You are here : > Cancer Health Center > Archives Cancer Archives 2011 October Nanotechnology holds promise for safer breast implants - BPA exposure in utero may increase predisposition to breast cancer - Vitamin D deficiency common in cancer patients - Cell movement provides clues to aggressive breast cancer - Pink Pumps Fight Breast Cancer - Consider the breast and lungs when determining thoracic imaging protocols - September Red wine ingredient resveratrol stops breast cancer growth - Does sex matter in colon cancer screening? - Liver cancer incidence lower in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease than hepatitis C - New national poll: 89 percent of women said mammograms vital to their health - On Sex After Prostate Surgery, Confusing Data - Psychosocial Stress a Factor in Breast Cancer - Two New Risk Indicators For Prostate Cancer Revealed - Mastectomy Mystery: Why It’s a Choice When Cancer Isn’t Evident - Elderly breast cancer patients risk treatment discrimination - Virus kills breast cancer cells in laboratory - Cellular origin of a rare form of breast cancer identified - Error rate higher in breast imaging reports generated by automatic speech recognition - Another step toward resisting breast cancer - New Imaging Technique Highlights Cancer During Surgery - Prediction models help determine likelihood of erectile function after treatment for prostate cancer - High-risk, underserved women benefited from MRI screening for breast cancer - 10 ways to make better decisions about cancer care - Mammograms on the rise for foreign-born women living in the US - Stress Linked To How Aggressive A Breast Cancer Might Be - Study finds protein critical to breast cancer cell proliferation, migration - Inner workings of virus responsible for rare skin cancer - EGFR essential for the development of pancreatic cancer - Targeting cholesterol may help slow glioblastoma - Web Tool Aims to Improve the Workplace for Breast Cancer Survivors - Plant compound reduces breast cancer mortality - Protein found in heart may be target for colon cancer therapies - IUDs almost halve risk of cervical cancer: study - Coils almost halve risk of cervical cancer: study - Men: Cancer Prevention Tips By Age - Breast cancer patients with BRCA gene diagnosed almost 8 years earlier than generation before - Fish oil reduces effectiveness of chemotherapy - ‘Trojan Horse’ particle sneaks chemotherapy in to kill ovarian cancer cells - Gene therapy kills breast cancer stem cells, boosts chemotherapy - Fewer than 3 doses of cervical cancer vaccine effective - Study finds hospitals of last resort deliver lower quality of lung cancer care - Chemotherapy is as effective before breast cancer surgery as after - Plant-rich diets tied to lower breast cancer risk - Nanosensors made from DNA may light path to new cancer tests and drugs - BRCA1 Gene Mutation Associated with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy - FDA clears biomarker test for ovarian cancer - Harmless soil-dwelling bacteria successfully kill cancer - Folate tied to lower colon cancer risk - Vitamin D levels tied to colon cancer risk - 9/11 firefighters have higher cancer risk: study - Page 35 of 109 pages « First < 33 34 35 36 37 > Last » << Back to main