You are here : > Cancer Health Center > Archives Cancer Archives 2013 January Researchers identify genetic mutation for rare cancer - Change in PSA levels over time can help predict aggressive prostate cancer - Fox Chase Researchers Discover Novel Role of the NEDD9 Gene in Early Stages of Breast Cancer - Research Shows Connection Between Tubal Ligation, Cervical Cancer - Liver controls wasting in cancer - American Cancer Society recommends informed decision making in lung cancer screening - UGA discovery promises to improve drugs used to fight cancer, other diseases - Multiple sclerosis drug may one day treat colorectal cancer - Genetic form of anemia offers new avenue to treating drug-resistant tumors - Johns Hopkins scientists use Pap test fluid to detect ovarian, endometrial cancers - Spin and bias in published studies of breast cancer trials - Two-Drug Combination May Slow Deadly Thyroid Cancer - Among Breast Cancer Screens, Pricey Isn’t Always Better - High Cost of Breast Cancer Screenings - Brief Class on Easy-to-Miss Precancerous Polyps Ups Detection, Mayo Study Shows - Diet tips for preventing cervical cancer - Experts warn of coming epidemic of head and neck tumors caused by sexually-transmitted HPV infections and obesity - Centralization to fewer surgeons results in better survival after esophageal cancer surgery - Ovarian cancer stem cell study puts targeted therapies within reach - What’s Going On With Cervical Cancer Screening in US? - How prostate cancer therapies compare by cost and effectiveness - Racial gaps in access to robotic prostate surgery - PET/CT Shows Clear Advantages over Conventional Staging for Patients with Locally Advanced Breast Cancer - Common data determinants of recurrent cancer are broken, mislead researchers - Some men voice complaints of shortened penis following prostate cancer treatment - Paired CT scans catch chemo-killing of liver tumors in real time - 2012 December The factor that could influence future breast cancer treatment - Tumor boards linked to little association with effects on cancer care - No fewer side effects for prostate proton therapy - Study links milk-producing protein to aggressive breast cancer - Immune system changes may drive aggressiveness of recurrent tumors - Drug shortage linked to greater risk of relapse in young Hodgkin lymphoma patients - Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments - 3 new genetic links to colorectal cancer - Understanding cell organization to tackle cancer - Cancer in Older Parents May Up Risk in Kids - Study probes why and how patients with lung cancer initially get diagnosed with the disease - Thomas Jefferson University researchers discover new pathways that drive metastatic prostate cancer - miR-205 can be responsible for breast cancer - 9/11 cancer study won’t settle debate over risks - Mayo Clinic researchers identify enzyme linked to prostate cancer - Immediate health risk must be weighed against radiation-induced cancer risk - Inherited colon cancer risk tied to certain foods - Many have ovary surgery even with negative gene test - Changes in progenitor cell population in breast may be overlooked factor in breast cancer - New technology may enable earlier cancer diagnosis - New technique could make cell-based immune therapies for cancer safer and more effective - Genes Are Not The Only Drivers Of Colon Cancer - Roche wins EU nod for breast cancer drug Perjeta - New technique for minimally invasive robotic kidney cancer surgery - Page 20 of 109 pages « First < 18 19 20 21 22 > Last » << Back to main