Zinc supplements safe for chidren with HIV
Nov 26 05


British HIV patients show increased drug resistance
Nov 18 05


HIV diagnoses fall among blacks
Nov 17 05


HIV patient claims to have cleared the virus
Nov 14 05


Anabolic Steroids Help People with HIV Gain Weight
Nov 11 05


Home HIV test could spur early treatment
Nov 04 05

An HIV test that can be used at home and promises results in 20 minutes could help more people get treated sooner, but raises concerns about how well…


Vaginal gel shown to protect female monkeys against an HIV-like virus
Nov 01 05

Research with female monkeys at the Tulane National Primate Research Center has for the first time shown that three different anti-viral agents in a…


Gel may protect against sexual transmission of HIV
Oct 31 05


Worldwide advertising campaign to focus attention on children with HIV/AIDS
Oct 31 05


25 years down the line, 1800 children daily infected with AIDS
Oct 26 05


Circumcision shown to significantly reduce the rate of HIV infections among heterosexual men
Oct 25 05


HIV rates on decline in Zimbabwe, UN agency says
Oct 11 05

Zimbabwe’s HIV infection rate has fallen to around 20 percent of the population from 25 percent five years ago, apparently due to more condom use and…


World risks duplication in AIDS vaccine push
Sep 13 05

Attempts to develop an AIDS vaccine need greater coordination to avoid duplication and increase the chances of success, Health Ministry officials said on Tuesday.

“There is that danger…


US clears generic AIDS drug for use overseas
Sep 09 05


South Sudan in HIV/AIDS epidemic
Sep 06 05

Southern Sudan is in the midst of an HIV/AIDS epidemic and most of its people are without clean water, sanitation or education services, a United Nations body said in a…


HIV-infected Malawi mother hacks son to death
Sep 02 05


Outside auditor to manage Uganda HIV/AIDS funds
Aug 30 05

An international firm of auditors will temporarily take over management of AIDS funding in Uganda from a local firm accused of mismanaging aid money, a senior Ugandan official…


AIDS-hit South Africa to increase nurse training
Aug 30 05

South Africa, struggling to treat the world’s highest number of HIV/AIDS patients, plans to train more nurses and try to coax back those who have moved abroad, the…


Many Have Mixed Feelings on HIV Vaccine Research
Aug 18 05

Most adults in the U.S. believe that a vaccine against HIV infection offers the best chance of controlling the global AIDS epidemic and are confident…


Concern as Namibia cuts HIV disability grants
Aug 10 05

AIDS campaigners in Namibia said on Wednesday a government decision to withdraw disability grants from people with HIV who were still capable of working could accelerate the onset…


The Link Between STDs and HIV
Aug 09 05


Chance to reverse Asia AIDS epidemic could be lost
Aug 08 05

An international AIDS conference ended here on Tuesday with warnings that a window of opportunity to reverse the epidemic in Asia, where an explosion of the…


AIDS, urbanisation overcrowd S. African graveyards
Aug 03 05

AIDS and a growing urban population are forcing South African officials to find new cemeteries and encourage families to bury several members in the same grave, Johannesburg city authorities…


WHO will fail to meet AIDS drugs goal
Jul 27 05


Circumcision can prevent HIV infection
Jul 26 05

The longstanding observation that circumcision protects against HIV infection to some degree has been confirmed in a randomized trial.

Circumcision in adult heterosexual men is as effective in preventing new…

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