Diagnosing Allergies
Diagnosing allergies properly starts with a visit to the doctor who deals with the type of symptoms you’re having.
What Kind of Doctor?
You will probably first visit your primary care practitioner or family doctor. You may then get a referral to:
An allergist - A doctor who specializes in allergies.
A dermatologist - A doctor who specializes in skin problems.
An ear, nose and throat specialist - A doctor who works with these areas of the body.
An immunologist - A doctor who specializes in immune system disorders and diseases.
What Happens At My Appointment?
Your doctor will first conduct an allergy screening by asking relevant questions and completing a physical exam. Then, your doctor will likely administer allergy tests to determine your sensitivity to specific allergens.
After the appointment, your doctor may want you to begin an allergy diary. The diary will help you keep track of what symptoms you suffer and when.
Once your specific triggers are identified, your doctor will determine the proper treatment right for you.
Revision date: July 3, 2011
Last revised: by Tatiana Kuznetsova, D.M.D.