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Bladder cancer news
- 3 out of every 4 cases of bladder cancer display mutations in the same gene
- A better way to personalize bladder cancer treatments
- Arsenic cancer risk still high decades later in Chile region
- AUA releases new guidelines on non-muscle invasive bladder cancer
- Bladder cancer patients rarely receive recommended care
- Bladder Cancer Study Determines Optimal Treatment
- Bladder cancer: A difficult problem?
- Bladder cancer: Need for a standardized protocol of management
- Blood test may find markers of bladder cancer risk
- Brochure Helps Patients Understand Treatments for Bladder Cancer
- Certain bladder-cancer patients may be at high risk of disease recurrence despite bladder removal
- Certain Ecologic Factors Associated with Greater Risk of Bladder Cancer
- Certain Genetic Variants May Help Identify Patients at Increased Risk of Bladder Cancer Recurrence
- Certain genetic variants may put bladder cancer patients at increased risk of recurrence
- Chemicals in meat may be linked to bladder cancer
- Cholesterol drug inhibits cancer cells in lab
- Consumption of Cultured Milk Products May Reduce Bladder Cancer Risk
- Delaying bladder cancer surgery increases mortality
- Early menopause related to bladder cancer risk
- Estrogen use tied to bladder control problems
- Extract of broccoli sprouts may protect against bladder cancer
- Familiar Remedy Shows Promise as New Chemo Drug for Bladder Cancer
- Gene test shows which bladder cancer patients may have cancer spread
- Genetic analysis may predict risk of invasive bladder cancer
- Genomic testing links 'exceptional' drug response to rare mutations in bladder cancer
- High levels of vitamin D in plasma protects against bladder cancer
- Home urine testing cuts bladder cancer deaths
- In a surprise finding, gene mutation found linked to low-risk bladder cancer
- Less bladder cancer in frequent painkiller users
- Lung and bladder cancers have common cell-cycle biomarkers
- MDCT Shows Potential for Detecting Bladder Cancer Without Surgery or Contrast
- Measurement of Urinary Protein Can Help Detect Recurrent Bladder Cancer
- Meat, Especially If It's Well Done, May Increase Risk of Bladder Cancer
- More Intense Bladder Cancer Treatment Does Not Improve Survival
- Muscle-invasive and non-muscle invasive bladder cancers arise from different stem cells
- Nearly all patients with high-grade bladder cancer do not receive guideline-recommended care
- New Biomarker Test Could Predict Outcome for Bladder Cancer Patients
- New Bladder Cancer Therapy for Patients Unresponsive to Standard Treatment
- New Investigational Treatment for Bladder Cancer, Identified with New Research Model
- New made-in-Canada therapy for bladder cancer shows promising results
- New treatment option studied for bladder cancer
- New Trial Targets Kidney Cancer Drug in Bladder Cancer
- Not enough evidence for bladder cancer screening
- Older, white males with advanced bladder cancer at high risk for suicide
- Patients unaware of link between smoking and bladder cancer
- Protein Key to Bladder Cancer Spread, Potential Drug Target
- Radiation does not improve survival for rare, invasive bladder cancer
- Researcher Says Improved Detection of Bladder Tumors Reduces Cancer Recurrence
- Retired firefighters could be at increased risk for developing bladder cancer
- Robotic Surgery Extends Benefits to Bladder Cancer Patients
- Sales jobs tied to bladder cancer risk
- Scientists find one reason why bladder cancer hits more men
- Selenium May Prevent High Risk-Bladder Cancer
- Spanish researchers sequence non-infiltrating bladder cancer exome
- Standard, RHDVRT for bladder cancer has comparable tumor control, decreased toxicity
- Stanford computer algorithm used to identify bladder cancer marker
- Stanford scientists identify source of most cases of invasive bladder cancer
- Study finds herbalists at higher urinary cancer risk
- Survival and Response to Therapy of Non-Invasive Bladder Cancer Patients
- Survivors of Childhood Cancers Treated with Cyclophosphamide More Likely to Develop Bladder Cancer
- The Predictors of Local Recurrence After Radical Cystectomy in Patients with Invasive Bladder Cancer
- Thomas Jefferson University Hospital adopts new imaging agent to improve detection of bladder cancer
- UNC study reveals potential route to bladder cancer diagnostics, treatments
- Urinary tract cancer associated with Chinese herbal products containing aristolochic acid
- UT Southwestern researchers investigate high-risk populations for bladder-cancer screenings
- Variation in prostate stem cell antigen gene raises bladder cancer risk
- Women in nursing homes often have bladder problems
Blood Cancer News
Cancer articles
Breast Cancer news
- "Glycemic load" of diet tied to breast cancer risk
- "Pre-vivors" Beat Cancer to the Punch
- "Room for improvement" in care after breast cancer
- 'Bridge' Protein Spurs Deadliest Stages of Breast Cancer
- 'Fingerprinting' Breast Cancer Cells
- 'Hidden' Cancer Cells Not a Factor in Early-Stage Breast Cancer Survival Rates
- 'I beat breast cancer – and now I can see my trees grow'
- 'Invisible tattoos' could improve body confidence after breast cancer radiotherapy
- 'Microtentacles' on tumor cells appear to play role in how breast cancer spreads
- 'Pink ribbon dollars' help fill financial gaps for breast cancer programs
- 'Prudent' diet linked to lower breast cancer risk
- 'Smart bomb' drug attacks breast cancer
- 'Stereo' mammography takes breast imaging to a new dimension
- 1 in 5 women don’t believe their breast cancer risk
- 1-week radiation effective breast cancer treatment
- 10 Tips for Breast Cancer Patients During Treatment
- 10 Years of Providing Support, Information and Hope to Young Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
- 10,000-plus in US die for lack of cancer screens: CDC
- 13 percent of women stop taking breast cancer drug because of side effects, U-M study finds
- 16 Common Myths About Breast Cancer
- 2 new compounds show promise for eliminating breast cancer tumors
- 25% don’t complete recommended breast cancer treatment
- 3-D doppler ultrasound helps identify breast cancer
- 3-D snapshot of protein highlights potential drug target for breast cancer
- 3-week course of breast radiation may be as effective as conventional 5- to 7-week course
- 3-week radiation therapy as effective as 5 weeks for early-stage breast cancer
- 3D mammography detects more invasive cancers and reduces call-back rates
- 3D mammography increases cancer detection and reduces call-back rates, Penn study finds
- 5 Things You Need to Know About Breast Cancer
- 6 Hours of Housework a Day Reduces Breast Cancer By 13 Percent
- 70 percent of women likely to experience sexual problems after breast cancer
- 8 Natural Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer
- 98 percent of elective mastectomy patients would have reconstruction again, says ASPS study
- A blood test for early detection of breast cancer metastasis
- A genetic 'gang of 4' drives spread of breast cancer
- A new breast cancer susceptibility gene
- A New Gamma Camera Technique for the Detection of Small Breast Tumors
- A new molecular mechanism in breast cancer development
- A New Way to Study How Breast Cancer Spreads
- A novel therapeutic target to slow breast cancer cell motility
- A pill a day gives renewed hope for breast cancer victims
- A protein called cFLIP makes tumor cells in breast cancer resistant to treatments
- A protein that triggers aggressive breast cancer
- A Role of Sugar Uptake in Breast Cancer Revealed
- A transcription factor called SLUG helps determines type of breast cancer
- AACR to Honor Leading Researchers at Breast Cancer Symposium
- ABC News' Amy Robach Reveals Breast Cancer Diagnosis
- Abdominal Fat Affects Breast Cancer Survival
- Accelerated radiation treatment effective for noninvasive breast cancer
- ACE Inhibitors May Increase Risk of Recurrence in Breast Cancer Survivors
- Acrylamide in food not linked to breast cancer
- Active Lifestyle Reduces Risk of Invasive Breast Cancer
- Active women with breast cancer may live longer
- Activity key to breast cancer patients' survival
- Acupuncture May Relieve Joint Pain Caused by Some Breast Cancer Treatments
- Acupuncture Reduces Hot Flashes, Improves Sex Drive for Breast Cancer Patients
- Acupuncture reduces side effects of breast cancer treatment as much as conventional drug therapy
- Adapting Space-Industry Technology to Treat Breast Cancer
- Adding breast exam to mammogram - is it worth it?
- Adding radiation decreases breast cancer recurrence
- Additional, specialized radiation not necessary for some women after mastectomy
- Adjuvant hormonal therapy reduces contralateral breast cancer risk
- Adolescent alcohol consumption and breast cancer
- Adoption of streamlined breast cancer treatment has stagnated, study finds
- Adult weight gain and histopathologic characteristics of breast cancer among postmenopausal women
- Advanced Age Should Not Deter Women from Breast Reconstruction after Cancer
- Advanced breast cancer inching up in young women
- Advanced post-mastectomy breast reconstruction improves women's psychosocial and sexual well-being
- Afinitor Delays Progression of Advanced Breast Cancer
- African American Women Receive Less Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy
- African American women with breast cancer less likely to have newer, recommended surgical procedure
- African-American Women Delayed in Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Treatment & Clinical Care
- African-American women with advanced breast cancer often forego vital treatment
- Age 50 as Mammography Screening Threshold Proven Unfounded
- Age affects short-term quality of life after breast biopsy
- Aggressive breast cancers may be sensitive to drugs clogging their waste disposal
- Air Pollution Exposure Affects Chances of Developing Premenopausal Breast Cancer
- Alcohol Consumption Boosts Breast Cancer Risk
- Alcohol Consumption Good for Breast Cancer Survivors?
- Alcohol may influence breast cancer recurrence
- Alcohol may raise chances of breast cancer return
- Alcohol use may raise risk of second breast cancer
- ALK1 protein may play a role in breast cancer metastasis
- Alternating Mammography and MRI May Be Best for High-Risk Women
- Although more older women receive breast-conserving therapy, gaps in treatment exist
- Aluminum salts may increase breast cancer risk
- American Cancer Society fights to end breast cancer
- Americans mixed on adequacy of cancer screenings: poll
- Among Breast Cancer Screens, Pricey Isn’t Always Better
- AMP Optimistic in Suit to invalidate Patents on Breast Cancer Genes
- An earlier start on diagnosing breast, prostate cancers
- An engineering approach from Virginia Tech helps breast cancer researchers at Georgetown
- An epigenetic difference in twins explains the different risk of breast cancer
- Analysis of breast-cancer gene role offers promising target
- Andrei Goga's UCSF team finds new approaches to eradicate aggressive breast cancers
- Anesthetic technique improves quality of recovery for women having breast cancer surgery
- Angelina Didn't Help Educate People About Breast Cancer Risk
- Angled Gantry Technique Reduced Breast Radiation Exposure by 50%
- Annual breast cancer screening beginning at age 40 reduces mastectomy risk
- Annual screening with breast ultrasound or MRI could benefit some women
- Another step toward resisting breast cancer
- Anti-estrogen Drug Therapy Reduces Risk of Invasive Breast Cancer in Older Women
- Anti-stress hormone may provide indication of breast cancer risk
- Antibiotic Slows Growth of Bladder, Breast Cancer Cells
- Antidepressant doesn't raise breast cancer risk
- Antiestrogen Therapy May Decrease Risk for Melanoma
- Are breast cancer patients being kept in the dark?
- Art therapy ups breast cancer patients' well-being
- Assess BRCA risk in women with family history: panel
- Association found between high cholesterol and breast cancer
- Associations Between Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Breast Cancer and Survival Detailed
- Associations linking weight to breast cancer survival vary by race/ethnicity
- Asthma drug prevents spread of breast cancer: study
- Atossa recalls breast health device, shares tumble
- Australian scientists plan to regrow breasts after cancer
- Author of new breast cancer study comments on its findings of increased risk
- Autophagy-addicted breast cancers killed by anti-malaria drug, chloroquine
- Avastin helps breast cancer patients: study
- Avastin raises heart failure risk in breast cancer
- Being breast-fed may lower breast cancer risk
- Being too fat raises risk of deadly breast cancer: study
- Benefit of breast cancer screening small
- Benefit of Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Depends on Estrogen-Receptor Status
- Benefit of endocrine therapy in elderly women with low risk hormone receptor positive breast cancer?
- Benefit of novel drug in breast cancer seen in blood within weeks
- Benefits and Risks of Tamoxifen, Raloxifene for Reducing Risk of Breast Cancer
- Berkeley Lab Researchers Discover How and Where Breast Tumor Cells Become Dormant and What Causes Them to Become Metastatic
- Berkeley Lab Scientists Find that Normal Breast Cells Help Kill Cancer Cells
- Beta-blockers help reduce metastasis and improve survival in breast cancer patients
- Beta-blockers tied to breast cancer survival
- Better marker for breast cancer may reduce need for second surgeries
- Better Prognosis for Breast Cancer in Germany
- Better sleep predicts longer survival time for women with advanced breast cancer
- Better Surgical Options for Breast Cancer Help Survivors Return to Normal
- Better survival rates seen with lumpectomy compared with mastectomy for early breast cancer
- Big Bias In Who Gets Screened for Breast Cancer
- Big-Data Analysis Identifies Prognostic RNA Markers in a Common Form of Breast Cancer
- Biomarker family found for chemo resistant breast cancers
- Biomarker linked to aggressive breast cancers, poor outcomes in African-Americans
- Biomarker May Be an Early Predictor of Advanced Breast Cancer
- Biomarker predicts risk of breast cancer recurrence after tamoxifen treatment
- Biophysicist targeting IL-6 to halt breast, prostate cancer
- Biopsy of Recurrent Breast Cancer Can Alter Treatment
- Birth size is a marker of susceptibility to breast cancer later in life
- Bitter melon extract attacks breast cancer cells
- Black Cancer Patients Less Likely than Whites to Receive the End-of-life Care They Prefer
- Black women at risk of deadly breast cancer type
- Black women have fewer breast cancers than white women, but their mortality is worse
- Black women in Chicago more likely to die from breast cancer than white women
- Black women more likely to die of breast cancer
- Black women more likely to have dense breast tissue, study shows
- Black women often refuse breast cancer treatment
- Black women often refuse breast cancer treatment
- Blacks only face survival gap with some cancers
- Blood Protein Detects Lung Cancer, Even at Earliest Stage
- Blood thinners like aspirin may fight cancer: study
- Bone Drug Could Help Prevent the Spread of Breast Cancer
- Bone Drug Suppresses Wandering Tumor Cells in Breast Cancer Patients
- Bone drug works for breast cancer survivors
- Both real and 'sham' acupuncture help ease side effects of widely used breast cancer drug
- BPA exposure in utero may increase predisposition to breast cancer
- Brachytherapy: Targeted Breast Cancer Treatment Comes With Risks
- BRCA Mutations Among Asian-American Women May be More Common Than Predicted
- BRCA1 and BRCA2: Cancer Risk and Genetic Testing
- BRCA1 Gene Mutation Associated with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
- BRCA1 Mutation Linked to Breast Cancer Stem Cells
- Breast asymmetry after cancer treatment affects quality of life, U-M study finds
- Breast Brachytherapy Use Outpaces Evidence
- Breast Cancer & the Environment
- Breast Cancer - How Advantageous Or Detrimental Is Brachytherapy?
- Breast Cancer - MRI Does Not Help, Even Though Usage Grows
- Breast cancer among young women increasing
- Breast cancer and heart disease may have common roots
- Breast cancer and pregnancy
- Breast Cancer and the Environment
- Breast Cancer and the Environment - a new report on Prevention
- Breast Cancer Brachytherapy May Be Overused
- Breast cancer breakthrough as scientists discover faulty gene linked to half of all cases
- Breast cancer cases to climb in China, study
- Breast Cancer Cells Outsmart the Immune System and Thrive
- Breast cancer cells recycle to escape death by hormonal therapy
- Breast cancer clinical trial tests combo of heat shock protein inhibitor and hormonal therapy
- Breast cancer deaths decline more slowly for some
- Breast Cancer Diagnostic Delay Depended More on Race/Ethnicity than Insurance
- Breast cancer doesn't have to mean losing your breast
- Breast cancer drug could halt other tumors
- Breast cancer drug extends lives: study
- Breast cancer drug shows promise against serious infections
- Breast cancer drug switch cuts deaths
- Breast cancer Estimating risk
- Breast Cancer Experts Available for Comment
- Breast cancer gene carriers need dual screening
- Breast Cancer Gene Mutation Tied to Early Menopause, Infertility
- Breast cancer gene testing less likely among blacks
- Breast cancer gene tests backlog
- Breast Cancer Genetic Tests Validated for African-Americans
- Breast cancer heterogeneity no barrier to predictive testing, study shows
- Breast Cancer Impact on Same Sex Couples
- Breast Cancer in Black Women May be Connected to Neighborhoods
- Breast cancer in dad's family may be missed
- Breast cancer in young women - unique goals for treatment and research
- Breast cancer in young women: A distinct disease
- Breast Cancer Incidence Among Iraqi Women Profiled
- Breast cancer incidence in Spain drops in early 2000s after decades of increasing rates
- Breast cancer incidence is lower for Latinas
- Breast Cancer Is 10 Diseases Says Landmark Study
- Breast cancer is hitting Chinese women earlier
- Breast Cancer Kills Black Women at 41 Percent Higher Rate
- Breast cancer kills more black women
- Breast cancer kills more uninsured blacks
- Breast Cancer Linked to High-cholesterol Diets Recent Research Shows
- Breast cancer may be on the rise in U.S.-based Latinas
- Breast cancer may not change lifespan for older women
- Breast cancer milieu -- Progression, tamoxifen sensitivity, and DNA reversion
- Breast cancer more aggressive among obese women
- Breast cancer more deadly to blacks
- Breast cancer mortality has not declined in women over 85
- Breast Cancer Mortality Higher in Hispanic Women
- Breast cancer MRI comes to P.C.: Imaging machine first of its kind in Florida
- Breast Cancer Not Just a Woman’s Disease
- Breast Cancer on the Rise Among African Women, Say Experts
- Breast cancer outcome similar in women and men
- Breast cancer pain more severe in non-whites
- Breast Cancer Patients May Have a New Treatment Option When Cancer Spreads
- Breast cancer patients place huge emphasis on gene expression profiling test
- Breast cancer patients prefer silicone over saline implants after mastectomy
- Breast Cancer Patients Turn to Reflexology for Comfort
- Breast cancer patients who lack RB gene respond better to neoadjuvant chemotherapy
- Breast cancer patients with BRCA gene diagnosed almost 8 years earlier than generation before
- Breast Cancer Patients with BRCA Mutations at 4x Higher Risk for Contralateral Breast Cancer
- Breast Cancer Patients with Diabetes More Likely to Die
- Breast Cancer Patients with Greater Need Seek More Information Online
- Breast Cancer Patients With High Risk Gene Diagnosed Six Years Earlier Than Generation Before
- Breast Cancer Patients with Strong Social Network Live Longer
- Breast cancer patients wrongly given the all-clear
- Breast Cancer Patients' Fear of Developing Lymphedema Far Exceeds Risk
- Breast Cancer Physicians Have Limited Access to Trained Interpreters
- Breast cancer pill saves few lives, study finds
- Breast Cancer Prevention Practices Vary Across Canada
- Breast cancer prevention: Are we making progress?
- Breast Cancer Prevention: Raloxifene as Effective as Tamoxifen with Fewer Side Effects
- Breast Cancer Race Differences Have Link to Vitamin D Gene
- Breast cancer radiation adds heart risk
- Breast Cancer Radiation Does Not Affect Women’s Immune System
- Breast cancer radiotherapy gentler on the heart
- Breast Cancer Rates Decline Most for Affluent White Women
- Breast cancer rates fell with hormone therapy drop
- Breast cancer regimen linked to cognitive decline
- Breast Cancer Remains Threat for Older Women
- Breast Cancer Research Bills
- Breast cancer research uncovers the fountain of youth
- Breast cancer returns more often in black women
- Breast cancer risk after false-positive mammography results
- Breast cancer risk factors differ among races
- Breast Cancer Risk Found High After Chest Radiation for Hodgkin's
- Breast cancer risk gene discovery fast tracked by new technology
- Breast cancer risk higher in young smokers
- Breast cancer risk lower in migraine sufferers
- Breast cancer risk may be increased in women who have first-degree relatives with a history of prostate cancer
- Breast cancer risk prediction model for African American women underestimates risk
- Breast cancer risk related to changes in breast density as women age
- Breast cancer risk tied to grandmother's diet
- Breast Cancer Risk Varies In Young Women with Benign Breast Disease
- Breast cancer risk varies significantly among BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers
- Breast cancer risk with HRT may be small
- Breast cancer risk: It's not all in the family
- Breast cancer rules rewritten in 'landmark' study
- Breast cancer screening in over-70s 'may lead to overdiagnosis'
- Breast cancer screening may fuel over diagnosis
- Breast Cancer Screening May Not Be Cost-Effective For Older Women On Dialysis
- Breast Cancer screening saves lives, new study shows
- Breast cancer screening tied to overdiagnosis
- Breast cancer screening with MRI benefits women with radiation therapy history
- Breast cancer screens don't save lives: Nordic study
- Breast Cancer Slowed By Plant-Based Compound In Mouse Model
- Breast Cancer Specialist Presents Positive Results for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Presurgery Chemotherapy Benefits
- Breast cancer spread triggered by a cleaver-wielding protein on cancer cell's surface
- Breast Cancer Statistics
- Breast cancer still diagnosed later in black women
- Breast Cancer Stories from U-M Cancer Center
- Breast cancer study aims to speed drugs, cooperation
- Breast cancer study raises hope of therapy to stop tumor spread
- Breast cancer study says more than 1,700 black women die unnecessarily each year
- Breast cancer subtypes linked to survival from secondary brain tumors
- Breast cancer subtypes originate from different biological pathways
- Breast cancer surgery decisions difficult for many
- Breast cancer surgery patients benefit from adding radiation therapy
- Breast Cancer Surgery Preserves Artery for Future Heart Surgery
- Breast Cancer Surgery Rules Are Called Unclear
- Breast Cancer Survival Rates No Worse for Women with BRCA Mutations
- Breast cancer survival tips offered
- Breast cancer survivors at higher risk for falls
- Breast Cancer Survivors Call for More "Survivorship Care" from Primary Care Physicians
- Breast cancer survivors face other cancer risks
- Breast Cancer Survivors Lack Critical Information about Reducing Recurrence
- Breast Cancer Survivors May Face Second Cancers if they Smoke
- Breast cancer survivors often forgo mammography
- Breast cancer survivors struggle with cognitive problems several years after treatment
- Breast cancer survivors turning their backs on recommended mammograms
- Breast cancer survivors who experience pain during intercourse may benefit from lidocaine
- Breast cancer susceptibility gene predicts outcome and response to treatment in lung cancer
- Breast cancer target "failing patients" in UK
- Breast cancer therapy may give rise to leukemia
- Breast Cancer Treatment Heats Up
- Breast cancer treatment knowledge lacking
- Breast cancer treatment offers better outcome to women with implants
- Breast cancer treatments impact work status
- Breast cancer tumor growth estimated through mammography screening data
- Breast Cancer Tumors Grow Faster In Younger Women
- Breast cancer vaccine helps body fight tumors
- Breast cancer vaccine looks safe, study shows
- Breast cancer vaccine may reduce risk of death
- Breast cancer vaccine shows promise in study
- Breast Cancer Vaccine Trials Underway
- Breast cancer vaccines may work better with silicon microparticles
- Breast cancer: A new treatment avenue identified
- Breast cancer: Care in Germany
- Breast Cancer: How Often Should You Do a Self-exam
- Breast Cancer: Outcomes Vary by BRCA Subtype
- Breast Cancer: Quality of Life Tracks Health Status
- Breast Cancer: Sensuality, Sexuality, and Intimacy
- Breast Cancer: Tamoxifen Metabolite Promising
- Breast cancer: The European and The US studies: interim analyses
- Breast cancer: To screen or not to screen?
- Breast Cancer: What is an "early Stage" Breast Cancer
- Breast conserving surgery is a good option for early breast cancer
- Breast conserving therapy shows survival benefit compared to mastectomy in early-stage patients
- Breast CT imaging system marches forward as pain-free tool to aid mammograms
- Breast density associated with increased risk of cancer recurrence
- Breast density change linked to cancer development in WHI hormone replacement study
- Breast Density Linked to Increased Cancer Recurrence Risk
- Breast Density Linked to Increased Risk of Subsequent Breast Cancer
- Breast density may increase cancer risk
- Breast Discomfort During HRT May Indicate Cancer Risk
- Breast Ducts: A New Site for Cancer Treatment?
- Breast Implants Are Most Popular Form of Plastic Surgery
- Breast implants linked to suicide, but not cancer
- Breast implants may be linked to rare cancer: FDA
- Breast MRI Detects Additional “Unsuspected” Cancers Not Seen on Mammography or Ultrasoun
- Breast MRI helps predict chemotherapy's effectiveness
- Breast MRI spots other cancers, may alter treatment plan
- Breast MRIs delay cancer treatment by weeks -study
- Breast Radiation Device Associated with Complications
- Breast reconstruction can have lasting benefits
- Breast reconstruction may not boost well-being
- Breast Reconstruction Varies by Race
- Breast Reconstruction's Modern Look
- Breast reduction surgery found to improve physical, mental well-being
- Breast reduction surgery may uncover cancer risk
- Breast self-exams do not appear to reduce breast cancer deaths
- Breast Self-Exams Do Not Appear to Reduce Breast Cancer Deaths
- Breast symmetry can be early indicator of breast cancer
- Breast Tenderness During HRT Linked to Elevated Cancer Risk
- Breast tumor stiffness and metastasis risk linked by molecule's movement
- Breast-cancer awareness now in national consciousness
- Breast-cancer checks save lives despite over diagnosis
- Breast-feeding debate heats up in Massachusetts
- Breast-Sparing Surgery Means More Procedures
- Breastfeeding for a year cuts cancer risk by a third: Study
- Breastfeeding offers broad breast cancer protection
- Breastfeeding reduces risk of breast cancer in women with a family history of the disease
- Breastfeeding, other factors may affect risk of breast cancer type
- Breasts that are uneven appearance could be a predictor of breast cancer
- Brief counseling boosts breast self-exam rates
- Brisk walkers have lower breast cancer risk
- Britain has highest death rate for breast cancer in Europe
- British gov't finds no health risks from defective French-made breast implants
- British woman to get cancer drug after U-turn
- Broken genomes behind breast cancers
- Burden of proof: Breast cancer changes fall short
- BUSM in vitro study identifies potential combination therapy for breast cancer
- BUSM study shows patient navigations improve mammography rates in minority women
- Cadmium linked to breast cancer
- Calcium deficiency may cause breast cancer spread
- Calcium pills no help against breast cancer: study
- Calcium Supplements May Not Prevent Bone Loss in Women with Breast Cancer
- Can vitamin A turn back the clock on breast cancer?
- Canadian breast cancer screening guidelines would cost thousands of lives
- Canadian cardiology team clears the way for lifesaving breast cancer treatment
- Cancer cells in blood can identify risk of recurrence in breast cancer
- Cancer publishes study confirming disparity in breast cancer treatment
- Cancer Scientists Discover New Way Breast Cancer Cells Adapt to Environmental Stress
- Cancer study backs Herceptin with chemo
- Cardiac Effects Associated with Breast Cancer Treatment Appear Lower
- Case Western Reserve Receives $2.8M for Breast Cancer Research
- Causes of Bone Loss in Breast Cancer Survivors Identified
- Celebrex and Vioxx reduce the risk of breast cancer
- Cell movement provides clues to aggressive breast cancer
- Cell of Origin Identified for Common Type of Breast Cancer
- Cell of Origin Identified for Common Type of Breast Cancer
- Cell Study Finds Receptor Can Fight Tamoxifen-resistant Breast Cancer Cells
- Celldex breast cancer drug shrinks some tumors: study
- Cells lining milk ducts hold key to spread of common form of breast cancer
- Cellular origin of a rare form of breast cancer identified
- Certain Breast Cancer Patients May Nix Node Surgery
- Certain breast cancer patients worry excessively about recurrence
- Changes in progenitor cell population in breast may be overlooked factor in breast cancer
- Changing Minds, Saving Lives through Breast Cancer Research
- Chemo before breast cancer operation increases likelihood of breast-preserving procedure
- Chemo drugs for treating breast cancer may cause changes in cognitive function
- Chemoprevention biomarker for breast cancer identified
- Chemotherapy and breast cancer - side effects underestimated
- Chemotherapy and tamoxifen reduce risk of second breast cancer
- Chemotherapy boosts breast cancer survival: study
- Chemotherapy for breast cancer is associated with disruption of sleep-wake rhythm in women
- Chemotherapy is as effective before breast cancer surgery as after
- Chemotherapy may be culprit for fatigue in breast cancer survivors
- Chemotherapy may not affect memory in breast cancer patients
- Chemotherapy-induced anemia increases risk of local breast cancer recurrence
- Chest X-rays may raise breast cancer risk for some
- Chicago team uses artificial intelligence to diagnose metastatic cancer
- Childhood body size affects future breast cancer chances
- Childhood Cancer Survivors Show Inadequate Screening for Breast Cancer
- Childhood radiation therapy ups breast cancer risk
- Chips could double cancer risk for kids
- Cholesterol appears to promote tamoxifen resistance in some breast cancer cells say GUMC researchers
- Circulating tumor cells not linked to survival in newly diagnosed inflammatory breast cancer
- Circulating tumor cells predicted recurrence, death in patients with early-stage breast cancer
- City-dwelling women at greater risk for breast cancer
- Climb to Fight Breast Cancer Offers Peaks for Every Skill Level
- Clinics missed 109 breast cancer cases: Quebec College of Physicians
- Clodronate does not improve breast cancer survival
- Cloned receptor paves way for new breast and prostate cancer treatment
- Clues to Pregnancy-Associated Breast Cancer Found
- Coffee may lower breast cancer risk for some women
- Cold winters freezing out breast cancer treatment
- Colour sensor breath test can detect lung cancer
- Combination overcomes breast cancer resistance to herceptin
- Combination therapy reduced HER2-positive breast cancers
- Combination therapy shows improvement for breast cancer patients
- Combination treatment may improve survival of breast cancer patients with brain metastases
- Combined HRT increases risk of lobular breast cancer fourfold after just 3 years of use
- Combo therapy slows breast cancer progression
- Common Genetic Mutation in Breast Cancer May Point to New Treatments for Heart Disease
- Common Genetic Variation Impacts Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Older Women
- Common transplant drug inhibits breast cancer growth, UNC laboratory study shows
- Community health worker interventions improve rates of US mammography screening
- Computer Based Model Helps Radiologists Diagnose Breast Cancer
- Computer-Aided Detection Improves Early Breast Cancer Detection
- Concerns raised about surgeons performing occasional breast cancer operations
- Consider the breast and lungs when determining thoracic imaging protocols
- Contraceptive pills still tied to breast cancer
- Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy Associated with Survival in Select Group of Breast Cancer
- Contrast agent puts new light on diagnosing breast cancer
- Copper depletion therapy keeps high-risk triple-negative breast cancer at bay
- Cosmetic Breast Implants Do Not Interfere With Detecting Breast Cancer
- Cosmetic outcomes after breast-conserving therapy may vary by race
- Cough medicine could help doctors identify how breast cancer patients metabolize tamoxifen
- Could multivitamins raise breast cancer risk?
- Could therapeutic vaccines treat hard to beat breast cancers?
- COX-2 blockers may curb breast cancer risk
- COX-2 expression is marker for cancer development in some benign breast biopsies
- Crucial role of breast cancer tumor suppressor revealed
- Cruciferous Vegetables and Breast Cancer
- CSHL team identifies enzyme that is an important regulator of aggressive breast cancer development
- Current Status of Prognostic Profiling in Breast Cancer: study
- Cyclin D1 governs microRNA processing in breast cancer
- DACH1 a key protein for tumor suppression in ER+ breast cancer
- Daily aspirin could block growth of breast, other cancers
- Daily aspirin may reduce risk of common type of breast cancer
- Daily stress may stop breast cancer
- Dana-Farber study finds new points of attack on breast cancers not fueled by estrogen
- DCIS patients who get invasive breast cancer have higher mortality
- Deadly breast cancer had 50 mutations, study finds
- Deaths from breast cancer fall in Europe
- Decision guide reduced uncertainty over breast cancer prevention, study finds
- Decline in Breast Cancer Cases Likely Linked to Reduced Use of Hormone Replacement
- Decline in Breast Cancer: Not Just Because of Hormone Therapy
- Declining breast cancer incidence in Canada with declining HRT usage
- Decoding tumor genomes reveals clues to spread of deadly breast cancer
- Decrease in breast cancer rates related to reduction in use of hormone replacement therapy
- Decreased Survival for Puerto Rican Women with "Triple-Negative" Breast Cancer Subtype
- Deep sequencing of breast cancer tumors to predict clinical outcomes after single dose of therapy
- Delays in Radiation Therapy Lead to Increased Breast Cancer Recurrence
- Dense breasts linked to return of breast cancer
- Destined for disease: Breast cancer mutation regulates cell fate
- Detecting breast cancer's fingerprint in a droplet of blood
- Device for testing breath for the presence of metabolites associated with breast cancer
- Device May Customize Radiation Therapy, Reduce Treatment Time
- Diabetes drug shows promise in reducing risk of cancer
- Diagnostic and invasive procedures common in women with breast-conserving surgery
- Diagnostic chest radiation before 30 may increase breast cancer risk
- Diet May Cut Second Breast Cancers in Women Without Hot Flashes
- Diet may lower breast cancer risk before menopause
- Diet plus exercise up survival after breast cancer
- Diet rich in tomatoes may lower breast cancer risk
- Dietary Cadmium May Be Linked with Breast Cancer Risk
- Dietary calcium could possibly prevent the spread of breast cancer to bone
- Dieting May Lower Hormone Levels Tied to Breast Cancer
- Dieting reduces lymphedema after breast cancer
- Differences observed between black and white women in use of breast cancer therapy
- Different Gene-Expression Predictors of Breast Cancer Agree
- Digital mammogram best for younger women: study
- Digital mammography finds more breast cancers
- Digital mammography may improve cancer detection
- Digital mammography reduces recall and biopsy rates
- Discovery halts breast cancer stem cells
- Discovery leads to rapid mouse 'personalized trials' in breast cancer
- Discovery of a cell mechanism that reduces effectiveness of breast cancer treatment
- Discovery of protein fragment that helps predict breast cancer outcome
- Discovery of protein fragment that helps predict breast cancer outcome
- Discovery suggests location of genes for breast density, a strong risk factor for breast cancer
- Discovery suggests new combination therapy strategy for basal-like breast cancers
- Disposable Microchips Suitable for Breast Cancer Screening
- Diving into the fight against breast cancer
- DNA marker predicts platinum drug response in breast, ovarian cancer
- Do False-Positive Mammograms Predict Cancer Risk?
