Sex Hormones and Insulin Resistance

Predicting Ovulation
Finding out when you ovulate can help you figure out when you can become pregnant. It can also help you predict when your period will occur.
Ovulation prediction kit: Available over-the-counter in most pharmacies, these tests can tell you when you ovulate based on a simple urine test. This is probably most helpful for planning a pregnancy.

Basal body temperature: Take your temperature for 2 minutes each morning before you get out of bed. A chart of these temperatures from month to month will show a pattern. Your body temperature is relatively constant. But, just before ovulation, there is usually a dip of 0.5 to 1.0 degrees. At ovulation, body temperature can rise 0.5 to 1.5 degrees. When you notice the rise in temperature, you know that you are ovulating. Mark this date on your calendar. After ovulation, your body temperature will remain elevated until a day or two before your period, when it decreases. Among women with irregular periods, the interval between menstruation and ovulation can vary, but the interval between ovulation and the next period is usually constant - about 14 days. Using this method, you can predict when your next period will occur, even if you are irregular.

Vaginal secretions: Although this varies a lot between women, immediately after menstruation, you probably secrete very little fluid and your vagina is relatively dry. As you approach ovulation, you may begin to secrete some vaginal fluid. It will probably be wet, but not too sticky. When ovulation occurs, the secretions become very sticky, about the consistency of egg whites. With training, some women can use their vaginal secretions to tell when they are ovulating.

If your periods are irregular and your blood glucose swings are unpredictable, try to chart your ovulation to see whether you can tell when your period will occur so you can adjust your treatment plan. If you are taking insulin, you may want to try intensive diabetes management, perhaps with an insulin pump.

This may give you the flexibility you need to deal with changes in blood glucose levels on a daily basis.

Martha M. Funnell, MS, RN, CDE
Michigan Diabetes Research and Training Center
University of Michigan Medical School
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Robert M. Anderson, EdD
Michigan Diabetes Research and Training Center
University of Michigan Medical School
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Shereen Arent, JD
National Director of Legal Advocacy
American Diabetes Association

American Diabetes Association Complete Guide to Diabetes

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