2 studies find new genetic links to ovarian cancer risk • Ovarian Cancer news • Sep 20 10 An international consortium of scientists has discovered new genetic variants in five regions of the genome that affect the risk of ovarian cancer in the general population,… Low-Dose Aspirin May Reduce Colon Cancer Risk • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Sep 17 10 Taking low-dose aspirin daily may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, new research finds. Prior research has shown higher doses of aspirin reduces the risk of colon cancer. But… Fat stem cells safe for breast reconstruction when cancer is dormant, says Pitt team • Breast Cancer news • Sep 16 10 Fat-derived stem cells can be safely used to aid reconstruction of breast tissue after mastectomy as long as there is no evidence of… Urgent steps needed to tackle inadequate support for women with secondary breast cancer • Breast Cancer news • Sep 15 10 The support provided for women with secondary breast cancer is inadequate and urgent steps are needed to provide better services for patients with this… Obese men less likely to get biopsy after PSA screening • Prostate Cancer news • Sep 15 10 Research has shown that obese men have lower rates of prostate cancer than thinner men, but a new study suggests that this does not reflect an… Watercress may ‘turn off’ breast cancer signal • Breast Cancer news • Sep 14 10 New scientific research from the University of Southampton has revealed that a plant compound in watercress may have the ability to suppress breast cancer cell development by ‘turning off’ a… Dying at home better for cancer patients • Cancer news • Sep 14 10 Cancer patients who die at home do so more peacefully - and their caregivers end up doing better emotionally, too, researchers reported on Monday. At-home hospice care not only saves… Hopkins Prostate Cancer Experts Available • Prostate Cancer news • Sep 14 10 September 19-25 is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Week. If you are planning a story on prostate cancer, a disease that’s diagnosed in more than 200,000 American men each year, please consider calling… Dana-Farber Hosting Live Twitter Chat on Head and Neck Cancers • Head and Neck Cancer News • Sep 14 10 The recent news that Michael Douglas has been diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer has raised public awareness of head and neck cancer. What causes throat cancer… Molecule identified that increases survival of stomach cancer patients • Stomach Cancer news • Sep 14 10 “The high presence of microRNA 451 enhances the response to treatment with chemo-radiotherapy and increases the survival of patients with stomach cancer”, explained Dr. Jesús García-Foncillas, chief researcher… Chemicals in Indoor Swimming Pools May Increase Cancer Risk • Cancer news • Sep 13 10 Swimming in indoor chlorinated pools may induce genotoxicity (DNA damage that may lead to cancer) as well as respiratory effects, but the positive health effects of swimming can… Novel Study Using Reoviruses Against Ovarian Cancer Pushes Forward • Ovarian Cancer news • Sep 13 10 Researchers are now investigating whether the human reovirus, when prescribed along with chemotherapy, will provide a desperately needed “one-two punch” against ovarian cancer. The news comes during the… Early prostate cancer detection, screening: No benefit for men with low baseline PSA value • Prostate Cancer news • Sep 13 10 Men aged 55 to 74 years who have low baseline blood levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA) are not likely to benefit from… NYU Langone scientists find key pathway implicated in progression of childhood cancer • Cancer news • Sep 13 10 According to a new study a protein crucial for the immune response appears to be a key player in the progression of a devastating form… Lung cancer culprit could offer target for therapy, UT Southwestern researchers report • Lung Cancer news • Sep 13 10 A tiny molecule that spurs the progression of non-small-cell lung cancer could become a player in fighting the disease, say researchers at UT Southwestern Medical… Fewer than half of U.S. moms breastfeed enough: CDC • Breast Cancer news • Sep 13 10 Fewer than half of U.S. mothers breastfeed their newborns for even half as long as advised and just 22 percent still do so at one year, government researchers… European downturn seen pushing up cancer rates • Cancer news • Sep 13 10 The economic downturn threatens to raise cancer rates in Europe as lifestyles change, budgets are cut, and private and public sector employers take short cuts on safety, public health experts… Study backs prostate screening for high risk men • Prostate Cancer news • Sep 11 10 Men who have a certain genetic variations that put them at higher risk of prostate cancer may benefit from regular screening for the disease, a study by British scientists… Alcohol may influence breast cancer recurrence • Breast Cancer news • Sep 11 10 Among women who survive early-stage breast cancer, some who make a habit of having a few drinks per week could face a greater risk of a recurrence than survivors who… Image Analysis Project Aims to Classify Characteristics of Skin Cancer • Skin Cancer news • Sep 09 10 Melanoma - the most serious form of skin cancer - varies in size, shape and severity, and although pathologists and researchers often intuitively differentiate between types… Two gene mutations mark deadly ovarian cancer • Ovarian Cancer news • Sep 09 10 Researchers have identified two new genetic mutations that cause a significant number of the hardest-to-treat kinds of ovarian cancer, and say they point to a new “on-off” switch for tumors.… Multivitamins may not slow colon cancer • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Sep 09 10 Taking a multivitamin is unlikely to help colon cancer patients in battling the disease, suggests a new study. “There is widespread belief among cancer patients that taking multivitamins will help… Researchers Identify Genes Tied to Deadliest Ovarian Cancers • Ovarian Cancer news • Sep 09 10 Scientists at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center have identified two genes whose mutations appear to be linked to ovarian clear cell carcinoma, one of the most aggressive forms… Abnormal body weight related to increased mortality in colon cancer patients • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • Sep 09 10 Postmenopausal women diagnosed with colon cancer may be at increased risk of death if they fail to maintain a healthy body weight before cancer diagnosis, according… Micro-RNA determines malignancy of lung cancer • Lung Cancer news • Sep 08 10 Cancer becomes life-threatening when tumor cells start leaving their primary site. They travel through the lymph and blood streams to other tissues where they grow into metastases. This transition to malignancy… Page 92 of 217 pages « First < 90 91 92 93 94 > Last » << Back to main