You are here : > Cancer Health Center > Archives Cancer Archives 2012 September Bacteria may signal pancreatic cancer risk - Light drinking may relate to increase in risk for certain cancers - Study finds least aggressive form of breast cancer still poses risk for death years later - Cancer prevention study needs volunteers - Type 2 Diabetes Linked To Breast Cancer Risk - Quality-of-life program may help cancer patients - Cloned receptor paves way for new breast and prostate cancer treatment - Lack of oxygen in cancer cells leads to growth and metastasis - Effects of stopping alcohol consumption on subsequent risk of esophageal cancer - Weizmann Institute’s Mathematical Model May Lead to Safer Chemotherapy - Weizmann Institute’s Mathematical Model May Lead to Safer Chemotherapy - How breast cancer spreads - Cannabis linked to testicular cancer - Large lung cancer study shows potential for more targeted therapies - UNC Lineberger scientists lead definition of key lung cancer genome - Marijuana use may increase risk of testicular cancer - Miracle cure: Is Marriage key to cancer treatment? - Mammograms May Boost Breast Cancer Risk for Some Women - Breast Cancer screening saves lives, new study shows - Brain radiation after lung cancer treatment reduces risk of cancer spreading - Diagnostic chest radiation before 30 may increase breast cancer risk - Novel therapeutic targets identified for small cell lung cancer - Study uncovers simple way of predicting severe pain following breast cancer surgery - Epigenetic causes of prostate cancer - 6 Hours of Housework a Day Reduces Breast Cancer By 13 Percent - Pretreatment PET Imaging of Lymph Nodes Predicts Recurrence in Breast Cancer Patients - EU advises all girls need cervical cancer vaccines - Testing time for Roche’s breast cancer business - Sleep apnoea linked with increased risk of cancer death - New gene variants raise risk of neuroblastoma, influence tumor progression - Men, don’t be silent about prostate cancer threat - New study shows promise in using RNA nanotechnology to treat cancers and viral infections - Genetic link to prostate cancer risk in African Americans found - August Not all lung cancer patients who could benefit from crizotinib are identified by FDA-approved test - Aspirin may help men with prostate cancer live longer, study suggests - Study helps pancreatic cancer patients make hard choices - Vanderbilt-led study reveals racial disparities in prostate cancer care - Women want to SEE breast reconstruction results before cancer surgery - More women being told of breast-density risk - Thyroid cancer risk persists decades after radiation - Majority of older, early-stage breast cancer patients benefit from radiation after lumpectomy - Study: can daily aspirin help ward off cancer? - Radiation after lumpectomy helps prevent need for mastectomy in early stage breast cancer - Using millions of years of cell evolution in the fight against cancer - US-born Latinas at great risk of having babies with retinoblastoma - Risk For Testicular Cancer Increases With Genetic Copy-Number Variants - Breast Cancer Slowed By Plant-Based Compound In Mouse Model - People With Allergies May Have Lower Risk of Brain Tumors - July European regulators approves Novartis drug Afinitor to treat women with certain breast cancers - Prostate Cancer Screenings - Page 24 of 109 pages « First < 22 23 24 25 26 > Last » << Back to main