You are here : > Cancer Health Center > Archives Cancer Archives 2011 July Experts find rogue stem cells in liver cancer - Southern US states lag in reducing death rates from colorectal cancer - Report finds large state disparities in progress against colorectal cancer - TGen presents lung cancer studies at Amsterdam conference - Gold nanoparticles bring scientists closer to a treatment for cancer - Fewer Americans developing and dying from colon cancer - Elderly Dutch lung patients’ survival improved by new treatment options between 2003-2009 - Celecoxib may prevent lung cancer in former smokers - Radiation rates for breast cancer may be underestimated, U-M study finds - New Study Calls for Change In Deciding Frequency of Mammograms - High folate intake may reduce risk of colorectal cancer - Research in fish provides new clues about deadly form of liver cancer - Who should get screened for lung cancer? - Evidence “increasingly against” phone cancer risk - Self-referral: A significant factor in imaging growth - Health providers should emphasize breast cancer screening, Wayne State University research finds - June CSHL team identifies enzyme that is an important regulator of aggressive breast cancer development - The Cancer Genome Atlas completes detailed ovarian cancer analysis - Scientists Identify Order of Mutations that Lead to Cancer - Study finds mammography screening reduces breast cancer mortality - Study shows long-term benefits of breast screening - Van Andel Research Institute Finding Could Lead to Reduced Side Effects in Anti-Cancer Antibiotics - Team identifies new breast cancer tumor suppressor and how it works - Duke team finds new clues to how cancer spreads - Nearly half of women with advanced breast cancer in the US not receiving life-saving treatment - Community health worker interventions improve rates of US mammography screening - Cancer death rates continue drop: report - Scientists develop new approach for cancer vaccine - Discovery of a new mechanism of gene control that is associated with cancer - Heart disease beats breast cancer as the biggest killer - Roadmap published for dynamic mapping of estrogen signaling in breast cancer - Radionuclide treatment against small tumors and metastases - Blocking common gateway to inflammation suppresses cancer - Certain head and neck cancer patients benefit from second round of treatment - Scientists identify key component in lethal lung cancer complication - Simple test could hold key to early diagnosis of cancers - B Vitamins in Mother’s Diet Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk in Offspring - Einstein scientists find crucial molecule involved in spread of breast cancer - UT Southwestern research uncovers genetic link between emphysema, lung cancer - The cellular root of colorectal cancers? - U.S. cancer drugs shortage has doctors scrambling - Drug shows promise in prostate cancer spread to bone - Fighting cancer with cancer: Mayo Clinic finds promising use for thyroid cancer gene - Breast cancer surgery patients benefit from adding radiation therapy - UB played major role in study on drug that reduces breast cancer in high-risk women - Genetics of melanoma chemoresistance - City of Hope researchers to present rectal cancer, palliative care, benchmarking studies at ASCO - Roche’s Tarceva helps lung cancer patients - Silencing a deadly conversation in breast cancer - Scientists identify overactive genes in aggressive breast cancers - Page 37 of 109 pages « First < 35 36 37 38 39 > Last » << Back to main