You are here : > Cancer Health Center > Archives Cancer Archives 2008 February Chemoradiation for adenocarcinoma of the anus - Research Team Identifies Novel Anti-Cancer Drug from the Sea - Men Who Are Continually Active at Work May Have Decreased Prostate Cancer Risk - Provider influence and patient barriers affect use of colorectal cancer screening - Predictors of inaccurate online breast cancer information - Study Reveals Why Certain Ovarian Cancers Develop Resistance to Platinum-based Chemotherapy - Bladder cancer: Need for a standardized protocol of management - Bladder cancer: A difficult problem? - Men Can Take Their Time to Decide on Prostate Cancer Treatment - Smoking Increases Breast Cancer Risk Based on Genes - A Ray of Sunshine in the Fight Against Cancer - Discovery Could Lead to Early Cancer Detection, Prevention - Take Action to Prevent Cancer: Participate in a Prevention Study - Researchers Find Less Invasive, Highly Accurate Methods - Colon Cancer Linked to Lineage - Personality-breast cancer link debunked - Unsuspected protein determines resistance to breast cancer treatment - Online tool supports more dialogue on prostate cancer risk - New, non-invasive prostate cancer test beats PSA in detecting prostate cancer, researchers report - Diabetes & hyper-insulinemia as predictors of colorectal cancer risk - Association of C-peptide concentration with prostate cancer incidence in a prospective cohort - Prostate Cancer: Watchful Wait or Vaccinate? - Smoking can double risk of colorectal polyps - Early detection critical in treating pediatric thyroid cancer - Prostate Cancer: Watchful Wait or Vaccinate? - New, Non-invasive Prostate Cancer Test Beats PSA in Detecting Prostate Cancer - January BRCA1 Mutation Linked to Breast Cancer Stem Cells - Digital mammogram best for younger women: study - Birth control pill lowers ovarian cancer risk - study - Intervention Program Boosts Health of Breast Cancer Patients - No Sure Answers to Reduce Mammography Discomfort - Anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN) in the antiretroviral therapy era - Anal canal cancer - Lymphoepithelial Cyst of the Mediastinum: study - Regular, long-term aspirin use reduces risk of colorectal cancer - Cervical Cancer Rates Higher Among Minority Women - Ovarian cancer risk not affected by alcohol and smoking, but reduced by caffeine - Disparities among patients with extremity soft-tissue sarcomas - Combination therapy improves survival for certain prostate cancer patients - Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma - Anal Carcinoma - Benign tumors of the large intestine - Malignant tumors of the large intestine - Benign tumors of the small intestine - Carcinoid Tumors of the Small and Large Intestines - Malignant Tumors of the Small Intestine - Anorectal Cancer - Carcinoma of the anus - Carcinoma of the Anus - Management of patients who present with Synchronous distant metastases - Page 80 of 109 pages « First < 78 79 80 81 82 > Last » << Back to main