- Does Good Cholesterol Increase Breast Cancer Risk?
- Does hormone replacement therapy cause breast cancer
- Does mammogram row signal time for policy shift?
- Does working nights cause breast cancer?
- Does your job increase your breast cancer risk?
- Drinkers cut cancer risk with folate, study finds
- Drop in breast cancer incidence linked to hormone use, not mammograms
- Drop in U.S. mammography rate worries cancer experts
- Drug Combo Shrinks Breast Cancer Metastases in Brain
- Drug combo ups breast cancer survival-study
- Drug Could Effectively Treat, Prevent the Spread of Breast Cancer
- Drug May Combat Weight Loss During Radiation Treatments
- Drug switch helps women with early breast cancer
- Drugs for ovarian tumor can treat breast cancer
- Early Breast Cancer Detection Saves Lives
- Early breast cancer screening may help some: study
- Early detection and improved treatment have contributed almost equally to the substantial decrease i
- Early detection of second breast cancers halves women's risk of death
- Early investigations promising for detecting metastatic breast cancer cells
- Early menopause may occur in women with BRCA gene, new study finds
- Early MRI screening reduces risk of breast cancer death for survivors of childhood HL
- Early Stage, HER2 Positive Breast Cancer Patients at Increased Risk of Recurrence
- Early stages of breast cancer could soon be diagnosed from blood samples
- Early Xeloda does not help in breast cancer- study
- Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients Lack Knowledge About Their Disease and May Not Receive the Treatment They Prefer
- Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients Who Receive Neoadjuvant Therapy
- Eating Meat Does Not Raise Breast Cancer Risk in Older Women
- Eating more fruits and vegetables linked to lower breast cancer risk
- Economic factors may affect getting guideline-recommended breast cancer treatment
- Effectiveness of radiation therapy for older women with early breast cancer
- Effects of estrogen alone vs. estrogen plus progestin on breast cancer risk
- Einstein scientists find crucial molecule involved in spread of breast cancer
- Eisai says drug active in advanced breast cancer
- Elastography reduces unnecessary breast biopsies
- Elderly breast cancer patients receive chemotherapy if treated in private practices
- Elderly breast cancer patients risk treatment discrimination
- Elevated-risk women refuse MRI breast cancer screening
- Eligible for breast conserving therapy, many still choose mastectomy
- Emerging research heralds new era of breast cancer management
- Emotional Health Affects Exercise Patterns in Breast Cancer Patients
- Enhanced DNA-repair mechanism can cause breast cancer
- Enhancing breast cancer detection
- Enhancing the effectiveness of a breast cancer treatment
- Environment and Breast Cancer: Science Review
- Environmental pollutants and breast cancer
- Erbitux may help fight breast cancer, claims study
- Error rate higher in breast imaging reports generated by automatic speech recognition
- Estrogen Benefit in Breast Cancer Affirmed
- Estrogen Plus Testosterone Therapy May Increase Risk of Breast Cancer
- Estrogen receptor-alpha, breast cancer patients and tamoxifen response
- Estrogen therapy linked to benign breast disease
- Estrogen-like chemical ups cancer risk in mice
- Estrogen-Lowering Drugs Reduce Mastectomy Rates for Breast Cancer Patients
- Ethnic breast cancer gap tied to mammography rates
- Ethnic gaps in breast cancer linked to hormones
- Ethnic Variations in Hormone Levels May Cause Differences in Breast Cancer Risk
- EU agency backs Novartis' Afinitor in breast cancer
- EU agency reviews Roche's Avastin in breast cancer
- European ancestry increases breast cancer risk among Latinas
- European regulators approves Novartis drug Afinitor to treat women with certain breast cancers
- Even a little drinking may raise breast cancer risk: study
- Even After Surgery, Women Remain Unsure of Breast Cancer Survival Rates
- Even low-androgen triple-negative breast cancer responds to anti-androgen therapy
- Even Tiny Breast Tumors Can be Aggressive and May Require Maximum Therapy
- Even women with a family history can control breast cancer risk
- Events helping more women to get cancer screenings
- Evista protects against breast cancer
- Examination of lymph nodes provides more accurate breast cancer prognosis
- Excess pounds may dim breast cancer prognosis
- Exercise after age 30 may curb breast cancer risk
- Exercise boosts breast cancer patients' well-being
- Exercise boosts well-being after breast cancer
- Exercise helps breast cancer patients avoid anemia
- Exercise Improves Quality of Life for People with Breast Cancer
- Exercise Preserves Freedom of Movement After Breast Cancer Surgery
- Exercise reduces fatigue after breast cancer
- Exercise, even mild physical activity, may reduce breast cancer risk
- Exercise, green tea may lessen breast cancer blues
- Exercise-related changes in estrogen metabolism may lower breast cancer risk
- Existing Breast Cancer Drugs May Help More Women
- Existing drugs may help more breast cancer patients
- Expanding cell girth indicates seriousness of breast cancer
- Experiment seeks blood test for breast cancer
- Experimental Agent Reduces Breast Cancer Metastasis to Bone
- Experimental Drug Shows Promise for Certain Breast Cancers
- Experts question motives of mammogram guidelines
- Experts take on challenge of breast density notification laws
- Exposure to dim light at night may make breast cancers resistant to tamoxifen
- External-beam radiation therapy safe for breast cancer
- Extra Radiation Dose Prevents Breast Cancer Return in Young Women
- Extract from Scutellaria Barbata may treat breast cancer
- Extracts of catfish caught in polluted waters cause breast cancer cells to multiply
- Extreme weight gain raises risk for recurrence among breast cancer survivors
- F.D.A. Panel Backs Pre-Surgery Drug for Breast Cancer
- Falling breast cancer rates seen only in whites
- False Negative Results Found in Prognostic Testing for Breast Cancer
- False-positive mammograms have limited effect on anxiety
- Family history of breast cancer doesn't mean a poor prognosis for women who develop the disease
- Family, Friends May Impact Breast Cancer Surgery Decision
- Faster genetic testing method will likely transform care for patients with breast cancer
- Fat injections can improve breast reconstruction -- jury's out on augmentation
- Fat stem cells safe for breast reconstruction when cancer is dormant, says Pitt team
- Fatigue may persist after breast cancer treatment
- Fatty acids found in fish linked to lower risk of breast cancer
- FDA Approves Test for HER2 Gene in Breast Cancer Tissue
- FDA Broadens Clearance For Agendia's MammaPrint(R)
- FDA grants priority review to Roche's breast cancer drug
- FDA OKs Invitrogen genetic test for breast cancer
- FDA Panel OKs Ultrasound to Screen Dense Breasts
- FDA panels put silicone breast implants back under microscope
- FDA revokes approval of Avastin for breast cancer
- Fear a Mammogram? Follow These Tips
- Female hormones key to breast and ovarian cancer in BRCA gene carriers
- Femara helps prevent the return of breast cancer
- Fertility drug usage and cancer risk
- Fertility drugs don't raise breast cancer risk
- Fertility issues in young women with breast cancer must be addressed
- Fertility procedures need not delay breast cancer treatment for younger women
- Few high-risk women in U.S. take breast cancer drug
- Few Surgeons Routinely Refer Breast Cancer Patients for Reconstruction
- Few women at high-risk for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer receive genetic counseling
- Few Women Rebuild Breast After Mastectomy
- Few women take tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer
- Fewer dose hope for breast cancer
- Fewer than half of breast cancer patients adhere to hormonal therapy regimen, study finds
- Fewer than half of U.S. moms breastfeed enough: CDC
- Filipino newcomers to Canada diagnosed with breast cancer at a younger age
- First In-human Trial of Endoxifen Shows Promise as Breast Cancer Treatment
- First prospective analysis links breast and pancreatic cancer risk with lynch syndrome
- First step of metastasis halted in mice with breast cancer
- Fish oil may cut breast cancer risk 'by a third'
- Fish Oil May Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer
- FISH Technology Preferred for Choosing HER-2-Positive Breast Cancer Treatments
- Five years on breast cancer drug tamoxifen beats two
- For breast cancer screening, 1 size doesn't fit all
- For Women with Breast Cancer Gene, Psychological Factors Affect Choices about Risk-Reducing Surgery
- For Women, Heart Attacks Kill 6 Times as Many as Breast Cancer
- Former KISS drummer: men get breast cancer too
- Fox Chase Researchers Discover Novel Role of the NEDD9 Gene in Early Stages of Breast Cancer
- Fox Chase researchers uncover Achilles' heel in aggressive breast tumors
- Fox Chase scientists identify key protein players in hard-to-treat breast cancers
- France to offer surgery if breast implants a risk
- Fruits And Veggies Don't Prevent Breast Cancer Recurrence
- Fruits, veggies slash breast cancer risk: U.S. study
- Full Field Digital Mammography: A New Breast Cancer Screening Tool
- Functional disability high among newly diagnosed older breast cancer patients
- Fusion Drug Slows Advanced Breast Cancer
- Future Hope for Patients with Breast Cancers Resistant to Tamoxifen
- Future in which Breast Cancer Will Be Cured or Controlled
- Galena's breast cancer vaccine gets exclusivity until 2028
- Gauging genetic breast cancer risk reassures women
- Gene acts as a brake on breast cancer progression
- Gene discovery could help stop spread of aggressive breast cancer
- Gene discovery may help guide breast cancer care
- Gene explains breast cancer chemotherapy outcomes
- Gene expression test distinguishes between breast cancer patients at high and low risk of late recurrence
- Gene fuelled transporter causes breast cancer cells to self-destruct
- Gene Helps Protect Tumor Suppressor in Breast Cancer
- Gene helps protect tumor suppressor in breast cancer
- Gene Screen for Breast Cancer Better than Pathologist's "Eye"
- Gene screen for breast cancer better than pathologist's "eye"
- Gene test helps select breast cancer chemotherapy
- Gene therapy kills breast cancer stem cells, boosts chemotherapy
- Gene Variant Increases Breast Cancer Risk
- Generic Medications Boost Adherence to Breast Cancer Therapy
- Genes Found to Play a Role in Breast Cancer’s Spread to the Brain
- Genes identify breast cancer risk and may aid prevention
- Genes interact to affect breast cancer survival
- Genes Linked to Breast Cancer Drug Resistance Could Guide Future Treatment
- Genes linked to spread of breast cancer discovered
- Genes set scene for metastasis
- Genes, lifestyle pose separate breast cancer risks
- Genetic 'hotspot' for breast cancer risk
- Genetic approach provides new insight into trastuzumab resistance in breast cancer
- Genetic Breast Cancer Assessment Eases Stress for Women at Risk
- Genetic factors implicated in survival gap for breast, ovarian or prostate cancer
- Genetic Markers, Shortened Radiation Focus of New Breast Cancer Research
- Genetic predictor of breast cancer response to chemotherapy
- Genetic testing helped breast cancer survivor
- Genetic Variants May Affect the Risk of Breast Cancer in Women with BRCA2 Mutations
- Girls with family history of breast disease should avoid alcohol
- Glaxo drug slows breast cancer in study
- Gold nanoparticles help target, quantify breast cancer gene segments in a living cell
- Got stress? It could impact breast cancer recurrence
- Grant Will Test The Effect of Tibetan Yoga on Women with Breast Cancer
- Green Tea & Breast Cancer
- Group therapy fails to improve breast cancer survival
- GW researchers reveal digital transcriptome of breast cancer
- Hair relaxers do not increase risk
- Hair straightening chemicals not linked to breast cancer risk in African-Americans
- Hair Stylists Promote Breast Cancer Prevention Messages to Clients
- HDAC inhibitor targets triple negative breast cancer
- Health at diagnosis may drive breast cancer survival gap
- Health providers should emphasize breast cancer screening, Wayne State University research finds
- Healthy habits prevent breast cancer: study
- Heart disease beats breast cancer as the biggest killer
- Heart drug linked to higher breast cancer risk
- Heavy girls less likely to develop breast cancer later on
- HER-2 Status Predicts Success of Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Treatment
- HER2 Expression Predicts Breast Cancer Survival
- HER2 Levels May Aid in Treatment Selection for Metastatic Breast Cancer
- Herceptin found to improve long-term survival of HER2-positive breast cancer patients
- Herceptin targets breast cancer stem cells
- Herceptin Tied to Heart Issues in Breast Cancer
- Hereditary breast cancer often affects both breasts
- HHS says U.S. policy on mammograms unchanged
- High cholesterol fuels the growth and spread of breast cancer
- High Cost of Breast Cancer Screenings
- High CTC levels predicted poor outcome in metastatic breast cancer
- High Dietary Fat, Cholesterol Linked to Increased Risk of Breast Cancer
- High fiber may lower breast cancer risk in offspring
- High fruit intake during adolescence linked with lower breast cancer risk
- High insulin levels raise risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women
- High Levels of Estrogen Associated with Breast Cancer Recurrence
- High-carb diet tied to breast cancer risk for some
- High-fat diet during puberty speeds up breast cancer development
- High-risk women reluctant to take tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer
- High-risk, underserved women benefited from MRI screening for breast cancer
- Higher co-payments increase chance of early discontinuation of breast cancer therapy
- Higher dose radiation for breast cancer safe and effective and halves the number of treatments
- Higher Vitamin D Intake Needed to Reduce Cancer Risk
- Highly targeted irradiation as good as whole breast radiotherapy in early stage cancer
- Hip Bone Density Helps Predict Breast Cancer Risk
- Hip size of mothers linked to breast cancer in daughters
- Hispanic Women and Breast Cancer: An Understudied Group
- Hispanic Women Have Higher Incidence of Rare Breast Tumor
- HIV drug shows efficacy in treating mouse models of HER2+ breast cancer
- Hormone Sensitivity of Breast Stem Cells Presents Drug Target
- Hormone therapy raises risk of repeat breast cancer
- Hormone therapy use by postmenopausal women may increase incidence of more advanced breast cancer
- Hormone Use Linked to Increased Breast Cancer Risk Among Black Women
- Hospital mammography recall rates higher
- How BRCA1 Mutations Cause Breast Cancer Revealed for First Time
- How breast cancer spreads
- How does pregnancy reduce breast cancer risk?
- How to Eat Healthy to Help Prevent Breast Cancer
- How women can improve their quality of life after breast cancer treatment
- HPV vaccine should not be delayed
- Hutchinson Center Receives $10.24M from NIH for Latina Breast Cancer Research
- Hybrid vaccine demonstrates potential to prevent breast cancer recurrence
- Hypnosis therapy shown to decrease fatigue levels in breast cancer patients
- Identification of 5 genes involved in the metastasis of breast tumors to the lung
- Identify Depressive Symptoms Early in Breast Cancer Patients
- IDIBELL and ICFO researchers have developed a technology that predicts metastasis in breast cancer
- Images reveal potential for NIR imaging to detect success of breast reconstruction
- Immigrants from India, Pakistan Face U.S. Prostate, Breast Cancer Risks
- Implications for Fine-Tuned Breast Cancer Prognosis Unveiled
- Improved Imaging for Identifying Breast Cancer in Overweight Women
- Improving understanding of cell behaviour in breast cancer
- Improving understanding of cell behaviour in breast cancer
- IMRT Allows Higher Radiation Therapy Dose for Breast Cancer
- IMRT reduces risk of side effects in breast cancer patients
- In 2005, Advances Made in Breast Cancer Treatment and Detection
- In breast cancer metastasis, researchers identify possible drug target
- In Breast Cancer, The Quality Of Life For Younger Patients More Adversely Affected Than For Older Women
- In Flurry of Studies, Researcher Details Role of Apples in Inhibiting Breast Cancer
- Increased Cancer Risk Seen After False-Positive Mammograms
- Inflammation Markers Identify Fatigue in Breast Cancer Survivors
- Inflammatory Breast Cancer More Rare, More Lethal than Common Form
- Information about the use and accuracy of breast cancer tests is lacking, study finds
- Ingredient Found in Green Tea Significantly Inhibits Breast Cancer Growth in Female Mice
- Instead of fighting breast cancer, immune cell promotes its spread
- Insurance and socioeconomic status do not explain racial disparities in breast cancer care
- Insurance law tied to more breast reconstruction
- Insurance Status Tied to Breast Cancer Treatment
- Intake of Vitamin D, Calcium Associated With Lower Risk of Breast Cancer Before Menopause
- Integrating genetic information with breast cancer risk factors may help refine prognosis
- Intensity modulated radiotherapy reduces side effects in patients with early breast cancer
- International Implementation of Breast Health Guidelines for Developing Countries Published by Cance
- International Leader in Breast Cancer Surgery Armando Giuliano, M.D., to Join Cedars-Sinai
- International molecular screening program for metastatic breast cancer AURORA at IMPAKT
- Interval post-treatment mammogram not needed for breast cancer patients
- Intervention Program Boosts Health of Breast Cancer Patients
- Intervention Program Boosts Survival in Breast Cancer Patients
- Intervention Program Helps Breast Cancer Patients Live Longer After Recurrence
- Interventions for relieving the pain and discomfort of screening mammography
- Interventions to promote repeat breast cancer screening with mammography
- Investigational Treatment Shows Promise in Metastatic Breast Cancer
- IOM Report On Breast Cancer And The Environment
- IRB Barcelona identifies the gene responsible for metastasis of breast cancer to the bone
- Iressa Shows Promise For Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer When Combined With Hormonal Therapy
- Iron-Regulating Protein is Strong Predictor of Breast Cancer Prognosis
- Is soy linked to breast cancer?
- Jefferson researchers uncover new evidence of prolactin's possible role in breast cancer
- Johns Hopkins researchers discover how some breast cancers alter their sensitivity to estrogen
- Just a few drinks a week tied to breast cancer
- K-State Research Team Investigates Mutated Gene's Role in Breast Cancer
- Keep on exercising, researchers advise older breast cancer survivors
- Kinetic variable most useful for identifying malignant MRI-detected breast lesions identified
- Komen breast cancer charity cancels walks in seven U.S. cities
- Kroger Launches Breast Cancer Campaign
- Lack of Care For Older Breast Cancer Patients
- Lack of social interaction affects health outcomes of breast cancer
- Lactate Plays a Role in Breast Cancer Development
- Lactation may be linked to aggressive cancer in Mexican women
- Landmine detection technology adapted to screen for breast cancer
- Large breast cancers persist despite screening
- Large panel genetic testing produces more questions than answers in breast cancer
- Large study documents how p53 mutations link to high-grade breast cancer, poor outcomes
- Larger breasts confer higher breast cancer risk
- Lasers Illuminate Women's Health in inaugural open-access journal Biomedical Optics Express
- Late treatment with letrozole can reduce breast cancer recurrence risk
- Late-stage breast cancer survival 'lower in UK'
- Latinas More Likely to Regret Breast Cancer Treatment Decisions
- Left-handed women's risk of breast cancer higher-study
- Less can be more when removing lymph nodes during breast cancer surgery
- Less invasive surgery detects residual breast cancer in lymph nodes after chemotherapy
- Less invasive treatment may increase survival in early stage breast cancer
- Less than Half of Breast Cancer Patients Follow Hormone Therapy
- Lifestyle affects risk of second breast cancer
- Light reveals breast tumor oxygen status
- Lilly bone drug cuts breast cancer risk - study
- Limiting Carbohydrates Could Reduce Breast Cancer Recurrence in Women with Positive IGF1 Receptor
- Linchpin Gene May Be Useful Target For Breast Cancer Therapies
- Link between breast implants and cancer under investigation
- Link Found Between Vegetables and Decreased Risk of Breast Cancer
- Linking risk factors and disease origins in breast cancer
- Liposuction: A source for breast augmentation?
- Lobular breast cancer can be managed as ductal cancer
- Local Therapy and Survival in Breast Cancer
- Lonely rats more prone to breast cancer
- Long-lived breast stem cells could retain cancer legacy
- Long-term hormone replacement therapy increases breast cancer risk
- Long-term hormone use ups breast cancer risk, even estrogen
- Long-term tamoxifen boosts breast cancer survival
- Long-term tamoxifen use increases risk of an aggressive, hard to treat type of second breast cancer
- Long-Term Use of Estrogen Hormone Therapy Linked to Higher Risk for Breast Cancer
- Low breast density in mammography worsens breast cancer prognosis
- Low income linked to poorer breast cancer survival
- Low oxygen levels in tumors 'trigger spread of breast cancer'
- Low-dose radiation may raise breast cancer risk
- LSUHSC research finds many women not receiving recommended breast cancer adjuvant treatment
- LSUHSC research provides new drug target for Her-2 related breast cancer
- Lumpectomy Combined With Radiation Could Be Powerful Weapon In Fight Against Breast Cancer
- Lymph node removal not needed for some breast cancer
- Lymph Node Ultrasounds More Accurate in Obese Breast Cancer Patients, Mayo Clinic Study Finds
- Lymphedema: Risk Reduction and Management Strategies
- Lymphoseek Approved in US for Breast Cancer, Melanoma
- Machines learn to detect breast cancer
- Maj. of comm. facilities performing breast MRI exams meet ACRIN and EUSOBI technical requirements
- Majority of older, early-stage breast cancer patients benefit from radiation after lumpectomy
- Male breast cancer rare, but can be aggressive
- Male breast cancer worse for blacks than whites
- Malignant stem cells may explain why some breast cancers develop and recur
- Mammogram every 2 years has same benefit as yearly mammogram for older women, UCSF study finds
- Mammogram rate did not decline after controversial USPSTF recommendations
- Mammogram results often wrong, U.S. study finds
- Mammograms Every Other Year Fine For Women Over 50
- Mammograms may be worth risks for some in their 40s
- Mammograms May Boost Breast Cancer Risk for Some Women
- Mammograms May Detect Some Cancers That Would Have Regressed
- Mammograms on the rise for foreign-born women living in the US
- Mammograms saved lives of women under 50: study
- Mammograms under 50 optional for many women
- Mammograms: Detecting more than breast cancer, may help assess heart risk in kidney disease patients
- Mammographic density and risk of breast cancer
- Mammography May Be Beneficial To All Women, Regardless of Age
- Mammography may increase breast cancer risk in some high-risk women
- Mammography screening intervals may affect breast cancer prognosis
- Mammography screening reduced risk for death from breast cancer by half
- Mammography screening: Patient information leaflets do not affect willingness to participate
- Mammography Study in BMJ Flawed: Discredited Data Used
- Mammography-detected breast cancer in 40-49 year-olds has better prognosis
- Mammography: Is It Right for Me?
- Man wins right to Herceptin for breast cancer
- Management and Prognosis: How Best to Treat Breast Cancer Patients
- Manchester researchers announce new methods of beating breast cancer
- Mango Effective In Preventing, Stopping Certain Colon, Breast Cancer Cells
- Many breast cancer patients take high doses of antioxidants despite possible consequences
- Many mastectomy patients with locally advanced breast cancer do not get postop radiation
- Many tests follow surgery for early breast cancer
- Many U.S. women do not get recommended mammograms
- Many Women Who Had Childhood Cancer Do Not Undergo Breast Cancer Screening
- Marijuana Compound Shows Promise in Fighting Breast Cancer
- Marital distress may worsen breast cancer recovery
- Mastectomy may have less benefit than lumpectomy
- Mastectomy Mystery: Why It's a Choice When Cancer Isn't Evident
- Master gene SRC-3 enables breast cancer growth, invasion
- Mayo Clinic Launches Whole Genome Breast Cancer Study
- Mayo-led researchers discover genetic variants modifying breast cancer risk
- MD Anderson study finds qigong improves quality of life for breast cancer patients
- Meat, dairy and breast cancer: new findings
- Mechanical forces driving breast cancer lead to key molecular discovery
- Mechanism found connecting metastatic breast cancer and arthritis
- Mechanisms Involved with Tumor Relapse Identified
- Men Can Get Breast Cancer, Too: Students Launch Alliance to Raise Awareness Among Both Genders
- Men less likely to survive early breast cancer
- Menopause drug Livial ups breast cancer return risk
- Mental health inequalities in detection of breast cancer
- Metabolic Factors May Play a Role in Risk for Breast Cancer
- Metabolic syndrome linked to breast cancer
- Metabolic syndrome predicts breast cancer relapse
- Metastasis-Promoting Protein Identified; Could Provide a Prognostic Test Or Target for Breast Cancer
- MicroRNA makes triple-negative breast cancer homesick
- Migraines Associated with Lower Risk of Breast Cancer
- Millions of Cameroon girls suffer "breast ironing"
- Minorities less likely to know about breast cancer options
- Minorities most vulnerable to financial slide after breast cancer
- Minorities wait longer for breast cancer surgery
- miR-205 can be responsible for breast cancer
- Moderate doses of radiation therapy to unaffected breast may prevent second breast cancers
- Moderate Red Wine Drinking May Help Cut Women's Breast Cancer Risk
- Moffitt Cancer Center Researchers Develop Automated Breast Density Test Linked To Cancer Risk
- Moffitt Cancer Center Researchers Discuss New Frontiers in Breast Cancer Screening
- Moffitt Cancer Center Researchers Find More Clues To Causes Of Breast Cancer
- Molecular 'Clock' Could Predict Risk for Developing Breast Cancer
- Molecular 'feedback loop' may explain tamoxifen resistance in patients with breast cancer
- Molecular Breast Imaging: A Better Way to Spot Tumors in Dense Tissue
- Molecular fingerprint of breast-cancer drug resistance can predict response to treatment
- Molecules can block breast cancer's ability to spread
- Mom should not hide her cancer from the kids
- More access to health care may lead to unnecessary mammograms
- More Bad News for Avastin in Breast Cancer
- More breast cancer diagnosed in women with diabetes
- More detailed findings confirm that coffee protects against breast cancer recurrence
- More than one third of Texas women still receive unnecessary breast biopsy surgery
- More women being told of breast-density risk
- More women choosing to remove healthy breast after cancer diagnosis
- More women need breasts removed after brachytherapy
- More women with early-stage breast cancer choosing double mastectomies
- More younger women being diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer
- Morning sickness tied to lower breast cancer risk
- Most breast cancer patients may not be getting enough exercise
- Most Breast Cancer Patients Who Had Healthy Breast Removed at Peace with Decision
- Most breast cancers not linked to ovarian cancer
- Most elderly women with early stage breast cancer receive a treatment that may not be as effective
- Most recent mammography recommendations confuse public
- Most women don't regret preventive mastectomy
- Most women overestimate their breast cancer risk
- Most women who have double mastectomy don't need it, U-M study finds
- Most women who have double mastectomy don't need it, U-M study finds
- Most women with early-stage breast cancer avoid extensive lymph node removal
- Most women would accept more mammograms
- Mother and Son Battle Breast Cancer Together
- Mother-Daughter Breast Density Study Points Way to Earlier Cancer Risk Assessment
- MR spectroscopy identifies breast cancer, reduces biopsies
- MR-guided ultrasound offers noninvasive treatment for breast cancer
- MRI "Best" for Looking at Breast Cancer and More
- MRI 'best' for looking at breast cancer and more
- MRI Changes Breast Cancer Treatment Choice; Increases Time to Treatment
- MRI cost-effective for some women at high-risk of breast cancer
- MRI finds breast cancer before it becomes dangerous
- MRI finds earlier breast cancers in gene carriers
- MRI May Be Noninvasive Method to Measure Breast Cancer Prognosis
- MRI may cause more harm than good in newly diagnosed early breast cancer
- MRI screening of opposite breast necessary for women with recent breast cancer diagnosis
- MRI shows potential to improve breast cancer risk prediction
- MSU study finds media coverage of breast cancer focuses too little on prevention
- MU Researchers Recommend Exercise for Breast Cancer Survivors, Lymphedema Patients
- Multi-gene test enables some breast cancer patients to safely avoid chemotherapy
- Multicenter trial finds BI-RADS 3 breast lesions have low cancer rate
- Multiple Childbirth Linked to Rare but Aggressive 'Triple-Negative' Breast Cancer
- Multivitamins with minerals may protect older women with invasive breast cancer
- Mushrooms, green tea may lower breast cancer risk
- Mutation quadruples repeat breast cancer risk
- Mutations in susceptibility genes common in younger African American women with breast cancer
- Mutations linked to breast cancer treatment resistance
- My Most Memorable Breast Cancer Patient
- Mystery of the missing breast cancer genes
- Nanodrug targeting breast cancer cells from the inside adds weapon: Immune system attack
- Nanoparticles can overcome drug resistance in breast cancer cells
- Nanotechnology holds promise for safer breast implants
- Nanotube Therapy Takes Aim at Breast Cancer Stem Cells
- Nearly any lifetime smoking ups breast cancer risk
- Nearly half of breast cancer patients at risk of having BRCA mutations not sent for genetic testing
- Nearly half of women with advanced breast cancer in the US not receiving life-saving treatment
- NEDD9 Protein Supports Growth of Aggressive Breast Cancer
- Needle biopsy underused in breast cancer diagnosis, negatively impacting diagnosis and care
- Negative BRCA testing may not always imply lowered breast cancer risk
- Neoadjuvant use of pertuzumab in HER2-positive breast cancer
- New 'seed' therapy helps pinpoint breast tumors with more accuracy
- New 'stealth' drugs give hope in fight on cancer
- New adjuvant treatments for breast cancer prove cost-effective
- New analysis methodology may revolutionize breast cancer therapy
- New Antibody Offers Hope for Treating Ovarian, Breast Cancer
- New approach to treating breast cancer uses existing chemo drug
- New biomarker identified in breast and prostate cancers holds promise for treating disease
- New blood test can predict future breast cancer
- New blood test picks up early breast cancer
- New breast cancer drug Femara will save lives
- New breast cancer drug may be effective against other types of cancer
- New breast cancer gene identified by Women's College Hospital scientists
- New breast cancer gene may help predict risk
- New breast cancer gene raises risk in Europeans
- New breast cancer genetics research from McGill University, Department of Human Genetics discussed
- New breast cancer guidelines "unsafe": women
- New breast cancer screening guidelines released
- New breast cancer test under study
- New breast cancer therapy tied to more complications
- New Breast Cancer Treatment Shows Promise in Early Application
- New breast imaging algorithm brings breast cancer diagnosis and treatment to underserved area of Uganda
- New Cellular Flaw Found in Some Virulent Breast Cancers
- New Clues for Overcoming Tamoxifen-Resistant Breast Cancer
- New Clues to Breast Cancer Development in High-Risk Women
- New Clues to Why Older Women are More Vulnerable to Breast Cancer
- New combination therapy fails to delay progression of advanced breast cancer
- New Data Shows Chicago Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Mortality Continue to Be Significantly Higher than National Average
- New Drug Cocktail Extends Lives of Patients with Advanced Breast Cancer
- New Dubin Breast Center at Mount Sinai Raises the Standard for Comprehensive Cancer Care
- New evidence of hormone therapy causing breast cancer, Stanford professor says
- New finding points to potential options for attacking stem cells in triple-negative breast cancer
- New Findings Further Clarify Breast Cancer Risk With Hormone Therapy
- New findings may improve treatment of inherited breast cancer
- New findings on optimal duration of trastuzumab therapy for women with HER2+ early breast cancer
- New Genetic Test for Personalized Treatment of Breast Cancer
- New Guideline Will Improve Hormone Receptor Testing for Patients with Breast Cancer
- New guidelines emphasize use of breast MRI to supplement standard imaging
- New hope for hormone resistant breast cancer
- New imaging technique can identify breast cancer subtypes and early treatment response
- New Insight into the Biology of the BRCA1 Breast Cancer Gene
- New insights into breast cancer spread could yield better tests and treatments
- New Insights Into How Genetic Differences Among Individuals Influence Breast Cancer Risk from Low-Dose Radiation
- New Jersey Scientist to be Recognized for Breast Cancer Research
- New leaflet offers breast cancer help
- New link between estrogen and breast cancer
- New mammography technology improves cancer detection
- New method detects more breast cancer in screening
- New method identifies genes that can predict prognoses of cancer patients
- New model predicts relapse in early breast cancer patients following endocrine therapy
- New models of drug-resistant breast cancer hint at better treatments
- New MRI Technique Could Mean Fewer Breast Biopsies in High-Risk Women
- New national poll: 89 percent of women said mammograms vital to their health
- New Peptide Could be Effective Treatment for Triple Negative Breast Cancer
- New Perspectives on Health Disparities in Breast Cancer Research
- New possibilities for breast cancer treatment on the horizon
- New presurgery combination therapy may improve outcomes for women with triple-negative breast cancer
- New risk factor for developing breast cancer
- New role discovered for breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1
- New scans prompt mastectomies for breast patients
- New screening technique could provide more reliable breast cancer detection
- New studies on surgical options in inherited breast cancer show drastic treatment is not always best
- New studies show negative effects from revised mammography recommendation for women, ages 40-49
- New Study Calls for Change In Deciding Frequency of Mammograms
- New Study Examines Scope of Online Breast Cancer Support Groups
- New study explains how dense breast tissue drives the early stages of cancer
- New Study Finds Usual Care Enough to Promote the Well Adjustment to Early Breast Cancer
- New Study Identifies Opportunities To Reduce Patient Burden Associated With Breast Cancer Screening
- New study of targeted therapies for breast cancer -- model for global clinical trials
- New study sheds new light on the progression and invasiveness of ductal breast cancer
- New study shows positive personal growth following breast cancer diagnosis
- New study suggests Concord grape juice may provide protection against breast cancer
- New study supports mammography screening at 40
- New Subtype of Breast Cancer Responds to Targeted Drug
- New target identified to stop the spread of breast cancer
- New Technique Detects Early Metastasis of Breast Cancer
- New technique images tumor vessel leakiness to predict breast cancer chemotherapy outcome
- New technique to study the genetics of breast cancer
- New test can predict breast cancer's spread
- New Test Discovered to Better Predict Breast Cancer Outcomes
- New Test Found for Effectiveness of Baking Soda as Breast Cancer Therapy
- New Test May Predict Breast Cancer Metastasis
- New Test May Predict Spread of Breast Cancer
- New test predicts if breast cancer will spread
- New tool predicts women's outcome in breast cancer
- New Tool to Diagnose and Treat Breast Cancer
- New Treatment Paradigms for Breast Cancer: Managing the Flow of New Data
- New Treatment Tested for Common Type of Non-Invasive Breast Cancer
- New type of drug shrinks primary breast cancer tumors significantly in just 6 weeks
- New U.S. analysis backs annual breast screening
- New UK Study Shows Potential for Targeting Aggressive Breast Cancers
- New United States mammogram guidelines ignite debate
- New Universal Breast Cancer Marker Predicts Recurrence and Clinical Outcome
- New UT Arlington study links BPA and breast cancer tumor growth
- New Way of Expanding Cancer Screening for Minority Women
- New way to predict cancer returning?
