Outlook poor for diabetic women with CF
Women with cystic fibrosis (CF) and Diabetes have “a remarkably poor prognosis” compared to women with CF but without Diabetes, and to all men with CF, according to a new report.
“Our study,” said lead investigator Dr. Carlos E. Milla, “shows that although the predicted probability of survival for patients with CF has improved dramatically, development of Diabetes negatively affects disease progression.”
“Further, we find that it is only within females that this effect seems to be of significance, and in great part explains the gender differential in survival that we observe in our patient population.”
Dr. Milla and colleagues from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, reviewed data on 1081 individuals with CF who had been seen at their institution over a 5-year period. The researchers identified 123 individuals with CF-related Diabetes. Of these, 58 were men.
Cystic fibrosis Definition
Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that affects sodium channels in the body and causes respiratory and digestive problems.
Causes, incidence, and risk factors
Cystic fibrosis affects the mucus and sweat glands of the body and is caused by a defective gene. Thick mucus is formed in the breathing passages of the lungs and this predisposes the person to chronic lung infections.
Average survival for men without diabetes was 49.5 years and for those with diabetes, it was 47.4 years.
For women without diabetes, survival was 47.0 years. However, in women with diabetes, survival was markedly lower - just 30.7 years.
“The reasons for this effect are not entirely clear from our studies,” Milla acknowledged, “but it is intuitive to presume that they are probably related to hormonal interactions.”
“Our current research,” he concluded, “is focused on trying to better define this possible interaction with a goal of identifying potential effective interventions.”
SOURCE: Diabetes Care, September 2005.
Revision date: July 8, 2011
Last revised: by David A. Scott, M.D.