You are here : > Cancer Health Center > Archives Cancer Archives 2006 December Individualizing Treatment for Multiple Myeloma Patients - Gene Discovered by Researchers Tied to Pancreatic Cancer - Hour of daily exercise cuts bowel cancer risk - Breast cancer still diagnosed later in black women - Baldness drug could mask prostate cancer marker - Smoking raises virus-related cervical cancer risk - Combination therapy shows improvement for breast cancer patients - Novel Suicide Gene Therapy Used to Treat Malignant Brain Tumors - November Overweight Young Women Have Reduced Risk of Developing Breast Cancer Before Menopause - Big Bias In Who Gets Screened for Breast Cancer - Chemotherapy temporarily affects the structures of the human brain - Oral contraceptives and IUDs protect against endometrial cancer - Spike in testicular cancer is focus - No proof folate lowers breast cancer risk - Cancer Prevention News Tips - High HPV Concentrations, Smoking Significantly Raise Risks of Cancer - Gene Expression Profiling Not Quite Perfected in Predicting Lung Cancer Prognosis - Soy in childhood may reduce breast cancer risk - New drug comb may lengthen ovarian cancer survival - African-American Women Delayed in Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Treatment & Clinical Care - Ludwig Fund gives $120 million for cancer research - Novel vaccine shows promise against early-stage breast cancer - External-beam radiation therapy safe for breast cancer - New research could affect future treatment options for prostate cancer - Research finds shorter-course radiation treatment safe for breast cancer - Enzyme inhibitor produces stable disease in patients with advanced solid cell cancers - Vaccination with embryonic stem cells prevents lung cancer in mice - Scientists discover way to block growth of prostate cancer cells - Fizzy drinks increase risk of pancreatic cancer - Younger women survive ovarian cancer better - Women Catching Up to Men in Lung Cancer Deaths - High fiber may lower breast cancer risk in offspring - Long-term therapy in the fight against multiple myeloma - October Women Testing Negative for Familial Breast Cancer Gene Still at Increased Risk - Faulty Gene Linked to Prostate Cancer Risk - Bacteria could make new library of cancer drugs that are too complex to create artificially - Oral Contraceptives Increase Risk for Breast Cancer in Some Women - Analysis of breast-cancer gene role offers promising target - Chemo drugs for treating breast cancer may cause changes in cognitive function - Excess weight worsens ovarian cancer prognosis - Study finds race affects African American survival of breast cancer - Study identifies women with breast cancer most likely to benefit from aromatase inhibitor - Cancer survivors recognized for helping Philadelphia-area patients - Drinking Red Wine Cuts Risk of Colorectal Cancer - High bread consumption tied to kidney cancer - Abdominal Fat Affects Breast Cancer Survival - Black women in Chicago more likely to die from breast cancer than white women - Merck’s cervical cancer vaccine on sale in Europe - Breast cancer risk is increased in women with prenatal exposure to diethylstilbestrol - Doctors may be able to hear skin cancer spread - Page 90 of 109 pages « First < 88 89 90 91 92 > Last » << Back to main