You are here : > Cancer Health Center > Colon & Colorectal Cancer news Colon & Colorectal Cancer news Hormone therapy associated with reduced colorectal cancer risk • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Jan 09 09 The combination of estrogen plus progestin, which women stopped taking in droves following the news that it may increase their risk of breast cancer, may decrease their risk of… Pain pills may cut risk of bowel cancer: study • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Dec 26 08 Use of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) for over 5 years may lessen a person’s risk of developing cancer of the lower portion of the large bowel, study… Aspirin Not Effective in Preventing Lynch Syndrome • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Dec 16 08 Aspirin, recommended as a preventive approach for patients at risk of hereditary colorectal cancer, does not provide protection against Lynch syndrome, the most common form of hereditary colorectal cancer, according… New report says racial gap growing in colorectal cancer • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Dec 15 08 A new report from the American Cancer Society says despite unprecedented progress in reducing incidence and death rates from colorectal cancer, the gap between blacks and whites continues… What’s Stopping You? Colorectal Screenings Can Prevent Cancer • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Dec 10 08 Colorectal cancer, the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, can be prevented before it starts. And when it’s caught at the earliest stage, the treatment… Protein Levels Indicate Risk of Death in Some Colorectal Cancer Patients • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Dec 09 08 A pair of proteins may help explain why people with surgically removed colorectal cancer and who are overweight, physically inactive, and follow a Western-pattern diet may… Gallstones a risk factor for colon tumors • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Dec 05 08 People with gallstones appear to be at increased risk for colon tumors called adenomas, which frequently develop into cancer over time if they are not removed, findings published in… Lower socioeconomic status decreases chances of early detection and survival of colorectal cancer • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Nov 19 08 An abstract presented at the American Association for Cancer Research’s Seventh Annual International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research shows that lower socioeconomic… Calcium May Only Protect Against Colorectal Cancer in Presence of Magnesium • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Nov 17 08 According to data presented at the Seventh Annual American Association for Cancer Research International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research, an understanding of the relationship… Saturated Fat Linked to Cancer of the Small Intestine • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Nov 13 08 Findings published in the journal Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, identify dietary intake of saturated fats as a possible risk factor… Sibling Study Could Lead to Better Treatments for Inherited Form of Colon Cancer • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Nov 03 08 Researchers at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) believe they may be one step closer to understanding how certain forms of colon cancer develop. In a… Colonoscopy Prep Harder on Women than Men • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Oct 28 08 Colonoscopy is especially important for women, because they’re more likely to have polyps or lesions deeper in the colon. Only colonoscopy examines the entire length of the colon. Emptying the… Anesthesiologist Treatment Eases Patient Anxiety for Endoscopic Screening Procedures • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Oct 20 08 Despite growing knowledge of the importance of colorectal screenings for cancer detection and prevention, many adults forgo the routine endoscopic procedure. Now a new anesthesia preference study presented… Large Study Shows Stool DNA Testing for Colorectal Cancer has Potential, but Challenges Remain • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Oct 07 08 The first generation of a stool DNA test to identify early colorectal cancer has limitations, according to a Mayo Clinic-led study published in… New Study Examines Effectiveness of Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Oct 07 08 New findings from a Decision Analysis for the US Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) suggest that routine colorectal cancer screenings can be stopped in patients over the age… Metabolic syndrome ups colorectal cancer risk • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Oct 06 08 In a large U.S. population-based study presented at the 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology, metabolic syndrome patients had a 75 percent higher risk of colorectal cancer… Women require less tobacco exposure than men to increase colon cancer risk • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Oct 06 08 While smoking poses a health threat to both men and women, women require less tobacco exposure than men to have a significant increased risk for… LOH analysis on 4q in sporadic colorectal carcinoma • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Sep 24 08 Thirteen fluorescent labeled polymorphic microsatellite markers were analyzed in 83 cases of colorectal carcinoma and matched normal tissue DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR products were eletrophoresed on… Black Patients At Higher Risk For Colon Polyps • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Sep 23 08 Compared with white patients, black patients undergoing screening colonoscopy have a higher prevalence of colon polyps, according to a study in the September 24 issue of JAMA. Colorectal cancer… Many colon cancer patients skip follow-up care • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Sep 12 08 The results of new research indicate that many older patients who survive colorectal cancer do not attend the guideline-recommended follow-up office visits or undergo carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) testing and colonoscopy.… PET scans lead to treatment changes in majority of colorectal cancer patients • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Sep 03 08 In the largest multi-institutional study to date examining the impact of positron emission tomography (PET) in changing disease management of individuals with suspected recurrent colorectal… Prostate irradiation raises risk of colon cancer • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Sep 03 08 Data from the Geneva Cancer Registry show an increased long-term risk of colon cancer in men who have undergone external radiation therapy for prostate cancer. “The risk of second… Sticking to diet advice cuts colon cancer risk • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Aug 07 08 Current dietary guidelines are on the right track when it comes to colorectal cancer prevention, new research from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) confirms. Men whose eating habits adhered… Most Adults Don’t Realize Activity Lowers Colon Cancer Risk • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Jul 17 08 Many experts now consider colon cancer a largely preventable disease, but a new study finds that primary care doctors might not always inform patients about one important step… US colorectal cancer screening rates still too low • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Jul 16 08 Just half of Americans who should be screened for colorectal cancer are actually getting tested, and lack of health insurance appears to be a major reason why, new research… Page 11 of 15 pages « First < 9 10 11 12 13 > Last » << Back to main