Cancer will kill 13.2 million a year by 2030: U.N. • Cancer news • Jun 02 10 Cancer will kill more than 13.2 million people a year by 2030, almost double the number who died from the disease in 2008, the United Nations’… Targeted Immunotherapy: Metastatic Breast, Pancreatic Cancers • Breast Cancer news • Jun 01 10 Early trials using targeted monoclonal antibodies in combination with existing therapies show promise in treating pancreatic cancer and metastatic breast cancer, according to research that will be presented by investigators from… Patients who refuse prostate cancer surgery have worse long-term survival • Prostate Cancer news • Jun 01 10 Men who refuse surgery for prostate cancer and instead opt for “watchful waiting” – monitoring cancer progression without undergoing treatment – have a significantly worse long-term survival… Nottingham research leads to blood test for early detection of cancer • Cancer news • Jun 01 10 The University of Nottingham spin-out company, Oncimmune Ltd, has developed a ground breaking blood test which will aid the detection of cancer as much as five… Immunotherapy for tumors key topic at cancer meeting • Cancer news • Jun 01 10 New compounds designed to harness the body’s own immune system against tumors will be a focus of the biggest annual cancer meeting this week, where drugmakers will issue clinical… Calcium consumption may cause prostate cancer in Chinese • Prostate Cancer news • Jun 01 10 Among Chinese men, calcium consumption — even at relatively low levels and from non-dairy food sources such as soy, grains and green vegetables — may increase prostate cancer risk,… Only five percent of cancer research funds are spent on metastases, yet it kills 90 percent of all cancer patients • Cancer news • Jun 01 10 On average, about five percent of total cancer research funding is spent on investigating metastases (the spread… Response to preoperative therapy may predict survival in pancreatic cancer patients • Pancreatic Cancer news • May 31 10 Cancer of the pancreas––a glandular organ that lies behind the stomach and secretes vital enzymes and hormones––seldom is detected in early stages, making treatment difficult and… Scientists find genes associated with throat cancer through study of over 10,000 subjects • Throat Cancer news • May 31 10 Scientists from Singapore, China and USA have identified three new susceptibility genes in a genome-wide association study of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). The study, led… Surgery Outperforms Drug Therapy in Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia • Prostate Cancer news • May 31 10 A 17-year-long community study looking at symptoms of enlarged prostate in over 2,000 men age 40 to 79 years suggests that surgery for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)… Thriving After Cancer: Care Plans Help Map the Road to Wellness • Esophageal cancer news • May 28 10 Ed Gardella, a police officer for 31 years, thought he was pretty tough. But then the 70-year old Worcester, Mass. resident was diagnosed with esophageal cancer.… Tanning beds raise melanoma risk, US study finds • Skin Cancer news • May 28 10 Indoor tanning beds sharply increase the risk of melanoma, the deadliest kind of skin cancer, and the risk increases over time, U.S. researchers said on Thursday, and others… WellPoint adopting parts of breast cancer act • Breast Cancer news • May 26 10 Health insurer WellPoint Inc will implement key provisions of a proposed law designed to protect breast cancer patients, in a new effort to highlight its standard of care for policyholders.… Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Pose Cancer Risk • Cancer news • May 25 10 Longtime environmental health researchers at Tufts University School of Medicine describe the carcinogenic effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), ubiquitous chemicals that have hormone-like effects in the body. In a review article… New study confirms link between nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and liver cancer • Liver Cancer news • May 25 10 A study conducted by researchers at the Cleveland Clinic finds that patients suffering from cirrhosis preceded by nonalcoholic steatohepatitis are at an equal risk of developing hepatocellular… Life Lessons on Cancer Risk for Children Whose Parent Has Genetic Mutation • Cancer news • May 25 10 Parents found to be carriers of a mutated form of the tumor suppressor genes known as BRCA1 and BRCA2 do not always share these… Dietary Risk Factors for Colon Cancer in a Low-risk Population • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • May 24 10 In a 6-year prospective study, the authors examined the relation between diet and incident colon cancer among 32,051 non-Hispanic white cohort members of the Adventist Health… Colon Cancer, Its Link To Diabetes, And Dietary Pattern • Colon & Colorectal Cancer news • May 24 10 Study the etiology of cancer and one thing becomes evident - it’s not the result of one or even a few conditions. That’s true about many chronic diseases.… Prenatal exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals linked to breast cancer • Breast Cancer news • May 21 10 A study in mice reveals that prenatal exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, like bisphenol-A (BPA) and diethylstilbestrol (DES), may program a fetus for life. Therefore, adult women who were… Older patients can skip breast radiation - study • Breast Cancer news • May 21 10 Older women with early stage breast cancer can safely skip radiation therapy and go straight to taking pills that help keep tumors from coming back, researchers reported on Thursday.… New approach to old test may detect ovarian cancer • Ovarian Cancer news • May 21 10 Researchers have found a new way to use an existing blood test that may provide a way to screen women for ovarian cancer, perhaps in time to cure… Yoga helps fatigue, sleep in cancer survivors • Cancer news • May 21 10 Cancer survivors might want to try yoga to sleep better and have more energy, according to a new study that will be presented at a meeting in early June. “Physicians… New Insight into the Biology of the BRCA1 Breast Cancer Gene • Breast Cancer news • May 20 10 Studies have well established that women who harbor a mutation in the BRCA1 tumor suppressor gene are at greater risk for developing breast and ovarian… Sex hormone explains men’s higher liver cancer risk • Liver Cancer news • May 20 10 Male sex hormones may explain why men who suffer from the hepatitis B liver disease are more likely to develop liver cancer than women, researchers in Taiwan have found.… Fighting cancer: Diet, scant exercise problems • Cancer news • May 20 10 The United States does not produce or import anywhere near enough fruits and vegetables to provide Americans the right kind of diet to prevent cancer, government researchers said on Wednesday. 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