- New way to predict response to chemo in triple-negative breast cancer
- Newer breast cancer drug seen safer than tamoxifen
- Newly Developed Prediction Tool Helps Estimate Local Recurrence in Patients with Non-Invasive Breast Cancer
- NICE guidelines on breast cancer follow-up need urgent revision
- Nicotine in cigarettes linked to breast cancer for the first time
- Nimesulide fights breast cancer by targeting key enzyme
- Nine Questions to Help Protect Your Heart Before Surgery
- No brakes on breast cancer cells
- No cancer risk seen with breast implants
- No long-term cancer risk seen from breast implants
- No proof folate lowers breast cancer risk
- No Sure Answers to Reduce Mammography Discomfort
- No viral cause for breast cancer and brain tumors
- Noisy data facilitates Dartmouth investigation of breast cancer gene expression
- Noninvasive combination technique may reduce number of breast biopsies
- Nonrecommended screenings for prostate, breast cancer in older individuals
- Normal Tissue Not Spared in New Forms of Breast Cancer Radiotherapy
- Norwegian research questions benefit of mammograms
- Not all breast cancers' risk are increased by Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Not all women change lifestyle after cancer
- Not all women complete radiation for breast cancer
- Novel approach to treating breast cancer shows great promise
- Novel breast cancer gene found
- Novel Breast Tissue Feature may Predict Woman’s Cancer Risk
- Novel gene variants identified in male breast cancer
- Novel imaging technique may reduce lymphedema in breast cancer patients
- Novel Immunotherapy Vaccine Decreases Recurrence in HER2 Positive Breast Cancer Patients
- Novel methods for improved breast cancer survival
- Novel monoclonal antibody inhibits tumor growth in breast cancer and angiosarcoma
- Novel vaccine shows promise against early-stage breast cancer
- NSAIDs benefit overweight breast cancer patients, study finds
- NSAIDs could help prevent, treat breast cancer
- Nurse Runs to Raise Funds for Family Fight Against Breast Cancer
- Nutrition education may help prevent breast cancer reoccurrence
- Nutrition intervention leads to dietary behavior changes in Latina breast cancer survivors
- NYU nursing study examines obesity in relation to breast cancer related lymphedema
- NYU researchers find a new solution in detecting breast-cancer related lymphedema
- Obese Patients with HER2-Positive Breast Cancer May Have Worse Outcomes
- Obese Women Have Higher Risk Of Suffering Breast Cancer
- Obese women increased the risk of breast cancer and larger the tumor size when detected
- Obese women play cancer roulette
- Obesity common in women at risk of breast cancer
- Obesity linked with poorer breast cancer outcomes
- Obesity may increase risk of triple-negative breast cancer
- Obesity raises overall risk of breast cancer
- Obesity, Alcohol Use and Smoking Increase the Risk of Developing a Second Breast Cancer
- Obesity, estrogen breakdown tied to breast cancer
- Offspring of female rats given folic acid supplements develop more breast cancer
- Older breast cancer patients see more complications with brachytherapy
- Older breast cancer patients still get radiation despite limited benefit
- Older patients can skip breast radiation - study
- Older Women Have Far Fewer Mammograms Than They Report
- Omega-3 fats tied to less cancer-related fatigue: study
- Omega-3 Supplementation May Reduce Joint and Cognitive Side Effects of Breast Cancer Treatments
- OMEGA-3s Inhibit Breast Cancer Tumour Growth, U of G Study Finds
- One daily glass of wine 'can double risk of breast cancer'
- One in Five Breast Cancer Patients May Not Adhere to Hormone Therapy
- One-in-five women would consider breast removal
- One-step Breast Cancer Treatment Combines Radiation, Surgery
- Online Information May Improve Cancer Patients' Opinions About Doctors
- Online prayer may benefit breast cancer patients
- Online study of Avastin breast cancer patients
- Oophorectomy associated with decrease in breast cancer death in women with cancer, BRCA1 mutation
- Optical mammography sheds new light on breast cancer
- Oral contraceptive use associated with increased risk of breast cancer
- Oral Contraceptives Increase Risk for Breast Cancer in Some Women
- Ospemifine may also help to prevent breast cancer
- Osteo Drug Stops Bone Loss From Breast Cancer Chemo
- Osteoporosis drug stops growth of breast cancer cells, even in resistant tumors
- Our Feel-Good War on Breast Cancer
- Our Promise to Black Women
- Ovarian cysts linked to lower breast cancer risk
- Ovary removal ups breast cancer survival for some
- Over-the-counter anesthetic gel puts the squeeze on mammogram pain
- Overeating plus inactivity ups breast cancer risk
- Overweight and obese women at greater risk of breast cancer recurrence
- Overweight Young Women Have Reduced Risk of Developing Breast Cancer Before Menopause
- Ovulation disorders linked to lower breast cancer risk
- Packers go pink for breast cancer awareness
- Paclitaxel improves early breast cancer survival
- Painful hip fractures strike breast cancer survivors
- Painkiller can boost breast cancer survival rates
- Palbociclib shows promise in patients with hormone-resistant breast cancer
- Papillary lesions of the breast should be surgically excised to avoid missing a cancer
- Parsley, Celery Carry Crucial Component for Fight Against Breast Cancer, MU Researcher Finds
- Partial Breast Radiation Focus of New Cancer Study
- Partners of breast cancer patients are at risk of developing mood disorders
- Partnership helps spread word on mammograms
- Passive smoking is breast cancer risk factor
- Pathological complete response predictor of favorable breast cancer outcome
- Pathway Links Inflammation, Angiogenesis and Breast Cancer
- Patient navigation leads to faster diagnosis for breast cancer, according to new study
- Patients requesting prophylactic mastectomies overestimate their breast cancer risk
- Patients who have left breast tumors have comparable OS to those with right breast tumors
- Peaches, plums induce deliciously promising death of breast cancer cells
- Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin beneficial in metastatic breast cancer
- Penn Study Identifies New Trigger for Breast Cancer Metastasis
- Peptide Delivers One-Two Punch to Breast Cancer in Pre-Clinical Study
- Perceptions of cancer care may not match reality
- Persistent pain common for many women 2 to 3 years after breast cancer treatment
- Personality-breast cancer link debunked
- Personalized medicine can cut breast cancer risk
- PET scans confirm effectiveness of estrogen-blocking drugs in breast cancer patients
- PET Techniques Provide More Accurate Diagnosis, Prognosis in Challenging Breast Cancer Cases
- PET/CT Shows Clear Advantages over Conventional Staging for Patients with Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
- Phase III study compared neoadjuvant therapy with lapatinib or trastuzumab for early breast cancer
- Physical activity increases breast cancer survival
- Physical activity linked to reduced mortality in breast and colon cancer patients
- Physical limitations take a significant toll in breast cancer survivors
- Physicians validate reclassification of breast cancer stages
- PI3K/mTOR pathway proteins tied to poor prognosis in breast cancer
- Piezoelectric Fingers Key in New Breast Cancer Detector
- Pink Pumps Fight Breast Cancer
- Pioneering Breast Scanner Holds Promise for Detecting, Diagnosing Cancer Earlier
- Plant compound reduces breast cancer mortality
- Plant-Based Diets May Improve Breast Cancer Survival
- Plant-focused diet may curb breast cancer risk
- Plant-rich diets tied to lower breast cancer risk
- Plastic Surgeons Offer Microsurgery Technique for Breast Reconstruction, Tummy Tuck After Mastectomy
- Poor breast cancer prognosis associated with presence of circulating tumor, cancer stem cells
- Poor sleep a problem in long-term breast cancer survivors
- Popular new breast cancer treatment lacks data
- Portable breast scanner allows cancer detection in the blink of an eye
- Porter Adventist Hospital Breast Program Approved by NAPB
- Posing topless for breast cancer awareness?
- Potential for prediction of progression for early form of breast cancer
- Potential New "Twist" in Breast Cancer Detection
- Potential new therapy for triple-negative breast cancer shows promise in lab studies
- Pre-Menopausal African American Women More Likely to Have Type of Breast Cancer
- Pre-op MRI may not help breast cancer patients
- Predicting breast cancer patient outcome: MUHC researchers identify new genes
- Predictors of inaccurate online breast cancer information
- Pregnancy cuts breast cancer in mutation carriers
- Pregnancy drug doubles risk of breast cancer
- Pregnancy Has No Impact on Breast Cancer Survival, Does Delay Treatment, Diagnosis
- Pregnant patients lose out in breast cancer treatment; a new approach is needed
- Prenatal exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals linked to breast cancer
- Preoperative assessment of cancer patients enables early diagnosis, treatment of lymphedema
- Preoperative needle breast biopsies can lead to improved treatment outcomes
- Preschool diet linked to cancer risk
- Preschool diet linked to later breast cancer risk
- Pretreatment PET Imaging of Lymph Nodes Predicts Recurrence in Breast Cancer Patients
- Prevennia Supplement Blocks the Initiation of Breast Cell Mutations by Estrogens
- Previously unknown genomic regions found in African American families with breast cancer
- Previously unseen switch regulates breast cancer response to estrogen
- Pricey scans have no impact in breast cancer: study
- Primary prevention of breast cancer: New approaches
- Princess Margaret Hospital Breast Cancer Researchers Link Ovarian Hormone to Breast Stem Cells Growth
- Princeton scientists discover mechanism involved in breast cancer's spread to bone
- Progress in ultrasound-guided surgery may improve breast cancer treatment
- Prolonged maternal separation increased breast cancer risk in neonatal mice
- Prophylactic surgery nearly doubles in men with breast cancer
- Prospective surveillance model emerges as standard of care for breast cancer treatment
- Protein from Pregnancy Hormone May Prevent Breast Cancer
- Protein plays a critical role in the development of aggressive breast cancer
- Protein research uncovers potential new diagnosis and therapy for breast cancer
- Prototype Breast Cancer Imaging System May Improve Patient Care
- Psychological interventions associated with breast cancer survival
- Psychosocial Stress a Factor in Breast Cancer
- PTSD Commonly Follows Breast Cancer Diagnosis
- Puma drug better than Herceptin in HER2 breast cancers: trial
- Quality of life for younger breast cancer patients more adversely affected than older women
- Quality of Life May Impact Coping Strategies of Young Women with Breast Cancer
- Quality of life measures in breast cancer clinical trials
- Quantifying heterogeneity in breast cancer
- Quest to offer genetic test for breast cancer risk
- Quicker radiation therapy doubles mastectomy risk
- Racial and ethnic differences in the biology of breast cancer tumors
- Racial Differences in Breast Cancer Treatment Persist, Despite Similar Economics
- Racial differences in severity of breast cancer presentation confirmed
- Racial discrimination tied to breast cancer risk
- Racial Disparities Exist in Radiation Therapy Rates for Early Stage Breast Cancer
- Racial Disparities Exist in Radiation Therapy Rates For Early Stage Breast Cancer
- Racial disparities seen in male breast cancer survival
- Racial disparity in breast cancer explained
- Radiation after lumpectomy helps prevent need for mastectomy in early stage breast cancer
- Radiation After Mastectomy Improves Breast Cancer Survival
- Radiation After Mastectomy Underused
- Radiation Beneficial for Older Breast Cancer Patients
- Radiation fears should not deter women from mammography screening
- Radiation improves odds for some women after mastectomy
- Radiation rates for breast cancer may be underestimated, U-M study finds
- Radiation treatment transforms breast cancer cells into cancer stem cells
- Radiation ups risk of breast cancer in young women
- Radiotherapy aids breast cancer survival: study
- Radiotherapy boost helps early breast cancer
- Radiotherapy delay ups risk of breast cancer return
- Radiotherapy in Girls and the Risk of Breast Cancer Later in Life
- Radiotherapy is less often used by breast cancer patients with young children
- Rare type of breast cancer on the rise in the U.S.
- Rate of Breast Cancer in Italy Significantly Higher than Previously Reported
- Ready for relapse: Molecule helps breast cancer cells to survive in the bone marrow
- Receiving chemotherapy after a breast cancer diagnosis may affect a patient's employment
- Reconstruction surgery rarely discussed with breast cancer patients
- Recurrence of breast cancer after more than 10 years is an important indicator of survival
- Red Or White Wine? Both Are Equal in Terms of Breast-Cancer Risk
- Red wine ingredient resveratrol stops breast cancer growth
- Reflexology helps women with breast cancer cope
- Regular use of COX-2 inhibitors reduces breast cancer risk
- Relapse Still a Real Possibility for Breast Cancer Patients
- Removing 2mm around breast cancer tumors prevents residual disease in 98 percent of patients
- Repeat MRI screening for breast cancer results in fewer false positives
- Report outlines innovative breast cancer rehabilitation model
- Research advances breast reconstruction
- Research aims to starve breast cancer cells
- Research connects specific variations in RNA splicing with breast cancer causation
- Research efforts need to focus more on breast cancer prevention, government experts say
- Research finds shorter-course radiation treatment safe for breast cancer
- Research on Tamoxifen Leads to Recommendation for CYP2D6 Gene Test
- Research Shows Biopsy of Recurrent Breast Cancer Can Alter Treatment
- Research Suggests Breast Cancer Fatigue Begins Before Chemo
- Researcher Details Role of Apples in Inhibiting Breast Cancer
- Researcher Details Role of Apples in Inhibiting Breast Cancer
- Researcher to Study Role of Race in Breast Cancer
- Researchers develop a new cell and animal model of inflammatory breast cancer
- Researchers Develop New and Efficient Breast Biopsy Technique
- Researchers develop novel 3-D culture system for inflammatory breast cancer
- Researchers develop standard of care for breast cancer survivors with lymphedema
- Researchers discover a DNA marker may indicate differences in breast cancer
- Researchers discover biological diversity in triple-negative breast cancer
- Researchers discover new way to 'rescue' treatment sensitivity of breast cancer cells
- Researchers discover possible approach to the treatment of aggressive breast cancer
- Researchers discover promising prognostic marker for aggressive breast cancer
- Researchers find driver of breast cancer stem cell metastasis
- Researchers Find Genetic Key to Breast Cancer’s Ability to Survive and Spread
- Researchers Find Indirect Path to Attack Breast Cancer Stem Cells
- Researchers find new approach to treat drug-resistant HER2-positive breast cancer
- Researchers find new gene linked to breast cancer
- Researchers Find Possible Cause of “Chemo Brain” in Breast Cancer Patients
- Researchers Finding New Ways to Prevent, Diagnose and Treat Breast Cancer
- Researchers Home In On Possible New Breast Cancer Gene
- Researchers identified a protein useful in predicting the risk of pulmonary metastases in breast cancer patients
- Researchers identify a new breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene
- Researchers identify critical metabolic alterations in triple-negative breast cancer cells
- Researchers Identify Gene Involved in Breast Cancer
- Researchers Identify Gene That Regulates Breast Cancer Metastasis
- Researchers Identify Key Gene That May Be a Marker of Breast Cancer Metastasis
- Researchers identify need to sample multiple tumor zones in breast cancer
- Researchers Identify New Cell Targets for Preventing Growth of Breast and Other Tumors
- Researchers identify new protein that triggers breast cancer
- Researchers Identify Possible Imaging Method to Stratify Breast Cancer Without Biopsy
- Researchers identify possible receptor for key breast cancer regulator
- Researchers Identify Risk Factors for Contralateral Breast Cancer
- Researchers Learn How Signaling Molecule Orchestrates Breast Cancer's Spread
- Researchers Link Pathway to Breast Cancer Stem Cells
- Researchers Look for Obesity and Breast Cancer Link
- Researchers suggest new paradigm for breast cancer screening
- Researchers Will Test Potentially Cheaper, Less Invasive Breast Cancer Screening
- Resetting Biological Clock May Help Prevent Breast Cancer
- Residual fetal cells in women may provide protection against breast cancer
- Resistance to anti-estrogen therapy in breast cancer due to natural cell response
- Results of long term follow-up show breast conserving treatment with radiotherapy reduces risk of local recurrence
- Revolutionary Therapy Slows Tumor Growth in Advanced Breast Cancer
- RI Hospital first in country to enroll patient in new study for recurrent chest wall breast cancer
- RI Hospital study finds differences in mammography recall rate between 2 centers
- Rising breast cancer rates linked to bad lifestyle
- Risk of breast and ovarian cancer may differ by type of BRCA1, BRCA2 mutation
- Risk of breast cancer in transgender persons - a study of veterans
- Risk of breast cancer mutations underestimated for Asian women, Stanford study shows
- Risk of breast cancer recurrence may depend on treating surgeon
- Risk of death after cancer diagnosis; shift in stage of breast cancer diagnosis
- Risk of Death From Breast Cancer Higher Among Older Patients
- Roadmap published for dynamic mapping of estrogen signaling in breast cancer
- Roche breast cancer drug extends overall survival
- Roche breast cancer pill fails to help older women
- Roche drugs, chemo destroy 46 percent of breast tumors
- Roche says studies show its drugs help breast cancer
- Roche to file T-DM1 breast cancer drug on good data
- Roche wins EU nod for breast cancer drug Perjeta
- Rotating breast cancer tests helps high-risk women
- Rural Women Less Likely to Get Radiation Therapy after Lumpectomy for Breast Cancer
- Saliva Test May help Detect Breast Cancer
- Saturated fatty acids linked to breast cancer in postmenopausal women
- School-age drinking increases breast cancer risk
- Scientists Break Genetic Code for Estrogen-Positive Breast Cancer
- Scientists Develop New Therapy for HER2-Positive Breast Cancer
- Scientists developing breast cancer treatment test news
- Scientists discover a new role for estrogen in the pathology of breast cancer
- Scientists Discover Cancer-causing Role of Gene Proteins
- Scientists Discover Cell Pathway that Drives a Deadly Sub-Type of Breast Cancer
- Scientists Discover New Therapeutic Target for Some Breast Cancers
- Scientists discover powerful biomarker panel for the early detection of breast cancer
- Scientists find new drug target in breast cancer
- Scientists find new gene links to breast cancer
- Scientists identify 'gatekeepers' of breast cancer transition to invasive disease
- Scientists identify avoidable breast cancer risk factors
- Scientists Identify Gene in Breast Cancer Pathway
- Scientists identify overactive genes in aggressive breast cancers
- Scientists Link Elevated Insulin to Increased Breast Cancer Risk
- Scientists pinpoint new breast cancer genes
- Scientists reveal potential link between brain development and breast cancer gene
- Scientists Test New Drug Combo Against Breast Cancer
- Scientists uncover multiple faces of deadly breast cancer
- Scientists uncover new key to the puzzle of hormone therapy and breast cancer
- Scientists unravel breast cancer risk gene mystery
- Scientists use microchip approach to visualize human breast cancer proteins
- Scott & White Healthcare pathologist is co-investigator on breast cancer study
- Screening does not shift breast cancer to earlier stages
- Screening has little impact on breast cancer deaths: study
- Screening mammograms catch second breast cancers early
- Screening Mammography in Elderly Patients Beneficial
- Screening May Eventually Reduce Additional Breast Surgery
- Scripps Florida Scientists Uncover Inflammatory Circuit That Triggers Breast Cancer
- Second breast cancer may be greater than thought for high-risk women without BRCA mutations
- Second-most common breast cancer subtype may benefit from personalized treatment approach
- Selective Marker Found to Indicate Aggressive Form of Breast Cancer
- Seven quality guidelines for breast, colorectal cancer care
- Severe hunger increases breast cancer risk in war survivors
- Sexual intimacy and breast cancer survivors: New research
- Shortening radiotherapy feasible for breast cancer
- Shorter radiotherapy works for early breast cancer
- Should breast cancer patients skip the pre-op MRI?
- Should You Have a Mastectomy to Prevent Breast Cancer?
- Should you skip alcohol if mom had breast cancer?
- Significant Advance in Treatment of Breast Cancer Reported
- Signs that bone drug may block breast tumors
- Silencing a deadly conversation in breast cancer
- Silencing the speech gene FOXP2 causes breast cancer cells to metastasize
- Simple fingertip test may identify breast cancer patients at risk for carpal tunnel syndrome
- Singapore scientists uncover genetic landscape of distinct breast tumors
- Singling out the real breast cancer among the lumps
- siRNA-toting nanoparticles inhibit breast cancer metastasis
- Sisters of women with breast cancer joining study
- Size of Family Could Affect Predicting Breast Cancer Risk
- Skin contact breast tumor detection
- Sleep duration and quality may impact cancer survival rate
- Slight changes in 2 key genes appear to launch breast cancer development
- Smaller Breast Reduction Surgeries Provide Health Benefits and Should Be Reimbursed
- Smoking Did Not Influence Breast Cancer Risk Among Obese Women
- Smoking increased risk of death in women with breast cancer
- Smoking Increases Breast Cancer Risk Based on Genes
- Smoking increases risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women
- Smoking not linked to more advanced breast cancer
- Smoking not tied to risk of early breast tumor
- Smoking raises breast cancer risk
- Smoking tied to increased risk of common type of breast cancer
- SNM Releases New Fact Sheet on Breast Cancer and Molecular Imaging
- Social isolation ups risk of breast cancer death
- Social isolation worsens cancer
- Some deadly breast cancers share genetic features with ovarian tumors
- Some drinking tied to longer life post-breast cancer
- Some Older Breast Cancer Patients Could Skip Radiation
- Some older cancer patients can avoid radiotherapy, study finds
- Some patients with incurable tumors and BRCA mutations respond to new 2-drug combination
- Some soy supplements OK for long-term use
- Some women worry too much about breast cancer returning, U-M study finds
- Soy Food Linked to Decreased Risk of Breast Cancer Recurrence and Death
- Soy in childhood may reduce breast cancer risk
- Soy isoflavones may modify risk of breast cancer
- Soy isoflavones not a risk for breast cancer survivors
- Soy may prevent breast cancer, study hints
- Soy reduces breast cancer risk by receptor status
- Spanish scientists confirm extra virgin olive oil helps to combat breast cancer
- Spin and bias in published studies of breast cancer trials
- Spirituality Plays Important Role in Breast Cancer Information Processing for African-American Women
- Stanford scientists find new marker to identify severe breast cancer cases
- Statin Therapy Ineffective in Breast Cancer Prevention
- Statins don't protect against cancer: study
- Statins not linked with breast cancer: study
- Stereoscopic mammography could reduce recall rate
- Stopping hormones might help breast cancer to regress
- Strenuous exercise lowers lifetime breast cancer risk
- Stress about wife's breast cancer can harm a man's health
- Stress hormones could undermine breast cancer therapy
- Stress Linked To How Aggressive A Breast Cancer Might Be
- Strong exercise may cut breast cancer risk
- Studies Gauge Techniques for Measuring Breast Density -- A Predictor of Cancer
- Studies Point To Strategies for Reducing Painful Breast Cancer Drug Side Effects
- Studies show increasing evidence that androgen drives breast cancer
- Study aims to find which breast cancer patients need chemotherapy
- Study Assesses Neuropathic Pain Risk for Breast Cancer Patients
- Study confirms breast cancer worse in US blacks
- Study confirms everolimus can overcome trastuzumab resistance in HER-2 positive early breast cancer
- Study confirms link between breast implants and rare form of cancer
- Study determines costs of breast and cervical cancer detection among low-income women
- Study Divides Breast Cancer Into Four Distinct Types
- Study Examines Association Between Caffeine and Breast Cancer Risk
- Study examines association of inappropriate prostate, breast cancer imaging
- Study Examines Health Disparities in Breast Cancer
- Study Examines Mastectomy And Breast-conserving Surgery Rates
- Study Examines Power of Exercise to Prevent Breast Cancer
- Study examines risk factors for cancer in unaffected breast of breast cancer patients
- Study finds advances in breast cancer treatments
- Study Finds Diet and Alcohol Alter Epigenetics of Breast Cancer and Could Predict Severity of Diseas
- Study finds it's safe to treat HER2-positive breast cancer with trastuzumab and adjuvant radiation
- Study Finds Lapatinib Shows Promise as Therapy for Inflammatory Breast Cancer
- Study finds least aggressive form of breast cancer still poses risk for death years later
- Study finds mammography beneficial for younger women
- Study finds mammography screening reduces breast cancer mortality
- Study finds misperceptions about impact of double mastectomy
- Study finds moderate weight loss reduces levels of sex hormones linked to breast cancer risk
- Study finds protein critical to breast cancer cell proliferation, migration
- Study finds race affects African American survival of breast cancer
- Study finds side effects, complications, mastectomy more likely after partial breast irradiation
- Study finds similarities between ovary, breast cancers
- Study Finds Two Genes Predict Outcome for Breast Cancer Patients
- Study finds vegetable-derived compound effective in treating triple-negative breast cancer
- Study helps eliminate causes for joint pain linked to commonly used breast cancer drugs
- Study identifies 1 of the mechanisms behind breast cancer metastasis
- Study identifies potential 'safe period' for hormone replacement use
- Study identifies women with breast cancer most likely to benefit from aromatase inhibitor
- Study Improves Breast Cancer Risk Prediction in Women with Atypia
- Study investigates how age relates to survival outcome in patients with early stage breast cancer
- Study leaves women with conflicting advice on mammograms
- Study Links African Ancestry to High-Risk Breast Cancer
- Study links breast cancer risk to epigenetic changes related to race, smoking and birth size
- Study links chemical exposure to breast cancer
- Study links milk-producing protein to aggressive breast cancer
- Study links moderate activity to lower breast cancer risk
- Study links new genetic anomalies to breast cancer in African-American families
- Study Links Nicotine with Breast Cancer Growth and Spread
- Study may help reassure women taking tamoxifen for breast cancer
- Study opens new prospects for developing new targeted therapies for breast cancer
- Study Questions "Cancer Stem Cell" Hypothesis in Breast Cancer
- Study Questions True Favorability of Rare Breast Cancer Type
- Study reveals genetic link between mammographic density and breast cancer
- Study reveals magnitude of variation in gene expression measurements within breast cancers
- Study sheds light on breast cancer drug failure
- Study shines new light on genetic alterations of aggressive breast cancer subtype
- Study shows benefit of finding second tumor early
- Study Shows Best Methods for Assessing Women’s Breast Cancer Risk
- Study shows breastfeeding reduced risk for ER/PR-negative breast cancer
- Study shows broccoli may offer protection against liver cancer
- Study Shows Chemotherapy Improves Survival Among Older Breast Cancer Patients
- Study shows fertility drugs do not increase breast cancer risk
- Study Shows Gene Variations May Predict Risk of Breast Cancer in Women
- Study shows long-term benefits of breast screening
- Study Suggests Mastectomy Not Being Overused For Breast Cancer Treatment
- Study suggests newer breast cancer drug may protect heart
- Study uncovers simple way of predicting severe pain following breast cancer surgery
- Study unpicks gene changes behind breast cancer
- Study: eating more veggies may help fight breast cancer
- Study: Hormone therapy increases breast cancer risk, mortality
- Sun Yong Lee, M.D., Appointed Assistant Director at Jefferson Breast Care Center
- Surgeons impact whether a woman gets breast reconstruction, U-M study finds
- Surgical breast biopsy not overused, study suggests
- Survival in metastatic breast cancer patients is improving: targeted therapies have contributed
- Surviving breast cancer 'is not enough,' warns Breast Cancer Campaign
- Suspicion Lingers Over Bisphenol A and Breast Cancer
- Suspicion Lingers Over Bisphenol A and Breast Cancer
- Systematic estimation of breast cancer risk appears justified in postmenopausal women
- T cells that recognize HER2 teceptor may prevent HER2+ breast cancer recurrence
- Tackling Issues Young Women Face after a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
- Taking tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer can save lives and money
- Tamoxifen Chemoprevention Tied to Early Detection of Breast Cancer
- Tamoxifen cuts second cancer risk in BRCA carriers
- Tamoxifen discontinuation rates surprisingly high in clinical practice
- Tamoxifen resistance -- and how to defeat it
- Tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer reversed when drug paired with anti-malaria agent
- Targeted breast ultrasound can reduce biopsies for women under 40
- Targeted Chemotherapy? Platinum in BRCA1 -Dysfunctional Breast Cancer
- Targeted Immunotherapy: Metastatic Breast, Pancreatic Cancers
- Targeted magnetic nanoparticles may be useful in detecting and treating metastatic breast cancers
- Targeting MMPs to halt advanced metastatic breast cancer
- Tau Protein Expression Predicts Breast Cancer Survival- Though Not as Expected
- Taxol-type Drugs Give Slight Boost to Survival Rates in Early Breast Cancer
- Teaching Breast Health Early to Reduce Breast Cancer Mortality in D.C.
- Team identifies new breast cancer tumor suppressor and how it works
- Team validates potentially powerful new way to treat HER2-positive breast cancer
- Teen drinking tied to breast disease
- Test can reduce recurrence of breast cancer
- Testing for Breast Cancer Gene: No Simple Answers
- Testing misses some breast cancer mutations
- Testing time for Roche's breast cancer business
- Tests for genes don't predict breast cancer better
- Text message reminders boost breast cancer screening attendance
- TGen-US Oncology data guides treatment of metastatic triple-negative breast cancer patients
- The '2-week wait rule' is failing breast cancer patients
- The complex association between moderate alcohol consumption and breast cancer
- The epigenetics of breast cancer family history
- The factor that could influence future breast cancer treatment
- The Link Between Breast Cancer and Osteoporosis
- The most aggressive forms of breast cancer elude the cellular control mechanisms in order to expand
- The nanomechanical signature of breast cancer
- The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program Recommendations
- The protein TXNL2 provides human breast cancer cells with protection
- The significance of the site of recurrence to subsequent breast cancer survival
- The switch that might tame the most aggressive of breast cancers
- The Way You Eat May Affect Your Risk for Breast Cancer
- Therapy may block expansion of breast cancer cells
- Therapy-resistant breast cancer mechanism revealed
- Thinking pink for breast cancer awareness
- Thousands race to end breast cancer
- Time interval from diagnosis to treatment of breast cancer at an NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Time spent watching television is not associated with death among breast cancer survivors
- Time to raise how many mammograms radiologists must read?
- Timing of weight gain affects breast cancer risk
- Tissue around tumor holds key to fighting triple negative breast cancer
- Tissue testing during breast cancer lumpectomies
- To fight incurable metastatic breast cancer, resistance must be broken
- Tomosynthesis increases breast cancer detection rate
- Top 10 foods that prevent breast cancer
- Tracking and feedback registry may reduce racial disparities in breast cancer care
- Transparent Zebrafish Help Researchers Track Breast Cancer
- Trastuzumab continues to show life for HER2-positve early stage breast cancer
- Treating bone loss in breast cancer survivors
- Treatment delays result in poor outcomes for men with breast cancer
- Treatment May Need to Be Modified for Elderly Brain Cancer Patients
- Treatment of breast cancer could change with discovery
- Treatment of breast cancer in pregnancy
- Trio of drugs may combat 'triple negative' breast cancer
- Triple Negative Breast Cancer Targeted in Clinical Trial
- Tumor cells that mimic blood vessels could help breast cancer spread to other sites
- Tumor-free breast tissue can have precancerous changes
- Twenty-five percent of breast cancer survivors report financial decline due to treatment
- Two new possible drug targets for triple negative breast cancer
- Two recent Notre Dame papers shed light on how breast cancer cells avoid death
- Type 2 Diabetes Linked To Breast Cancer Risk
- U-M researchers find genetic rearrangements driving 5 to 7 percent of breast cancers
- U.S. black women have lower breast cancer survival
- UB played major role in study on drug that reduces breast cancer in high-risk women
- UBC discovery may lead to 'smart' therapies for breast, ovarian cancer
- UC Davis researchers use heated nanoprobes to destroy breast cancer cells in mice
- UCLA study finds scientific basis for cognitive complaints of breast cancer patients
- UCSF team discovers new way to predict breast cancer survival and enhance effectiveness of treatment
- UGR scientists patent an effective drug for treating breast, colon, and skin cancers
- UK agency nearer backing new breast cancer drugs
- UK breast cancer patient appeals Herceptin decision
- UK breast screening information has serious shortcomings
- UK study finds breast screen programs save lives
- UK wants results of breast implant review this week
- UK, Iceland lead fall in Europe breast cancer deaths
- Ultrasound helps catch cancer in higher-risk women
- Ultrasound lags behind MRI for supplemental breast cancer screening
- Ultrasound Plus Mammography May Improve Breast Cancer Detection
- Ultrasound-guided surgery is best way to remove breast tumours
- UNC Lineberger scientists lead cancer genome analysis of breast cancer
- UNC scientists find potential cause for deadly breast cancer relapse
- Understanding And Treating Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
- Understanding individual genetic variation can help predict chemotherapy side effects
- Understanding Risks is Best Defense Against Breast Cancer
- Understanding the racial gap in breast ca survival
- Understanding the role of androgen receptor signaling in breast cancer
- Unemployment common after breast cancer treatment
- Unique needs and outcomes of pregnant women with breast cancer identified
- University of Arkansas to Host National Breast Cancer Workshop
- University of Minnesota researchers discover enzyme behind breast cancer mutations
- Unsuspected protein determines resistance to breast cancer treatment
- Untangling the development of breast cancer
- Urgent steps needed to tackle inadequate support for women with secondary breast cancer
- Urine test may tell of breast cancer's spread
- US breast cancer cases could rise 50 percent by 2030
- US citizenship increases women's odds of receiving mammograms, cancer tests
- US panel mulls minimum breast cancer hospital stay
- US, Mexico plan to lower breast cancer deaths
- Use of costly breast cancer therapy strongly influenced by reimbursement policy
- Using PET/CT in the Detection of Breast Cancer Metastases
- UT MD Anderson study finds advances in breast cancer don't extend to older women
- UT Southwestern launches clinical trial for treatment of breast cancer using CyberKnife
- UTSW study links deficiency of cellular housekeeping gene with aggressive forms of breast cancer
- V. Suzanne Klimberg, M.D. Authors Book on Breast Surgical Techniques
- VA increases breast screenings after initiative
- Vaccine against HER2-positive breast cancer offers complete protection in lab
- Validation of a tool for identifying women at high risk for hereditary breast cancer
- Vegetables tied to lower breast cancer risk
- Vigorous activity protects against breast cancer
- Vigorous exercise protects against breast cancer
- Virus kills breast cancer cells in laboratory
- Virus spread by sex is linked to breast cancer
- Vitamin A derivative provides clues to better breast cancer drugs
- Vitamin and Calcium Supplements May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
- Vitamin D and breast cancer risk
- Vitamin D Holds Promise in Battling a Deadly Breast Cancer, SLU Researchers Say
- Vitamin D increases breast cancer patient survival
- Vitamin D May Help Curb Breast Cancer Progression
- Vitamin D Tied to Breast Cancer Outcome
- Waiting for biopsy results may adversely affect health
- Walking Can Decrease Breast Cancer Recurrence 40 Percent
- Walking can reduce breast cancer risk
- Walnuts May Prevent Breast Cancer
- Walnuts may protect against breast cancer
- Watercress may 'turn off' breast cancer signal
- Web Tool Aims to Improve the Workplace for Breast Cancer Survivors
- Weekly challenge: think orange and red vegetables to reduce breast cancer risk
- Weekly dose of osteoporosis drug prevents bone loss after breast cancer treatment
- Weekly Taxol best for followup breast cancer care
- Weight change may also change breast cancer risk
- Weight Gain/Risk of Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Women
- Weight loss can reduce breast cancer risk
- Weight Training Boosts Breast Cancer Survivors' Body Image and Satisfaction
- Well-educated women hardest hit by breast cancer
- WellPoint adopting parts of breast cancer act
- WellPoint routinely targets breast cancer patients
- Western diet linked to increased risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal Asian women
- Western diet ups S. Korea breast cancer rate
- Wet ear wax and unpleasant body odors signal breast cancer risk
- What Breast Cancer Patients Don't Know About Mastectomy Options Can Cause Lifelong Disfigurement
- What Should a Teenage Girl Do if She Finds a Lump in her Breast?
