You are here : > Cancer Health Center > Archives Cancer Archives 2006 September Rotating-shift work tied to prostate cancer risk - Active women with breast cancer may live longer - Eating mandarins reduces the risk of liver disease, hardened arteries and insulin resistance - Vitamin D May Cut Pancreatic Cancer Risk by Nearly Half - Cancer-Killing Viruses Employ Multiple Mechanisms - Fewer young men in Canada are being diagnosed with cancer - Unusual Three-Drug Combo Inhibits Growth of Aggressive Tumors - Validation of a tool for identifying women at high risk for hereditary breast cancer - Physical activity increases breast cancer survival - Thyroid cancer among women in the U.S. has increased - Breast Discomfort During HRT May Indicate Cancer Risk - Cancer deaths fall, new diagnoses stable - Disposable Microchips Suitable for Breast Cancer Screening - August Gene therapy beats skin cancer in two men - Cancer Drug Aids an Anti-Cancer Virus - Medical Society’s Labor Day CheckList Addresses Cancer Prevention - Aspirin, Other NSAIDs, May Prevent or Delay Enlarged Prostate - Suspicion Lingers Over Bisphenol A and Breast Cancer - Cervical cancer vaccine tipped for nine year olds - Childhood cancer survival linked to suicidality - Obesity Leads to More Aggressive Ovarian Cancer - Not all women change lifestyle after cancer - Suspicion Lingers Over Bisphenol A and Breast Cancer - PSA Predicts Treatment Success in Advanced Prostate Cancer - Mouse Mimics Chronic Leukemia, Will Aid Drug Development - HIV drug stops cervical cancer in laboratory test - Study Drug Holds Promise As Alternative to Castration For Early Prostate Cancers - Targeted magnetic nanoparticles may be useful in detecting and treating metastatic breast cancers - Brits denied new targeted bowel cancer drugs - St. John’s wort and polymeric nanoparticles to treat ovarian tumors using light - Seven quality guidelines for breast, colorectal cancer care - Variances in patterns of care for patients with prostate cancer failing primary therapy - A tissue marker of poor prognosis in clear cell renal cell carcinoma - At-home care of kids with leukemia prone to errors - Breast implants linked to suicide, but not cancer - Chemotherapy Complications Greater than Previously Estimated - Proton beams control liver tumors - Novel drug selectively kills prostate cancer cells - Chemotherapy and breast cancer - side effects underestimated - Optimistic women with ovarian cancer fare better - Gene test for cancers could mean more effective, tailored-made treatment - Prostate Cancer Patients Sought for Database as Part of Joint Effort - Black patients seek less information from doctors - UK agency nearer backing new breast cancer drugs - New test predicts if lung cancer will spread - New Recommendations for Use of Bisphosphonates in Treatment of Multiple Myeloma - Different Gene-Expression Predictors of Breast Cancer Agree - Pregnancy drug doubles risk of breast cancer - New blood test picks up early breast cancer - Drug trial victim “has early signs of cancer” - Page 92 of 109 pages « First < 90 91 92 93 94 > Last » << Back to main