You are here : > Cancer Health Center > Archives Cancer Archives 2009 July New lung cancer staging system revealed - Scientists Link Elevated Insulin to Increased Breast Cancer Risk - Breast cancer screening may fuel over diagnosis - “Glycemic load” of diet tied to breast cancer risk - Breast cancer risk lower in migraine sufferers - 2 reproductive factors are important predictors of death from ovarian cancer - Genetic factors implicated in survival gap for breast, ovarian or prostate cancer - Blacks only face survival gap with some cancers - Why are African Americans less Likely to Survive Certain Cancers? - Diet, smoking, exercise key in colon cancer risk - Researchers Finding New Ways to Prevent, Diagnose and Treat Breast Cancer - Some risk factors for vulvar cancer modifiable - Are breast cancer patients being kept in the dark? - Researchers Find Genetic Key to Breast Cancer’s Ability to Survive and Spread - Elderly breast cancer patients receive chemotherapy if treated in private practices - Variations in Five Genes Raise Risk for Most Common Brain Tumors - Why Some Tumors Don’t Respond to Radiation and Chemotherapy - Ready for relapse: Molecule helps breast cancer cells to survive in the bone marrow - HPV shot too costly for the Netherlands: study - Cell Cycle Kinases as Therapeutic Targets for Cancer - Prostate cancer screening still unproven: report - Research Reveals What Drives Lung Cancer’s Spread - Ben-Gurion U. researchers reveal connection between cancer and human evolution - Prostate cancer patients disease free after 5 years likely to be disease free after 10 years - Predicting the Return of Prostate Cancer: New Study Betters the Odds of Success - Outdoor athletes have heightened skin cancer risk - Metabolic syndrome linked to breast cancer - Dietary fat associated with pancreatic cancer risk - Breast cancer treatments impact work status - June Metabolic Factors May Play a Role in Risk for Breast Cancer - Risk of cancer - First baby is born after a new technique -Ovarian transplantation - Ovarian transplantation: New technique gives greatly improved results in this delicate operation - Second gene linked to familial testicular cancer - Rate of Breast Cancer in Italy Significantly Higher than Previously Reported - New MRI Technique Could Mean Fewer Breast Biopsies in High-Risk Women - Psychiatric symptoms can be first sign of cancer - Diet may lower breast cancer risk before menopause - Scientists kill cancer cells with “Trojan horse” - Vitamin A derivative provides clues to better breast cancer drugs - Platypus Link to Ovarian Cancer - Selenium Intake May Worsen Prostate Cancer in Some - What Should a Teenage Girl Do if She Finds a Lump in her Breast? - Gastrin Plays Significant Role in Helicobacter-Induced Stomach Cancer - Europe aims to reduce cancer deaths by 15 pct by 2020 - Researchers Develop New and Efficient Breast Biopsy Technique - Obesity, early menopause tied to uterine cancer - Potent Inhibitor Blocks Tumors from Metastasizing - ‘Chemical Nose’ May Sniff Out Cancer Earlier - Whites at greatest risk for rare bone cancer - Page 60 of 109 pages « First < 58 59 60 61 62 > Last » << Back to main