- What should be the goal of treatment in metastatic breast cancer?
- What type of diet may help prevent breast cancer?
- When cancer runs in the family
- When to Get Follow-Up Mammo?
- Whites take supplemental breast cancer therapy more often than blacks
- Why are African American women more likely than whites to die from breast cancer?
- Why are African Americans less Likely to Survive Certain Cancers?
- Why Breast Cancer Patients Feel Pretty
- Why cholesterol-lowering statins might treat cancer
- Why Do Some Women Develop Breast Cancer Earlier Than Others?
- Why women quit breast cancer drugs early
- Wife's breast cancer hard on some spouses: study
- Wine May Provide Radioprotective Effect for Breast Cancer Patients
- Woman Beats Breast Cancer With Treatment In China
- Women advised to avoid ZEN bust-enhancing supplements because of possible cancer risk
- Women at risk of breast cancer decline tamoxifen
- Women back idea of more breast screens for those at high risk of cancer
- Women need evidence-based balanced information on HRT
- Women new to HT had no increased risk of breast cancer
- Women not following through with recommended breast screening MRI
- Women often opt to surgically remove their breasts, ovaries to reduce cancer risk
- Women Take Charge of Breast Cancer in Different Ways: Sociologist Studies Responder Types and Effica
- Women Testing Negative for Familial Breast Cancer Gene Still at Increased Risk
- Women told they have breast 'cancer' more likely to want surgery
- Women Treated for Breast Cancer While Pregnant Have Improved Survival
- Women urge support for breast cancer bill
- Women want to SEE breast reconstruction results before cancer surgery
- Women well informed about breast cancer, yet lacking knowledge about current treatments
- Women who eat lots of fiber have less breast cancer
- Women with Both Triple Negative Breast Cancer and BRCA Mutations Have Lower Risk of Recurrence
- Women with BRCA Mutation, Or High Degree of Worry, Most Likely to Undergo Prophylactic Mastectomy
- Women with breast cancer have low vitamin D levels
- Women with breast cancer may overestimate secondary risks
- Women with Breast Cancer Satisfied with Preventive Mastectomies
- Women With Breast Cancer Who Consume Soy Food Have Lower Risk of Cancer Recurrence
- Women with Certain Type of Ovarian Cancer and BRCA Gene Mutation Have Improved Survival at 5 Years
- Women with diabetes more likely to be diagnosed with advanced stage breast cancer
- Women with personal history of breast cancer should be screened with MRI
- Women with severe, chronic health issues are screened for breast cancer less often
- Women working night shifts at breast cancer risk
- Work in clothing, textiles linked to breast cancer
- X-rays increase breast cancer risk
- Y-90 provides new, safe treatment for metastatic breast cancer
- Yale Cancer Center studies find lifestyle changes improve biomarkers for breast cancer recurrence and mortality
- Yale researchers identify targets for immunotherapy in early-stage breast cancer
- Yearly mammograms from age 40 save 71% more lives, study shows
- Yes, but breast cancer screening saved me
- Yoga gives immune boost to breast cancer survivors
- Yoga improves quality of life in women with breast cancer undergoing radiation therapy
- Yoga provides emotional benefits to women with breast cancer
- Yoga shown to help women with breast cancer
- Yoga study shows some benefits for cancer patients
- Young Breast Cancer Patients Face Unique Risks and Issues
- Young breast cancer patients with poorer financial status may experience delays in seeking care
- Young women's breast cancers have more aggressive genes, worse prognosis
- Younger Breast Cancer Patients Have Greater Chance of Recurrence
- Younger breast cancer patients have more adverse quality-of-life issues
Breast Cancer
Adjuvant Therapy of Breast Cancer
Benign Breast Diseases
Biology of High Risk Benign Breast Lesions
Breast Anatomy and Development
Breast Cancer Causes
Inherited Genetic Factors
Breast Cancer in the elderly
Breast Cancer Risk Factors, Screening and Prevention
Breast Imaging
Gynecologic Problems in Patients with Breast Cancer
Radiation therapy for Breast Cancer
Menopausal Health After Breast Cancer
Hereditary Breast Cancer
Sexuality and Breast Cancer Survivorship
Surgical Treatment of Breast Cancer
Technologies for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer
Cervical Cancer news
- "Screen and treat" cervical cancer programs effective in poorly resourced areas
- $11.5 Million Cervical Cancer Grant Awarded to UAB Cancer Center, Partners
- 1 dose of HPV vaccine may be enough to prevent cervical cancer
- 1-visit screening, prevention for cervical cancer holds promise
- 15 Common Myths About Cervical Cancer
- A Cervical Cancer Screening Month Resolution
- ACP releases advice for the proper time, test, and interval for cervical cancer screening
- Adding test for cervical cancer raises costs: study
- Aggressive vaccine effort could cut cervical cancer
- Annual cervical cancer screening persists, despite recommended guidelines
- Aspirin Merits Testing for Prevention of Cervical Cancer in HIV-Infected Women
- Brachytherapy to treat cervical cancer declines in US, treatment associated with higher survival
- CDC recommends human papillomavirus virus vaccination
- Cervical cancer chemo easier on black women: study
- Cervical cancer drops, but disparities persist
- Cervical Cancer Rates Higher Among Minority Women
- Cervical cancer risk higher in women on the pill
- Cervical cancer screening rates low in poor areas
- Cervical cancer screening: Too many are left unprotected
- Cervical cancer survivors prone to other cancers
- Cervical cancer vaccine can protect men from HPV
- Cervical cancer vaccine gives long protection
- Cervical cancer vaccine tipped for nine year olds
- Cervical cancer vaccines in development
- Cervical cancer vaccines may cut need for screening
- Cervical disease sufferers could benefit from HPV vaccine
- Clearing cells to prevent cervical cancer
- Coils almost halve risk of cervical cancer: study
- Common virus kills cancer
- Couples more likely to divorce if spouse develops cervical or testicular cancer
- Current guidelines underestimate US cervical cancer incidence and older women's risk
- Diet tips for preventing cervical cancer
- Doctors say HPV vaccine should be given to everyone
- Eight virus types cause almost all cervical cancer
- Eliminating Invasive Cervical Cancer Possible, Moffitt Cancer Center Researchers Report
- EU advises all girls need cervical cancer vaccines
- FDA approval of Gardasil to prevent cervical cancer
- Fewer than 3 doses of cervical cancer vaccine effective
- Gardasil prevents cervical cancer caused by virus
- Gates backs cervical cancer vaccines for poor
- Gates cash backs cervical cancer shots for poor
- Genetic Differences Help Protect Against Cervical Cancer
- Girls should get cervical cancer vaccine, panel says
- Glaxo HPV vaccine shows promise for women 26-55
- Good results with cervical cancer vaccine in young girls
- Health Groups Issue Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines
- Health groups issue proposed cervical cancer screening guidelines
- Health panel cautious on HPV screening vs Pap
- High cervical cancer rates sign of larger problems
- High HPV Concentrations, Smoking Significantly Raise Risks of Cancer
- Higher rates of cervical cancer amongst immigrants
- Higher Risk for Cervical Cancer Seen Among Women Infected with Multiple HPV Types
- HIV drug stops cervical cancer in laboratory test
- How Medical Center Research Led to New Cervical Cancer Vaccine
- How to Improve HPV Vaccination Rates? It Starts with Physicians, Moffitt Researchers Say
- HPV Clearance Tied to Cervical Cancer Disparity
- HPV screen-and treat-intervention effective in cervical cancer prevention
- HPV shot too costly for the Netherlands: study
- HPV testing: Indications of a benefit in primary screening
- HPV tests better for cervical screening - experts
- HPV vaccination rates alarmingly low among young adult women in South
- HPV Vaccine Reduces Abnormal Pap Test Results
- HPV vaccine should not be delayed
- Hysterectomy for cervical cancer feasible in obese women
- International team completes systematic, genomic study of cervical cancer
- IUDs almost halve risk of cervical cancer: study
- Knowledge about HPV vaccine effectiveness lacking
- Leadership void, not lack of money, slows efforts to address cervical cancer
- Merck cervical cancer shot gives 5-year protection
- Merck says US CDC endorses cervical cancer vaccine
- Merck's cervical cancer vaccine on sale in Europe
- More parents say they won't vaccinate daughters against HPV, researchers find
- Move to replace Pap smear with HPV test meets with skepticism
- New cervical cancer test increases the detection rate of abnormal cells
- New cervical cancer vaccine offers women 100% protection
- New MRI technique may identify cervical cancer early
- Newer cervical cancer test no better than the old?
- Newly Created Cancer Stem Cells Could Aid Breast Cancer Research
- Obese women in Canada are less likely to be screened for cervical cancer
- Only about half of teenage girls receive HPV vaccine at the CDC's recommended age
- Optimal Treatment and Minimal Complications in Cervical Cancer Patients
- Parental Perceptions are Preventing HPV Vaccination Success
- Personalized therapy helped women with advanced cervical cancer
- Phenoxodiol Produces Anti-cancer Responses in Women with Cervical Cancer
- Phone counseling helpful after cervical cancer
- Phone counseling improves quality of life, immune systems of cervical cancer survivors
- Physicians slow to implement HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening guidelines
- Post-treatment PET Scans Can Reassure Cervical Cancer Patients
- Pretesting cervical tumors could inform treatment
- Promising cervical cancer study
- Protein found to be the link missing between HPV infection and cervical cancer development
- Research Shows Connection Between Tubal Ligation, Cervical Cancer
- Research uncovers DNA looping damage tied to HPV cancer
- Researcher Finds Link Between Chlamydia and Cervical Cancer
- Risk of cervical and other cancers after treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
- Scandinavia study finds HPV vaccine safe
- Scientists identify how virus triggers cervical and mouth cancer
- Screening for cervical cancer low for immigrant women
- Self-collection of samples for HPV testing shows promise in detection of cervical cancer in Kenya
- Singapore questions cervical cancer vaccine for teens
- Smoking increases risk cervical cancer
- Smoking raises virus-related cervical cancer risk
- Some types of papilloma virus might prevent cervical cancer
- Staging of cervical cancer complicating pregnancy
- Stress May Increase a Woman’s Risk of Developing Cervical Cancer
- Study determines costs of breast and cervical cancer detection among low-income women
- Study finds genomic differences in types of cervical cancer
- Study indicates vaccine prevents cervical cancer
- Study shows Hera Therapeutics compound combats HPV types that cause most cervical cancer
- Targeted drug may prolong survival of patients with cervical cancer
- Teen Vaccinations against Cervical Cancer Lagging
- The Pill doesn't affect cervical pre-cancer risk
- UK mothers back cervical cancer vaccine for kids
- Urinary tract cancer associated with Chinese herbal products containing aristolochic acid
- US cervical cancer rates higher than previously reported, especially among older women
- US FDA approves Hycamtin for cervical cancer
- Vaccine group funds cervical cancer immunizations for poor
- Vaccine no replacement for Pap test
- Vaccines alliance nears deal on cervical cancer shots
- Virus causes rare form of cervical cancer too
- Weakened RNA Interference Reduces Survival in Ovarian Cancer
- What's Going On With Cervical Cancer Screening in US?
- Women diagnosed with precancerous CIN at risk for cervical cancer
- Women with AIDS face cervical cancer threat
- Young mother dies following year-long battle with cervical cancer because she was too young for a smear test
Bone Cancer news
Head and Neck Cancer News
- 'Timing is everything' in ensuring healthy brain development
- A Crystal Ball for Brain Cancer?
- A new radiation therapy treatment developed for head and neck cancer patients
- A new view of brain tumors
- A Window to Genetic Properties of Brain Tumors
- Acrylamide not tied to thyroid, head-neck cancers
- Acupuncture Reduces Pain and Dysfunction in Head and Neck Cancer Patients After Neck Dissection
- Alcohol and cancer: is drinking the new smoking?
- Antidepressant may help head/neck cancer patients
- Barrow researchers make breakthrough on immune system and brain tumors
- Blood Pressure Compound May Benefit Brain Tumor Patients
- Blue light used to harden tooth fillings stunts tumor growth
- BNCT, a new-generation radiation treatment, is effective in advanced head and neck cancer
- Boosting the immune system to treat brain cancer
- Brain Cancer Experts and Resources at Johns Hopkins
- Brain metastases hijack neuron-supporting cells to resist chemotherapy
- Brain trouble often persists after brain cancer
- Brain tumor causes and risk factors elude scientists
- Brain tumor discovery could lead to new treatment
- Brain tumors: Millimeter by millimeter towards a better prognosis
- Brain tumors: New therapy surprisingly successful
- Cancer by remote-control
- Cancer in the elderly: Research fails to keep up with demographic change
- Cancer Researcher Offer New Hope for Brain Tumor
- Cancer sequencing initiative discovers mutations tied to aggressive childhood brain tumors
- Cause and treatment for aggressive head and neck cancer may have been found
- Celldex brain cancer vaccine doubles survival
- Certain head and neck cancer patients benefit from second round of treatment
- Coffee may cut risk of head and neck cancers
- Combining CT, FDG-PET provides more accurate treatments for head and neck cancer patients
- Combining radiation therapy, chemotherapy safely treats head and neck cancer patients
- Convergence in head and neck cancer
- Cotton-Seed Based Drug Shows Promise in Treating Severe Brain Cancer
- Could smoking pot cut risk of head, neck cancer?
- Coupling head and neck cancer screening and lung cancer scans could improve survival
- Customized Virus Kills Brain Tumor Stem Cells that Drive Lethal Cancer
- Dana-Farber Hosting Live Twitter Chat on Head and Neck Cancers
- Dental X-rays May Raise Risk of Brain Cancer
- Determining the genetic composition of brain cancers informs treatment, predicts outcome
- Disparities among patients with extremity soft-tissue sarcomas
- Do cell phones increase brain cancer risk?
- Does Green Tea Prevent Cancer? Evidence Continues to Brew, But Questions Remain
- Early detection critical in treating pediatric thyroid cancer
- Early morning smokers have increased risk of lung and head and neck cancers
- Enhanced treatment of brain tumors
- Erlotinib dose-adjusted for smoking status effective as first treatment for head and neck cancer
- Evidence "increasingly against" phone cancer risk
- Experts warn of coming epidemic of head and neck tumors caused by sexually-transmitted HPV infections and obesity
- Factors behind head and neck cancer revealed
- Family History of Brain Tumors Linked to Increased Risk of Brain Cancer
- Feasible, safe to limit radiation to major salivary glands in head and neck cancer patients
- Finding keys to glioblastoma therapeutic resistance
- First animal model that mimics human head and neck cancer
- Fruit, veggies may lower head and neck cancer risk
- Gene expression to distinguish metastasizing from non-metastasizing head and neck cancers
- Gene mutation defines brain tumors that benefit from aggressive surgery
- Gene therapy increases survival for end-stage head and neck cancer
- Genetic abnormality offers diagnostic hope for children's cancer
- Genetic diversity within tumors predicts outcome in head and neck cancer
- Genetic markers hope for new brain tumor treatments
- Genetic Risk Factor Found for Head and Neck Cancer in Smokers
- Genetics of children's brain tumour unlocked
- Genome code cracked for most common form of pediatric brain cancer
- Head & neck cancer in transplant patients: For better or worse?
- Head and neck cancer worse in blacks
- Head and neck cancers in young adults are more likely to be a result of inherited factors
- High dosage brachytherapy obtains excellent results in head and neck tumors
- HIV-positive head and neck cancer patients benefit from radiation therapy
- HK surgeons upbeat on brain cancer removal method
- HPV’s Link to Head and Neck Cancer Investigated at Vanderbilt-Ingram
- HPV-Positive Tumor Status Indicates Better Survival in Patients with Oropharyngeal Cancer
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Tested for Aggressive Brain Cancer
- Immune deficiency linked to a type of eye cancer
- IMRT improves outcomes in patients with extranodal lymphoma of the head and neck
- Johns Hopkins researchers find promising therapeutic target for hard-to-treat brain tumor
- Killer cocktail fights brain cancer
- Longer telomeres linked to risk of brain cancer
- Mayo Clinic Researchers Identify Enzyme Involved in Deadly Brain Tumors
- Minimizing side effects from chemoradiation could help brain cancer patients live longer
- Most common adult brain cancer linked to gene deletion, Stanford doctors say
- Most patients can speak and swallow after combination treatment for head and neck cancer
- Munition exposure linked to brain cancer in US vets
- New approach to treating human brain cancer could lead to improved outcomes
- New classification system for brain tumours
- New Imaging Analysis Predicts Brain Tumor Survival
- New immuno-therapy for malignant brain tumors
- New Insight on Survival for Patients with Head and Neck Cancers
- New procedure to make brain surgery safer
- New Protocol Targets Aggressive Brain Cancer
- New robotic head and neck cancer surgery preserves speech, without scarring
- New Surgery Improves Head & Neck Cancer Treatment
- New technique holds promise for rare eye cancer
- New technique to help brain cancer patients
- New treatment combination proves safe, effective for head and neck cancer patients
- New way to identify patients at risk of dysphagia after head and neck cancer treatment
- News from Cancer: Disparities in head and neck cancer patients
- Non-invasive imaging can detect mutations within a brain tumor
- Novel Suicide Gene Therapy Used to Treat Malignant Brain Tumors
- Novel Vaccine Curbs Brain Tumor Growth, Increases Survival
- Oral rinses used for tracking HPV-positive head and neck cancers holds promise for cancer screening
- Overactive Marker May Shorten Survival of Brain Tumor Patients
- People With Allergies May Have Lower Risk of Brain Tumors
- Personalized gene therapies may increase survival in brain cancer patients
- Personalized vaccine for most lethal type of brain tumor shows promise
- PET predicts early response to treatment for head and neck cancer patients
- PET/CT Planning Beneficial for Head and Neck Cancer Patients
- Physical activity in adolescence associated with decreased risk of brain cancer in adulthood
- Potential for non-invasive brain tumor treatment
- Prenatal Vitamins May Reduce Risk of Brain Tumors in Children
- Protein associated with growth of tumors may prevent the spread of cancer
- Protein Aurora-A is found to be associated with survival in head and neck cancer
- Protein Expression Holds Promise for Head and Neck Cancer Detection
- Psychiatric symptoms can be first sign of cancer
- PTPRZ-MET fusion protein: A new target for personalized brain cancer treatment
- Quality of life after treatment for head and neck cancer associated with longer-term survival
- Radiation better than surgery at preserving speech for patients with head and neck cancer
- Radiotherapy Advance Builds Hope for Noninvasive Brain Cancer Treatment
- Rare Head and Neck Cancer Linked to HPV
- Recurrent Brain Cancer Responds to New Treatment
- Researchers develop new approach for studying deadly brain cancer
- Researchers Discover Non-Surgical Test for Brain Cancer
- Researchers Find Marker for Severity in Adult Brain Cancer
- Researchers ID behavioral risk factors for head and neck cancers
- Researchers Identify Best Treatments for Long-Term Survival in Brain Tumor Patients
- Researchers Identify Genetic Markers for Aggressive Head and Neck Cancer
- Researchers link dental x-rays to brain tumours
- Researchers Pinpoint Origin of Deadly Brain Tumor
- Robotic Surgery for Head and Neck Cancer Shows Promise
- Scientists Identify Chemical Compound That May Stop Deadly Brain Tumors
- Sensitizing tumor response to cancer therapy
- Sex virus blamed for rise in head and neck cancers
- Signaling System Found that Halts the Growth of a Childhood Brain Cancer
- Smoking increases risks for head and neck cancers for men and women
- Some brain tumors mimic the genetic program of germline cells
- Some brain tumors mimic the genetic program of germline cells
- Stopping tumours in their path
- Studies still looking for link between cell phones and brain tumors
- Study Compares Treatment Options for Patients with Brain Metastases
- Study finds 231 new genes associated with head and neck cancer
- Study finds more targeted form of radiation improves survival in patients with head and neck cancers
- Study finds no brain tumor link with mobile phones
- Study Finds Promising Chemoradiation Therapy
- Study identifies 5 risk factors for late-stage head and neck cancer
- Study points to possible treatment for lethal pediatric brain cancer
- Study Reveals Mechanisms Cancer Cells Use to Establish Metastatic Brain Tumors
- Study reveals one reason brain tumors are more common in men
- Target for Therapeutic Drugs to Fight Most Common Adult Brain Cancer
- Ten Minutes That Could Save Your Life
- Tobacco and alcohol use independently increase risk of head and neck cancer
- Tobacco use linked to worse outcomes in HPV-positive head and neck cancer, U-M study finds
- Tooth Loss Linked to Esophageal, Head and Neck, and Lung Cancer
- Two forms of radiosurgery for brain metastases are equally effective
- UCSD First to Treat Brain Cancer with Viral Vector
- UVA Brain Cancer Trials Lead to FDA Accelerated Approval of Medication
- Vaccine against deadly brain cancer shows promise
- Variations in Five Genes Raise Risk for Most Common Brain Tumors
- Venom protein may lead to brain cancer cure
- WHO study has no clear answer on phones and cancer
Endometrial Cancer News
Esophageal cancer
Esophageal cancer news
Eye cancer news
Gall Bladder Cancer news
Genital Tumors
Germ Cell Tumors of the Testis
Gynecologic Malignancies
Vaginal Cancers
Vulvar Cancer news
Vulvar Cancers
Head and Neck Cancer
Neoplasms of the Head and Neck
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract
Kindey Cancer News
Hematologic Malignancies
Liver Cancer news
Laryngeal Cancer news
Lung Cancer news
- 'Liquid biopsy' offers new way to track lung cancer
- A mammal lung, in 3D
- A new way to look at lung cancer and tobacco carcinogens
- Advances in lung cancer research announced at conference
- African-Americans' Attitudes About Lung Cancer May Hinder Prevention
- Age no bar to benefits of lung cancer chemo
- American Cancer Society recommends informed decision making in lung cancer screening
- An "HIV-test" Equivalent for the Early Detection of Lung Cancer
- Anti-estrogen medication reduces risk of dying from lung cancer
- Antibodies may point to early lung cancer
- Array shares rise on lung cancer, melanoma results
- Asbestos exposure, asbestosis, and smoking combined greatly increase lung cancer risk
- Asian lung cancer patient survival exceeds Caucasians' on multiple regimens
- Aspirin tied to smaller lung and colon cancer tumors
- BATTLE Links Potential Biomarkers to Drugs for Lung Cancer
- BATTLE Trial Personalizes Lung Cancer Therapy
- Benefits of surgery for lung cancer unclear
- Blacks more likely to die of curable lung cancer than whites
- Blood biomarker may detect lung cancer, study presented at CHEST 2014
- Blood Test for Lung Cancer May be Possible
- Blood test may find early lung cancer: study
- Bone drug zoledronic acid may help prevent spread of early lung cancer
- Brain Irradiation in Lung Cancer
- Brain radiation after lung cancer treatment reduces risk of cancer spreading
- Breast cancer susceptibility gene predicts outcome and response to treatment in lung cancer
- Bristol plans big lung cancer study, pairing immunotherapies
- Burning incense increases risk of respiratory tract cancers
- Cancer drugs proving worth earlier in testing
- Cancer immunotherapy shows long-term promise in lung cancer
- Cancer risks of eating red and processed meat
- Carotenoid supplements tied to lung cancer risk
- Celecoxib may prevent lung cancer in former smokers
- Cellular clues to vitamin A resistance in lung cancer
- Certain Vitamin Supplements May Increase Lung Cancer Risk, Especially in Smokers
- Cheek Scrapings Can Detect Lung Cancer
- Chest x-rays detect early lung cancer
- China has become the 89th country to ratify the global tobacco treaty
- Cigar, pipe smoking may raise lung disease risk, too
- Clinical insight improves treatment with new lung cancer drug
- Collagen clue reveals new drug target for untreatable form of lung cancer
- Colour sensor breath test can detect lung cancer
- Counting lung cancer cells helps predict disease
- Coupling head and neck cancer screening and lung cancer scans could improve survival
- CT screening can identify curable lung cancers
- CT Screening for Lung Cancer Cost-Effective
- Daily drinking may raise risk of several cancers
- Diabetes drug metformin with chemo and radiation may improve outcomes in lung cancer patients
- Dietary boron reduces lung cancer risk in women
- Dietary Phytoestrogens Reduce Risk of Lung Cancer
- Doctors to older, heavy smokers: Get CT screening for lung cancer
- Drug fights tumors in advanced lung cancer
- Dual Gene Therapy Suppresses Lung Cancer in Preclinical Test
- Early Detection Of Lung Cancer
- Early detection of lung cancer: New data presented at multidisciplinary meeting
- Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer: Where Do We Stand?
- Early morning smokers have increased risk of lung and head and neck cancers
- Early recall rates decline after second round of lung cancer screening
- Eating a variety of fruit cuts lung cancer risk
- Eating Vegetables may significantly reduce your risk of lung cancer
- Elderly Dutch lung patients' survival improved by new treatment options between 2003-2009
- Estrogen-only therapy may not up lung cancer deaths
- EU lung cancer down in men, up in women
- Exercise Can Reduce a Smoker's Lung Cancer Risk, but Quitting Still Most Important
- Family risk for lung cancer stronger in blacks
- Faster Tracking of Lung Tumors May Help Treatment
- FDA-approved antidepressant may combat deadly form of lung cancer, Stanford study finds
- Gene combination increases risk of lung cancer, particularly in light smokers, CAMH study finds
- Gene Expression Profiling Advance for Lung Cancer Prognosis
- Gene Expression Profiling Not Quite Perfected in Predicting Lung Cancer Prognosis
- Gene found that may predict lung cancer in smokers
- Gene fusion in lung cancer afflicting never-smokers may be target for therapy
- Gene is Linked to Lung Cancer Development in Never Smokers
- Gene Panel Predicts Lung Cancer Survival
- Gene test helps predict lung cancer, study finds
- Gene variant linked with reduced lung cancer risk
- Gene variations directly link inflammation to an increased risk for lung cancer
- Genetic Mutation Associated With Increased Risk of Lung Cancer
- Genetic mutation associated with increased risk of lung cancer
- Genetic Region Linked to a Five Times Higher Lung Cancer Risk
- Genetic variations raise lung cancer risk for smokers and ex-smokers
- Genome Study Charts Genetic Landscape of Lung Cancer
- Gold nanotech breath test may show lung cancer early
- Guide on Lung Cancer in “Never-smokers”: a Different Disease and Different Treatments
- Heaviest Smokers Face Greatest Risk of Death After Lung Cancer Diagnosis
- Heavy marijuana use not linked to lung cancer
- High-fiber diet linked to lower lung disease risk
- Higher lung cancer risk in eastern China: study
- Hispanic lung cancer patients tend to live longer than blacks and whites
- Hormone replacement tied to lung cancer risk
- How chronic obstructive pulmonary disease increases risk of lung cancer
- Ice therapy can treat lung cancer?
- Infectious Agent May Impact Lung Cancer
- Inhaled drug may prevent lung cancer: study
- Inhaler treatment for lung cancer
- Iron and calcium may up risk of lung cancer
- Joining forces to improve lung cancer treatment
- Key immune cell may play role in lung cancer susceptibility
- Lack of Sunlight May Increase Lung Cancer Risk
- Large lung cancer study shows potential for more targeted therapies
- Last-minute radiation saves lung cancer patients
- Latest research confirms genetic susceptibility to lung cancer
- Learn the Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer
- Local treatment of lung cancer
- Long-term cannabis use raises risk of lung cancer
- Long-Term Use of Nutrient Supplements May Increase Cancer Risk
- Low levels of serum bilirubin spell higher lung cancer risk for male smokers
- Low-Dose CT Accurate for Lung Nodules
- Low-dose CT screening may benefit individuals at increased risk for lung cancer
- Lower survival rates of blacks with lung cancer may be explained by access to care
- Lung and bladder cancers have common cell-cycle biomarkers
- Lung cancer 'overtaking breast cancer in European women'
- Lung Cancer Cells Activate Inflammation to Induce Metastasis
- Lung cancer culprit could offer target for therapy, UT Southwestern researchers report
- Lung cancer death rates in lifelong non-smokers
- Lung Cancer Doesn't Just Target Smokers
- Lung cancer drug could aid plight of ectopic pregnancy patients
- Lung Cancer Experts Address Smoking Dangers on Kick Butts Day
- Lung cancer killing more women in Europe
- Lung cancer kills more Canadians than any other disease, but research, health support poorly funded
- Lung cancer may run in families
- Lung cancer no longer just a 'smokers' disease'
- Lung cancer no more fatal to women non-smokers
- Lung cancer now leading cause of cancer death in females in developed countries
- Lung Cancer on the Rise in Nonsmokers - But Why?
- Lung cancer patients fight stigma
- Lung cancer patients may live longer with Alimta
- Lung cancer patients need help to quit smoking
- Lung cancer patients with diabetes show prolonged survival
- Lung cancer pill on NHS in 2007
- Lung cancer research concludes that early diagnosis as key for improving survival
- Lung cancer risk increases with expression of specific genes
- Lung cancer risk rises in the presence of HPV antibodies
- Lung cancer screen: a license to smoke?
- Lung Cancer Screening Encouraged for Smokers with History of the Disease
- Lung cancer screening often yields false positives
- Lung Cancer Screening Wins More Support
- Lung cancer slowed by Pfizer drug
- Lung cancer tests advised for some heavy smokers
- Lung cancer tied to family risk of other cancers
- Lung Cancer: Treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in the Elderly
- Lung Cancer: Who is a Candidate for Surgery?
