High Blood cholesterol articles

Dietary changes that may be helpful
Aug 08 05

Eating animal foods containing saturated fat is linked to High cholesterol levels and Heart disease. Significant amounts of animal-based saturated fat are found in beef, pork, veal,…


Lifestyle changes that may be helpful
Aug 08 05

Exercise increases protective HDL cholesterol, an effect that occurs even from walking. Total and LDL cholesterol are typically lowered by exercise, especially when weight-loss also occurs. Exercisers have a…


Does lowering LDL cholesterol prevent heart attacks and strokes?
Aug 08 05

Lowering LDL cholesterol is currently the primary focus in preventing Atherosclerosis and Heart Attacks. Most doctors now believe that the benefits of lowering LDL cholesterol include:


High Blood cholesterol: Sample Menus
Aug 08 05


High Blood cholesterol: Glossary of terms
Aug 08 05


What are lipid-altering medications?
Aug 08 05


The recommended treatment: A blood cholesterol-lowering diet
Aug 08 05


Why is HDL the good cholesterol?
Aug 08 05

HDL is the good cholesterol because it protects the arteries from the atherosclerosis process. HDL cholesterol extracts cholesterol particles from the artery walls and transports them to the liver…


What are LDL and HDL cholesterol?
Aug 08 05


Cholesterol Lowering Treat
Aug 07 05


Cholesterol: high blood levels
Aug 07 05


Cholesterol too high? Medications can help
Aug 07 05


What foods should I avoid?
Aug 07 05


Measuring blood cholesterol
Aug 07 05


Looking for High blood cholesterol
Aug 07 05

Low cholesterol living

On its own, a High Blood cholesterol level is not necessarily a problem, but coupled with one or more of the other risk factors for

High blood cholesterol
Aug 07 05


Because of its reputation as a risk factor for Heart disease, people tend to think of cholesterol only in negative terms. But cholesterol is an important component of cell…


High Blood Cholesterol
Aug 07 05

High Blood cholesterol is one of the major risk factors for heart attack, the leading cause of death in America. Cholesterol is a waxy substance your body produces to help it function…


ZOCOR (Simvastatin)
Aug 07 05


When Blood Cholesterol Becomes a Problem
Aug 07 05


What Is High Blood Cholesterol?
Aug 07 05


Treating High Blood Cholesterol
Aug 07 05

When a patient without Heart disease is first diagnosed with elevated blood cholesterol, doctors often prescribe a program of diet, exercise, and weight loss to bring levels down. National Cholesterol Education…


Other Drug Treatments
Aug 07 05


Reduce High Blood Cholesterol
Aug 07 05

The level of cholesterol in the bloodstream greatly affects the risk of developing Heart disease. The higher the level of blood cholesterol, the greater the risk for Heart disease


Food for Thought
Aug 07 05

One of the main ways blood cholesterol can reach undesirable levels is through a diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Fatty cholesterol deposits can collect in blood vessels, raising the risk of


What is cholesterol?
Aug 07 05


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