You are here : > Cancer Health Center > Cancer news Cancer news Low vitamin D tied to cancer risk in men • Cancer news • Apr 13 06 In men, low levels of vitamin D appear to be associated with increased cancer incidence and mortality - particularly cancers of the digestive system - researchers report in… Vitamin C shots may benefit cancer patients • Cancer news • Apr 10 06 High-dose intravenously administered vitamin C apparently led to longer-than-expected survival in three patients with advanced cancer, doctors at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland and colleagues in Canada… Many Complex Linkages Between Smoking and Cancer • Cancer news • Apr 05 06 Researchers are delving deeper into the links between smoking and cancer, teasing out the genes and molecules involved as well as other factors that affect cancer risk. They have found,… Teenagers and young adults more likely to survive cancer in Australia than in the USA • Cancer news • Apr 04 06 Countries that have national health services easily accessible to people of all ages are more likely to have better survival rates for… Nicotine interferes with chemotherapy, study finds • Cancer news • Apr 03 06 Nicotine can prevent chemotherapy drugs such as Taxol from killing lung cancer cells, researchers reported on Sunday in a finding that may help explain why lung cancer is so difficult to… New device could cut chemotherapy deaths • Cancer news • Mar 31 06 A new method of delivering chemotherapy to cancer patients without incurring side effects such as hair loss and vomiting is being developed. The method, produced at the University of Bath, involves… Scientists identify a new gene that causes the spread of cancer • Cancer news • Mar 30 06 Scientists at the University of Liverpool have identified a new gene that causes the spread of cancer. Professor Philip Rudland, Dr Guozheng Wang and Dr Roger… Most cancer victims unaware of anti-angiogenesis • Cancer news • Mar 28 06 According to a new survey nine out of ten patients battling cancer in Europe have never heard of the major breakthrough in cancer treatment, known as anti-angiogenesis. Yet, 70% of cancer… Researchers find environmentally friendly ways to produce more Taxol • Cancer news • Mar 28 06 As the effective cancer-treatment drug Taxol enters its next generation, Michigan State University announces discoveries which point to both environmentally friendly ways to produce more Taxol, and ultimately… Novel device uses light to probe for early signs of cancer • Esophageal cancer • • Cancer news • Mar 09 06 A novel device that could use light to harmlessly and almost instantly probe for early signs of cancer has been developed by researchers at Duke’s Pratt… Proteins Stop Blood-Vessel and Tumor Growth in Mice • Cancer news • Mar 01 06 Researchers at National Jewish Medical and Research Center report in the March issue of Cancer Research that a pair of promising proteins, known as fibulins 3 and 5, slow… Internet Research Builds Cancer Patients’ Confidence • Cancer news • Mar 01 06 Newly diagnosed cancer patients who use the Internet to gather information about their disease have a more positive outlook and are more active participants in their treatment, according to a new… Quality of life with cancer can be preserved • Cancer news • Feb 27 06 A series of therapy sessions designed to address all aspects of cancer patients’ lives, from physical fitness to spiritual well-being, can help maintain their quality of life and even… Ginkgo biloba reduces aggressive cancer risk in animal experiments • Cancer news • Feb 27 06 Researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center say they now have a clearer picture of how an extract from the leaves of the Ginkgo biloba tree reduces the risk… $1 million of mesothelioma research funding • Cancer news • Feb 25 06 The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation (MARF) has announced awards of almost $1 million in additional research funding aimed at curing mesothelioma (meso). An international and cross disciplinary set of nine new… Researcher Looks for More Targeted Way to Deliver Cancer Drugs • Cancer news • Feb 23 06 The future of drug design lies in finding ways to target a drug specifically to a diseased cell, or even a molecule within that cell, while leaving… Multikine treatment increases survival in cancer patients • Cancer news • Feb 21 06 CEL-SCI Corporation has announced positive results from a long-term follow-up study of head & neck cancer patients treated with its drug Multikine in a Phase II clinical trial. The follow-up… Ark says cancer therapy potent, cuts side-effects • Cancer news • Feb 20 06 Britain’s Ark Therapeutics Plc said on Monday its cancer treatment had been found to be highly effective in stopping tumour development using only one tenth of the usual chemotherapy dose.… US to look for early signs of cancer drug effects • Cancer news • Feb 16 06 Scientists will search for better and earlier signs that a patient is likely to respond to a cancer-fighting drug, or suffer toxic side effects, under a U.S.… Botox Could Help Target Resistant Tumors for Treatment • Cancer news • Feb 15 06 The cosmetic treatment Botox may have a new use as an adjuvant to cancer therapy, providing an open door for chemotherapy and radiation treatments, according to a study published… Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage help repair damaged DNA • Cancer news • Feb 14 06 Need another reason to eat your vegetables? New research shows that some of them contain chemicals that appear to enhance DNA repair in cells, which could lead to protection… Mouth gel curbs oral pain after cancer treatment • Cancer news • Feb 14 06 An oral gel containing the anesthetic tetracaine reduces mouth soreness caused by radiation treatment for cancer of the head and neck, according to results of a study. Mouth inflammation… Cancer deaths fall in US for first time • Cancer news • Feb 10 06 Fewer Americans died of cancer in 2003 than in previous years, the first such decline ever recorded, although the number of cancer deaths among women increased, the American Cancer… Researchers show how estrogen turns genes on and off during cancer progression • Cancer news • Feb 03 06 A new study suggests that the hormone estrogen works in partnership with other proteins to activate or suppress gene activity in breast cancer cells. Surprisingly,… Study may provide new hope for cancer patients • Cancer news • Jan 27 06 New study by Mount Sinai researchers may lead to improved stem cell therapies for patients with compromised immune systems due to intensive cancer therapy or autoimmune disease. The study… Page 33 of 37 pages « First < 31 32 33 34 35 > Last » << Back to main