You are here : > Cancer Health Center > Archives Cancer Archives 2012 November Man Takes Pregnancy Test as Joke, Finds Testicular Tumor - Ovarian Cancer Patients Have Lower Mortality Rates When Treated at High-Volume Hospitals - Partnership helps spread word on mammograms - FDA grants priority review to Roche’s breast cancer drug - Breast cancer drug could halt other tumors - When it comes to colon cancer checks, options exist - New Clues for Overcoming Tamoxifen-Resistant Breast Cancer - Combination treatment may improve survival of breast cancer patients with brain metastases - UC Davis scientists identify new target for lung cancer treatment - October High levels of vitamin D in plasma protects against bladder cancer - Delaying radiation therapy after hysterectomy ups risk of uterine cancer recurrence - Breast-cancer checks save lives despite over diagnosis - Associations linking weight to breast cancer survival vary by race/ethnicity - Progress in ultrasound-guided surgery may improve breast cancer treatment - Aspirin may help treat some colon cancers - Are cancer patients’ hopes for chemo too high? - Older breast cancer patients see more complications with brachytherapy - The complex association between moderate alcohol consumption and breast cancer - Statins May Cut Esophageal Cancer Risk - New breast cancer therapy tied to more complications - Chronic constipation linked to increased risk of colorectal cancer - Increased colorectal cancer risk for extended family members, younger endometrial cancer patients - Risks of esophagus cancer studied: Statins may protect against esophageal cancer - Is simpler colon screen enough for many women? - Breast Cancer: Quality of Life Tracks Health Status - Green Tea & Breast Cancer - Green Tea and Cancer Prevention: New Clues - Thinking pink for breast cancer awareness - IDIBELL and ICFO researchers have developed a technology that predicts metastasis in breast cancer - A cancer diagnosis does not make young people religious - Study shows breastfeeding reduced risk for ER/PR-negative breast cancer - Some parents misunderstand kids’ cancer studies - An epigenetic difference in twins explains the different risk of breast cancer - Study finds vegetable-derived compound effective in treating triple-negative breast cancer - Daily multivitamins reduce risk of cancer in men - New Insights Into How Genetic Differences Among Individuals Influence Breast Cancer Risk from Low-Dose Radiation - New study sheds new light on the progression and invasiveness of ductal breast cancer - Study identifies strategy for improved screening for type of hereditary colorectal cancer - New study aims to predict risk of cancer - Breast Cancer: Sensuality, Sexuality, and Intimacy - DNA method can provide more effective treatment of childhood cancer - Montreal researchers shed new light on cancer risks associated with night work - Folic acid doesn’t cut risk of colon polyps: study - Diving into the fight against breast cancer - My Most Memorable Breast Cancer Patient - Discovery reveals important clues to cancer metastasis - Prostate cancer: Curcumin curbs metastases - Mount Sinai researchers discover gene signature that predicts prostate cancer survival - RNA-Based Therapy Brings New Hope for an Incurable Blood Cancer - Squeezing Ovarian Cancer Cells to Predict Metastatic Potential - Page 22 of 109 pages « First < 20 21 22 23 24 > Last » << Back to main