virus
- yWACC younger woman with aggressive cervical cancer
- YWKY younger Wistar-Kyoto rat