- Lymph node dissection is not essential in small screen-detected lung cancers, new research shows
- M. D. Anderson research links diet, gardening and lung cancer risk
- Many lung cancer patients get radiation therapy that may not prolong their lives
- Marijuana tied to precancerous lung changes
- Mayo Clinic Researchers Identify Biomarker for Smoker's Lung Cancer
- MGH-led studies shed new light on targeted lung cancer therapy
- Micro-RNA determines malignancy of lung cancer
- Missing protein may hold lung cancer key
- Moffitt researchers discover novel mechanism controlling lung cancer stem cell growth
- Molecular subtypes and genetic alterations may determine response to lung cancer therapy
- More signs lung cancer screening could save lives
- Multicenter study confirms low testosterone in 84 percent of lung cancer patients taking crizotinib
- Multiple types of resistance to new lung cancer drug identified
- Mutation database helps personalized treatment of lung cancer
- Mutation May Affect PFS in Lung Cancer
- Narrow-band imaging increases specificity of early lung cancer detection
- New 'chemotherapy booster' could treat lung and pancreatic cancer
- New Approach Uses a Common Virus to Combat Deadly Lung Cancer
- New clinical trial for patients with asbestos-associated lung cancer
- New genetic techniques to combat lung cancer
- New hope for ways to overcome drug resistance in lung cancer
- New lung cancer drug shows dramatic results for shrinking tumors
- New lung cancer research finds half of advanced lung cancer patients receive chemotherapy
- New lung cancer staging system revealed
- New lung cancer test predicts survival
- New Lung Cancer Treatment Target Identified By Scientists
- New marker identified for early diagnosis of lung cancer
- New radiation therapy could help in lung cancer
- New research confirms need for lung cancer testing
- New research shows PET imaging effective in predicting lung cancer outcomes
- New study aims to predict risk of cancer
- New study casts doubt on lung cancer treatment
- New targeted therapy adds benefit to erlotinib in some patients with advanced lung cancer
- New technique detects specific chromosomal damage, may indicate lung cancer risk
- New test predicts if lung cancer will spread
- New Test Promises Quicker, More Accurate Evaluation for Cystic Fibrosis Patients
- New treatment holds promise for resistant lung cancer
- New tumor tracking technique may improve outcomes for lung cancer patients
- Nintedanib in lung cancer: Added benefit depends on disease severity
- No association between lung cancer risk in women and reproductive history or hormone use
- Non-small cell lung cancers can be sorted in clusters by endocytic changes
- Non-Smokers with lung cancer respond better to treatment than smokers
- Non-smoking women still at higher risk for lung cancer
- Non-Surgical Treatment Gives Lung Cancer Patients Three Years or More
- Not all lung cancer patients who could benefit from crizotinib are identified by FDA-approved test
- Novel animal model of lung adenocarcinoma
- Novel oncogenic RET mutation found in small cell lung cancer
- Novel therapeutic targets identified for small cell lung cancer
- Nutrients may be why some smokers avoid cancer
- Oral test could predict lung cancer, study finds
- Ovary removal may increase lung cancer risk
- Ovary removal may raise risk of lung cancer
- Passive Smoke in Workplace Increases Lung Cancer Risk
- Patients' pretreatment quality of life can predict overall lung cancer survival
- Personalized treatment for early lung cancer
- PET imaging may improve lung cancer diagnosis
- Pistachios May Reduce Lung Cancer Risk
- Plant product may help prevent lung cancer
- Positive CT scan for lung cancer may resolve
- Pot smoking not a major lung cancer threat
- Potential Early Warning System for Lung Cancer Identified
- Potential new drug for some patients with treatment-resistant lung cancer
- Predicting Survival of Patients With Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
- Prolonged statin use may lower risk of lung cancer death
- Promising Strategy for Treatment of Lung Cancer
- Proton Therapy Safe, Effective for Early-Stage Lung Cancer Patients
- Psychiatric symptoms can be first sign of cancer
- Quality of life tied to lung cancer survival
- Quick, easy test identifies aggressive type of lung cancer in never-smokers
- Quitting Smoking After Lung Cancer Diagnosis Can Prolong Life
- Race Not Root of Disparity in Lung Cancer Between Whites and Blacks
- Racial disparities persist in the treatment of lung cancer
- Radiation 'Highly Effective' in Early Lung Cancer
- Radiation Therapy Increases Survival in Certain Lung Cancer Patients
- Radiation-Armed Robot Rapidly Destroys Human Lung Tumors
- Rare mutation may extend survival in lung cancer patients with brain metastases
- Red Wine May Lower Lung Cancer Risk
- Red wine may ward off lung cancer: study
- Reduced lung function tied to lung cancer risk
- Research offers promising new approach to treatment of lung cancer
- Research shows value of additional PET/CTscans in follow-up of lung cancer patients
- Researchers aim to develop instrument to help physicians estimate risk for developing lung cancer
- Researchers discover an inactive tumor suppressor gene in lung cancer
- Researchers Find Less Invasive, Highly Accurate Methods
- Researchers Identify Specific Lung Cancer Susceptibility Gene
- Researchers Identify Tumor-Suppressor Gene for Lung Cancer
- Researchers surprised to find no link between marijuana, lung cancer
- Risk of Surgery for Lung Cancer Lower at Teaching Hospitals
- Roche's Tarceva helps lung cancer patients
- Scientists aim to starve lung tumours
- Scientists discover new protein involved in lung cancer
- Scientists identify key component in lethal lung cancer complication
- Scientists Identify New Gene Associated with Lung Cancer
- Scientists zero in on how lung cancer spreads
- Screening might avert many lung cancer deaths: study
- Scripps Florida Scientists Detail Critical Role of Gene in Many Lung Cancer Cases
- Secondhand smoke exposure in childhood increases lung cancer risk later in life
- Simple blood test detects lung cancer before it's too late
- Smac-ing lung cancer to death
- Small Steps Toward Lung Cancer Relief
- Smoking tied to lung cancer in women with HIV
- Sniffer dogs can be used to detect lung cancer
- Socioeconomic factors affect odds of death after a lung cancer operation
- Study estimates deaths attributable to cigarettes for 12 smoking-related cancers
- Study examines survival outcomes after different lung cancer staging methods
- Study finds hospitals of last resort deliver lower quality of lung cancer care
- Study Helps Explain Why Black Patients with Lung Cancer Have Surgery Less Often than Whites
- Study probes why and how patients with lung cancer initially get diagnosed with the disease
- Study reveals cancer-linked epigenetic effects of smoking
- Study reveals differences in cancer stage presentation between rural and urban patients
- Study Shows Minimally Invasive Lung Surgery Has Low Risk
- Study shows way to predict lung cancer recurrence
- Study suggests need for more sensitive lung cancer screening criteria
- Survey finds significant racial differences in lung cancer beliefs
- Surviving Lung Cancer; New Technique Boasts High Cure Rates, Offers Hope in Place of Surgery
- Targeted investigational therapy potential to overcome crizotinib resistance in lung cancers
- Targeted therapy boosts lung cancer outcomes
- TGen presents lung cancer studies at Amsterdam conference
- The current state of lung cancer treatment
- Therapy Found Effective in Older, African American Lung Cancer Patients
- Tobacco smoke causes lung inflammation, promotes lung cancer growth
- Tooth Loss Linked to Esophageal, Head and Neck, and Lung Cancer
- TRUST study data confirms safety and efficacy of erlotinib for advanced lung cancer
- Tumor budding identified as predictor for unfavorable outcome in lung cancer
- U.S. approves Medicare coverage for lung cancer screening
- UC Davis scientists identify new target for lung cancer treatment
- UNC Lineberger scientists lead definition of key lung cancer genome
- University of Colorado Cancer Center test helps reduce risk of death in advanced lung cancer
- University of Louisville researchers detail role of silica and lung cancer
- Urine Test May Determine if a Smoker is at Risk for Lung Cancer
- US doctors resume test of drug to fight lung cancer
- UT Dallas study suggests new approach to fight lung cancer
- UT Southwestern research uncovers genetic link between emphysema, lung cancer
- Vaccination with embryonic stem cells prevents lung cancer in mice
- Value of CT screening for lung cancer unclear
- Video-assisted thoracic surgery valuable tool in lung cancer screening
- Vitamins don't reduce risk of lung cancer
- Who should get screened for lung cancer?
- WHO starts drive against environmental cancer risk
- Wistar scientists discover 'highly effective' new biomarker for lung cancer
- Women Catching Up to Men in Lung Cancer Deaths
- Women often opt out of lung cancer studies
- Women Smokers, Higher Risk But Lower Death Rates from Lung Cancer
- Women survive lung cancer better than men
- Women with lung cancer have better lung function than men
- Wood smoke may raise lung cancer risk
- Working with mustard gas linked to lung cancer
- Young women warned of lung cancer risks
Lymphatic system cancer news
Cancer news
- "At Least It Was My Way of Fighting Back"
- $1 million of mesothelioma research funding
- 'Cannabis alters human DNA' -- new study
- 'Chemical Nose' May Sniff Out Cancer Earlier
- 'Hitchhiking' anti-cancer viruses ride blood cells
- 1 disease, not 1 demographic
- 1-2 punch strategy against bacteria and cancer
- 10 ways to make better decisions about cancer care
- 10 Ways to Reduce Cancer Risk
- 2008 Cancer Incidence and Mortality Report
- 29% of Cancer Studies Report Conflict of Interest
- 3 is the magic number: A chain reaction required to prevent tumor formation
- 9/11 cancer study won't settle debate over risks
- 9/11 firefighters have higher cancer risk: study
- A cancer diagnosis does not make young people religious
- A cancer false alarm could discourage people from checking out future symptoms
- A cancer research breakthrough
- A gene for metastasis
- A new finding on cell movement dynamics sheds light on cancer therapy
- A Ray of Sunshine in the Fight Against Cancer
- A tonic against non-Hodgkin lymphoma?
- AACR to Host Teleconference on Metastasis
- Access to cancer care unequal across Europe
- Active lifestyle may prevent cancer: Japan study
- Acupuncture Helps Ease Side Effects and Symptoms of Some Cancers
- Acupuncture, massage helpful after cancer surgery
- Advancements in fertility preservation provide oncology patients new options
- African Americans still have higher cancer fatality rate
- African-Americans still more likely to die from cancer
- Aggressive cancer exploits MYC oncogene to amplify global gene activity
- Aggressive cancer treated successfully in mice
- Aiding cancer therapy by mathematically modeling tumor-immune interactions
- Air pollution a leading cause of cancer - U.N. agency
- Alcohol and cancer: is drinking the new smoking?
- Alcohol and Cancer: Know Your Limit
- Algorithm Ranks Genes’ Likelihood to Contribute to Cancer
- American Cancer Society report details cancer prevention efforts
- American men with cancer more likely to die than women
- Americans "bombarded" with cancer causes - report
- Amgen drug slows bone loss in cancer patients
- Amgen, Abgenix antibody curbs colon cancer
- An area's level of poverty or wealth may affect the distribution of cancer types
- And the number one cancer myth is...
- Anti-Cancer Agent Stops Metastasis in Its Tracks
- Anti-cancer compound found in beans, nuts, cereals
- Anti-cancer drugs based on platinum
- Antibody signal may redirect inflammation to fuel cancer
- Antibody signal may redirect inflammation to fuel cancer
- Antioxidant found in many foods and red wine is potent and selective killer of leukemia cells
- April 18th – 24th is Natl. Minority Cancer Awareness Week
- Are cancer patients' hopes for chemo too high?
- Ark says cancer therapy potent, cuts side-effects
- Arsenic implicated in etiology of cancer
- Aspirin Benefits May Include Cancer Prevention
- Aspirin reduces overall cancer and mortality rates
- Association between marijuana use and the incidence of transitional cell carcinoma suggested
- Association of quantity of alcohol and frequency of consumption with cancer mortality
- Asthma gene variants may cut risk of brain cancer
- Aveo, Astellas end pact to develop cancer drug tivozanib
- Back to School Program Helps Kids with Cancer
- Bacteria could make new library of cancer drugs that are too complex to create artificially
- Beating advanced cancers: New epigenomic block for advanced cancer
- Being heavy may help men with one type of cancer: study
- Ben-Gurion U. researchers reveal connection between cancer and human evolution
- Benefits of CT outweigh cancer risks in young adults
- Berkeley Lab Researchers Illuminate Laminin’s Role in Cancer Formation
- Betel quid chewing increases pharyngeal cancer risk
- Biochemist uses computer models to study protein involved with cancer, aging and chronic disease
- Bioelectric signals can be used to detect early cancer
- Biologists ID new cancer weakness
- Biomarker Test Shows Promise for Melanoma Diagnosis
- Biomarkers Allow Doctors to Match Therapy to Patient
- Biomedical engineers use electric pulses to destroy cancer cells
- Biomedical Researcher Uses Ultrasound to Measure Early Response to Cancer Treatment
- Black Cancer Patients Less Likely than Whites to Receive the End-of-life Care They Prefer
- Black patients seek less information from doctors
- Black Raspberries May Slow Growth of Colon, Other Cancers
- Black raspberries slow cancer by altering hundreds of genes
- Blacks have less access to cancer specialists, treatment
- Blocking "rogue gene" may stop cancer spread: study
- Blocking cell movement for cancer, MS treatment
- Blocking common gateway to inflammation suppresses cancer
- Blood biopsy to put cancer in a test tube?
- Blood thinners like aspirin may fight cancer: study
- Body Weight, Diet May Be Risk Factors for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
- Body's own cells a new way to fight cancer
- Bone marrow transplantation may increase cancer resistance in patients
- Botox Could Help Target Resistant Tumors for Treatment
- Brain cancer takes long-term toll on children
- Brain cell discovery could open doors to targeted cancer therapies
- Brain cell migration during normal development may offer insight on how cancer cells spread
- Brain metastases hijack neuron-supporting cells to resist chemotherapy
- Breakthrough Cancer-Killing Treatment Has No Side-Effects, Says MU Researcher
- Breastfeeding – added protection for cancer survivors?
- Brits denied new targeted bowel cancer drugs
- Broccoli may help beat bladder cancer
- Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage help repair damaged DNA
- Brown Chemists Create Cancer-Detecting Nanoparticles
- Calorie restriction limits and obesity fuels development of epithelial cancers
- Can recycling be used to treat cancer?
- Can stem cells cause and cure cancer?
- Cancer and chemobrain: Cancer diagnosis affects cognitive function
- Cancer and food
- Cancer care may be closer than you think
- Cancer Cases and Deaths are preventable
- Cancer cell line developed that is resistant to new cancer therapy
- Cancer cell resistance to chemotherapy drugs
- Cancer cells accelerate aging and inflammation in the body to drive tumor growth
- Cancer Cells Need Normal, Non-mutated Genes to Survive
- Cancer centers and high-volume hospitals may examine more lymph nodes in cancer patients
- Cancer costs highest for individually insured
- Cancer cure worth $50 trillion
- Cancer death rates continue drop: report
- Cancer deaths across Europe 'tipped to fall in 2011'
- Cancer deaths continue to drop
- Cancer deaths fall in US for first time
- Cancer deaths fall, new diagnoses stable
- Cancer detected earlier, faster, with new medical imaging, Stanford study finds
- Cancer diagnosis more likely to limit careers for patients from rural areas
- Cancer doctors urged to consider value when treating patients
- Cancer Drug Aids an Anti-Cancer Virus
- Cancer drug Gleevec may damage heart: study
- Cancer drug Glivec may harm bones
- Cancer drug may fight smallpox, study suggests
- Cancer Gene Drives Pivotal Decision in Early Brain Development
- Cancer Gene Drives Pivotal Decision in Early Brain Development
- Cancer gene therapy from camels
- Cancer in a single catastrophe
- Cancer in Older Parents May Up Risk in Kids
- Cancer in the movies
- Cancer may require simpler genetic mutations than previously thought
- Cancer may require simpler genetic mutations than previously thought
- Cancer mortality down 20 percent from 1991 peak
- Cancer Mortality Rates Experience Steady Decline
- Cancer patient demands rarely lead to unnecessary tests and treatments
- Cancer patient jailed for threats
- Cancer patient takes trust court
- Cancer patients feel harassed by bosses, according to charity survey
- Cancer patients often forget details of doctor visit
- Cancer Patients Pain Can Be Helped By Psychosocial Interventions
- Cancer patients prefer risky treatments with larger rewards to 'safe bets'
- Cancer patients rarely speak up about care problems
- Cancer Patients Using Alternative Medicine Keep Oncologists in Dark
- Cancer patients want honesty, compassion from their oncologist
- Cancer patients want info on costly drug options
- Cancer patients, doctors talk little of emotions
- Cancer prevention efforts in the US a mixed bag
- Cancer Prevention News Tips
- Cancer prevention study needs volunteers
- Cancer Prevention Study Seeks Participants
- Cancer Protective Effect of Fruits and Vegetables May Be Modest at Best
- Cancer rates in U.S. keep falling: American Cancer Society
- Cancer rates on the rise in young people
- Cancer Research Highlights
- Cancer research summaries
- Cancer risk linked to radiation exposure
- Cancer risk slightly higher in IVF kids: study
- Cancer Risk: Aspirin and Smoking Affect Aging of Genes
- Cancer Risks for Urban African-American Women Grow as Healthy Diets Become More Difficult to Maintai
- Cancer risks of eating red and processed meat
- Cancer seen killing 1.3 million EU citizens in 2012
- Cancer society challenges Americans to get active
- Cancer Staging Takes Cues from Embryonic Development
- Cancer Staging Takes Cues from Embryonic Development
- Cancer Statistics 2014: Death rates continue to drop
- Cancer stem cell vaccine in development shows antitumor effect
- Cancer Stem Cells: Know Thine Enemy
- Cancer survivors at higher risk of mental distress
- Cancer survivors battle with the blues
- Cancer survivors less likely to receive callbacks from potential employers
- Cancer survivors may not be getting the help they need to stop smoking
- Cancer survivors recognized for helping Philadelphia-area patients
- Cancer test delays force UK women into surgery
- Cancer that colonizes our bodies
- Cancer therapy - Nanokey opens tumors to attack
- Cancer therapy may be too targeted
- Cancer therapy that boosts immune system ready for wider testing
- Cancer Therapy: A Role for MAPK Inhibitors Combined with mTORC1 Inhibitors
- Cancer turns out to be a p53 protein aggregation disease
- Cancer vaccine could use immune system to fight tumors
- Cancer will kill 13.2 million a year by 2030: U.N.
- Cancer, genes and broccoli
- Cancer-causing gene discovery suggests new therapies
- Cancer-Killing Viruses Employ Multiple Mechanisms
- Cancer: "Primitive" Gene Discovered
- Cancer: The good news
- Cannabis ingredient can help cancer patients regain their appetites and sense of taste
- Capturing cancer: a powerful new technique for early diagnosis
- Cell Cycle Kinases as Therapeutic Targets for Cancer
- Cell Path Overdrive Prevents Cancer Response to Diet Restriction
- Cell structure discovery advances understanding of cancer development
- Cell-Death Receptor Links Cancer Susceptibility and Inflammation
- Certain factors influence whether cancer patients involve family members in treatment decisions
- Cervical cancer test not recommended enough: study
- Chemical in red wine, fruits and vegetables stops cancer, heart disease, depending on the dose
- Chemicals in Indoor Swimming Pools May Increase Cancer Risk
- Chemotherapy Complications Greater than Previously Estimated
- Chemotherapy temporarily affects the structures of the human brain
- Child's cancer may not boost parents' divorce risk
- Childhood cancer mortality high in UK in children
- Childhood cancer survival linked to suicidality
- Childhood cancer survivors at increased risk of sarcoma
- Childhood cancer survivors face limitations
- Childhood cancer survivors hospitalized frequently years after cancer treatment
- Childhood cancer treatment takes toll on hearts of survivors
- Childhood Leukemia Survivors Struggle With Long-Term Comorbidities
- Children could be saved from neuroblastoma using antibody therapy
- Children Find Ways to Cope with Cancer
- Children's Cancer Group Recommends Global Evaluation System for Neuroblastoma to Improve Treatment
- China's "cancer villages" bear witness to economic boom
- Cigarette smoke blocks cells' healing ability
- Clarifying the effect of stem cell therapy on cancer
- Clinical Trial Test Helps Measure Effectiveness of Treatment for Patients with Metastatic Cancer
- Clinical trial tests rice bran to prevent cancer
- Co-ordinating cancer care
- Combining NSAIDs with chemotherapy, radiation may improve cancer treatment
- Combining Surgery for Removal of Tissue and Reconstruction Benefits Patients
- Combining Two Peptide Inhibitors Might Block Tumor Growth
- Common chemicals may act together to increase cancer risk, study finds Oregon State University
- Common data determinants of recurrent cancer are broken, mislead researchers
- Common sense health for young adult cancer survivors
- Commonly used drug can limit radiation damage to lungs and heart for cancer patients
- Compact synchrotron makes tumors visible
- Compound in Grapes, Red Wine Could Help Treat Multiple Types of Cancer, Study Finds
- Compound that blocks sugar pathway slows cancer cell growth
- Computer Predicts Anti-Cancer Molecules
- Computer-aided mammography improves tumor detection
- Computer-based tool to improve diagnosis and prognosis for cancer patients
- Considerable Proportion of Patients With Advanced Cancer Undergo Common Cancer Screening
- Controlling for size may also prevent cancer
- Controlling gene expression to halt cancer growth
- Cost of cancer drugs varies widely based on who's paying
- Costly Cancer Treatments: No Easy Access in U.S. or U.K.
- Creating New Life Forms That May Help Eradicate Cancer Affecting Women
- CT and serum LDH shows promise as survival predictor for some metastatic melanoma patients
- CT scans: Too much of a good thing can be risky
- Custom-made cancer cell attacks
- Daily aspirin could block growth of breast, other cancers
- Daily multivitamins reduce risk of cancer in men
- Danish discovery accelerates targeted cancer treatment
- Danish researchers map important enzyme in the fight against cancer
- Deactivating a cancer growth promoter
- Deleted Genes Help Predict Outcome in a Children's Cancer
- Dense tissue promotes aggressive cancers
- Despite efforts, significant racial disparities in cancer therapy still exist
- Detecting Cancer Earlier is Goal of Rutgers-Developed Medical Imaging Technology
- Developing world gets tiny share of cancer spend
- Diabetes can increase the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma
- Diabetes drug kills cancer stem cells in combination treatment in mice
- Diet and cancer prevention: New evidence for the protective effects of fruits and veggies
- Diet, growth are major cancer causes: report
- Dietary supplements can up cancer risk
- Dieting may not help cancer patients
- Disabling Skp2 Gene Helps Shut Down Cancer Growth
- Discovery Could Bring New Metastatic Cancer Treatments
- Discovery Could Lead to Early Cancer Detection, Prevention
- Discovery may help scientists boost broccoli's cancer-fighting power
- Discovery of a new mechanism of gene control that is associated with cancer
- Discovery reveals important clues to cancer metastasis
- DNA differences may influence risk of Hodgkin disease
- DNA method can provide more effective treatment of childhood cancer
- Doctors call for end to five cancer tests, treatments
- Doctors Hesitate to Discuss Fertility Preservation With Cancer Patients
- Doctors Learn More about Diagnosing Rare Form of Cancer
- Doctors rarely discuss risks of cancer screening
- Does radiation from X-rays and CT scans really cause cancer?
- Does sugar feed cancer?
- Double-pronged attack could treat common children’s cancer
- Drug combination boosts survival rate in head and neck cancers
- Drug combo boosts Pancreatic cancer survival - study
- Drug Could Effectively Treat, Prevent the Spread of Breast Cancer
- Drug shortage linked to greater risk of relapse in young Hodgkin lymphoma patients
- Drug Therapy to Bolster Immune System Cells Found Effective Toward Childhood Cancer
- Drug trial victim "has early signs of cancer"
- Duke team finds new clues to how cancer spreads
- Dying at home better for cancer patients
- Early end-of-life talks tied to less aggressive care
- Einstein Receives High-Risk/High-Reward Cancer Research Funding
- Electric fields have potential as a cancer treatment
- End of life care for cancer patients differs in US and Canada
- Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Pose Cancer Risk
- Enzyme inhibitor produces stable disease in patients with advanced solid cell cancers
- Enzyme Test for Bladder Cancer May Promote Early Diagnosis
- Epigenetic factor likely plays a key role in fueling most common childhood cancer
- Epilepsy does not appear to increase cancer risk
- Errors in cancer diagnosis common, often harmful
- Estimating the global burden of cancer in 2013; 14.9 million new cases worldwide
- Europe aims to reduce cancer deaths by 15 pct by 2020
- Europe varies widely in at-home cancer deaths
- European disparities in access to cancer drugs
- European downturn seen pushing up cancer rates
- Evidence strengthens link between NSAIDs and reduced cancer metastasis
- Excess body weight causes over 124,000 new cancers a year in Europe
- Exercise Boosts Tumor-fighting Ability of Chemotherapy, Penn Team Finds
- Exercise can reduce cancer treatment side effects
- Exercise Can Reduce Side Effects of Cancer Treatment
- Exercise during teen years linked to lowered risk of cancer death later
- Exercise eases fatigue in cancer patients on chemo
- Exercise matters long after cancer diagnosis
- Exercise shown to have an anti-cancer effect
- Exercises Ease Cancer-Related Swallowing Woes Short Term
- Exercising With Cancer
- Experts say 40 percent of cancers could be prevented
- Exposing cancer more quickly
- Exposing cancer's lethal couriers
- Factors that enhance autonomy of cancer patients
- Family members of children with cancer may also be at risk
- Farmers' kids at risk for Ewing's sarcoma
- Fat kills cancer
- Father and son to present their respective cancer research at ASCO
- Faults seen in cancer study funding
- FDA advisers recommend against Delcath's cancer therapy
- Few people are doing it, so why should I? Motivating men to seek cancer screening
- Few young cancer survivors get best follow-up
- Fewer young men in Canada are being diagnosed with cancer
- Fibroblasts Contribute To Melanoma Tumor Growth
- Fighting cancer’s fears a step at the time
- Fighting cancer: Diet, scant exercise problems
- Finding the Right Radiation Facility Is Critical for Cancer Patients
- Fish oil reduces effectiveness of chemotherapy
- FISH-ing for Links Between Cancer and Aging
- Five Low-Cost Ways to Prevent Cancer
- Focused ultrasound reduces cancer pain
- Focusing Patients on the “Can” in Cancer Diagnosis, Treatment, and Recovery
- Folic acid may reduce some childhood cancers
- Folic acid supplements may raise cancer risk: study
- Following cancer prevention guidelines lowers risk of death from cancer, heart disease, all causes
- Formula may help predict personal melanoma risk
- Free prescriptions over cancer
- Frequent Alcohol Consumption Increases Cancer Risk in Older Women
- Fruit research yields way to curb cancer
- Fugitive Cancer Cells Can be Blocked by Stopping Blood Cells That Aid Them
- Fungi may lead to cheaper cancer treatment: University of Guelph study
- Gene mutation immortalizes malignant melanoma
- Gene test for cancers could mean more effective, tailored-made treatment
- Gene That Causes Childhood Cancer Neuroblastoma Is Found
- Gene Therapy Anti-cancer Work Featured in Scientific American
- Gene Therapy Improves Survival and Quality of Life of Dogs with Cancer
- Gene Therapy, Cancer-Killing Viruses and New Drugs Highlight Novel Approaches to Cancer Treatment
- Genes set scene for metastasis
- Genes that both extend life and protect against cancer identified
- Genetic aberration paves the way for new treatment of cancer disease
- Genetic form of anemia offers new avenue to treating drug-resistant tumors
- Genetic function discovered that could offer new avenue to cancer therapies
- Genetic Risk Factor Found for Head and Neck Cancer in Smokers
- Genetic switch that links animal growth and cancer
- Genome study shows what cancers have in common
- Getting down to cancer basics
- Ginkgo biloba reduces aggressive cancer risk in animal experiments
- Global cancer cases seen surging 75 percent by 2030
- Global study reveals pandemic of untreated cancer pain due to over-regulation of pain medicines
- Glucose deprivation activates feedback loop that kills cancer cells, UCLA study shows
- Gold nanoparticles bring scientists closer to a treatment for cancer
- Grant to Focus on Adults Surviving Childhood Cancer
- Green Tea Blocks Benefits Of Cancer Drug
- Green tea boosts production of detox enzymes, rendering cancerous chemicals harmless
- Green tea doesn't lower cancer risk, U.S. FDA says
- Green tea extract may boost cancer-fighting enzymes
- Green tea may curb risk of some cancers
- Green Tea: Mixed Reviews for Cancer Prevention
- Groundbreaking computer program diagnoses cancer in two days
- GW wins US okay for pivotal cannabis drug study
- Habits explain poor women's worse cancer outcome
- Halting Cancer Metastasis
- Harmless soil-dwelling bacteria successfully kill cancer
- Health literacy tests underutilized; may improve elderly cancer patients' care and outcomes
- Heating targeted cancer drugs increases uptake in tumor cells
- Helping to Identify Small Tumors Early
- Hepatitis C: a risk factor for lymphoma
- Herbal remedy shown to have anti-cancer effect
- Hereditary cancer risk
- High 'good' cholesterol tied to lower cancer risk
- High doses of folic acid don't raise cancer risk: study
- High iron and cholesterol equals high cancer risk
- Higher than normal levels of Vitamin B12 may indicate cancer risk
- Higher vitamin K intake tied to lower cancer risks
- HIV drugs may get new role in fighting cancer
- HIV No Bar to Transplant for Lymphoma
- Hodgkin Disease Survivors Face Higher Risk for Stroke Later in Life
- Homeopathic Meds Can Coexist With Conventional Cancer Treatment
- House again defeats medical marijuana use
- How aging normal cells fuels tumor growth and metastasis
- How cancer cells break free from tumors
- How cancer cells can escape normal growth controls
- How cancer cells loose their (Circadian) rhythm
- How cancer cells stay young and aggressive
- How Eating Red Meat Can Spur Cancer Progression
- How Growing Older Affects Cancer Risk and Outcomes
- How Infection and Inflammation Can Lead to Cancer
- How new cancer drugs can skip randomized trials
- How sunlight causes skin cells to turn cancerous
- How to Prevent Radiation Mistakes in Cancer Patients
- How to recognize at an early stage whether a new cancer therapy prolongs life
- How to talk about cancer with their children
- How tumor-causing cells are recruited in cancers linked to chronic inflammation
- How What and How Much We Eat (And Drink) Affects Our Risk of Cancer
- Identifying subsets of patients who will respond to subsequent lines of chemotherapy
- If you think cancer genes are simple, you don't know JAK
- Imaging Technology May Relieve Cancer Pain
- Imaging use up in HMOs, adds to radiation worry
- Immediate health risk must be weighed against radiation-induced cancer risk
- Immigrant patients less likely to report family history of cancer
- Immune system can drive cancers into dormant state
- Immune system changes may drive aggressiveness of recurrent tumors
- Immunotherapy for elderly cancer patients finds new promise in drug combination
- Immunotherapy for tumors key topic at cancer meeting
- Important advance in the treatment of cancer and viral infections
- Improving Cancer Diagnosis
- In cancer science, many "discoveries" don't hold up
- In the test tube, teams reconstruct a cancer cell's beginning
- Individual mutations are very slow to promote tumor growth
- Infertility linked to higher testicular cancer risk
- Inhaled morphine eases cancer-related air hunger
- Innovative method to starve tumors
- Insight into the anti-cancer effect of exercise
- Insight: Cancer in Africa: Fighting a nameless enemy
- Intensive Chemotherapy Can Dramatically Boost Survival of Older Teenage Leukemia Patients
- Internet Research Builds Cancer Patients' Confidence
- Internet use can reduce fatalistic view of cancer
- Is Europe putting cancer research at risk?
- Is Grilling Linked to Cancer?
- Is milk thistle effective in cancer treatment?
- Is there an increased risk of other malignancies in patients with renal cell carcinoma?
- IVF Babies May Be at Higher Cancer Risk
- Japanese Adults with Diabetes Have Increased Cancer Risk
- Jews who survived wartime Europe have more cancer
- Just how safe is that steak?
- Keep moving, studies advise cancer survivors
- Keeping at-risk cells from developing cancer
- Key driver of metastasis identified
- Kids often told about parent's genetic cancer risk
- Killing Cancer Like a Vampire Slayer
- Korean research, a first step toward Dr. Smartphone?
- Lack of oxygen in cancer cells leads to growth and metastasis
- Lance Armstrong: Cancer a global problem
- Late-Breaking Science and Clinical Trials
- Leicester research team identifies potential new targets for cancer treatments
- Life after chemotherapy: Daily tasks, quality of life may be affected, MU researcher finds
- Life Lessons on Cancer Risk for Children Whose Parent Has Genetic Mutation
- Lifestyle and Cancer Prevention: Making Choices that Change Cancer Risk
- Light triggers death switch in cancer cells
- Lilly brain cancer drug promising in small study
- Liver transplant recipients almost 3 times more likely to develop cancer
- Loss of Caspase-8 Makes Neuroblastoma More Aggressive
- Loss of gene linked to spread of childhood cancer
- Loud noise increases the risk of developing a non-cancerous tumor
- Low Molecular Weight Heparin Use in Cancer Treatment
- Low testosterone a problem in cancer: study
- Low vitamin D tied to cancer risk in men
- Lower cancer risk seen with multiple sclerosis
- Lower income cancer patients less likely to be involved in clinical trials
- Ludwig Fund gives $120 million for cancer research
- Lung cancer tied to family risk of other cancers
- Lupus linked to increased cancer risk
- Managing symptoms by mobile phone may revolutionize cancer care for young people
- Many cancer patients expect palliative care to cure
- Many cancer survivors still smoking and drinking
- Many Complex Linkages Between Smoking and Cancer
- Many doctors report trouble getting cancer drugs
- Many male cancer patients are missing out on sperm banking
- Many parents at-risk for cancer disclose genetic test results to children
- Many preventable cancers caught at late stage: CDC
- Many young cancer patients don't discuss fertility
- March is National Professional Social Work Month
- Marriage tied to better bladder cancer survival
- Married People May Be Likelier to Survive Cancer: Study
- Mayo Clinic Researchers Find That Protein Believed to Protect Against Cancer Has a Mr. Hyde Side
- Mayo Clinic study shows Parkinson's disease drug might work in cancer patients
- MD Anderson guides intelligent redesign of cancer care delivery model
- Mechanism for invasion of tumorous cells discovered by Hebrew University researchers
- Mechanism offers promising new approach for harnessing the immune system to fight cancer
- Medical costs of cancer have nearly doubled over the past 2 decades
- Medical Society's Labor Day CheckList Addresses Cancer Prevention
- Medicare modernization act did not change chemotherapy as feared
- Men and women receive different fertility advice following cancer diagnosis
- Men in China face increasing tobacco-related cancer risks
- Men more likely to die of cancer: study
- Men with BRCA2 gene mutation have higher cancer risk
- Men: Cancer Prevention Tips By Age
- Messages of Hope Work Better in Motivating Black Patients to Seek Early Screening for Cancer
- Metal implants may cut chemotherapy side effects, study suggests
- Metastasis formation revealed in detail and real time
- Methylation signaling controls angiogenesis and cancer growth
- Miami Baby's Peach-Size Tumor Removed in Womb
- Michigan cancer programs follow care guidelines for common cancers, study finds
- Microbes in the gut help determine risk of tumors
- Miracle cure: Is Marriage key to cancer treatment?
