No link between alcohol and prostate cancer risk
According to a new study drinking alcohol does not appear to up the risk of prostate cancer and men who drink alcohol may have a lower risk of having an aggressive prostate cancer and dying from the cancer.
Dr. Graham Giles and a team from the University of Melbourne, Australia, say that even though there is little evidence to support an association between alcohol consumption and prostate cancer risk, there are concerns about the effect on aggressive and non-aggressive tumours and the pattern and type of alcohol consumed.
In order to find out more the researchers analysed data on 16,872 men followed from 1994 to 2003 ranging in age from 27 to 70 years at the beginning of the study, when questionnaires were used to obtain detailed information on alcohol consumption.
A total of 732 cases of prostate cancer occurred, including 132 aggressive cases and 53 prostate cancer-related deaths but no association was observed between alcohol intake and the development of prostate cancer.
The researchers also say the pattern of drinking and type of alcohol were not significantly associated with prostate cancer risk.
They also found that compared to abstainers, men who consumed one to 19 grams per day of alcohol, which equates to no more than about one and a half drinks had a slightly reduced risk of aggressive prostate cancers.
Prostate cancer deaths in this group was also reduced.
Dr. Giles says if it can be confirmed that moderate alcohol consumption protects against aggressive and fatal prostate cancer, it would have a “major impact”.
According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture’s Dietary Guidelines, 12 ounces of beer equals 12.9 grams of alcohol, 5 ounces of wine equals 13.5 grams, and 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits (80 proof) equals 14.0 grams of alcohol.
The research is published in the International Journal of Cancer.
Revision date: June 21, 2011
Last revised: by Janet A. Staessen, MD, PhD