You are here : > Cancer Health Center > Archives Cancer Archives 2005 December Smoking lowers chances of surviving throat cancer - Breast cancer survivors face other cancer risks - Cancer, genes and broccoli - Study suggests a way to eliminate glioblastoma - Use of Chemotherapy After Surgery for Colon Cancer Has Risen - New Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer Allows Life-Saving Surgery - Model of Prostate Cancer Helps Identify Promising Pain Treatment - Cancer cell resistance to chemotherapy drugs - Ack1 molecule stimulates the aggressive growth of prostate cancer - Radiation better than surgery at preserving speech for patients with head and neck cancer - Passive smoking is breast cancer risk factor - Iron and calcium may up risk of lung cancer - November Treatment of breast cancer in pregnancy - Long-term hormone therapy best for prostate cancer - Radiation Treatment Prolonged Liver Cancer Patients’ Lives - Pancreatic cancer and ecoendoscop - Low PSA may not rule out prostate cancer - Symposium on Minimally Invasive Cancer Treatments - Cellular clues to vitamin A resistance in lung cancer - Risk of cervical and other cancers after treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia - Herbal extract may treat prostate cancer - Plant product may help prevent lung cancer - Deleted Genes Help Predict Outcome in a Children’s Cancer - Brochure Helps Patients Understand Treatments for Bladder Cancer - Drug May Combat Weight Loss During Radiation Treatments - Learn the Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer - Investigational Treatment Shows Promise in Metastatic Breast Cancer - Infertility linked to higher testicular cancer risk - Smaller prostate size, more aggressive cancer - Phenoxodiol Produces Anti-cancer Responses in Women with Cervical Cancer - High colon cancer risk with diabetes confirmed - Antidepressant doesn’t raise breast cancer risk - Pancreatic cancer vaccine may improve survival - Gene therapy tested in pancreatic cancer studies - Backyard Garden May Yield Leukemia Treatment - Parents of kids with cancer face traumatic stress - Ginkgo may ward off ovarian cancer - British woman to get cancer drug after U-turn - Missing protein may hold lung cancer key - Ospemifine may also help to prevent breast cancer - Experimental drug slows tumor growth - “Screen and treat” cervical cancer programs effective in poorly resourced areas - Top cancer fighting foods - Tarceva Approved for Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer - Colorectal Cancer More Common Among Diabetics - Cheek Scrapings Can Detect Lung Cancer - Women survive lung cancer better than men - October Colon cancer hits blacks at a younger age - Childhood cancer survivors face limitations - Early detection and improved treatment have contributed almost equally to the substantial decrease i - Page 105 of 109 pages « First < 103 104 105 106 107 > Last » << Back to main