- Mistletoe as Cancer Treatment: Review Calls Evidence Weak
- Mistletoe extract may treat bladder cancer
- Mobile Phone Use Not Linked to Increased Risk of Glioma Brain Tumours
- Mobile phones don't hike cancer risk: Danish study
- Moderate activity may reduce ovarian cancer risk
- Moderate exercise may make cancer treatments more effective, kinesiologist finds
- Moffitt Cancer Center Researchers Study Effect of Chemotherapy Combined with Immunotherapy for Advanced Cancers
- Molecular battle in cancer cells offers clues for treatment
- Molecular discovery suggests new strategy to fight cancer drug resistance
- Molecular link between diabetes and cancer described
- Monoclonal Antibody Drugs for Cancer Treatment
- Montreal researchers shed new light on cancer risks associated with night work
- More Allergic Reactions to Widely-Used Cancer Drug
- More than a million women could gain access to potentially life saving tests for cancer
- More than Half of Nurses Have Stopped or Delayed Patients' Chemotherapy Treatment
- Most cancer victims unaware of anti-angiogenesis
- Most patients want cancer prognosis test
- Mount Sinai oncologists improve quality of care for cancer patients
- Mount Sinai researchers discover possible new target for sarcoma treatment and prevention
- Mouth gel curbs oral pain after cancer treatment
- Moving to the US increases cancer risk for Hispanics
- Moving to U.S. tied to higher cancer risks
- Multikine treatment increases survival in cancer patients
- Music Therapy Helps Relieve Anxiety of Cancer
- Music-based "Play" Helps Young Cancer Patients Cope
- Myriad presents new myRisk hereditary cancer data at 2015 ASCO Annual Meeting
- Nanocenter Offers Promising Non-Invasive Cancer Treatment
- Nanoparticles + Light = Dead Tumor Cells
- Nanoparticles may enhance cancer therapy
- Nanosensors made from DNA may light path to new cancer tests and drugs
- Naturally produced protein that helps protect us from cancer may also determine how long we live
- Navidea cancer imaging agent may see wider use
- NCCN Cancer Guidelines Focus on Adolescent, Young Adult Needs
- Nerve chemical may signal aggressive cancer
- New advances in the understanding of cancer progression
- New Algorithm Matches Tumor Cells to Best Anticancer Treatments
- New approach to cancer: Find most tightly controlled genes
- New atlases detail global cancer burden
- New attack on cancer forces cells to grow old & die
- New cancer 'vaccine' shows future promise in treating and preventing metastatic cancers
- New cancer diagnostic technique debuts
- New Cancer Gene Discovered
- New cell findings have implications for cancer, immune disorders
- New Combination Therapy that Promotes Cancer Cell Death
- New computational tool for cancer treatment
- New data from the United States and Germany lluminates research in breast cancer
- New device could cut chemotherapy deaths
- New DNA technique leads to a breakthrough in child cancer research
- New drug protects against side effects of chemotherapy
- New drug slows advanced kidney cancer
- New era in cancer prevention
- New findings highlight the challenges of managing blood clotting in cancer patients
- New Gene for Childhood Cancer Neuroblastoma Is Discovered
- New gene variants raise risk of neuroblastoma, influence tumor progression
- New genetic link found between normal fetal growth and cancer
- New Hope for Cancer Comes Straight from the Heart
- New Hope in Cancer Vaccines Emerges as Novel Therapies are Developed and Tested
- New hope in the fight against childhood cancer
- New Hybrid virus may aid treatment of cancer
- New imaging agent enables better cancer detection, more accurate staging
- New Imaging Approach for Difficult Cancer Diagnosis
- New imaging technique accurately finds cancer cells, fast
- New imaging technology improves cancer detection
- New insights into how cells repair damaged DNA
- New marker substance for cancer cells
- New Markers of Prognosis for Cancer Therapies Highlighted
- New measurement technique will help in fight against cancer
- New method monitors early sign of oxidative stress in cancer
- New Method Sneaks Drugs into Cancer Cells Before Triggering Release
- New MR analysis technique reveals brain tumor response to anti-angiogenesis therapy
- New perspectives on cancer surgery
- New Plan of Attack in Cancer Fight: Two-Drug Combination, Under Certain Circumstances, Can Eliminate
- New portable device could test how 'squishy' cancerous tumors are
- New process that can save at-risk cancer patients is effective and significantly less costly
- New Research Suggests Ways to Improve Cancer Therapy
- New smart robot accelerates cancer treatment research
- New Study Begins for Kids With High-Risk Cancer
- New Study Begins for Kids With High-Risk Cancer
- New study shows promise in using RNA nanotechnology to treat cancers and viral infections
- New study widens cancer risks and benefits of pill
- New Synthetic Form of Protein Holds Promise to Stop Cancer Spread
- New target for cancer therapy identified by Australian researchers
- New technique can be breakthrough for early cancer diagnosis
- New technique could make cell-based immune therapies for cancer safer and more effective
- New technology may enable earlier cancer diagnosis
- New test to predict the effectiveness of cancer vaccines
- New Therapeutic Target for Melanoma Identified
- New Tool to Detect Cancer
- New tool to speed cancer therapy approval available
- New treatment proposed to prevent intestinal inflammation in cancer patients
- New type of genetic change identified in inherited cancer
- New way to kill lymphoma without chemotherapy
- New Way to Make Stem Cells Avoids Risk of Cancer
- Newly Found Enzymes May Play Early Role in Cancer
- Nicotine interferes with chemotherapy, study finds
- Nicotine promotes growth of established tumors
- No alarm on fluoride: cancer risk unproven
- No brain cancer link to mobile phones, study says
- Normalizing Tumor Vessels to Improve Cancer Therapy
- Not all doctors follow cancer screening guidelines
- Nottingham research leads to blood test for early detection of cancer
- Novel Anti-Cancer Mechanism Found in Long-Lived Rodents
- Novel device uses light to probe for early signs of cancer
- Novel Gene Therapy Enables Persistent Anti-Tumor Immune Response
- Novel light-sensitive compounds show promise for cancer therapy
- Novel therapy may prove effective in treatment of 30 percent of cancers
- Number of childhood cancer survivors increasing, most have morbidities
- NYU Langone scientists find key pathway implicated in progression of childhood cancer
- Obese women less likely to be screened for cancer
- Obesity drug 'may fight cancer'
- Obesity-Related Cancer on the Rise
- Obstructive sleep apnea linked to cancer growth in mice
- Old habits die hard: Helping cancer patients stop smoking
- Olive oil may hinder cancer process
- Oncologists are critical in managing psychiatric disorders in patients with advanced cancer
- Online Information May Improve Cancer Patients' Opinions About Doctors
- Only five percent of cancer research funds are spent on metastases, yet it kills 90 percent of all cancer patients
- Oral Form of Anti-cancer Agent Shows Promise in Treating Sarcoma
- Parents of kids with cancer face traumatic stress
- Patient knowledge of health information influences cancer treatment
- Patient navigation benefits timely cancer diagnosis, care for vulnerable patients
- Patients Need Help Finding Medical Information
- Patients with advanced, incurable cancer denied palliative care
- Paul Marks Prize Recognizes Three Young Cancer Researchers
- PCB exposure may raise lymphoma risk
- Penn Study on Silencing of Tumor Suppressor Gene Suggests New Target for Lymphoma
- People Living in Poverty at Greater Risk of Dying from Cancer
- Percentage of cancers linked to viruses potentially overestimated
- Personality not linked to cancer risk or prognosis
- Personalized diets may offer relief to advanced cancer patients
- Personalized medicine helps cancer patients survive
- Persons Who Survive Cancer More Likely to be Unemployed
- Pfizer's Sutent improves survival in cancer study
- Physical & emotional impairments common, often untreated in people with cancer
- Physicists, biologists unite to expose how cancer spreads
- Physics, Math Provide Clues to Unraveling Cancer
- Pitt researchers reveal mechanism to halt cancer cell growth, discover potential therapy
- Pollution exposure linked to childhood cancer
- Possible New Cancer Treatment Identified
- Post-cancer treatment needs go unmet in some
- Potent Inhibitor Blocks Tumors from Metastasizing
- Potential New Therapeutic Molecular Target to Fight Cancer
- Preventing cancer without killing cells
- Promise for Treatment of Renal Cell Cancer
- Promising new cancer therapy uses molecular 'Trash Man' to exploit a common cancer defense
- Protein balance key in preventing cancer
- Protein coding 'junk genes' may be linked to cancer
- Protein finding can pave the way for improved treatment of malignant melanoma
- Protein found to block benefits of vitamin A cancer therapy
- Protein may be key to new treatment in a childhood cancer
- Protein Raises Antibody Output
- Proteins Stop Blood-Vessel and Tumor Growth in Mice
- Proton Therapy Offers New, Precise Cancer Treatment for Children with High-Risk Neuroblastoma
- Psychiatric symptoms can be first sign of cancer
- Punctuated evolution in cancer genomes
- Quality of life with cancer can be preserved
- Quality-of-life program may help cancer patients
- Radiation after surgery reduces chance of melanoma returning
- Radiation exposure from imaging common in kids
- Radiation Treatment Prolonged Liver Cancer Patients' Lives
- Radionuclide treatment against small tumors and metastases
- Rare abdominal cancer diagnosis being looked at in a different manner
- Rare cancer cells captured by imaging device
- Rare Cancer-causing Syndrome Found, for the First Time, in Singapore
- Rate of Secondary Cancers Increases Over Years After Treatment for Childhood Leukemia
- Red wine chemical remains effective against cancer after the body converts it
- Regimen May Hike Survival in Advanced Cancer
- Regulators dispute finding of cancer-causing soda
- Reovirus could be used to treat many forms of advanced cancer
- Repeat imaging in kids with cancer: a balancing act
- Report outlines progress, challenges in childhood cancer
- Report outlines successes, challenges in cancer prevention efforts
- Report says new evidence could tip the balance in aspirin cancer prevention care
- Research Finds New Link Between Inflammation and Cancer
- Research Into Natural Killer Immune Cells Offers Avenues for Childhood Cancer Treatment
- Research makes it possible to predict how cancers will respond to chemo
- Research points towards early cancer detection
- Research Reveals What Drives Lung Cancer’s Spread
- Research Team Identifies Novel Anti-Cancer Drug from the Sea
- Researcher Investigates Ultrasound Use to Treat Cancer
- Researcher Looks for More Targeted Way to Deliver Cancer Drugs
- Researchers Develop and Improve Techniques for Treating Cancer
- Researchers discover critical process in cancer treatment
- Researchers Discover How Cancer 'Invisibility Cloak' Works
- Researchers Discover New Genes That Fuse in Cancer
- Researchers Discover Second Protective Role for Tumor-Suppressor
- Researchers Examine Use of Toad Venom in Cancer Treatment
- Researchers Find Better Method to Help Mothers Cope With Child's Cancer and Related Stress
- Researchers Find Cancer News May Contribute To Confusion About Cancer
- Researchers find environmentally friendly ways to produce more Taxol
- Researchers Find Melanoma Not Caused by Early UVA Light Exposure
- Researchers find multiple similarities between cancer cells and induced pluripotent stem cells
- Researchers Find New Path to Control Tumor Growth
- Researchers find roadmap to next-generation cancer therapies
- Researchers Find Sarcoma Tumor Immune Response With Combination Therapy
- Researchers Harness Radioactivity for New Cancer Treatments
- Researchers Identify a Weak Link in Cancer Cell Armor
- Researchers Identify Cancer Preventive Properties in Common Vitamin Supplement
- Researchers identify genetic mutation for rare cancer
- Researchers identify potential new avenue to attack cancer
- Researchers Identify Role of Gene in Tumor Development
- Researchers Pinpoint How One Cancer Gene Functions
- Researchers Predict Age of T Cells to Improve Cancer Treatment
- Researchers present new findings on cancer and gene therapy
- Researchers show how estrogen turns genes on and off during cancer progression
- Researchers Study Causes of Malignancy
- Researchers unveil vital key to cancer
- Resveratrol, quercetin could provide new options for cancer therapy
- Reversing cell division has implications for the treatment of cancer
- Review finds conflicts of interest in many cancer studies
- Review highlights potential of cancer immunotherapy plus targeted therapy
- Rising cancer rates in low and middle income countries threaten economic stability
- Risk of cancer increases with exposure to low-dose radiation
- Roche says can start to talk about curing cancer
- Ryan O'Neal Diagnosed with Cancer Again
- Same protein that fires up cancer-promoting Erk also blocks its activation
- Schoolgirl comment points to antibiotics as new cancer treatments
- Scientist Finds First Evidence Of Alcohol-Cancer Link
- Scientists announce new advance with potential for future cancer targeting
- Scientists decode secrets of a very common virus that can cause cancer
- Scientists detect cancer genes with new algorithm
- Scientists develop new approach for cancer vaccine
- Scientists devise targeted therapy strategy for rare form of childhood cancer
- Scientists discover cancer markers may be present early during human development
- Scientists dramatically improve method for finding common genetic alterations in tumors
- Scientists find 'bully' genes in common childhood tumor
- Scientists Find Key to Gene that Promotes Cancer Metastasis
- Scientists identify a new gene that causes the spread of cancer
- Scientists Identify Cancer Virus' Genetic Targets
- Scientists Identify Order of Mutations that Lead to Cancer
- Scientists identify rare cancer's genetic pathway
- Scientists invent system to improve effectiveness of cancer surgery
- Scientists kill cancer cells with "Trojan horse"
- Scientists may be able to double efficacy of radiation therapy
- Scientists pave way for diamonds to trace early cancers
- Scientists Share Data about Malignant Hyperthermia
- Scientists uncover navigation system used by cancer, nerve cells
- Scripps Florida Scientists Uncover a Novel Cooperative Effort to Stop Cancer Spread
- Sealants reduce playground cancer risk
- Search for cancer genes unlikely to be successful
- Selenium doesn't prevent cancer: report
- Self-referral: A significant factor in imaging growth
- Sensitizing tumor response to cancer therapy
- Shark cartilage of no use in advanced cancer
- Shorter radiation course okay for bone cancer pain
- Simple life changes could stop millions of cancers
- Simple shell of plant virus sparks immune response against cancer
- Simple test could cut cancer deaths in poor nations
- Simple test could hold key to early diagnosis of cancers
- Single drug dose effective after testicular cancer surgery
- Skid Row Cancer Study Has Implications for Treatment Today, Penn Researcher Says
- Sleep apnea associated with higher mortality from cancer
- Sleep apnoea linked with increased risk of cancer death
- Small bits of genetic material fight cancer's spread
- Small Gift Makes Big Impact in Lives of Cancer Patients
- Small non-coding RNAs could be warning signs of cancer
- Smart bomb drug zaps cancer cells in mice
- Smart cancer drug on sale in the UK
- Smokeless tobacco ups oral cancer risk 80 percent
- Smokeless tobacco ups risk of pancreatic cancer
- Smoking and hepatitis C up risk of lymphoma
- Snoring 'can raise cancer risk five-fold'
- Social networking against cancer
- Some cancer docs say their income tied to treatments
- Some Minorities Believe They Are Less Likely to Get Cancer Compared to Whites, Moffitt Cancer
- Some parents misunderstand kids' cancer studies
- Some tumors contain factors that may block metastasis
- Statins don't protect against cancer: study
- Stem cell discovery furthers research on cell-based therapy and cancer
- Stem cells: the role of cancer-initiating cells in diagnosis and treatment
- Stem-Cell Sentry Sounds the Alarm to Maintain Balance Between Cancer and Aging
- Stress before cancer therapy could help deadly cells survive treatment, lead to disease recurrence
- Studies find an aspirin a day can keep cancer at bay
- Studies Investigate Health Care at the End of Life
- Study estimates deaths attributable to cigarettes for 12 smoking-related cancers
- Study finds gaps in 'decision aids' designed to help determine right cancer screening option
- Study Finds Improvement in the Care of Children with Cancer at the End of Life
- Study finds race and ethnicity affect use of hospice services among patients with advanced cancer
- Study finds that tumor cells can prevent cancer spread
- Study finds way to predict when cancer will spread
- Study Helps Explain Fundamental Process of Tumor Growth
- Study identifies how signals trigger cancer cells to spread
- Study Identifies New Form of Inherited Risk of Cancer
- Study links father's age and risk of blood cancer as an adult
- Study links infections with some childhood cancers
- Study may provide new hope for cancer patients
- Study of cancer cell metabolism yields new insights on leukemia
- Study Predicts Dramatic Growth in Cancer Rates Among U.S. Elderly, Minorities
- Study Provides Clues to Preventing and Treating Cancer Spread
- Study Quantifies Racial Disparities in Cancer Mortality Rates
- Study quantifies racial disparities in cancer mortality rates between blacks and whites
- Study questions dioxin's link to cancer
- Study reveals cancer-linked epigenetic effects of smoking
- Study reveals differences in cancer stage presentation between rural and urban patients
- Study reveals inaccuracies in studies of cancer treatment
- Study sheds new light on aggressive cancer in children
- Study shows epigenetic changes can drive cancer
- Study Shows Fish Oil Does Not Prevent Cancer and May Increase Risk in Women
- Study shows gene positions may aid cancer diagnosis
- Study Shows Immune System Can Hurt As Well As Help Fight Cancer
- Study shows promise for new cancer-stopping therapy
- Study shows radiation causes cancer but rarely
- Study suggests a way to eliminate glioblastoma
- Surgical technique relieves painful spine fractures in patients with metastatic cancer
- Survivors of teenage cancer struggle with jobs, emotions later in life
- Symposium on Minimally Invasive Cancer Treatments
- Tackling a Hard-to-treat Childhood Cancer by Targeting Epigenetic Changes
- Tackling a Hard-to-treat Childhood Cancer by Targeting Epigenetic Changes
- Take Action to Prevent Cancer: Participate in a Prevention Study
- Taking a pill to fight cancer? Avoid these dangerous drug interactions
- Targeted cancer therapies: Another step forward
- Targeted Virus Compels Cancer Cells to Eat Themselves
- Targeting cholesterol may help slow glioblastoma
- Targeting key proteins of carcinogenesis
- Team Identifies New Cancer Stem Cell Driving Metastatic Tumors
- Technology uses tobacco plants to fight cancer
- Teenagers and young adults more likely to survive cancer in Australia than in the USA
- Telephone Calls Increase Cancer Screening Rates
- Ten Minutes That Could Save Your Life
- Terminal cancer patients do not receive appropriate radiation therapy
- Terminal cancer treated too aggressively
- Terminally ill cancer patients continue to receive aggressive treatment at end of life
- Testicular cancer on the rise in much of the world
- TGen-led study spotlights dog DNA role in developing new therapies for human cancers
- The CNIO discovers a link between a rare form of anemia and cancer
- The future of personalized cancer treatment: An entirely new direction for RNAi delivery
- The only top 10 cancer where survival rates are falling
- The role of genes in the development of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas
- The solitary pulmonary nodule - malignant or benign?
- The true costs of cancer in Europe revealed
- Therapeutic gene suspected to cause cancer
- Three 'Targeted' Cancer Drugs Raise Risk of Fatal Side Effects
- Tiny hitchhikers attack cancer cells
- Tiny molecules linked to cancer development
- Tiny robotic 'hands' could improve cancer diagnostics, drug delivery
- Tired after cancer treatment? Walking may help
- To stop cancer: Block its messages
- Tobacco cause of most cancers in black men
- Top cancer fighting foods
- Top Experts in Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy to Speak at Loyola Conference
- Toward a better understanding of the mechanisms blocking cancer cell growth
- Trackable drug-filled nanoparticles - a potential weapon against cancer
- Treatment resistance in some cancer cells may be reversible
- Tube versus IV feeding in malnourished pediatric cancer patients
- Tumor blood vessels prevent the spread of cancer cells
- Tumor boards linked to little association with effects on cancer care
- Tumor cells' inner workings predict cancer progression
- Tumor cells' inner workings predict cancer progression
- Tumor mechanism identified
- Tumor metastasis with a twist
- Tumor-activated protein promotes cancer spread
- Two New Studies Back Vitamin D for Cancer Prevention
- U of M Researchers Find Childhood Cancer Risk Rises with Mother's Age
- U-S Cancer Death Rates in Decline, National Report Finds
- U.S. Cancer Death Rates Continue to Decline, National Report Finds
- U.S. cancer diagnoses will jump 45 percent by 2030
- U.S. cancer drugs shortage has doctors scrambling
- U.S. cancer rates continue their decline: report
- U.S. cancer survivors face new test in long-term care
- U.S. experts weigh how to reduce radiation from scans
- U.S. study faults aggressive end-of-life cancer care
- UC San Diego Noted for Highest Quality Cancer Care
- UCR scientists identify pomegranate juice components that could stop cancer from spreading
- UCSD Researchers State Vitamin D Needed to Cut Cancer Risk
- UEA scientists make advance in cancer research
- UGA discovery promises to improve drugs used to fight cancer, other diseases
- UK cancer map shows way to save 17,000 lives a year
- UK cancer survival rates, spending lag Europe
- UNC study supports role of circadian clock in response to chemotherapy
- Understanding cell organization to tackle cancer
- Unexpected use of former cancer drug
- Unhealthy Behaviors More Prevalent in Survivors of Multiple Cancers, Study Shows
- Uninsured women less likely to get cancer screening
- University of the Basque Country team develop nano-hydrogels capable of detecting cancer cells
- Unlocking the body's defenses against cancer
- Unusual Three-Drug Combo Inhibits Growth of Aggressive Tumors
- Upending a cancer dogma
- US cancer death rates decline, report finds
- US to look for early signs of cancer drug effects
- Using a molecular switch to turn on cancer vaccines
- Using ice cream to combat side effects of chemo
- Using magenetic nanoparticles to combat cancer
- Using math to fight cancer
- Using millions of years of cell evolution in the fight against cancer
- Using PET/CT Imaging, Researchers Can Tell After a Single Treatment Whether Chemotherapy is Working
- UTSW researchers identify new potential target for cancer therapy
- UTSW study identifies potential therapeutic target for incurable, rare type of soft-tissue cancer
- UV light improving chances of fighting cancer
- Van Andel Research Institute Finding Could Lead to Reduced Side Effects in Anti-Cancer Antibiotics
- Vanderbilt First to Use Specialized PET/CT Scan to Uncover Cancerous Tumors
- Video games lead to new paths to treat cancer, other diseases
- Viral therapy could boost limb-saving cancer treatment
- Virginia Tech engineers introduce thermotherapy as a chemotherapy alternative
- Virtual Exams Detect Cancer Risks
- Virus Attack on Cancer
- Virus-fighting genes linked to mutations in cancer
- Viruses against cancer
- Vitamin C shots may benefit cancer patients
- Vitamin D deficiency common in cancer patients
- Vitamin D protects cells from stress that can lead to cancer
- Vitamin D Reduces Cancer Risk
- Washington University Scientists First to Sequence Genome of Cancer Patient
- Weizmann Institute's Mathematical Model May Lead to Safer Chemotherapy
- Weizmann Institute's Mathematical Model May Lead to Safer Chemotherapy
- What Does Compassion Sound Like?
- Why are blacks more likely to die from cancer diagnosis?
- Why Do People with Down Syndrome Have Less Cancer?
- Why Some Tumors Don't Respond to Radiation and Chemotherapy
- Women still face cancer risk 25 years after treatment
- Women underrepresented in most cancer research
- Women who have stopped estrogen plus progestin therapy may be at increased risk of cancer
- Workers in No-Smoking Restaurants Show Lower Carcinogen Levels
- Working with poultry linked to certain cancers
- World Cancer Day Points to Prevention
- Yeast unravels effects of chemotherapy drugs
- Yoga helps fatigue, sleep in cancer survivors
- Young cancer researcher to meet the world's best
- Young Volunteers Help Close Social Gap in Cancer Care
- Yttrium-90 to control hepatocarcinoma
Malignant Germ Cell Tumors
Oral Cancer News
Ovarian Cancer
Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
Nonepithelial Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian Cancer news
- 'Clumping' Protein Linked to Return of Ovarian Cancer
- 'Trojan Horse' particle sneaks chemotherapy in to kill ovarian cancer cells
- 2 reproductive factors are important predictors of death from ovarian cancer
- 2 studies find new genetic links to ovarian cancer risk
- 4 possible risk factors for ovarian cancer found
- 5 genetic variations increase risk of ovarian cancer
- 65% of ovarian cancer cells sideline body's defences
- Abdominal chemotherapy boosts survival in ovarian cancer patients
- Addition of dasatinib to standard chemo cocktail may enhance effect in certain ovarian cancers
- An experiment in earlier detection of ovarian cancer
- Analgesic drugs don't reduce ovarian cancer risk
- Angelina Jolie Has Ovaries Removed to Prevent Cancer
- Angiogenesis Linked to Poor Survival in Patients with Rare Type of Ovarian Cancer
- Anti-tumor immunity identified with new ovarian cancer treatment strategy
- Avastin delays progression of ovarian cancer
- Avastin helps in ovarian cancer but effects fade
- Biological diversity of ovarian cancer lessens value of screening
- Birth after cancer treatment with removal and storage of ovary
- Birth control pill lowers ovarian cancer risk - study
- Bloating, pain may precede ovarian cancer
- Blood test detects ovarian cancer early
- Body cavity drugs cut ovarian cancer death risk
- BRCA2 genetic mutation associated with improved survival and chemotherapy response in ovarian cancer
- CA-125 change over time shows promise as screening tool for early detection of ovarian cancer
- Cancer stem cells recruit normal stem cells to fuel ovarian cancer, U-M study finds
- Cancer-Reducing Benefits of Preventive Surgery May Be Specific to Gene Mutation
- Clues to Ovarian Cancer's Deadly Secrets
- Combo Promising for Resistant Ovarian Cancer
- Commercial Sale of Ovarian Cancer Test Deemed Illegal by FDA
- Correlation Between ChemoFx Assay and Improved Survival in Patients with Ovarian Cancer
- Dietary factors influence ovarian cancer survival rates
- Discovery leads to new hope against ovarian cancer
- Discovery May Lead to Turning Back the Clock on Ovarian Cancer
- DNA Repair Genes May Predict Ovarian Cancer Survival
- DNA repair pathway score for predicting chemotherapy response in ovarian cancer patients
- Drinking Tea Associated with Lower Risk of Ovarian Cancer
- Drug cocktail boosts ovarian cancer survival time
- Early periods may reduce ovarian cancer survival
- Electronic nose detects cancer
- Emotional support may slow ovarian cancer
- Excess pounds may raise ovarian cancer risk
- Excess weight worsens ovarian cancer prognosis
- Experimental Drug Boosts Survival Time For Recurrent Ovarian Cancer
- Experimental drug combined with standard chemo may shrink ovarian cancers
- Extracellular protein sensitizes ovarian cancer cells to chemotherapy
- Family breast cancer history ups ovarian cancer risk
- Faulty proteins may prove significant in identifying new treatments for ovarian cancer
- FDA clears biomarker test for ovarian cancer
- Finding ovarian cancer fast may not help survival
- First baby is born after a new technique -Ovarian transplantation
- Folate receptors may serve as a front door to ovarian cancer treatment
- Genetic factors implicated in survival gap for breast, ovarian or prostate cancer
- Ginger Causes Ovarian Cancer Cells to Die
- Ginkgo may ward off ovarian cancer
- Glutamine ratio is key ovarian cancer indicator
- Goodness of milk 'offset by ovarian cancer risk'
- GPs take more than a month to record ovarian cancer diagnosis in one in 10 cases
- High dairy diet may up ovarian cancer risk
- Higher BMI Tied to Ovarian Cancer Risk
- Hormone therapy linked to ovarian cancer risk
- Hormone Therapy Use Linked With Increased Risk of Ovarian Cancer
- Identified as responsible for breast and ovarian hereditary cancer three BRCA1 mutations
- Immune Therapy Offers Hope in Ovarian Cancer
- Israeli woman gives birth after ovary transplant
- Johns Hopkins scientists use Pap test fluid to detect ovarian, endometrial cancers
- Late-Stage Ovarian Cancer Therapy Shows Promise in Phase I Trial
- Low dose naltrexone (LDN): Harnessing the body's own chemistry to treat human ovarian cancer
- Low-dose Pill reduces ovarian cancer risk
- Low-fat diet possibly linked to lower risk of ovarian cancer
- Many have ovary surgery even with negative gene test
- Mayo study: Common diabetes drug may treat ovarian cancer
- Moffitt Cancer Center Researchers Find Possible Molecular Key to Regulation of Ovarian Cancer Stem Cells
- More patients with ovarian cancer are receiving chemotherapy before surgery
- More study needed on vitamin D-ovarian cancer link
- Motor protein may offer promise in ovarian cancer treatment
- Nanoparticle-Delivered “Suicide” Genes Slowed Ovarian Tumor Growth
- Nanotech gene therapy kills ovarian cancer in mice
- Nanotech system, cellular heating may improve treatment of ovarian cancer
- New Antibody Offers Hope for Treating Ovarian, Breast Cancer
- New approach to old test may detect ovarian cancer
- New drug comb may lengthen ovarian cancer survival
- New Imaging Technique Highlights Cancer During Surgery
- New method shrinks metastatic ovarian cancer and reduces chemotherapy dose
- New platinum-phosphate compounds kill ovarian cancer cells
- New screening strategy may catch ovarian cancer at early stages
- New screening strategy may catch ovarian cancer at early stages
- New technique could sustain cancer patients' fertility
- New therapeutic strategy discovered for ovarian cancer
- New Treatment Implications for Ovarian Cancer Unveiled
- New treatment to overpower drug resistance in ovarian cancer
- Novel Study Using Reoviruses Against Ovarian Cancer Pushes Forward
- Obesity Leads to More Aggressive Ovarian Cancer
- Obesity may raise risk of ovarian cancer
- OHSU Primate Center’s Ovarian Cancer Finding May be a “Win-Win” for At-Risk Women Who Wish to Have a Family
- Optimistic women with ovarian cancer fare better
- Ovarian cancer cells are more aggressive on soft tissues
- Ovarian cancer drug trial reveals promising new treatment
- Ovarian Cancer May Mimic Fallopian Tube Formation
- Ovarian cancer metastases influenced by factors in target tissues
- Ovarian Cancer Patients Have Lower Mortality Rates When Treated at High-Volume Hospitals
- Ovarian cancer patients survive longer with BRCA2 mutated in tumors
- Ovarian Cancer Responds to Aspirin Derivative with Chemotherapy
- Ovarian cancer risk not affected by alcohol and smoking, but reduced by caffeine
- Ovarian cancer screening 'has potential'
- Ovarian cancer screening approach may be flawed
- Ovarian Cancer Screening Not Catching Early Disease
- Ovarian cancer screening popular despite guidelines
- Ovarian cancer screening saves few lives
- Ovarian Cancer Screening: Simple Two-Minute Questionnaire That Checks for Six Warning Signs May Lead to Better Early Detection
- Ovarian cancer stem cell study puts targeted therapies within reach
- Ovarian Cancer Study Gets Aid
- Ovarian cancer subtypes are different diseases: Implications for biomarker studies
- Ovarian cancer survival influenced by MD specialty
- Ovarian Cancer Treatment Found to Significantly Improve Survival
- Ovarian cancer: Genetic testing should be accessible to all women with the disease
- Ovarian Cancer: the Not-so-silent Killer
- Ovarian transplantation: New technique gives greatly improved results in this delicate operation
- Ovary removal could be risky for young women
- Ovulation induction linked with cancer risk
- PET-CT Highly Accurate for Detecting Ovarian Cancer Recurrence
- PET/CT scan could be valuable noninvasive tool for determining stages of ovarian cancer
- Physical activity does not ward off ovarian cancer
- Plant-based flavonoid may cut ovarian cancer risk
- Platypus Link to Ovarian Cancer
- Possible New Therapy for Patients with Platinum-Resistant Ovarian Cancer
- Possible way to treat ovarian cancer reported
- Preclinical study identifies 'master' proto-oncogene that regulates ovarian cancer metastasis
- Processed meat linked to higher ovarian cancer risk
- Project Achilles Pinpoints Vulnerabilities in Ovarian Cancer
- Protein compels ovarian cancer cells to cannibalize themselves
- Protein in urine may point to more sensitive screening tests for women with ovarian cancer
- Proteins show promise for ovarian cancer screening
- Removal of Ovaries Decreases Cancer Risk for Women at High-Risk
- Research backs risk-reduction surgery for ovarian cancer
- Research Highlights Important Indicators of Early-stage Ovarian Cancer
- Researchers at Case Comprehensive Cancer Center discover ovarian cancer biomarker
- Researchers discover breakthrough in ovarian cancer
- Researchers find experimental drug can help fight debilitating side effect of ovarian cancer
- Researchers Find Ovarian Cancer Risk Related To Inherited Inflammation Genes
- Researchers find possible genetic keys to surviving epithelial ovarian cancer
- Researchers Identify and Shut Down Protein that Fuels Ovarian Cancer
- Researchers identify genes that may help in ovarian cancer diagnosis and prognosis
- Researchers Identify Genes Tied to Deadliest Ovarian Cancers
- Researchers Identify Ovarian Cancer Biomarkers
- Researchers identify potential new strategy to treat ovarian cancer
- Roche upbeat on Avastin in ovarian cancer
- Scientists find genetic variants key to understanding origins of ovarian cancer
- Screening detects ovarian cancer using neighboring cells
- Screening misses early ovarian cancer
- Selumetinib Controlled Recurrent Low-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer
- Short-term OC use cuts ovarian cancer risk
- Simple ovarian cancer symptom survey that checks for 6 warning signs may improve early detection
- Soy may lessen risk of endometrial, ovarian cancers
- Sparing hope for the future: Preserving fertility in cancer patients
- Specialists provide best outcome for ovarian cancer
- Squeezing Ovarian Cancer Cells to Predict Metastatic Potential
- St. John's wort and polymeric nanoparticles to treat ovarian tumors using light
- Stem Cells Could be Used for Personalized Cancer Treatment
- Stopping ovarian cancer in its tracks: An antibody may help patients heal themselves
- Study drug is first to help patients with recurrent low-grade ovarian cancer
- Study Explains High Platelets in Ovarian Cancer Patients; Survival Reduced
- Study Finds Aspirin, Vitamin E Don't Prevent Cancer
- Study finds similarities between ovary, breast cancers
- Study proposes new ovarian cancer targets
- Study Provides Clues to Prevent Spread of Ovarian Cancer
- Study Reveals Why Certain Ovarian Cancers Develop Resistance to Platinum-based Chemotherapy
- Study seeks earlier ovarian cancer detection
- Study Shows High Blood Calcium Levels May Indicate Ovarian Cancer
- Study unmasks how ovarian tumors evade immune system
- Surviving Ovarian Cancer: Rutgers Scientists Attack Drug Resistant Cancer Cells
- Survivors of Rare Ovarian Cancer Retain Fertility, Have Positive Relationships
- Symptom screening plus a simple blood test improves early detection of ovarian cancer
- Targeted treatment plus chemotherapy could benefit women with ovarian cancer
- Targeted way to treat ovarian cancer discovered
- Team effort to beat ovarian cancer
- TG2 identified as potential therapeutic target in chemo-resistant ovarian cancer
- TGen-led study discovers genetic cause of rare type of ovarian cancer
- The Cancer Genome Atlas completes detailed ovarian cancer analysis
- Tiny genetic variation can predict ovarian cancer outcome
- Trial of Topotecan following Carboplatin and Paclitaxel in treatment of ovarian cancer
- Two gene mutations mark deadly ovarian cancer
- Two-Step Immunotherapy Attacks Advanced Ovarian Cancer, Penn Medicine Researchers Report
- UBC discovery may lead to 'smart' therapies for breast, ovarian cancer
- UCI study finds racial, economic disparities in ovarian cancer care, survival
- Vaccine/Antibody Therapy Effective in Melanoma and Ovarian Cancer
- Vascular marker of ovarian cancer identified
- Virus kills ovarian cancer cells
- Wayne State proves targeted tumor freezing therapy increases ovarian cancer survival
- What raises a woman's chance of getting ovarian cancer?
- Why are African Americans less Likely to Survive Certain Cancers?
- Women often opt to surgically remove their breasts, ovaries to reduce cancer risk
- Women with Certain Type of Ovarian Cancer and BRCA Gene Mutation Have Improved Survival at 5 Years
- Young early stage ovarian cancer patients can preserve fertility
- Younger women survive ovarian cancer better
Pancreatic Cancer news
- 'Achilles heel' of pancreatic cancer identified
- 'Brake gene' turned off in pancreatic cancer
- A Boost May Improve Pancreatic Cancer Resection Rate
- A promising approach in the prevention and treatment of pancreatic cancer
- A tumor of the pancreas mimicked by colonic duplication?
