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High Blood cholesterol articles
High blood cholesterol: FAQ
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Aug 07 05
How does high blood cholesterol affect your risk for heart disease?
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Aug 07 05
How can you lower your blood cholesterol?
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Aug 07 05
High Blood cholesterol: Other medications
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Aug 06 05
In addition to cholesterol lowering and control of the other risk factors, including Diabetes, there are other treatments to help lower your risk from Heart disease. Aspirin, a…
What Do Your Cholesterol Numbers Mean?
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Aug 06 05
How Does Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease?
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Aug 06 05
The Benefits of Cholesterol Lowering
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Aug 06 05
Recent studies have shown that cholesterol lowering in people without Heart disease greatly reduces their risk for developing CHD, including Heart Attacks and CHD-related death. This…
What does cholesterol have to do with heart disease?
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Aug 06 05
The Framingham Heart Study established that High Blood cholesterol is a risk factor for Coronary heart disease (CHD).
Why Is Cholesterol Important?
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Aug 06 05
Your blood cholesterol level has a lot to do with your chances of getting Heart disease. High Blood cholesterol is one of the major risk factors for
Your blood cholesterol level is affected not only by what you eat but also by how quickly your body makes LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and disposes of it. In… To reach an LDL-cholesterol goal of less than 100 mg/dL, you may need to take a cholesterol-lowering medicine in addition to making the life habit changes already mentioned. Heart disease… The cholesterol-lowering drugs called fibrates are primarily effective in lowering triglycerides and, to a lesser extent, in increasing HDL-cholesterol levels. Gemfibrozil, the fibrate most widely used in the United States, can be very effective… Nicotinic acid or niacin, the water-soluble B vitamin, improves all lipoproteins when given in doses well above the vitamin requirement. Nicotinic acid lowers total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, while raising
Bile acid sequestrants bind with cholesterol-containing bile acids in the intestines and are then eliminated in the stool. The usual effect of bile acid sequestrants is to lower LDL-cholesterol by about 10…
What Makes Your Cholesterol High or Low?
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Aug 06 05
How to stay on your Cholesterol- Lowering Medication
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Aug 06 05
Cholesterol Lowering Medications
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Jul 25 05
What Is High Blood Cholesterol?
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Jul 25 05
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Jul 25 05
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Jul 24 05
Nicotinic acid
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Jul 24 05
Bile acid sequestrants
• High Blood cholesterol articles • Jul 24 05