You are here : > Cancer Health Center > Archives Cancer Archives 2008 January Surgical Management of Colorectal Cancer - Colorectal cancer management - Breast cancer gene testing less likely among blacks - New function for colon cancer gene found - NICE guidelines on breast cancer follow-up need urgent revision - Risk factors for colorectal Neoplasia - Family history may impact on the folate–colon cancer relationship - Colorectal cancer Clinical Findings and Differential Diagnosis - Colorectal cancer Risk Factors - Colorectal cancer General Considerations - Gene Markers Located for Hereditary Prostate Cancer - Screening for Colorectal Neoplasms - Colorectal Neoplasms Follow-Up after Surgery and Prognosis - Colonic or Rectal cancer Treatment - Groups at increased risk of colorectal cancer - Variations in Incidence Within Countries: Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer - Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer - Colorectal Cancer - Colorectal Cancer Prognosis and Prevention - Colorectal Cancer Treatment - Colorectal Cancer Classification Systems - Diagnosis and Screening for Colorectal Cancer - Colorectal Cancer Incidence, Location, Anatomy and Pathogenesis - Combined HRT increases risk of lobular breast cancer fourfold after just 3 years of use - Hormonal Dietary Supplements Might Promote Prostate Cancer Progression - Ovary removal ups breast cancer survival for some - Mastodynia - Molecules can block breast cancer’s ability to spread - Breast cancer risk varies significantly among BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers - Finding the Right Radiation Facility Is Critical for Cancer Patients - Multiple skin cancer risk behaviors are common among US adults - How Less Can Be More When Treating Some Kidney Cancers - Despite efforts, significant racial disparities in cancer therapy still exist - Fatherhood linked to prostate cancer risk - 2007 December Cancer patients, doctors talk little of emotions - Chemotherapy and tamoxifen reduce risk of second breast cancer - Cell-Death Receptor Links Cancer Susceptibility and Inflammation - Cancer Stem Cells: Know Thine Enemy - Reconstruction surgery rarely discussed with breast cancer patients - Study determines costs of breast and cervical cancer detection among low-income women - Lack of Sunlight May Increase Lung Cancer Risk - Even Tiny Breast Tumors Can be Aggressive and May Require Maximum Therapy - Drug Combo Shrinks Breast Cancer Metastases in Brain - Breast cancer and pregnancy - Cancer cell line developed that is resistant to new cancer therapy - Gene Linked to Aggressive Prostate Cancer - Cancer risks of eating red and processed meat - Keeping at-risk cells from developing cancer - How BRCA1 Mutations Cause Breast Cancer Revealed for First Time - New Therapeutic Options for Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Patients - Page 81 of 109 pages « First < 79 80 81 82 83 > Last » << Back to main