- Abnormal DNA Repair Genes May Predict Pancreatic Cancer Risk
- Abraxane's Approval for Pancreatic Cancer Is a Major Milestone for Celgene
- Advanced pancreatic tumors depend on continued oncogene activity
- Age important in hereditary pancreatic cancer risk
- Alcohol Consumption May Increase Pancreatic Cancer Risk
- Americans mixed on adequacy of cancer screenings: poll
- An easier, safer, and more accurate treatment for pancreatic cancer
- An Herbal Extract Inhibits the Development of Pancreatic Cancer
- Ancient Chinese medicine put through its paces for pancreatic cancer
- Aspirin may lower the risk of pancreatic cancer
- Avastin trial for pancreatic tumors
- Bacteria may signal pancreatic cancer risk
- Barbados PM dies from cancer, successor appointed
- Big belly raises a woman's pancreatic cancer risk
- Biomarkers in blood show potential as early detection method of pancreatic cancer
- Bitter melon juice prevents pancreatic cancer in mouse models
- Blood pressure drugs halt pancreatic cancer cell growth, Jefferson researchers find
- Burned meat linked to pancreatic cancer
- Celgene's Abraxane increases survival in pancreatic cancer
- Chemotherapy and stereotactic ablative radiation (SABR) consecutively may be promising treatment option for patients with advanced pancreatic cancer
- Chinese Herbal Extract May Help Kill Off Pancreatic Cancer Cells
- Common antibiotic part of a new potential pancreatic cancer therapy
- Continued use of low-dose aspirin may lower pancreatic cancer risk
- Daily drinking may raise risk of several cancers
- Diet quality linked to pancreatic cancer risk
- Dietary fat associated with pancreatic cancer risk
- Different types of islet cell tumors have different signs and symptoms
- Dismantling pancreas cancer's armor
- DNA Repair Patterns May Predict Risk of Pancreatic Cancer
- Drug slows prostate tumor growth by keeping vitamin A active
- EGFR essential for the development of pancreatic cancer
- Electric Pulses May Help in Pancreatic Cancer
- Endoscope with an oxygen sensor detects pancreatic cancer
- Everolimus Improves Progression-Free Survival for Patients with Rare Pancreatic Cancer
- First Use of Innovative "IRE" on Pancreatic Tumor
- Fizzy drinks increase risk of pancreatic cancer
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging to evaluate pancreatic cancer
- Gefitinib may have chemopreventive benefits in pancreatic cancer
- Gene Discovered by Researchers Tied to Pancreatic Cancer
- Gene Linked to Pancreatic Cancer Growth
- Gene mutation found for aggressive form of pancreatic cancer
- Gene therapy tested in pancreatic cancer studies
- Heavy alcohol use, binge drinking, might increase risk of pancreatic cancer, researcher reports
- Hepatitis B Exposure May Increase Risk For Pancreatic Cancer
- Herbal remedy shown to have anti-cancer effect
- Hutchinson Center and TGen scientists discover potential 'break through' in pancreatic cancer
- Ingredient in red chili pepper has cancer-fighting properties
- Insulin Levels and Resistance Linked to Risk of Pancreatic Cancer
- Islet Cell Tumors (Endocrine Pancreas)
- Jefferson researchers identify critical marker of response to gemcitabine in pancreatic cancer
- Johns Hopkins Scientists Crack Genetic Code for Form of Pancreatic Cancer
- Johns Hopkins scientists crack genetic code for form of pancreatic cancer
- Link Found Between Periodontal Disease and Pancreatic Cancer
- Long-Term Obesity Is Associated with Poorer Pancreatic Cancer Survival
- Malaria drug slows pancreatic cancer growth in mouse models
- Mayo Clinic Reports New Findings on Noninvasive Test for Pancreatic Cancer
- Mayo Clinic Researchers Find Oncogene is Important in Pancreatic Cancer Growth and Spread
- MD Anderson Orlando Moves Pancreatic Cancer Research Forward
- Metastasis of pancreatic cancer in action
- Methionine may ward off pancreatic cancer
- Micro Molecules Can Identify Pancreatic Cancer
- Missing molecules hold promise of therapy for pancreatic cancer
- Moffitt makes important steps toward developing a blood test to catch pancreatic cancer early
- Moffitt researchers discover biological markers associated with high-risk pancreatic lesions
- Molecular marker from pancreatic 'juices' helps identify pancreatic cancer
- Molecular master switch for pancreatic cancer identified, potential predictor of treatment outcome
- MRI screening program for individuals at high risk of pancreatic cancer
- Nanoscopic changes to pancreatic cells reveal cancer
- Naturally-occurring apple compounds reduce risk of pancreatic cancer
- Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Pancreas
- New 'chemotherapy booster' could treat lung and pancreatic cancer
- New combination effective against pancreatic cancer
- New drug achieves pancreatic cancer tumor remission and prevents recurrence
- New findings show link between diabetes and pancreatic cancer
- New metabolite-based diagnostic test could help detect pancreatic cancer early
- New molecular therapy candidates for pancreatic cancer
- New research improves early detection and survival for pancreatic cancer
- New treatment combination safe for pancreatic cancer patients
- New Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer Allows Life-Saving Surgery
- New treatment protocol extends survival in some cases of once inoperable pancreatic cancer
- No support for routine pancreatic cancer screening
- November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
- Nutritional supplement works against some pancreatic cancer cells in mice
- Pancreas cancer surgery outcome worse with obesity
- Pancreatic cancer affects blacks at higher rates
- Pancreatic cancer and ecoendoscop
- Pancreatic Cancer Expert at University of Virginia
- Pancreatic Cancer May Be Detected with Simple Intestinal Probe
- Pancreatic cancer patient survival 'significantly higher' with nab-paclitaxel, says TGen-led study
- Pancreatic Cancer Patients Have Elevated Fructose Levels New Test May Help in Understanding the Health Effects of High Fructose Intake
- Pancreatic cancer risk decreased by one anti-diabetic therapy, increased by others
- Pancreatic cancer risk linked to weak sunlight
- Pancreatic cancer risk varies with smoking habits
- Pancreatic Cancer Surgery Can Help Those Over 80
- Pancreatic cancer vaccine may improve survival
- Pancreatic cancer: Researchers find drug that reverses resistance to chemotherapy
- Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Cancer
- Pancreatic Tumors Are Marked for Immunotherapy
- Patients With Pancreatic Cancer Could be Treated
- Penn researchers uncover novel immune therapy for pancreatic cancer
- Popular herbal supplement hinders the growth of pancreatic cancer cells
- Possible Genetic Link to Pancreatic Cancer
- Possible origins of pancreatic cancer revealed
- Preclinical study finds drug helps against pancreatic cancer
- Preoperative/neoadjuvant therapy in pancreatic cancer
- Protein found to regulate spread of pancreatic cancer cells
- Radiation Before Surgery Improves Pancreatic Cancer Outcomes
- Rare pancreatic cancer patients may live longer when treated with radiation therapy
- Red meat associated with pancreatic cancer
- Research Looks at Advanced Radiation for Pancreatic Cancer
- Researchers Find Gene Therapy that Kills Pancreatic Cancer Cells
- Researchers find potential new treatment approach for pancreatic cancer
- Researchers ID Gene Involved in Pancreatic Cancer
- Researchers Identify Biomarkers of Early-stage Pancreatic Cancer in Mice and Man
- Response to preoperative therapy may predict survival in pancreatic cancer patients
- San Jose Man Makes Cross-Continental Journey for IRE Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer
- Scientists Break Through Pancreas Cancer Treatment Barrier
- Scientists pinpoint a new molecular mechanism tied to pancreatic cancer
- Shining light on pancreatic cancer
- Smoking, heavy drinking linked to earlier onset of pancreatic cancer
- Some support for pancreatic cancer screening
- Study examines screening for pancreatic cancer in high-risk populations
- Study explains how green tea could reduce pancreatic cancer risk
- Study finds CT scans predict chemotherapy response in pancreatic cancer
- Study helps pancreatic cancer patients make hard choices
- Study links sugary soft drinks to pancreatic cancer
- Study sheds light on factors that may contribute to pancreatic cancer
- Sugary foods linked to pancreatic cancer risk
- Surgery and Adjuvant Therapy Can Work for Pancreatic Cancer
- Tarceva Approved for Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer
- Targeted radiation therapy safe, effective treatment for elderly with pancreatic cancer
- Tests may detect mesothelioma, pancreatic cancer
- TGen study finds genes associated with improved survival for pancreatic cancer patients
- TGen, Scottsdale Healthcare study shows drug combination extends pancreatic cancer patient survival
- The inhibition of a protein opens the door to the treatment of pancreatic cancer
- The protein survivin could be a useful biomarker for pancreatic cancer
- Tiny particles in blood useful for early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer
- Tree nut consumption associated with reduced risk of pancreatic cancer in women
- Two-drug combination shows promise against one type of pancreatic cancer
- UNC team discovers promising target for new pancreatic cancer treatments
- UTSW researchers lead collaborative charge to uncover genetic diversity of pancreatic cancer
- Vitamin D May Cut Pancreatic Cancer Risk by Nearly Half
- What is a Neuroendocrine Tumor?
Penile cancers news
Principles of Cancer Therapy
Prostate cancer
Current clinical issues in prostate cancer
Prostate Cancer news
- "Watchful waiting" safe for some prostate cancers
- 'Mismatched' prostate cancer treatment more common than expected
- 'Statins' improve prostate cancer outcome
- 10 Early Signs of Prostate Cancer That Often Go Unnoticed
- A Better Blood Test for Prostate Cancer
- A low-carb diet may stunt prostate tumor growth
- A new ground zero for prostate cancer
- Abbott says access to prostate cancer drug widened
- Abiraterone acetate delays quality of life decline in men with metastatic prostate cancer
- Accurate Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Depends on Biopsy Location
- Accurate test for aggressive prostate cancer steps closer with genetic study
- Ack1 molecule stimulates the aggressive growth of prostate cancer
- Acquisition of Robotic Technology Leads to Increased Rates of Prostate Cancer Surgery
- Acrylamide in food not linked to prostate cancer
- Advanced-Stage Prostate Cancer Patients Experience 20-Year Survival Rates With Surgery
- African Americans experience longer delay between prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment
- Age alone should not be used to determine whether to treat prostate cancer with hormones
- Agent Orange exposure linked to life-threatening prostate cancer
- Alternative therapy common in prostate cancer
- An immune system marker for therapy-resistant prostate cancer
- Androgen deprivation therapy does not prevent prostate cancer from spreading
- Annual Prostate Cancer Screening Test Appears to Save Lives
- Antioxidants don't prevent prostate cancer: study
- ARRA Funds Research to Improve Prostate Cancer Identification
- Artificial Light at Night: Higher Risk of Prostate Cancer
- Artificial Light at Night: Higher Risk of Prostate Cancer
- Aspirin may help men with prostate cancer live longer, study suggests
- Aspirin, Other NSAIDs, May Prevent or Delay Enlarged Prostate
- Association of C-peptide concentration with prostate cancer incidence in a prospective cohort
- Baldness drug could mask prostate cancer marker
- Balloon mis-positioning during prostate cancer treatment could affect success of radiation delivery
- Barbecue meats linked with prostate cancer
- Beehive extract shows potential as prostate cancer treatment
- Being active may ward off prostate cancer death
- Benefit of brachytherapy in patients with early-stage prostate cancer is still unclear
- Best Prostate Cancer Radiation?
- Better guidelines, coordination needed for prostate cancer specialists
- Biofeedback cuts urine leak after prostate surgery
- Biomarkers Help Predict Prostate Cancer Progression
- Black men least likely to get prostate cancer screening even during peak ages of risk
- Blood test indicates spread of prostate cancer
- Bone turnover markers predict prostate cancer outcomes
- Botox relieves BPH symptoms
- BPA increases risk of cancer in human prostate tissue
- Brisk walking may help men with prostate cancer, UCSF study finds
- Calcium consumption may cause prostate cancer in Chinese
- Can Changing Your Lifestyle Help Treat Prostate Cancer?
- Cancer in sister affects black men's cancer risk
- Carbohydrate restriction may slow prostate tumor growth
- Carcinoma of the Prostate (CAP)
- Carcinoma of the Prostate Treatment
- Castrate resistant prostate cancer: New therapeutic approaches
- CCNY researchers demonstrate effectiveness of contrast agent Cytate in detectcing prostate cancer
- Change in PSA level does not predict prostate cancer
- Change in PSA levels over time can help predict aggressive prostate cancer
- Childless men run lower risk of prostate cancer
- Chillies send prostate cancer cells on a suicidal path
- Chlordecone exposure and risk of prostate cancer
- Cholesterol and cancer: Answers and some new questions
- Chronic inflammation linked to 'high-grade' prostate cancer
- Cigarette smoking may raise prostate cancer risk
- Circumcision linked to reduced risk of prostate cancer in some men
- Circumcision reduces prostate cancer risk
- Clinicians Map Group at High Risk for Aggressive, 'Hidden' Prostate Cancer
- Closely monitoring low-risk prostate cancer, with biopsy, does not raise risk of death
- Coffee Consumption Associated with Reduced Risk of Advanced Prostate Cancer
- Coffee may reduce risk of lethal prostate cancer in men
- Combination of genetic mutation and viral infection may cause prostate cancer
- Combination therapy improves survival for certain prostate cancer patients
- Common genetic prostate cancer variant identified
- Common Genetic Risk Factor for Colorectal and Prostate Cancer Identified
- Common painkillers lower levels of prostate cancer biomarker
- Common prostate cancer treatment associated with decreased survival in older men
- Complementary Alternative Medical (CAM) Therapy and Prostate Cancer
- Component in green tea may help reduce prostate cancer in men at high risk
- Contrast-enhanced ultrasound better detects high-grade prostate cancers with less biopsies
- Costly prostate therapy common when docs own the machine
- Counseling helps sex life after prostate cancer
- Counting tumor cells in blood predicts treatment benefit in prostate cancer
- Curry Spice Component May Help Slow Prostate Tumor Growth
- Daily drinking may raise risk of several cancers
- Data Suggests a Diet High in Vegetable Intake Can Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer
- Deaths from pancreatic cancer rise, fall along racial lines
- deCODE discovers genetic markers that improve the power of PSA testing for detecting prostate cancer
- Dehydrated tomatoes show promise for preventing prostate cancer
- Delay OK before radiation for prostate cancer
- Delaying therapy OK for low-risk prostate cancer
- Diet and medications may assist prevention of prostate cancer
- Diet may make a difference in prostate cancer
- Diet May Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer
- Digital rectal exam remains important part of prostate screening
- Discovery at JGH opens door to new treatments for prostate, brain and skin cancers
- Discovery of a new virus in prostate tumors
- Doctor characteristics may influence prostate cancer treatment
- Doctors group questions prostate cancer screening
- Does age matter in selection of treatment for men with early-stage prostate cancer?
- Does race, income predict prostate cancer outcome?
- Dogs can sniff out prostate cancer in urine
- Don’t Give Up on Prostate Cancer Screening Just Yet
- Don't believe hype about robot prostatectomy: study
- Doubling up on advanced prostate cancer with PARP inhibitors
- Dramatic Outcomes in Prostate Cancer Study
- Drug Attacks Prostate Cancer in Mouse Model by Destroying Its Blood Supply
- Drug safely cuts prostate cancer risk, study finds
- Drug Shows Activity in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer
- Drug shows promise in prostate cancer spread to bone
- Dutasteride not a cost-effective way to prevent prostate cancer in some men
- Dutasteride useful for enlarged prostate
- Early Clinical Data Show Galeterone Safe, Effective Against Prostate Cancer
- Early prostate cancer detection, screening: No benefit for men with low baseline PSA value
- Effect of Selenium and Vitamin E on Risk of Prostate Cancer and Other Cancers
- Epigenetic causes of prostate cancer
- Excessive Multivitamin Use May Raise Risk for Prostate Cancer
- Exercise helps sex life after prostate radiation
- Exercise linked with reduced prostate cancer risk in Caucasians but not African Americans
- Exercise Reduces Death Rate in Prostate Cancer Patients
- Family counseling improves lives of patients and spouses coping with prostate cancer
- Family history of prostate cancer does not affect some treatment outcomes
- Fat intake increases prostate cancer risk
- Fatherhood linked to prostate cancer risk
- Faulty Gene Linked to Prostate Cancer Risk
- FDA backs prostate cancer drug Zytiga for earlier use
- Few differences in outcomes between open and laparoscopic prostate surgery
- Few Side Effects from Radiation Treatment Given After Prostate Cancer Surgery
- Few well performed studies address management of lymph node positive prostate cancer
- Fewer complications, better outcomes with robot-assisted prostate cancer surgery
- Finnish researchers find a compound that prevents the growth of prostate cancer cells
- First Biomarker Discovered that Predicts Prostate Cancer Outcome
- First genetic factor in prostate cancer prognosis identified
- Fit Friday: Reducing prostate cancer death risk, diet's role in asthma, workout clothes
- Folate may alter risk of prostate cancer progression
- Folic Acid Supplements Linked To Higher Risk Of Prostate Cancer
- For men with prostate cancer, treatment information fails to address fears
- Freezing prostate cancer does a man's body good
- Gene Fusion Discovery May Lead to Improved Prostate Cancer Test
- Gene Linked to Aggressive Prostate Cancer
- Gene Markers Located for Hereditary Prostate Cancer
- Gene test could save men from prostate surgery
- Gene test may help guide prostate cancer treatment
- Gene test may help spot lethal prostate tumors
- Gene variants in Japanese prostate cancer patients
- Generic Prostate Drug Helps Find High-risk Cancers Early
- Genes may play role in risk assessment for prostate cancer among Hispanics and caucasians
- Genetic abnormalities in benign or malignant tissues predict relapse of prostate cancer
- Genetic and Behavioral Differences Add to Prostate Cancer Disparities
- Genetic factors implicated in survival gap for breast, ovarian or prostate cancer
- Genetic factors key to prostate cancer death risk
- Genetic link to prostate cancer risk in African Americans found
- Genetic map of prostate cancer cracked
- Genetic mutation may play key role in risk of lethal prostate cancer in overweight patients
- Genetic mutations associated with increased PSA and prostate cancer
- Gleevec strangles drug-resistant, metastatic prostate cancer
- Gonorrhea linked to higher prostate cancer risk
- Green Tea and Cancer Prevention: New Clues
- Green Tea May Affect Prostate Cancer Progression
- Growth factor receptor affects prostate cancer progression
- Guide aims to help men understand prostate cancer
- Heavy drinking may boost prostate cancer risk
- Heavy men fare poorly with prostate cancer
- Height linked to risk of prostate cancer development and progression
- Herbal extract may treat prostate cancer
- High Medicare spending on prostate cancer screenings, but little benefit for older men
- High-Grade Prostate Cancer Linked to Diabetes
- High-risk prostate cancer associated with significantly lower bone mineral content loss
- Higher doses of radiation for prostate cancer do not decrease sexual function
- Higher vitamin K intake tied to lower cancer risks
- Hopkins Prostate Cancer Experts Available
- Hops Compound May Prevent Prostate Cancer
- Hormonal Dietary Supplements Might Promote Prostate Cancer Progression
- Hormone pill slows prostate cancer's growth
- Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer Patients With Heart Conditions Linked to Increased Death Risk
- How Advanced Prostate Cancer Becomes Resistant to Androgen-deprivation Therapy
- How does prostate cancer form?
- How Prostate Cancer Packs a Punch
- How prostate cancer therapies compare by cost and effectiveness
- How some prostate tumors resist treatment - and how it might be fixed
- I've Been Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer
- Immunologic tests detect hidden prostate cancer
- Infertility linked to prostate cancer
- Inhibiting Prostate Cancer without Disturbing Regular Body Processes
- Innovation and current status of prostate cancer gene therapy featured in Human Gene Therapy
- Insight: New doubts about prostate-cancer vaccine Provenge
- Insomnia doubles the risk of prostate cancer, study claims
- Italian study examines clinical predictors of acute urinary symptoms after radiotherapy for prostate
- Japanese P2 study shows potential of combined vaccine and steroid drug in castration-resistant PCa
- Large study reveals new genetic variants that raise risk for prostate cancer
- Laser may reduce prostate surgery's sexual side effects
- Laws don't curb pricey prostate cancer treatments
- Lean body mass may protect against prostate cancer
- Link Uncovered Between Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, NSAIDs
- Long-term hormone therapy best for prostate cancer
- Long-Term Survival Probability in Men with Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer
- Loss of E-Cadherin drives prostate cancer progression - landmark study shows how to restart production
- Louis Gossett Jr. fighting prostate cancer
- Low PSA may not rule out prostate cancer
- Low-grade prostate cancer may not require aggressive treatment
- Low-Income Men More Likely to be Diagnosed with Advanced Prostate Cancers
- Low-income men show more high-risk prostate tumors
- Lower detection of prostate cancer with PSA screening in US than in a European randomized trial
- Many Elderly Men Are Undergoing Unnecessary PSA Screenings
- Many men struggle to work after prostate cancer
- Many older men still get prostate cancer testing
- Many prostate cancer patients receive improper or 'mismatched' therapies
- Many prostate cancers caught by screening won't kill
- Many prostate cancers don't need radical therapy
- Mayo Clinic identifies a key cellular pathway in prostate cancer
- Mayo Clinic researchers identify enzyme linked to prostate cancer
- Measure of circulating tumor cells may be better predictor of prostate cancer survival than PSA test
- Mediterranean Diet May Help Prevent Prostate Cancer
- Men Can Still Ask for PSA Test, and Some Should, Doctors Say
- Men Can Take Their Time to Decide on Prostate Cancer Treatment
- Men often not told of prostate cancer risks: study
- Men opting for costly new prostate cancer treatment, study shows
- Men Treated for Localized Prostate Cancer Could Benefit from Pomegranate Juice Consumption
- Men Who Are Continually Active at Work May Have Decreased Prostate Cancer Risk
- Men who stay trim less apt to get prostate cancer
- Men Who Take Aspirin Have Significantly Lower PSA Levels
- Men with asthma less likely to develop lethal prostate cancer
- Men with prostate cancer more likely to die from other causes
- Men, Don’t Skip Your Prostate Cancer Treatment Appointments!
- Men, don't be silent about prostate cancer threat
- MicroRNA suppresses prostate cancer stem cells and metastasis
- Minimally invasive breakthrough for men’s enlarged prostates improves symptoms
- Model confirms active surveillance as viable option for men with low-risk prostate cancer
- Model of Prostate Cancer Helps Identify Promising Pain Treatment
- Moderate exercise may lower prostate cancer risk
- Moffitt Cancer Center Researcher Helps Develop Prostate Cancer Testing, Treatment Guidelines
- Moffitt researchers work to determine why some prostate cancer patients experience more hot flashes
- More evidence not all prostate cancers need treatment
- More men at risk for prostate cancer as a result of less regular screening
- More men with prostate cancer "team" wait on treatment
- More to benefit from 'Lockerbie bomber' prostate cancer drug
- Most prostate cancer patients opt for surgery
- Mount Sinai researchers discover gene signature that predicts prostate cancer survival
- MRI findings help forecast prostate cancer prognosis
- MRI helps identify patients with prostate cancer who may benefit from active surveillance
- MU Study Finds More Accurate Method to Diagnose Pancreatic Cancer
- Mushroom extract may boost prostate cancer drug
- Nanoparticle PSA test predicts if prostate cancer will return
- Neither Vitamin C or E Associated With Reduced Risk of Prostate Cancer, or Other Cancers
- New Approach for Treating Recurrent Prostate Cancer on the Horizon
- New Bcl-2 Inhibitor Shows Promise in Cell Death in Prostate Cancer
- New biomarker identified in breast and prostate cancers holds promise for treating disease
- New data fuel debate over prostate cancer screening
- New data show benefit of finasteride in preventing prostate cancer
- New diagnostic technology may lead to individualized treatments for prostate cancer
- New diagnostic tool for prostate cancer
- New drug targets vitamin D receptors in hormone resistant prostate cancers
- New Finding Suggests Prostate Biopsy is Not Always Necessary
- New gene test for prostate cancer at hand
- New Lab Evidence Suggests Preventive Effect of Herbal Supplement in Prostate Cancer
- New medication treats drug-resistant prostate cancer in the laboratory
- New method for non-invasive prostate cancer screening
- New Model for Prostate Cancer Screening Reduces Biopsies
- New prostate cancer imaging shows real-time tumor metabolism
- New Prostate Cancer Ultrasound Treatment Shows Promise
- New research could affect future treatment options for prostate cancer
- New research model of human prostate cancer shows cancer development
- New research sheds light on gene destruction linked to aggressive prostate cancer
- New study reveals how to improve chemotherapy use in prostate cancer
- New Study Strengthens Association of Prostate Cancer with Exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam Vetera
- New Targeted Therapy Effective in Treating Advanced Prostate Cancer
- New technique in robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy
- New test can predict return of prostate cancer
- New Treatment for Advanced Prostate Cancer
- New type of adult stem cells found in the prostate may be involved in prostate cancer development
- New Urine Test for Prostate Cancer Available; Unlike PSA Test, is Ultra-Specific for Prostate Cancer
- New Web site Helps Doctors and Prostate Cancer Patients Make Better Treatment Choices
- New X-ray approach targets prostate cancer
- New, Non-invasive Prostate Cancer Test Beats PSA in Detecting Prostate Cancer
- New, non-invasive prostate cancer test beats PSA in detecting prostate cancer, researchers report
- Newly Discovered Gene Fusion May Lead to Improved Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
- No Evidence That Widely Prescribed Statins Protect Against Prostate Cancer
- No fewer side effects for prostate proton therapy
- No link between alcohol and prostate cancer risk
- No link seen between coffee, prostate cancer risk
- No risk seen from delaying prostate cancer surgery
- Non-Invasive Robotic Surgery Destroys Prostate Cancer Tumors
- Noninvasive prostate treatment developed
- Not all cancer patients improve lifestyle
- Novel association between Parkinson's disease and prostate cancer
- Novel drug selectively kills prostate cancer cells
- Novel radiation therapy method shortens prostate cancer treatment time
- Novel radiation therapy method shortens prostate cancer treatment time
- Obese men less likely to get biopsy after PSA screening
- Obese Prostate Cancer Patients may benefit More from Brachytherapy
- Obesity linked to higher risk of prostate cancer progression
- Obesity linked with higher prostate cancer risk
- Obesity raises risk of prostate cancer recurrence
- Obesity ups odds that prostate cancer will recur
- Obesity-linked High Blood Volumes Render PSA Prostate Cancer Test Less Effective
- Observation for prostate cancer questioned in blacks
- Older men get less effective prostate cancer care
- Older men may not need prostate cancer screening
- Older, sicker men with early-stage prostate cancer do not benefit from aggressive treatment
- Omega-3s cut risk of advanced prostate cancer
- On Sex After Prostate Surgery, Confusing Data
- Online tool supports more dialogue on prostate cancer risk
- Overweight men risk prostate cancer recurrence
- Painkillers may cut prostate cancer risk a little
- Patients who refuse prostate cancer surgery have worse long-term survival
- Pomegranate juice helps fight prostate cancer
- Pomegranate Juice Slows PSA Acceleration Rate After Prostate Cancer Surgery, Radiation
- Possible link found between x-rays and prostate cancer
- Potential biological factor contributing to racial disparities in prostate cancer
- Pre-surgery sessions boost prostate patients' mood
- Predicting the Return of Prostate Cancer: New Study Betters the Odds of Success
- Prediction models help determine likelihood of erectile function after treatment for prostate cancer
- Predictive model of prostate cancer risk
- Pricier therapy no better for early prostate cancer
- Profiling prostate cancer
- Program boosts life for prostate cancer patients
- Pros and cons with "easier" prostate cancer surgery
- Prostate Cancer - Patterns of Progression
- Prostate cancer and blood lipids share genetic links
- Prostate cancer and treatment choices - a decision shared by doctor and patient?
- Prostate cancer anxiety may affect therapy choices
- Prostate cancer biomarker may predict patient outcomes
- Prostate cancer biomarkers identified in seminal fluid
- Prostate Cancer Clinical Findings
- Prostate cancer clinical stage does not predict recurrence
- Prostate cancer cost varies widely by treatment
- Prostate cancer diagnosis raises risk of suicide
- Prostate Cancer Differential Diagnosis
- Prostate Cancer Etiology
- Prostate cancer gene test provides new early detection
- Prostate Cancer Genes Behave Like Those in Embryo
- Prostate Cancer Grading & Staging
- Prostate cancer hormonal therapy tied to kidney risks
- Prostate cancer hormone therapy hard on the heart
- Prostate cancer in young men - more frequent and more aggressive?
- Prostate cancer increases hip fracture risk by eight times in 50 to 65 year-olds
- Prostate cancer may respond to more hormone therapy
- Prostate cancer patients are at increased risk of precancerous colon polyps
- Prostate cancer patients disease free after 5 years likely to be disease free after 10 years
- Prostate cancer patients see high survival rates with seed implants
- Prostate Cancer Patients Sought for Database as Part of Joint Effort
- Prostate Cancer Patients Undergoing Hormone Therapy May Experience Cognitive Effects
- Prostate Cancer Risk Among Users of Finasteride and Alpha-Blockers
- Prostate cancer risk increased in obese men: study
- Prostate cancer risk rises in men with inherited genetic condition
- Prostate cancer screen test flawed
- Prostate cancer screening improves quality of life by catching disease before it spreads
- Prostate cancer screening may not reduce mortality
- Prostate cancer screening still unproven: report
- Prostate cancer screening: More harm than good?
- Prostate cancer screening: New data support watchful waiting
- Prostate Cancer Screenings
- Prostate cancer signal reawakens 'sleeper agent' cells in bones
- Prostate cancer spurs new nerves
- Prostate cancer study tracks long-term urinary, sexual and bowel function side effects
- Prostate Cancer Surgeons "Feel" With Their Eyes
- Prostate cancer surgery more costly for obese men
- Prostate cancer therapy linked to bone loss
- Prostate cancer therapy linked to increased risk of heart disease death
- Prostate cancer therapy may affect mental function
- Prostate cancer therapy not tied to bladder cancer
- Prostate Cancer Translational Research in Europe meeting: Search for biomarkers continues
- Prostate cancer treatment choices vary based on type of specialist consulted
- Prostate Cancer Treatment Increases Risk of Diabetes and Heart Disease
- Prostate cancer treatment regret is 52 percent higher in men with cardiovascular disease
- Prostate cancer vaccine improves survival
- Prostate cancer vaccines more effective with hormone therapy
- Prostate cancer: A change in circulating tumor cells detection has high potential in the prediction
- Prostate cancer: Curcumin curbs metastases
- Prostate Cancer: Watchful Wait or Vaccinate?
- Prostate Cancer: Watchful Wait or Vaccinate?
- Prostate Health: More Than Just Prostate Cancer
- Prostate specific antigen screening declines after 2012 USPSTF recommendations
- Prostate surgery risks lower at academic hospitals
- Prostate technique provides new insights
- Prostate test 'public health disaster' - discoverer
- Prostate Tumor Hypoxia Predicts PCa Recurrence
- Protein in prostate biopsies signals increased cancer risk
- Proton Therapy Effective Prostate Cancer Treatment
- PSA increase predicts prostate cancer outcome
- PSA levels accurately predict prostate cancer risk in African-American men
- PSA Predicts Treatment Success in Advanced Prostate Cancer
- PSA retesting interval can be individualized
- PSA screening declines following publication of large trials, guidelines
- PSA test alone not an ideal predictor of prostate cancer
- PSA value at 2 years post-treatment can predict long-term survival in prostate cancer patients
- Racial disparity seen in prostate cancer treatment
- Racial gaps in access to robotic prostate surgery
- Racial gaps in access to robotic prostate surgery
- Radiation added to hormone therapy increases survival for men with prostate cancer
- Radiation therapy technique reduces length of prostate cancer treatment
- Red Wine Compound Shown To Prevent Prostate Cancer
- Red, processed meats linked to prostate cancer
- Researchers discover gene that can predict aggressive prostate cancer at diagnosis
- Researchers discover that same gene has opposite effects in prostate, breast cancers
- Researchers find new biomarker for fatal prostate cancer
- Researchers find prostate cancer stem cell
- Researchers Identify Novel Approach For Suppressing Prostate Cancer Development
- Researchers identify promising cancer drug target in prostate tumors
- Researchers Locate and Image Prostate Cancer as It Spreads to the Lymph Nodes
- Researchers Studying Novel Therapy For Prostate Cancer
- Researchers Uncover How Prostate Cancer Cells Defy Death
- Researchers unveil new gene subgroup in prostate cancer
- Robot-assisted prostate cancer surgery as safe but more expensive as open surgery in older men
- Rotating-shift work tied to prostate cancer risk
- Scientists discover genetic variant associated with prostate cancer in African Americans
- Scientists discover way to block growth of prostate cancer cells
- Scientists Find Second Site for Prostate Cancer Gene
- Scientists identify new mechanism of prostate cancer cell metabolism
- Scientists identify prostate cancer stem cells among low-PSA cells
- Scientists Link Variations in Growth-Factor Gene to Risk of Prostate Cancer
- Scientists see progress in prostate cancer tests
- Scientists Target Aggressive Prostate Cancer
- Scientists unravel role of fusion gene in prostate cancer
- Screening for Prostate Cancer May Not Reduce Men's Risk of Death
- Screening spares men from advanced prostate cancer
- Selected Men with Low-Risk Prostate Cancer Have Good Clinical Outcomes without Immediate Treatment
- Selenium Intake May Worsen Prostate Cancer in Some
- Selenium-Protein Deficiency Raises Prostate Cancer Risk
- Semen Test for Prostate Cancer Helps Diagnose Early Warning Signs
- September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
- Serum lipid levels and I-PSS or Qol are not linked in prostatic hyperplasia
- Severe Form of "Enlarged Prostate" Disease Discovered
- Sexual side effects from prostrate drug
- Shared decision-making uncommon for PSA tests
- Shorter radiation course as effective as standard therapy for prostate cancer recurrence
- Shorter radiation course stops cancer growth in high-risk prostate cancer patients
- Should older men be screened for prostate cancer?
- Should the UK lower the age for prostate cancer detection?
- Side effects persist after prostate cancer treatment
- Single men may forgo retreatment of prostate cancer
- Smaller prostate size, more aggressive cancer
- Smoking Associated with Worse Outcomes in Patients with Prostate Cancer Treated by Radical Radiother
- Soft drink consumption may increase risk of pancreatic cancer
- Some men voice complaints of shortened penis following prostate cancer treatment
- Some prostate cancer patients more likely to die after weekend ER visits
- Sometimes No Treatment is the Right Option for Low-Risk Prostate Cancer
- Soy and tomato combo may be effective in preventing prostate cancer
- Soy compound may halt spread of prostate cancer
- Soya products, beans and sunflower seeds reduce risk of contracting prostate cancer
- Standard Treatment for Prostate Cancer May Encourage Spread of Disease
- Statins don't protect against cancer: study
- STD confirmed to be associated with increased risk of prostate cancer
- Stem Cells Found in Prostate May Be Involved in Cancer
- Stigma stymies prostate cancer screening, treatment in Ghana
- Strict diet program may help prostate cancer
- Study backs prostate screening for high risk men
- Study Drug Holds Promise As Alternative to Castration For Early Prostate Cancers
- Study examines association of inappropriate prostate, breast cancer imaging
- Study examines the use of a novel suprapubic catheter in suprapubic prostatectomy
- Study finds acceptable levels of anxiety among men living with early, untreated prostate cancer
- Study finds eating deep-fried food is associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer
- Study finds prostate screening cuts cancer deaths
- Study links acetaminophen to lower prostate cancer risk
- Study links obesity to more agressive prostate cancer
- Study Looks at Celebrex and Lipitor to Treat Prostate Cancer
- Study looks at using the immune system to reduce prostate cancer risk
- Study Points to Shorter Treatments for Prostate Cancer
- Study shows broccoli may offer protection against liver cancer
- Study shows further benefits of noscapine for prostate cancer
- Study suggests testosterone therapy does not raise risk of aggressive prostate cancer
- Surgeon's skill affects prostate cancer relapse
- Surgery Outperforms Drug Therapy in Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
- Surgical Prospectives in High-Risk Prostate Cancer
- Sweeping View of Prostate Cancer Genome Yields Deep Insights
- Swiss study finds income affects prostate cancer patients' survival
- Tall men at risk of early prostate cancer
- Test monitors prostate cancer chemotherapy effects
- Testicular cancer patients can have children
- Testosterone promotes prostate cancer in rats
- Testosterone Replacement in Older Men Does Not Increase Risk of Prostate Cancer
- The role of radical prostatectomy in patients with prostate cancer
- Thomas Jefferson University researchers discover new pathways that drive metastatic prostate cancer
- Tissue spacers reduce risk of rectal injury for prostate cancer patients
- Too many old men get prostate cancer tests: study
- Trapping prostate cancer cells to keep them from spreading provides hope
- Treating Wife’s Stress May Be Indirect Care for Men With Prostate Cancer
- Trimodal approach to prostate cancer promising
- Trio of studies support use of PET/CT scans as prostate cancer staging tool
- Turmeric holds real potential for the treatment and prevention of prostate cancer
- Two New Risk Indicators For Prostate Cancer Revealed
- U-M researchers find protein that may signal more aggressive prostate cancers
- U.S. task force: End routine prostate cancer screening
- U.S. Trial Shows No Early Mortality Benefit from Annual Prostate Cancer Screening
- UAB Cancer Center, Urologists Affirm Men Should Take Lead in Deciding to Test for Prostate Cancer
- UCLA study finds robotic-assisted prostate surgery offers better cancer control
- University of Oklahoma Scientists Discover Way to Stop Pancreatic Cancer in Early Stages
- Untreated prostate cancer no death sentence
- Urine test improves prostate diagnosis
- Urine test may detect aggressive prostate tumors
- Urologists Ease PSA Testing Advice
- USC Leads International Program Aimed At Identifying Prostate Cancer Risk
- Vaccine Approach Extends Life of Metastatic Prostate Cancer Patients
- Vaccine Approach Extends Life of Metastatic Prostate Cancer Patients
- Vaccine Injection Targeted in Building a Better 'Bull's-Eye' to Fight Prostate Cancer
- Vanderbilt-led study reveals racial disparities in prostate cancer care
- Variances in patterns of care for patients with prostate cancer failing primary therapy
- Vegetable fats tied to less prostate cancer spread
- VEGF may not be relevant biomarker for advanced prostate cancer
- Virginia Tech study finds virus promising for prostate cancer treatment
- Virus might be one cause of prostate cancer-study
- Virus shows promise as prostate cancer treatment
- Vitamin D could provide beneficial treatment to prostate cancer
- Vitamin D deficiency may predict aggressive prostate cancer
- Vitamin D protects cells from stress that can lead to cancer
- Vitamin E may raise prostate cancer risk
- Vitamin E, Selenium and Soy in Combination Does Not Prevent Prostate Cancer
- Waiting on prostate treatment not distressing for most
- What is the role of focal therapy in low-risk prostate cancer?
- Why a common treatment for prostate cancer ultimately fails
- Why African-American Men Are at Higher Risk for Prostate Cancer
- Why are African Americans less Likely to Survive Certain Cancers?
- Why Prostate Cancer Patients Fail Hormone Deprivation
- Would sliding back to pre-PSA era cancel progress in prostate cancer?
- Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus may not be associated with human prostate cancer
- York scientists discover driving force behind prostate cancer
- York scientists lead study on new treatment for prostate cancer
- Young men with prostate cancer benefit from radiation therapy
- Younger men do well with prostate cancer surgery
- Younger men with advanced prostate cancer have shorter survival times
Skin Cancer news
- A potential new imaging agent for early diagnosis of most serious skin cancer
- A Sun-Triggered Protein Drives Skin Cancer
- About one-fifth of women, less than 7 percent of men report use of indoor tanning
- After melanoma, people head back to the sun: study
- Amgen vaccine triggers immune response in advanced melanoma -study
- Analysis Finds Sunscreens Containing Retinyl Palmitate Do Not Cause Skin Cancer
- As rates rise, researchers find better way to identify melanoma
- Beach vacations may increase future skin cancer risk in children
- Biomarker test shows promise for melanoma diagnosis
- Caffeine and exercise can team up to prevent skin cancer
- Calorie restriction limits and obesity fuels development of epithelial cancers
- Can Aspirin, Other NSAIDs Lower Skin Cancer Risk?
- Certain pain medications do not appear to be associated with skin cancer risk
- Childhood cancer survivors at risk of skin cancer
- Coffee consumption inversely associated with risk of most common form of skin cancer
- College athletes unconcerned about skin cancer
- Commonly used painkillers may protect against skin cancer
- Curry ingredient fights skin cancer
- Curry Spice Shuts Down Melanoma
- Dermatologists Warn Skin Cancer is an Equal Opportunity Health Threat
- Diets high in meat boost skin cancer risk
- Discovery at JGH opens door to new treatments for prostate, brain and skin cancers
- Doctors may be able to hear skin cancer spread
- Doctors may be over-diagnosing melanoma in sun-damaged skin
- Documenting Skin Can Be Simple Way To Increase Accuracy of Self-Exam
- Early Diagnosis Key to Melanoma Cure
- Emerging Therapies for Skin Cancer Treatment
- Evolutionary medicine of skin cancer risk among Europeans
- Exercise protects against skin cancer
- Family History of Melanoma Linked to Parkinson's Disease
- Few People Over 50 Receive Skin Cancer Screenings
- Gender linked to development of skin cancer
- Gene therapy beats skin cancer in two men
- Gene variant raises skin cancer risk-study
- Gene variants tied to melanoma risk
- Genetic data shows that skin cancer risk includes more than UV exposure
- Genetics of melanoma chemoresistance
- Grape seed extract may help prevent skin cancer
- Green Tea Helps
- Heart transplant patients appear to have elevated risk for multiple skin cancers
- High skin cancer risk seen in transplant patients
- Hispanics and Blacks with Melanoma More Likely to Be Diagnosed at a Later Stage
- HPV infection linked to increased risk of skin cancer
- Hundreds of cancer possibilities arise from common skin mole mutation
- IBD patients face increased skin cancer risk
- Image Analysis Project Aims to Classify Characteristics of Skin Cancer
- Immune drugs hold hope of "clinical cure" for deadly skin cancer
- Indoor Tanning Contributes to Increased Incidence of Skin Cancer
- Inner workings of virus responsible for rare skin cancer
- Intervention can protect teens from skin cancer
- Lack of Important 'Gatekeeper' Protein Linked to Skin Cancer
- Lasers ID deadly skin cancer better than doctors
- Lifelong Prevention Still Key to Beating Skin Cancer
- Light, chemistry, action -- a new technique to target skin cancers?
- Low-fat eating best after skin cancer: study
- Loyola Dermatologists To Offer Free Skin Cancer Screenings
- Loyola Dermatologists To Offer Free Skin Cancer Screenings
- Mayo Clinic study finds dramatic rise in skin cancer in young adults
- Melanoma Is on the Rise in Women
- Melanoma overdiagnosed in US
- Melanoma rates higher in wealthy white women
- Melanoma rates in kids continue to rise
- Melanoma rates increasing among Hispanics
- Melanoma survivors at higher risk of other cancers
- Melanoma treatment options 1 step closer
- Minimizing the Risk of Melanoma
- Minorities Need to Put their Best Foot Forward to Prevent Skin Cancer
- More Accurate Method Required for Tracking Skin Cancer Cases
- Multiple skin cancer risk behaviors are common among US adults
- New approaches to skin cancer prevention
- New data on combination treatments for melanoma
- New genetic mutation identified in melanoma cancer cells
- New Option for Patients with Metastatic Melanoma
- New strategy developed to diagnose melanoma
- Not Only Skin Deep: Penn Study on Skin Formation Suggests Strategies to Fight Skin Cancer
- Oklahoma doctors, cancer survivor warn of sun danger
- One melanoma means there's a 15% risk of another
- Online Course Improves Physicians Skill Level for Detecting Skin Cancer
- Outdoor athletes have heightened skin cancer risk
- Panel backs skin cancer advice for youths
- Parents favor genetic testing for melanoma in their children
- Peplin announces positive results of skin cancer trial
- Photodynamic therapy lighting the way for medical treatments
- Potential Target for Skin Cancer Treatment
- Relatives of melanoma patients ignore their skin cancer risk
- Researchers discover scent of skin cancer
- Researchers Find Structural Basis for Incidence of Skin Cancers in a Genetic Disorder
- Researchers Use New Tools to Combat Skin Cancer
- Researchers use zebrafish to identify new gene linked to melanoma
- Risk of Melanoma Can Increase with Age, Especially Among Men
- Risk of second malignant melanoma high
- Roche melanoma pill spurs growth of less harmful cancers
- Scientists find gene mutation that drives melanoma
- Scientists find new way to combat drug resistance in skin cancer
- Screening finds skin cancer, but does it save lives?
- Silibinin, found in milk thistle, protects against UV-induced skin cancer
- Single injection may revolutionize melanoma treatment, Moffitt study shows
- Skin Cancer Detection Made Quicker, Easier by Missouri S&T Researchers
- Skin cancer epidemic underway in the US
- Skin Cancer Facts from M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
- Skin Cancer on the Rise in U.S. Kids
- Skin cancer phone apps aren't very accurate: study
- Skin cancer rate up for women under age 40-study
- Skin Cancer Reaching Epidemic Status
- Skin Cancer Spread Tied to Gene
- Skin cancer study uncovers new tumor suppressor gene
- Smartphones could improve skin cancer detection in developing countries
- Special ultrasound accurately identifies skin cancer
- Stop signal discovered for skin cancer
- Stress May Hasten Growth of Melanoma Tumors
- Studies show how skin cancer evades promising drug
- Study confirms link between indoor tanning and skin cancer risk
- Study reveals possible link between IBD therapy and skin cancer
- Sun Exposure and Cutaneous HPV Infection Found Synergistic in Skin Cancers, Moffitt Cancer Center Researchers Say
- Tanning beds linked to non-melanoma skin cancer
- Tanning beds raise melanoma risk, US study finds
- Tanning beds raise risk of common skin cancer: study
- Targeting PTEN May Prevent Skin Cancer
- Text messages a new tool in the fight to prevent skin cancer
- The evolution of melanoma diagnosis: 25 years beyond the ABCDs
- The psychology of skin cancer
- Time Spent Driving an Automobile May Increase Skin Cancer Risk
- Trends in melanoma incidence and stage at diagnosis vary by racial and ethnic group
- UCLA research could enhance treatments for drug-resistant melanoma
- UGR scientists patent an effective drug for treating breast, colon, and skin cancers
- UK male deaths from melanoma skin cancer rising fast
- Ultraviolet light helps skin cancer cells thrive, researchers report
- Ultraviolet radiation from welding and possible risk of skin and ocular malignancy
- Variant of vitamin D receptor gene linked to melanoma risk
- Widely Used Arthritis Pill Protects Against Skin Cancer
- Women with melanoma fare better than men
- X-ray analysis deciphers master regulator important for skin cancer
- Young adults ignore skin-cancer warnings
Stomach Cancer news
Testicular Cancer
Testicular Cancer News
Throat Cancer news
Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid Cancer news
Tumor Immunology
Tumors of the Small and Large Intestines
Colon & Colorectal Cancer news
- "Navigators" help improve colon cancer screening
- 'Cross-talk' Mechanism Contributes to Colorectal Cancer
- 'Designer' sedative may provide new alternative for colonoscopy
- 'Undy 5000' to fight colon cancer
- 'Western' diet linked to increased risk of colon cancer recurrence
- 3 new genetic links to colorectal cancer
- 6 deaths linked to delays in cancer screens
- 7 Things You Should Know About Colon Cancer
- A gene for metastasis
- A less painful colonoscopy
- A new indicator of poor prognosis in node-negative colorectal cancer patients
- A New Way to Treat Colon Cancer?
- Abdominal fat may raise colon cancer risk
- Abnormal body weight related to increased mortality in colon cancer patients
- Activated immune cells indicate a favorable prognosis in colorectal cancer
- Activation of Biomarker Linked with Improved Survival Among Obese Patients with Colorectal Cancer
- African American women urged to confront colorectal cancer
- African-Americans Have Worse Prognosis at Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis
- African-Americans with colorectal cancer have poorer outcomes, lower survival rates
- Age differences seen in rectal cancer treatment
- Age likely a factor in colon cancer chemotherapy
- An international study allows a better prediction of the risk of hereditary cancer
- Anesthesiologist Treatment Eases Patient Anxiety for Endoscopic Screening Procedures
- Anti-gout drug may decrease risk for colorectal adenoma progression
- Antidepressants may cut colon cancer risk
- Apple pectin, apple juice extracts shown to have anticarcinogenic effects on colon
- Aspirin cuts colon cancer death risk: U.S. study
- Aspirin may help treat some colon cancers
- Aspirin Not Effective in Preventing Lynch Syndrome
- Aspirin Or NSAIDs Won't Prevent Colorectal Cancer
- Aspirin reduces risk of colon polyps recurring
- Aspirin tied to smaller lung and colon cancer tumors
- Aspirin use associated with lower risk of cancer death for men with prostate cancer
- Aspirin vs. colon cancer: study weighs benefits
- Aspirin's ability to protect against colorectal cancer may depend on inflammatory pathways
- Automated colonoscopy reminder system is effective, especially in minority populations
- B Vitamins in Mother’s Diet Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk in Offspring
- Balancing oxaliplatin dose with neurological side effects in metastatic colon cancer
- Biomarker identification may lead to new noninvasive test for colorectal cancer detection
- Biomarker Predicts Disease Recurrence in Colorectal Cancer
- Biomarker predicts which stage II colon cancer patients may benefit from chemotherapy
- Black Patients At Higher Risk For Colon Polyps
- Black raspberries may prevent colon cancer, study finds
- Black Raspberries May Slow Growth of Colon, Other Cancers
- Blood pressure drugs don't protect against colorectal cancer
- Blood test for colon cancer promising: study
- Blood Test for Colon Cancer Screening Beneficial for Some Seniors, but Not for Many Others
- Bowel cancer: 8 years of colonoscopy screening in Germany -- a success story
- Breakthrough discovery unveils 'master switches' in colon cancer
- Breath test could possibly diagnose colorectal cancer
- Brief Class on Easy-to-Miss Precancerous Polyps Ups Detection, Mayo Study Shows
- Caffeinated coffee may reduce the risk of oral cancers
- Calcium Associated With Lower Risk of Cancer in Women
- Calcium May Only Protect Against Colorectal Cancer in Presence of Magnesium
- Calcium Plus Vitamin D Supplementation Does Not Reduce Risk of Hip Fracture or Colorectal Cancer
- Camera screens can slash colon cancer deaths
- Can a Cholesterol Drug Prevent Colon Cancer?
- Can a Mediterranean Diet Help Prevent Colon Cancer?
- Cancer detected earlier, faster, with new medical imaging, Stanford study finds
- Celebrex may curb colon cancer, but with caveats
- Celebrex may prevent cancer but raises heart risks
- Celecoxib May Help Prevent Colorectal Cancer In High Risk Patients
- Certain types of polyps may warrant keeping closer tabs on the colon
- Chemical changes may help detect colon cancer early
- Chemicals in curry and onions may help prevent colon cancer
- Chemoradiation for adenocarcinoma of the anus
- Chinese most prone to colorectal cancer in Asia
- Chronic constipation linked to increased risk of colorectal cancer
- Chronic diseases hinder good cancer survival rates
- Cigarette smoking increases colorectal cancer risk
- Cigarette smoking linked with rectal cancer risk
- City of Hope researchers to present rectal cancer, palliative care, benchmarking studies at ASCO
- Cocoa could prevent intestinal pathologies such as colon cancer
- Cocoa could prevent intestinal pathologies such as colon cancer
- Coffee and sodas not tied to colon cancer
- Colon cancer and the microbes in your gut
- Colon cancer exhibits a corresponding epigenetic pattern in mice and humans
- Colon cancer hits blacks at a younger age
- Colon cancer incidence rates decreasing steeply in older Americans
- Colon Cancer Linked to Lineage
- Colon cancer researchers target stem cells, discover viable new therapeutic path
- Colon cancer risk in US varies by race, ethnicity
- Colon cancer risk in women does not seem to be reduced by physical activity
- Colon cancer risk when a first-degree relative has precancerous polyps is not clear
- Colon cancer screening guidelines may miss 10 percent of colon cancers
- Colon cancer study backs blood stool screening test
- Colon cancer survivors are more likely to have pain in the back and abdomen
- Colon cancer test may not require laxatives: study
- Colon Cancer, Its Link To Diabetes, And Dietary Pattern
- Colonoscopy deemed best for colon cancer check
- Colonoscopy Prep Harder on Women than Men
- Colonoscopy Prevents Deaths From Colon Cancer
- Colonoscopy used to identify and remove flat colon lesions
- Colorectal cancer attitudes vary by ethnicity
- Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Resources from the AGA
- Colorectal Cancer in Vietnamese Americans
- Colorectal Cancer More Common Among Diabetics
- Colorectal cancer risk appears unaffected by coffee
- Colorectal cancer screening can be expanded by offering it during mammography visits
- Colorectal cancer screening in Canada is cost-effective
- Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates Still Too Low
- Colorectal cancer survival advantage in MUTYH-associated polyposis
- Common Bone Drugs May Reduce Colon Cancer Risk
- Common Genetic Risk Factor for Colorectal and Prostate Cancer Identified
- Compounds in mate tea induce death in colon cancer cells
- Confirmation that vitamin D acts as a protective agent against the advance of colon cancer
- Consistent exercise associated with lower risk of colon cancer death
- Consuming soy peptide may reduce colon cancer metastasis
- CT scans may predict survival in colorectal cancer
- Curry compound may prevent colon cancer
- Curry-derived Molecules Might be Too Spicy for Colorectal Cancers
- Daily drinking may raise risk of several cancers
- Diabetes & hyper-insulinemia as predictors of colorectal cancer risk
- Diet high in meat, fat and refined grains linked to risk for colon cancer recurrence, death
- Diet, smoking, exercise key in colon cancer risk
- Dietary Risk Factors for Colon Cancer in a Low-risk Population
- Differences in staging and treatment likely to be behind UK's low bowel cancer survival
- Different drug combinations work best for prevention versus treatment of colorectal tumors
- Different type of colon cancer vaccine reduces disease spread, Jefferson scientists show
- Digestive Health Experts Urge More Americans to Get Screened for Colorectal Cancer
- Discovery of a novel mechanism for the development of colon cancer
- Discovery of mechanisms predicting response to new treatments in colon cancer
- Doctors fail to recommend colon cancer tests for low-income patients
- Does sex matter in colon cancer screening?
- Dogs can accurately sniff out early stage bowel cancer
- Drinking Red Wine Cuts Risk of Colorectal Cancer
- Drug improves survival of colorectal cancer patients, trial results show
- Earlier onset of colorectal cancer associated with alcohol use, tobacco use and male gender
- Exercise tied to better colon cancer survival odds
- Exercise, diet may protect against colorectal cancer
- Experimental drug slows tumor growth
- Exploring gender differences in colorectal cancer screenings
- Facts About Colorectal Cancer
- Family History of Colorectal Cancer Linked With Reduced Risk of Cancer Recurrence
- Fat Intake and Colorectal Cancer
- Fecal immunochemical testing best and most cost-effective method for screening for colorectal cancer
- Fewer Americans developing and dying from colon cancer
- Fish oil linked to increased risk of colon cancer in mice
- Fish Oil Protects Against Colon Cancer
- Fish tied to lower colon cancer risk: study
- Five Facts to Help Reduce Your Risk of Colorectal Cancer:
- Flat Colon Lesions Common, Linked to Colorectal Cancer
- Folate tied to lower colon cancer risk
- Folic acid doesn't cut risk of colon polyps: study
- Following lifestyle tips could prevent almost a quarter of bowel cancer cases
- For non-whites, geography plays key role in colon cancer screening
- Fruits and veggies not likely linked to colon cancer risk
- Gallstones a risk factor for colon tumors
- Genes Are Not The Only Drivers Of Colon Cancer
- Genetic Differences Point to Ethnic and Racial Disparities in Colorectal Cancer Risk
- Genetic ID of Marker in Lymph Nodes May be Linked to Colorectal Cancer Recurrence Risk
- Genetic Link Uncovered in Disparate Colon Cancer Death
- Genetic Link Uncovered in Disparate Colon Cancer Death
- Genetic Testing May Be Valuable in Treating Colorectal Cancer
- Glaxo HPV vaccine protects women from anal cancer: study
- Gut bacteria could be key indicator of colon cancer risk
- HBV infection decreases risk of liver metastasis in colorectal cancer patients
- Healthy life could prevent 23 percent of colon cancers
- High colon cancer risk with diabetes confirmed
- High folate intake may reduce risk of colorectal cancer
- High vitamin D levels, lower colon cancer risk?
- Higher Vitamin D Intake Needed to Reduce Cancer Risk
- Hispanics live in areas with limited capacity for colorectal cancer screening
- Hispanics live in areas with limited capacity for colorectal cancer screening
- Hormone replacement tied to lower colon cancer risk
- Hormone therapy associated with reduced colorectal cancer risk
- Hormone Therapy Offers Potential Protective Effect Against Colon Cancer In Older Women
- Hour of daily exercise cuts bowel cancer risk
- How Diarrheal Bacteria Cause Some Colon Cancers
- How to Lower Costs, Waiting Times for Colonoscopies
- Hybrid screening strategy emerges for colorectal cancer
- Hydrophobic proteins: Potential biomarkers for colorectal cancer
- Identified a cause of resistance to colon cancer treatment
- Immune-boosting colorectal cancer drug shows promise
- Incidence of colorectal cancer increasing in young adults
- Increase in P53 Mutation Linked to Advanced Colorectal Cancer in Blacks
- Increased colorectal cancer risk for extended family members, younger endometrial cancer patients
- Inherited colon cancer risk tied to certain foods
- Internists echo call for colon cancer screening
- Is simpler colon screen enough for many women?
- Keck Medicine of USC researchers trace origins of colorectal cancer tumor cells
- Lack of sleep found to be a new risk factor for colon cancer
- Lack of sleep linked to risky colon polyps
- Language a Barrier to Colorectal Cancer Screening in Mexican-Americans
- Large Study Shows Stool DNA Testing for Colorectal Cancer has Potential, but Challenges Remain
- Latest research examines colorectal cancer risk factors
- Less Invasive CT-Scan Based Colorectal Cancer Screening Method Shows Good Accuracy
- Lifestyle Changes Would Lead to Sharp Drop in Colorectal Cancers
- Lights, Camera, Colonoscopy: What to Expect When Your Doctor Wants an Inside Look
- LOH analysis on 4q in sporadic colorectal carcinoma
- Long-term aspirin lowers colon cancer risk
- Low-dose aspirin lowers colon cancer risk: study
- Low-Dose Aspirin May Reduce Colon Cancer Risk
- Lower socioeconomic status decreases chances of early detection and survival of colorectal cancer
- Magnesium may curb colon cancer risk in women
- Mail and Electronic Reminders May Increase Colon Cancer Screening
- Major Advance in Search for Genes Associated with Colon Cancer
- Many colon cancer patients skip follow-up care
- Many patients not screened for colorectal cancer
- March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
- March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
- Mayo Clinic study identifies optimal gene targets for new colon cancer test
- Metabolic syndrome ups colorectal cancer risk
- Minimally invasive operation helps elderly patients after colon cancer treatment
- Minimally invasive surgery safe for rectal cancer
- Minimally Invasive Surgery Shown Safe and Effective Treatment for Rectal Cancer
- Morbidly obese patients face high risk for complications after colectomy
- Morning colonoscopy may catch more polyps
- Most Adults Don’t Realize Activity Lowers Colon Cancer Risk
- MRI predicts survival in locally advanced rectal cancer
- Multiple sclerosis drug may one day treat colorectal cancer
- Multivitamins may not slow colon cancer
- Negative screening colonoscopy need not be repeated
- New App Available in the Fight Against Colon Cancer
- New approach to colorectal surgical care results in quicker recovery times and lower costs
- New bowel cancer evidence calls for routine DNA repair test
- New function for colon cancer gene found
- New method for early detection of colon cancer
- New model may help predict response to chemotherapy for colorectal cancer
- New report says racial gap growing in colorectal cancer
- New study aims to predict risk of cancer
- New Study Examines Effectiveness of Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests
- New treatments offer better survival and fresh challenges in colorectal cancer
- No link seen between bone drugs, colon cancer
- No link seen between high-carb diet, colon cancer
- Not all doctors follow cancer screening guidelines
- Novel feces analysis may help detect colon cancer
- NSAIDs tied to reduced death after colon cancer
- NTU finds new treatment options for colon cancer
- NTU scientists use dead bacteria to kill colorectal cancer
- Nuclear Medicine Therapy Increases Survival for Patients with Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases
- Obesity hurts recovery after colon cancer surgery
- Obesity Increases the Risk for Colorectal Cancer and Polyps
- Obesity linked to poor colon cancer prognosis
- Obesity tied to poorer colon cancer survival
- Occult blood test reduces colorectal cancer crises
- OK to Stay with Avastin in Colon Cancer Tx
- Older Women with Diabetes Face Higher Risk for Colon Cancer
- Omega 3s may help cut colon cancer risk
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Reduce Risk of Colon Cancer
- One in four colonoscopies in Medicare patients found to be potentially inappropriate
- Oral drug reduces formation of precancerous polyps in the colon, UB researchers find
- Other Illnesses, Body Weight Do Not Explain Racial Disparities in Colon Cancer Survival
- Pain pills may cut risk of bowel cancer: study
- Particular experimental therapy not more effective than standard treatment for anal canal cancer
- Patients not receiving follow-up tests after positive screening for colon cancer
- Penn vet team points to new colon cancer culprit
- People Who Exercise Lower Their Risk of Colon Cancer
- People with HIV not being tested for colon cancer
- PET scans lead to treatment changes in majority of colorectal cancer patients
- Poor colonoscopy prep hides pre-cancerous polyps
- Poor less likely to be screened for colon cancer
- Post-Treatment Diet Patterns Explored in Colorectal Cancer Patients
- Predictors and patterns of recurrence after definitive chemoradiation for anal cancer
- Preventing bowel cancer in high risk families
- Program Identifies Families at High Risk for Colorectal Cancer
- Prostate irradiation raises risk of colon cancer
- Protein found in heart may be target for colon cancer therapies
- Protein Levels Indicate Risk of Death in Some Colorectal Cancer Patients
- Protein's impact on colorectal cancer is dappled
- Provider influence and patient barriers affect use of colorectal cancer screening
- Race affects regional colorectal cancer screening disparities
- Racial gap in colon cancer diagnosis, treatment
- Reaching '80 percent by 2018' would prevent more than 20,000 colorectal cancer deaths per year
- Red meat tied to worse colon cancer outcomes: study
- Reducing resistance to chemotherapy in colorectal cancer by inhibition of PHD1
- Regular Screenings and Healthy Living Reduce Colon Cancer Risk
- Regular, long-term aspirin use reduces risk of colorectal cancer
- Removing colon polyps tied to lower cancer risk
- Report finds large state disparities in progress against colorectal cancer
- Researchers at IRB discover a key regulator of colon cancer
- Researchers detail possible resistance mechanisms of colorectal cancer to bevacizumab (Avastin)
- Researchers discover genes involved in colorectal cancer
- Researchers Find Four Biomarkers Important in Colerectal Cancer Treatment Prognosis
- Researchers Find Possible Link Between Bacterium and Colon Cancer
- Researchers identify link between colon cancer and metabolism
- Risk of cancer
- Roche's Avastin helps colorectal cancer patients
- Rural Areas Able to Increase Screening Capacity for Colorectal Cancer
- Saturated Fat Linked to Cancer of the Small Intestine
- Scientists learn how soy foods protect against colon cancer
- Scientists urge Europe to shift focus to bowel cancer screening
- Screening has prevented half a million colorectal cancers
- Seven quality guidelines for breast, colorectal cancer care
- Sex, Age and Ethnicity Associated With Colorectal Cancer Survival
- Shifting a Paradigm: a Molecular Approach to Staging Colorectal Cancer
- Sibling Study Could Lead to Better Treatments for Inherited Form of Colon Cancer
- Sigmoidoscopy an option for colon cancer screening
- Simple, personalized interventions improve colorectal cancer screening rates
- Sleep duration associated with higher colorectal cancer risk
- Smokers have worse colon cancer prognosis: study
- Smoking can double risk of colorectal polyps
- Smoking Related to Subset of Colorectal Cancers with Absent DNA Repair Proteins
- Smoking-related colorectal cancer in older women is associated with molecularly-defined DNA changes
- Some Early Stage Colon Cancer Patients Should Not Receive Chemotherapy
- Southern US states lag in reducing death rates from colorectal cancer
- Soy May Reduce the Risk of Colorectal Cancer
- Soy-based compound may reduce tumor cell proliferation in colorectal cancer
- Statin drugs may lower colon cancer risk - study
- Statins don't protect against cancer: study
- Sticking to diet advice cuts colon cancer risk
- Stool test good for catching colon cancer: study
- Stool Testing Novel Technique for Detecting Colon Cancer
- Studies confirm colon cancer screening reduces deaths
- Studies confirm regorafenib benefit in pre-treated metastatic colorectal cancer
- Studies lend insights into colorectal cancer screening
- Study confirms red meat link with bowel cancer
- Study examines quality of colonoscopy reporting and performance
- Study Finds Evidence of Gender-Related Differences In Development of Colon Cancer
- Study finds no constipation, colon cancer link
- Study finds that competency in colonoscopy requires experience with 150 cases or more
- Study identifies strategy for improved screening for type of hereditary colorectal cancer
- Study Links Vitamin D to Colon Cancer Survival
- Study reveals differences in cancer stage presentation between rural and urban patients
- Study Sets Treatment Standard for Elderly with Colon Cancer
- Study showed oxaliplatin improved colon cancer patient survival
- Study Shows Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates High in Patients with Multiple Health Problems
- Study shows how high-fat diets increase colon cancer risk
- Study: can daily aspirin help ward off cancer?
- Sugar + Fat Might Add up to Colon Cancer
- Sunshine vitamin ups bowel cancer survival odds, study finds
- Surgeons investigate whether rural colon cancer patients fare worse than urban patients
- Surgery Complications Linked to Chemotherapy Delay
- Surgery Not Necessary for Most Late-Stage Colorectal Cancers
- Synthetic Triterpenoids Show Promise in Preventing Colitis-Associated Colon Cancer
- Take-home test boosts colorectal cancer screening
- Targeted Therapies Showing Great Promise Against Colorectal Cancer
- Test may find hidden colorectal cancers: study
- Tests between colonoscopies could be lifesaver for high-risk patients
- The cellular root of colorectal cancers?
- The first map of colon cancer in Spain is published
- There's an App for Colon Cancer
- Thin colorectal cancer patients have shorter survival than obese patients
- Tips to Lower Risk of Colorectal Cancer; New Combined Colonoscopy Procedure Avoids Major Surgery
- Toxic mushroom-based drug may help battle colorectal cancer
- Treatment, survival for colon cancer differs by race
- UA Cancer Center team questions safety, efficacy of selenium and colorectal cancer risk
- UGR scientists patent an effective drug for treating breast, colon, and skin cancers
- US cancer deaths down but far too few Americans screened for colon cancer
- US colorectal cancer screening rates still too low
- Use of Chemotherapy After Surgery for Colon Cancer Has Risen
- Use of Low-Dose Aspirin Associated with Improved Performance of Test for Detecting Colorectal Cancer
- USPSTF Backs Aspirin for CVD, Colon Cancer Prevention
- UT MD Anderson Patient: Colorectal Cancer Not Just For Those 50 and Older
- UT Southwestern program identifies families at high risk for colorectal cancer
- Uterine cancer tied to later colon cancer - study
- Virtual colonoscopy an effective colorectal cancer screening exam in Medicare age patientsComputed t
- Virtual colonoscopy is an accurate screening method for colorectal cancer
- Vitamin B6 may reduce colon cancer risk in women
- Vitamin D levels tied to colon cancer risk
- Wait times up 78 percent at VA for colorectal cancer procedures
- Water method for unsedated colonoscopy; interval between prep and colonoscopy predicts prep quality
- Wealth, health impact colon cancer screening
- Western and Japanese diets up colon cancer risk
- What do rotten eggs and colon cancer have in common?
- What’s Stopping You? Colorectal Screenings Can Prevent Cancer
- When it comes to colon cancer checks, options exist
- Where one lives impacts colon cancer survival
- Which doctor does your colonoscopy may matter
- Wide Variations in Appropriateness of Rectal Cancer Surgery Across England
- Women fare better than men with metastatic colorectal cancer -- are hormones helping?
- Women on bone drugs have less colon cancer: study
- Women require less tobacco exposure than men to increase colon cancer risk
- Young patients with metastatic colorectal cancer are at high risk of disease progression and death
- Younger colon cancer patients have worse prognosis at diagnosis, yet better survival
Colorectal cancer
Uterine Cancer news
Vaginal Cancer news
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